Eternal Existence

Chapter 1482 Colorful Auspicious Clouds

"What is that? It's definitely not a calamity cloud. Could it be a chaotic cave?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Sir, it's a great opportunity. There is this kind of colorful auspicious cloud in my inheritance. I don't know the details. I only know that even Taiyi Jinxian is interested in it." The Queen Mother said excitedly.

"If there is such a thing, whether it is an opportunity or not, you have to go and see it, because seeing this piece of colorful auspicious cloud actually makes me feel frightened." The smile on Chen Feng's face disappeared.

It stands to reason that Chen Feng has just advanced to the Immortal Golden Immortal at this time, and it is time to cultivate and stabilize the depth of the realm, but Chen Feng can't let go of the situation in the heaven, and now he is attracted by the colorful auspicious cloud.

The essence of Chen Feng's life has changed, and his strength has increased by ten times or dozens of times. The light in his eyes flickers, which is clearly the light of immortality. The wings of immortality unfold, and the law of immortality in it also contains the power of immortality.

With a thought, Chen Feng began to shuttle in the starry sky. The speed is indeed much faster, but more importantly, the immortal power that will never be exhausted is endless.

"Young Master has advanced to the Immortal Realm, and his speed has increased by dozens of times. I can't catch up with him." The Queen Mother followed Chen Feng closely.

Chen Feng knew that the Queen Mother was just being modest. Although speed was not her forte, she was still a top-level God, and even if he exerted his full strength, he could not match her.

"That piece of colorful auspicious cloud is moving, and it is very fast. I don't know why, but I actually felt the temptation." Chen Feng's speed was abnormally fast. At this time, he had advanced 100 billion miles, but he still did not close the distance with the colorful auspicious cloud.

"There is danger in temptation." The Queen Mother also became cautious.

"Go and see."

200 billion miles!

300 billion miles!

Chen Feng's speed was getting faster and faster. Soon he advanced 100 billion miles in the starry sky. At this time, it could be seen that the colorful auspicious cloud was moving. It seemed slow, but it was transcending space and distance.

After Chen Feng and the Queen Mother traveled one light year, they became a little impatient and even wanted to give up. It was not a solution to keep chasing aimlessly like this.

"Young Master, look, someone is catching up." The Queen Mother called out.

Chen Feng then noticed that a rainbow light appeared in the distance, and there was a cultivator in the rainbow light, and the opponent's target was also the colorful cloud.

"What a fast speed!" Chen Feng was surprised. Even if he used the Changsheng Wing to the extreme, he might not be able to match the opponent.

"It's a god. The opponent's divine movement is really amazing." Chen Feng nodded, and then watched the rainbow light enter the colorful cloud and never came out again, and the colorful cloud did not move.

"It's really another cave. I don't know how many cultivators have entered." Chen Feng swept his eyes and saw some cultivators in the distant starry sky. Of course, someone saw Chen Feng. Chen Feng even felt a strong divine thought sweeping over him.

To be able to chase the colorful cloud without giving up, Chen Feng thought that at least he must be a god king. After all, there are very few cultivators with his strength.


Chen Feng saw that another cultivator had entered, and the Queen Mother was a little anxious. Chen Feng relaxed instead and began to slow down.

"Young Master!" The Queen Mother did not understand Chen Feng's intention.

"No hurry, until now, they have only entered but not exited, it must be extremely dangerous inside, let's wait and see." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng thought that since so many cultivators entered without making any noise, it must be something special inside, and he also felt the danger from the temptation.

Speaking of temptation, it was even more strange, because the temptation of the colorful auspicious cloud to Chen Feng naturally emerged in Chen Feng's heart, not fierce but resilient, just like the accumulation of toxins, which would burst out when it reached a certain level.

"This temptation is very strange, I still can't analyze it, it's an irresistible temptation." The Queen Mother also said so.

After flying for three light years, Chen Feng was already very close to the colorful auspicious cloud. If Chen Feng hadn't restrained himself, he would have rushed in, and Chen Feng didn't seem to be able to hold on for long now, because the invisible force of temptation kept impacting Chen Feng's mind, unless Chen Feng immediately moved away from here.

The colorful auspicious cloud has been moving, and many cultivators have already entered. Of course, some cultivators have the same plan as Chen Feng, and follow the colorful auspicious cloud to see the situation.


Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and a God King came in front of Chen Feng. Looking at Chen Feng, the God King's eyes were full of shock.

"Immortal Golden Immortal!" The God King asked uncertainly.

"What advice do you have, Daoyou?" Chen Feng asked with a smile, while secretly observing this person.

"This God King is not simple."

This is the first impression that the other party gave Chen Feng. In Chen Feng's opinion, the other party is indeed a genuine God King, but his strength can be compared with that of a God Lord.

It can be seen from the other party's relaxed speed, and this guy is like a beast in human skin, who may burst out at any time.

"I wonder if Daoyou knows what this colorful cloud is?" The young and handsome God King asked with a smile.

"I don't know, I'm just a little interested." Chen Feng replied lightly.

"Hehe, actually I don't know, but the fact that it can attract so many senior masters shows that this colorful cloud is not simple." The God King said with a smile.

"Maybe." Chen Feng didn't want to say anything more to the other party, because Chen Feng was not in the mood to talk to the other party now, because the blood law in Chen Feng's body began to grow again, and the power of the Changsheng Sutra began to be transmitted again. This time, there was not only blood power, but also soul power. The previous blood power was actually life energy, and Chen Feng could barely refine and absorb it, but this time the soul power that kept coming almost burst Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"My clone doesn't know how to stop it?" Chen Feng was a little depressed.

