Eternal Existence

Chapter 1503 Rock Giant

Encirclement and killing.

It was indeed an encirclement and killing. Chen Feng even saw a familiar god king trapped in the killing array, and this killing array was composed of millions of cultivators below the Golden Immortal Realm.

Then this god king was worn out to death.

Of course, there was more than one person trapped in the killing array. There were more than ten gods kings struggling. In addition to the gods kings trapped in the killing array, there were several gods kings fleeing. However, these gods kings had been locked by the opponent's masters and surrounded by the army. It seemed difficult to escape from this area first.

"Changtian, come and help." Someone shouted at this time.

Chen Feng's face darkened immediately after hearing this. The other party was clearly trying to drag him down. Although he was originally planning to take action, one was voluntary and the other was forced. Even if the result was the same, Chen Feng's mood was different.

Chen Feng wanted to take action, not for these people, but because Chen Feng saw the Lord of Life and Death trapped in the killing array. No one else said, this person must be rescued, but the Lord of Life and Death has strong combat power, and the constant impact of the Avenue of Life and Death has caused the killing array to collapse continuously. It seems that there is no worry about his life for the time being.


Then a large array rose from under Chen Feng's feet, covering the eight wastelands and six directions, and various binding forces continued to entangle Chen Feng.


Chen Feng's longevity wings vibrated, and he flew away quickly. Two combat puppets protected Chen Feng, and the spears in their hands kept stabbing out, piercing big holes in the space.

The formation rose quickly, and Chen Feng's speed was not slow. He was about to leave the position of the formation, but at this time a mountain fell from the sky and suppressed Chen Feng.

Bang bang! Bang bang!

The combat puppet took action and directly broke the mountain, but then a huge meteorite fell.

This meteorite is a million miles in size, and it is shining with various magical laws. It is obviously a magic weapon that has been sacrificed by someone. Although it was broken by the battle puppet, the impact force still blocked Chen Feng.

Then the formation was formed, and Chen Feng was trapped in it. At the same time, millions of soldiers in clear armor appeared and disappeared in it, controlling the formation of the formation, and urging various killing secrets to attack Chen Feng.

"Hey! Good ambush." ​​Chen Feng shook his head. He didn't expect that he would be trapped again. It seems that this trip to the chaotic space is simply too bad.

"Yao Mingzi, you are too despicable." The voice of the Lord of Life and Death came from the formation. It was Yao Mingzi who called Chen Feng just now. He came from Jixiangtian. Although he was cursed by the Lord of Life and Death, he didn't say a word.

"It turned out to be a rock giant." At this time, Chen Feng also understood the origin of these anti-sky races. In the past, the Wuya Legion had encountered cultivators of this race when entering the chaotic space, but it was the first time to see such a large-scale one.

Moreover, in Chen Feng's concept, rock giants are a reckless race that relies on their huge and hard bodies, so how can they perform such a wonderful array.

"These killing arrays are good. They can trap and kill the gods, but they may not be able to trap me." Chen Feng sneered, holding the Great Wilderness Cauldron and moving around. The Great Wilderness Cauldron emits waves of energy, and the restrictions in the array are broken wherever it passes.

The two combat puppets rushed left and right, and rock giants were constantly killed.

In fact, these rock giants are not big in size, but their bodies are very strong, and their defense is comparable to that of the King Kong clan.

Chen Feng laughed loudly. According to this situation, the array will be completely broken soon, and then he can rush out.

However, the appearance of a tall monk next time still made Chen Feng feel the power.

The monk in front of him was a thousand feet tall, his whole body was wrapped in a layer of stone luster, and he rushed towards Chen Feng with a stone spear. Chen Feng saw that the other party was only at the level of the God King, smiled, waved his hand, and took out the Longevity Spear, and stepped forward to fight with the other party.

After only two rounds of fighting, this huge monk was pierced through by Chen Feng. The Longevity Spear vibrated, and this person was broken into pieces like a rock.

Being broken by Chen Feng, this monk was destined to be unable to reshape his body, because the soul imprint had been broken by Chen Feng in one fell swoop.

But then two rock giants appeared, with the same stone spears and almost the same attack methods, but there was one more person than before.

Bang! Bang!

Soon, the opponent was broken by Chen Feng again.

Then four rock giants appeared, forming a small four-elephant formation, which made Chen Feng laugh.

"What is the other party doing? Are they using me to train their troops? After all, I am at the level of a God King, and I am sending myself to die like this." Chen Feng said with a smile.

But when Chen Feng saw that the two combat puppets were besieged by four God Lords, he didn't think so in his heart.

"Maybe this is indeed a good way to train soldiers. Maybe there are too many monks in the rock giant clan. But sending out the God Kings like this doesn't mean they look down on me, or they are giving me training." Chen Feng said as his body flashed quickly. Then a big hole appeared on the four rock giants at the same time, and then spider web-like cracks covered their bodies. Finally, they exploded with a bang and turned into pieces.

