Eternal Existence

Chapter 1495 Eight Divisions of Heaven

The ruler of the Eight Divisions Heaven is the Shenlong clan, a powerful race, which is a powerful existence among all the heaven-defying races, but unfortunately there are too few of them. Some people predict that if the number of the Shenlong clan can be kept equal to that of other races, then it will be the strongest family in the heavens, and it may be able to occupy several heavens.

When Chen Feng came to the Eight Divisions Heaven, the war here was extremely tragic. At the same time, Chen Feng also understood why the Eight Divisions Heaven has been able to persist until now and has not fallen.

The first is of course the strength of the Shenlong clan, and the second is the countless monsters at a glance.

"It turns out that there are monsters as reinforcements. No wonder the Eight Divisions Heaven can block such attacks." Chen Feng said lightly.

The Shenlong clan itself is a branch of the monster clan, and it is a very noble one. This time, facing the crisis, I don’t know where so many monsters were summoned. Chen Feng just took a casual look and knew that the number of monsters far exceeded that of the Shenlong clan.

"It seems that even if I don’t come, the Eight Divisions Heaven may not change its master. The Shenlong clan is indeed very powerful." Chen Feng said.

In the war, almost all the cultivators of the Shenlong clan turned into Shenlong bodies. Shenlongs of 100,000, 1 million, or even 10 million miles in size relied on their powerful bodies to tear and crush pieces of enemies. This killing power made Chen Feng exclaim in admiration.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

As soon as Chen Feng appeared, he was besieged by several cultivators. Chen Feng waved his hand and the sword light swept across. These people were immediately killed, but more cultivators surrounded him. Next, Chen Feng didn't need to take action. The fighters merged into a torrent and rushed out. Wherever they passed, the cultivators in front of them were torn into pieces, and the mother queen went to collect energy.

Chen Feng spread his immortal wings behind him, holding the immortal sword and slowly following the army of Shenchong. He didn't take the initiative to attack unless the other party rushed up to seek death.

Even so, Chen Feng killed a lot of people.

In a war of this scale, all cultivators were crazy. As long as they were not on their side, they would kill anyone they saw.

During this process, Chen Feng successively killed some Golden Immortals, and finally fought with a very powerful God Lord. At the beginning, Chen Feng did not use the Great Wilderness Cauldron, but just held the Changsheng Sword, vibrated the Changsheng Wings, and used all his strength secrets to fight with the opponent. However, after a fight, Chen Feng was surprised because he was actually at a disadvantage and there was no possibility of turning over. Finally, Chen Feng had no choice but to use the Great Wilderness Cauldron. Even so, he only seriously injured the opponent and finally let the opponent run away.

"This guy's use of the law is simply perfect." Chen Feng said secretly, and at the same time he also understood his own shortcomings.

This time Chen Feng brought 2 billion fighters, and the remaining 1 billion stayed in the Changsheng Heaven Realm just in case.

The attackers of the Eight Divisions of Heaven were the Celestial Elephant Clan and the God and Demon Clan, as well as a large number of Destroyers. These three forces were extremely powerful and perverted. Chen Feng was surprised more than once that the Eight Divisions of Heaven could fight to this extent.

The Celestial Clan is actually a branch of the demon clan. It is equally powerful, and its main body is as strong as the Dragon Clan. The God and Demon Clan is also a legendary powerful race. The destruction of the Longevity Tower was related to the God and Demon Clan. As for the Destroyer, it belongs to the Zerg Clan like the Killer, but it is more powerful than the Killer.

Unlike other races, the number of Celestial Clan and the God and Demon Clan is relatively small, which is why the war in front of them looks fierce but not magnificent.

However, because of Chen Feng's participation, the situation of the war has changed. Two billion fighters are a very powerful force, especially when the opponent is exhausted, they intervene and give the opponent a heavy blow. This time Chen Feng also gained a lot. The bodies of these cultivators after death are all energy. After being swallowed by the Queen Mother, more insects can be created again.

Then the Destroyer retreated first, followed by the Celestial Clan and the God and Demon Clan, but both sides were still orderly during the retreat. And these families did not go far. Instead, they set up camp in the starry sky not far away, and it seems that they are ready to attack at any time.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Daoist."

After the war, a large group of gods came to Chen Feng. Of course, these guys turned into human forms, otherwise Chen Feng would not be used to talking with so many huge dragons or other monsters.

"You're welcome. We are allies. I should do this." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Mr. Changtian, how is your Changsheng clan doing now?" A god who participated in the meeting before asked, looking a little anxious.

"There are heavy casualties, but the other party has retreated temporarily, but I think the danger should not be lifted." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, over the years, the other party has retreated from time to time to rest, and will launch attacks after a period of time. In fact, I am worried about more than just these."

"There are other heavens." Chen Feng continued.

"Yes, the other families have been watching the fun. Hehe, these people's thoughts are very clear. The Moro Heaven Realm and Taihuang Heaven Realm have changed hands. Now only our two families have been hit hard by the war. Next, we should support each other."