But soon Chen Feng knew what was going on through the information transmitted by the clone and the Changsheng Sutra, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Speaking of which, the Changsheng Sutra was still for his own good. The power absorbed was only 10%, and the remaining 90% was all absorbed by the Changsheng Sutra.

The God King looked at Chen Feng and then at the Queen Mother, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. Seeing that Chen Feng didn't want to say more, he bowed and left quickly.

"Sir, this guy has a top-grade artifact on him." The Queen Mother said.

"I also noticed it, and it's a complete artifact, but so what? Can it be compared to the Great Wilderness Cauldron in my hand? I am not afraid of the God King now, let alone a small God King." Chen Feng said proudly.

"I'm afraid the other party thinks so too." The Queen Mother continued.

"Hahaha!" Chen Feng laughed immediately. If he, an immortal golden fairy, dared to say this, then the other party, a God King, would look down on him even more.

After flying for ten light years in total, Chen Feng finally couldn't help it and entered the colorful auspicious cloud with the Queen Mother.

At the beginning of the colorful auspicious cloud, Chen Feng felt a strong binding force, and the next moment he entered the inner cave, and then a strong pressure kept squeezing him.

"What a strong flesh and blood power." Chen Feng felt the powerful force without seeing the scene clearly.

"Young Master, it's a flesh and blood demon fetus." The Queen Mother spoke.

"Flesh and blood demon fetus!" Chen Feng looked around, in addition to the rich blood, there was an unknown thickness of flesh and blood.

Chen Feng and the Queen Mother flew quickly, constantly looking for a gap to fly. The surroundings were full of wriggling flesh and blood, and the space was narrow, giving people a feeling of suffocation.

The thick flesh and blood barrier in front of them pressed towards Chen Feng. Chen Feng waved his hand, and the sword energy sprayed out. The thick flesh and blood was cut off, but the speed of the flesh and blood squirming at the cut increased tenfold. Soon more flesh and blood were derived, and countless tentacles stretched out from the flesh and blood, attacking Chen Feng.

The road in front was blocked by flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood behind also pressed towards Chen Feng.

"It is indeed a flesh and blood demon fetus." Chen Feng nodded, and the longevity sword in his hand slashed down fiercely. The sword energy flashed, the flesh and blood flew, and soon a bloody road was broken.

As for the Queen Mother, it was a bit exaggerated. When the huge body moved, countless sword energy was emitted. Each sword energy could deeply penetrate into the flesh and blood, and then exploded with a bang, just like in the body of a monster, causing the surrounding flesh and blood to squirm more violently.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed a small piece of flesh and blood. It soon began to shrivel, just like a withered flower. In the end, only some ashes were left, because the energy in it was completely swallowed up by Chen Feng.

"This piece of flesh and blood actually weighs a million pounds, and I also felt the Taiyi Law. It seems that it is easy to get in, but difficult to get out. This is a trap, luring a large number of cultivators to come and die, just like a man-eating plant." Chen Feng smiled and looked ahead.

A god didn't know what was going on. He was actually wrapped in flesh and blood. The thick layers of flesh and blood kept squeezing him. Soon, the god stopped struggling. Chen Feng's eyes saw through the thick flesh and blood that the god's bones were melting.

"What a powerful corrosive force." Chen Feng exclaimed.

"Sir, this god was seriously injured before, otherwise he wouldn't be swallowed so easily." The mother queen said.

Chen Feng nodded, pointed the Changsheng Sword, and the sword energy hit the flesh and blood like a torrent, and then the flesh and blood exploded. Chen Feng waved his hand again, and a ball of things fell into Chen Feng's hands. It was the magic weapon and other things left by the dead God.

"Middle-grade artifact!" Chen Feng shook his head, feeling a little regretful.


At this time, someone attacked Chen Feng, but was stopped by the Queen Mother. Chen Feng turned around and saw that the Queen Mother and two cultivators were fighting fiercely.

Both of them were Gods, and it seemed that they wanted to kill people and rob goods, but Chen Feng saw it more clearly. The God who was devoured by the flesh and blood before was probably injured by these two people.

A knife cultivator and a sword cultivator joined forces to barely block the attack of the Queen Mother. After fighting for a few rounds, the two knew that they had encountered a tough opponent this time, especially when they saw Chen Feng turned around, the two of them had the intention of leaving.

"You two are both seniors at the level of God Lords. Don't you think it's too embarrassing to attack a junior like me?" Chen Feng said lightly, moving his feet, changing his position, and avoiding the attack of the flesh tentacles.

"Humph! Daoist friend, how about we admit defeat and stop here?" Dao Xiu said.

"No problem, each of you leave an arm as an apology, and then you can go." Chen Feng said with a smile, and waved his hand, and the sword light rushed out like water waves, and the flesh tentacles that attacked him were immediately shattered.

"Little Immortal Golden Immortal, you really think you are the number one person. You think you can catch us, it's a joke, we just don't want to waste our energy, in this case, you will die."

Boom! Boom!

Then the knife energy rolled, the sword energy collided, and the power of the knife cultivator and the sword cultivator increased rapidly. When the sword and the sword came out together, they actually forced the mother queen to retreat again and again.

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