Eternal Existence

Chapter 1500: Collecting Energy Blades

When Chen Feng was attacked, he knew that his travel would be affected this time, and he was sure of this when he came out of the long river of time.

Seeing the chaotic energy around him constantly crowding in, Chen Feng suddenly smiled bitterly. This was different from the place he had planned before.

"It seems that we are still in the meteorite zone." Chen Feng stretched out his five fingers, and the invisible sword energy gushed out, forming a large five-element disc. The chaotic energy in front of him was cut into pieces wherever he passed, but after the power of the sword energy was consumed, the cut energy channel closed again.

"It seems that it is not so easy to get out." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand, the law of time flowed out, and then Chen Feng disappeared.

Chen Feng appeared in the chaotic meteorite zone again, and Chen Feng smiled bitterly after looking around.

Next, Chen Feng urged the law of time again, but gave up after several times in a row. Chen Feng knew that if he wanted to leave here, he had to use all his strength to activate the power of the disk of time.

"Is this place as dangerous as the flesh and blood demon fetus?" Chen Feng said with a smile. He had used the law of time several times just to hone himself. In the end, Chen Feng knew that he was still far from understanding the law of time.

"But it's not bad to cooperate with Changsheng Wing."

"When it comes to the art of walking, it's still the free wings of Zizai Tian. I wonder if I can learn it at a price." Chen Feng suddenly thought of Zizai Tian. In Chen Feng's opinion, it's a bit difficult to get the secret art of the free wings. Even if the Changsheng Wing is exchanged, the other party will not look down on it.

Chi Chi!

When the energy blade was activated, Chen Feng noticed it. With a wave of his hand, the shadow of the Great Desolate Cauldron enveloped his body. With two explosions, the energy blade was embedded in the shadow of the Great Desolate Cauldron, and then the Great Desolate Cauldron issued a devouring force to collect the energy blade.

If there was no head to mess with him, Chen Feng would still want to use his means to collect some energy blades. The energy blade fused with the Changsheng Sword and the Changsheng Knife increased its power, which surprised Chen Feng a little. At this time, when he saw the energy blade appear, he was not as worried as before.

Chen Feng released the Queen Mother and the battle puppet, and then punched out. The meteorites around him exploded one after another, and several energy blades shot over, which frightened the Queen Mother.

The Time Disk had already appeared in Chen Feng's hand, and strands of golden energy emanated from it. When it fell on the energy blades, it slowed down the speed of the energy blades several times.

The Great Wilderness Cauldron, the battle puppet, and the Queen Mother attacked at the same time, and soon suppressed these energy blades.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked it, and the Time Disk continued to have golden streams flying out. These streams fell on the meteorites one after another. Under the erosion of the power of time, no matter how hard the meteorites were, they would be broken, and the immortal power could not stop the passage of the power of time.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Energy blades appeared from all around, whistling and slashing down. This scene made Chen Feng feel numb. If there was no Time Disk in his hand, he would have to hide in the Great Wilderness Cauldron and not come out.

Chi Chi Chi!

The Time Disc continued to emit the power of time, slowing down the speed of these energy blades. A dark mass of tentacles extended from the Queen Mother's back, each of which grabbed an energy blade and quickly threw it into the Great Desolate Cauldron.

The battle puppets kept drawing circles with their spears, and then energy blades were drawn into them.

Finally, two stronger and faster energy blades broke through the defense line and came to Chen Feng, but at this time, the Time Disc sent out countless silk threads, tightly wrapping these energy blades, and Chen Feng quickly set up barriers to trap these energy blades.

Chen Feng was very happy. In just a few breaths, he collected dozens of energy blades. After a stick of incense, hundreds of energy blades were suppressed in the Great Desolate Cauldron.

Soon Chen Feng couldn't laugh anymore, because there was a collision sound coming from the Great Desolate Cauldron. The indestructible energy blades kept colliding and colliding, and Chen Feng felt that it was a bit difficult to control the Great Desolate Cauldron.

"Sir! It's almost done." The Queen Mother shouted. Although the power of time reduced the speed of the energy blades, the speed of the energy blades was too much, and the Queen Mother began to be unable to resist.

"It's almost done. I think there shouldn't be too many energy blades of this level." Chen Feng said as he moved his feet. The time disk in his hand burst into light. The power of time poured out in all directions, but the energy blades gathered into a torrent. The strong pressure stimulated Chen Feng's whole body to tremble.

Chen Feng wanted to collect more energy blades, but the situation in front of him forced Chen Feng to leave here.

"It's time to go!" Chen Feng said as the golden light from the time disk merged into a river. Chen Feng took the Great Wilderness Cauldron, put away the Queen Mother and the combat puppet, and entered the long river of time. There were still energy blades slashing down behind him, but Chen Feng left this place with the long river of time.

"Huh! Still didn't get out." Chen Feng was depressed. Although he left the attack of the energy blades, he fell into the magnetic storm again, and this time the magnetic storm was more powerful than before. In the mighty storm, there were constantly tornadoes of various sizes raging like dragons.