"Of course." Chen Feng nodded very straightforwardly.

"Dear seniors, since the other party has retreated, I will take my leave first. Now we have a lot of things to deal with in the Changsheng Heaven Realm."

After chatting about some things, Chen Feng left the Eight Parts Heaven. After all, Chen Feng still couldn't rest assured about the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

However, Chen Feng was relieved that there were no other changes in the Changsheng Heaven Realm. The Taiyuan Clan and several other families seemed to have entered the depths of the chaotic space and had no intention of attacking the Changsheng Heaven Realm again.

This was good, and the Changsheng Heaven Realm had time to recuperate.

After Chen Feng dealt with some things, he came to the depths of the earth veins. The Changsheng Sutra was still floating, and Chen Feng's Taiyi clone was guarding here.

Chen Feng stepped forward and stretched out his hand, and the Changsheng Sutra quickly flipped, and the bright star-like light flew out. This was the power of the origin of the Changsheng Heaven Realm. With the blessing of these powers, the injuries of the Changsheng Clan cultivators would recover quickly, and there were even some origin laws that allowed some cultivators to break through the realm.

After a long time, the Changsheng Sutra closed up and turned into a stream of light that drilled into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. At the same time, Chen Feng was shocked, and the Changsheng Sutra exuded a different breath than before. Chen Feng quietly coiled up, and the rich origin power continued to gather towards Chen Feng, and soon enveloped Chen Feng.

The formation of the Changsheng Heaven Realm, the emergence of life on the Heaven Realm, the birth of the Changsheng Clan, the brilliant development of the Changsheng Clan, etc., one picture after another containing the truth of heaven entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Feng knew that this was a good opportunity that was hard to find in billions of years. This triggered the most fundamental and core resonance of the Changsheng Heaven Realm. Because Chen Feng had made great efforts in the foreign war before, this was the feedback from the Changsheng Heaven Realm to Chen Feng.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng only entered the state of cultivation here, completely ignoring the things outside. The three Taiyi clones were guarding Chen Feng firmly around to prevent anyone from disturbing Chen Feng.

In fact, no one came to disturb Chen Feng. The war had just ended, and the Changsheng Heaven Realm had a lot of things to do. The wounded needed to be rescued, the broken city needed to be rebuilt, the broken spiritual roots and the cave paradise also needed to be repaired and activated again, and more cultivators went to build a defensive fortress with the outer space to prevent the enemy from coming again.

Everyone knew that Chen Feng had entered the origin of the Changsheng Heaven Realm, so no one took the initiative to disturb Chen Feng. Everyone was busy with their own things in an orderly manner. After experiencing this difficult war, the major forces within the Changsheng clan also became harmonious.

No matter how the internal struggle is, it is still necessary to unite against the outside world at the critical moment.

Chen Feng didn't know how long he had practiced. He only knew that he was completely immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself. Don't think about it. After Chen Feng finished practicing, he found that more than 300 years had passed.

Chen Feng was not surprised. His spiritual consciousness was like tentacles. He knew the situation of the entire Changsheng Heaven Realm clearly. During these 300 years, the Taiyuan clan prevented and launched an attack. The two sides fought for ten years, and then the Taiyuan clan retreated again.

This also made the entire Changsheng clan more alert.

"Changtian, you finally finished your practice. It seems that you have gained a lot during this period of time." Seeing Chen Feng appear, some senior personnel immediately appeared.

"Hello, seniors." Chen Feng said with a smile. Facing so many seniors in the clan, he was as calm as clear water and as steady as a mountain, giving people a feeling of being unable to figure out and see through.

"Is this still the Immortal Golden Immortal? It's even more unpredictable than some gods." Someone thought so in his heart.

"Changtian, you have made great contributions in this battle. If you hadn't led the troops to arrive, I'm afraid our Changsheng Heaven would have changed hands." Of course, the person who said this came from the Wuya family.

"Hehe!" Chen Feng just smiled, and then other gods also expressed some opinions one after another, nothing more than some praise for Chen Feng.

No matter what these people said, Chen Feng always had a faint smile on his face.

"Dear seniors." Chen Feng finally spoke.

"This war is the result of everyone's efforts. In fact, except for the divine insect, I didn't kill more enemies than others. This is the war of our entire Changsheng clan. Every cultivator from the Changsheng clan has to fight for it. I just do what I should do, so I hope that the seniors will stop praising me. I'm a little embarrassed." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Young master is too modest. What do you think we need to do now?" Someone asked.

These are all gods, but they dare not put on airs in front of Chen Feng. You should know that although Chen Feng came back late in the previous war, he killed several gods as soon as he came back. Chen Feng's identity and strength laid a foundation for his superiority. No one would doubt that Chen Feng would easily sweep everything when he reached the level of a god.

"You guys should handle the matter. Just prepare for defense while recuperating. And we are allies with the Eight Divisions now, so we should visit each other more often. Only by helping each other can we cope with the next period of weakness." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

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