Chen Feng thought that five or six rock giants would appear next, but the sudden appearance of twelve opponents made Chen Feng smile bitterly.

Twelve God Kings used a magic circle to besiege an immortal golden fairy. It felt a little weird no matter how you looked at it.

"It's just a little pressure." Chen Feng shouted boldly, and then his body shook. Two clones suddenly appeared, each holding a sword, and three times the fighting power burst out violently. Six rock giants were immediately smashed. The remaining six were killed by Chen Feng like cutting vegetables and melons before they had time to set up the formation.

The two clones merged into Chen Feng's body again. This explosive attack could not be maintained for a long time.

Then, thirty-six God Kings appeared, and Chen Feng knew that he could not stop them. After fighting with the opponent for a while, he did not gain an advantage, and then relied on the Changsheng Wing to dodge the opponent's attack. In this way, Chen Feng fell into a disadvantage. At the same time, Chen Feng was horrified to see that the rock giants that had been smashed before had gathered again, scattered around, and were ready to attack at any time.

"How is it possible? These guys obviously have souls, and they were shattered by me. Could it be that." Chen Feng's eyes lit up and he remembered something.

"Young Master! These are puppets infused with soul power, which are similar to clones." The Queen Mother got out of the Great Wilderness Cauldron and joined the battle.

With the Queen Mother joining in, these rock giants were broken one after another, and the rock giants that were re-condensed around them immediately joined in.

Chen Feng and the Queen Mother kept breaking each other, and the other party kept reshaping. Soon, there were hundreds of rock giants at the level of God Kings surrounding them. In this situation, Chen Feng and the Queen Mother would sooner or later be exhausted and die.

"This is not a solution." Chen Feng said.

Chi Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi Chi!

As soon as the voice fell, the formation shook, and countless spikes enveloped Chen Feng. This was the power of the killing formation itself. Don't forget that there are millions of rock giants driving the formation.

"Go out!"

Chen Feng shouted, and the Great Desolate Cauldron turned quickly, deriving a series of tornadoes. These tornadoes rushed around like dragons, sweeping around, whether it was the restrictions of the formation or these rock giants, they were all swept away.


Then the Great Desolate Cauldron shook violently, and the several gods who were fighting with the combat puppets all flew backwards. Then the Great Desolate Cauldron led the way in front, Chen Feng and the Queen Mother were in the middle, and the two combat puppets were in the rear. Chen Feng planned to break through.

In Chen Feng's opinion, although this formation was powerful, it was still impossible to block the Great Desolate Cauldron.

The fact was that Chen Feng gritted his teeth and gradually stimulated the power of the Great Desolate Cauldron. Anything blocking the front was destroyed, whether it was the God King or the God King would be smashed.

After a while, Chen Feng only felt his whole body lighten, and he knew that he had rushed out of the formation. At this time, there were still hundreds of rock giants chasing after him.

There was no time to entangle with the other party, Chen Feng turned around and rushed into another killing formation, because the God of Life and Death was trapped in it.

"Young Master, this direction." Although trapped in the formation, the God of Life and Death could still see the situation outside. Seeing Chen Feng coming to rescue him, he was surprised and happy. At the same time, he was also a little worried about Chen Feng, because the formation he was in was a bit difficult.

Chen Feng also realized that when he entered the formation, he was not besieged by rock giants like before, and countless rocks fell on him. These rocks merged into pieces, just like a meteor shower. Although the attack power was not too great, it was very annoying. There were also some silk threads hidden in them, which kept hitting Chen Feng. Even with the protection of the combat puppets and the queen mother, he was attacked several times. What surprised Chen Feng was that the seemingly weak attacks left wounds on his body, and then these wounds began to mutate, and the flesh and blood solidified and began to turn into rocks.

"What kind of power is this? Could it be the law of rock?" Chen Feng said secretly, and urged the long life to release these strange energies to drive away the stone, and the flesh and blood body was restored again, and the wounds also recovered quickly.

But Chen Feng was not careful, and some rocks, silk threads and even spikes fell on his body, causing some injuries again.

Finally, Chen Feng got a little annoyed and punched the Great Wilderness Cauldron. Then a strong energy wave swept around, and all the spikes, stones, and silk threads turned into nothing, leaving no dust.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then Chen Feng punched three more times, and three energy torrents rushed in all directions, clearing a clear path for Chen Feng.


Accompanied by a loud laugh, the Lord of Life and Death came in front of Chen Feng. Although he had some injuries on his body, the Lord of Life and Death was full of fighting spirit and his eyes were bright, which made Chen Feng feel relieved.

"Senior, let's rush out now." Chen Feng said.

"Don't worry, young master. I have been trapped here for a while and have found the core array of this formation. As long as this array can be destroyed, this formation will dissipate immediately." The Lord of Life and Death said with a smile.

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