As soon as Chen Feng showed up, he was caught by a tornado, and it took Chen Feng some effort to break free.

"Young Master, help me!" The Queen Mother screamed in the Great Desolate Cauldron, and Chen Feng shook his head and entered the Great Desolate Cauldron.

As soon as he entered, several energy blades shot over, and Chen Feng dodged them with a thought, and at the same time, layers of thick energy shields wrapped himself and the Queen Mother.

The Great Wilderness Cauldron is his magic weapon. The strongest one in the Great Wilderness Cauldron is Chen Feng. This is Chen Feng's territory. Even the energy blades with amazing lethality can hardly hurt Chen Feng.

But looking at the dense and constantly conflicting energy blades in front of him, Chen Feng still frowned.

Under the temptation, Chen Feng collected too many energy blades, resulting in the Great Wilderness Cauldron not having too much power to suppress them. Of course, it is impossible for these energy blades to rush out.

"Okay! Now I can't get out, just in time to practice here." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and the Changsheng Sword, Changsheng Knife, Changsheng Spear, and Changsheng Spear flew out. The four suppressed energy blades drilled into these four weapons one after another, and Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it. There were also two energy blades that drilled into the body along the palm of his hand and rolled in the Changsheng Qi.

And the Queen Mother also took action, swallowing one energy blade after another, analyzing and refining the power in them, and the sub-worms created in the future will also have the lethality of energy blades.

With the participation of Chen Feng and the Queen Mother, the Great Wilderness Cauldron immediately freed up some power and suppressed some energy blades again.

In this way, Chen Feng and the Queen Mother refined and absorbed the suppressed energy blades, while the Great Wilderness Cauldron freed up power to continue to suppress other energy blades.

In this way, a cycle was formed, and until all the energy blades were suppressed, the Immortal Sword circled around Chen Feng continuously, the sword light was fluctuating, and the sword intent was like a volcano wanting to erupt. The pressure of the sword and the law of killing were perfectly integrated. Chen Feng's mind moved, and the Immortal Sword drilled into the body and disappeared.

"It's only one step away from the top grade. Next, I need to use my mind to nourish it every day to advance." Chen Feng said.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The Immortal Sword, the Immortal Spear, and the Immortal Spear flew around Chen Feng. These three weapons were still a little worse than the Immortal Sword, and there was still a distance to advance to the top grade.

The Queen Mother was a little excited. As a fighting race, absorbing this energy blade can better increase combat power. One by one, the Queen Mother created a sub-worm, and each one was full of killing flavor. The Queen Mother was very satisfied.

Chen Feng only used 10% of the energy blades he collected before, and the rest were all swallowed up by the Queen Mother.

"Sir, I wonder if we should go back and get some more energy blades." The Queen Mother suggested a little embarrassedly.

"In fact, I also want to collect more energy blades, but the environment here is a little out of control. It may not be so easy to find that place. I think the magnetic pole storm here is not bad, and it can also be used for cultivation." Chen Feng said with a smile, and a black hole appeared in the depths of his pupils, and strands of magnetic pole energy were pulled over by Chen Feng.

"Huh!" The Queen Mother suddenly wondered when Chen Feng was practicing.

"Sir, I have established a connection with the sub-worm." The Queen Mother said in surprise.

"In this case, either your strength has become stronger, or we are about to get out." Chen Feng's eyes lit up and he was also a little excited.

"Sir, I think we can go out now." The Queen Mother sensed it and said. Chen Feng activated the Time Disk according to the Queen Mother's guidance. Sure enough, when he appeared again, he saw a huge star beast rushing over.

Seeing this beast, Chen Feng laughed instead. Feeling the power of the laws around him, he knew that he had finally left the God Magnetic Jedi. He stretched out his hand and pressed it. The huge star beast, which was a million miles in size, suddenly stopped. Its huge body kept struggling, but it couldn't leave Chen Feng's small palm.

"Starlight, this is your kind." Chen Feng released the Starlight Tyrant Beast and said with a smile. "Please show mercy, sir." The Starlight Tyrant Beast said hurriedly. The closeness of blood made this ferocious beast beg for mercy for the first time.

"Well, in fact, we shouldn't kill these beasts at the beginning, and we should subdue them. The Longevity Tower can collect a thousand golden immortal beasts, so I can do it too." Chen Feng said as the Queen Mother flashed and established a soul shackle with the other party. The huge beast in front of him shrank quickly, and finally turned into a human form and stood honestly beside Chen Feng.

"Not bad, at least he is a Golden Immortal, and he can be used in the war in the future." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

The roar came from afar, and the huge body of the alien beast occupied the space around it. Chen Feng was stunned at first, and then laughed. He just captured one alien beast, but he didn't expect so many to come.

"Sir, the most powerful one on the other side is only the God King, so I'll take action." The Queen Mother couldn't help but said.

"That's good, we can capture them all in the end." Chen Feng nodded.

"Of course." The Queen Mother said that the tentacles on her back had extended out, spreading all around, looking like blooming alternative flowers.

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