Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,474: Prison Soldiers Arrive


Wu Tian Zhen Jun turned into a blood mist, and the purple-gold law in the blood mist was constantly flashing. The blood mist condensed into a long sword and finally opened the restraints around it, and quickly fled far away.

This time, Wu Tian Zhen Jun really lost a lot. He used the secret technique to find a glimmer of life. In Wu Tian Zhen Jun's view, as long as he could escape a trace of his true spirit, he would be able to recover to his peak state.

However, Chen Feng would not let the other party escape. Since he knew that someone was following him from behind, Chen Feng made up his mind to kill the other party.

So the Great Wilderness Cauldron flew out of Chen Feng's hand. With just a collision, the blood-colored long sword broke into pieces. At this time, the power of time enveloped it again.

In the blood mist, the laws were connected crazily, and there were also bursts of screams.

There was no begging for mercy, because Wu Tian Zhen Jun knew that begging for mercy was useless. It would be better to save some energy to solve the difficulties in front of him.

However, this time, Wu Tian Zhen Jun could no longer escape. The power shining from the Time Disk was stronger than before.

Soon, the true spirit of Wu Tian Zhen Jun was completely shattered and then annihilated. Only one Wu Tian Law that merged with the sword was floating in the starry sky. The other slightly weaker laws had been melted in the previous battle.

At the same time, several streams of light flashed in the Time Disk and disappeared into the void. Chen Feng faintly heard the unwilling voices coming from all directions.

Chen Feng knew that the Time Disk had also dealt with Wu Tian Zhen Jun's clones. In this way, Wu Tian Zhen Jun was truly disappeared.

"Yes, it's Tai Yi Law after all." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The law shrank and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

Speaking of it, it was the first time for Chen Feng to kill a Tai Yi Jin Xian like this. It was a pity that the magic weapon and the combat puppet were used. Chen Feng did not deal with much himself except activating the Great Wilderness Cauldron and the Time Disk.

"I don't know when I can kill Tai Yi Jin Xian with my own strength." Chen Feng sighed.

"External power is also your own power, young master, don't think too much." The Queen Mother smiled and comforted. Obviously, she was a little excited about dealing with a Taiyi Golden Immortal just now. Anyway, she also contributed just now.

The Great Desolate Cauldron slowly turned in Chen Feng's hand. The powerful force opened up a special channel between Chen Feng and the Great Desolate Cauldron. The two sides kept communicating. Finally, with a bang, Chen Feng's body began to grow larger, his power continued to increase, and his momentum gushed out like a sharp sword, impacting the Chaos Heavenly Dao,

The space fluctuated slightly, and the breath of the heavenly tribulation was emitted, which was immediately captured by Chen Feng.

"The power is increasing too fast."

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the disk of time flew over Chen Feng's head. The law of time kept turning around Chen Feng, and the body that had grown to a million feet began to shrink again, and finally turned into normal size.

"Now is not the time to cross the tribulation." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Young master, the power of the Great Desolate Cauldron." Seeing that Chen Feng had returned to normal, the Queen Mother immediately stepped forward and asked.

"There are only two pieces left, but now the power of the Great Desolate Cauldron has exceeded my previous expectations, comparable to the Time Knife and the Time Sword." The Great Desolate Cauldron in Chen Feng's hand was still turning slowly, but the power contained in it was several times higher than before, and the power was still increasing steadily every moment. Chen Feng could clearly feel that the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron were merging and connecting with each other.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and pointed, and the Time Disk emitted a force of time. The speed of the Great Desolate Cauldron's fusion was faster, and the energy within a few light years of the surrounding starry sky was pulled over and drilled into the Great Desolate Cauldron.

"Sir, there are only two pieces left, I'm afraid it's not so easy to find." The Queen Mother said on the side.


Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked the Great Desolate Cauldron, and a wave spread out in all directions.

Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked it dozens of times in one breath. When the last finger went down, the whole person felt exhausted.

"Wait here now." Chen Feng waved his hand, and a huge meteorite hundreds of millions of miles away flew over and stopped at Chen Feng's feet.

The Great Desolate Cauldron is not far from being complete, and its former power is gradually awakening, but Chen Feng also knows that it is not so easy to recover to its peak state.

"The Great Desolate Cauldron failed to advance back then. I wonder if I can reshape this legend in my hands." Looking at the Great Desolate Cauldron floating in front of him, Chen Feng felt a little emotional.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged on the meteorite, with various laws intertwined around him, or lightning flashing, or water and fire surging, or swords and knives on his body. Chen Feng was preparing for the tribulation. He had stayed at the level of Half-Step Golden Immortal for a long enough time. If it were not for reshaping the Great Desolate Cauldron, Chen Feng would have taken the time to cross the tribulation.

For others, crossing the tribulation is the biggest test on the road of cultivation, but for Chen Feng, it is just an experience to improve his strength.

It is extremely difficult for a Half-Step Golden Immortal to advance to an Immortal Golden Immortal. I don’t know how many cultivators stop here, or are under the heavenly tribulation, but once successful, they will be immortal and indestructible, and truly enter the high-end level of cultivation.

Chen Feng seemed to have completely forgotten about the Great Desolate Cauldron during this practice, but every once in a while, the Great Desolate Cauldron would autonomously send out waves of summoning power, while the Queen Mother quietly studied her own affairs.

When Chen Feng reshaped the Great Desolate Cauldron, the Immortal Realm and the Longevity Heaven Realm almost simultaneously experienced huge turmoil.

The turmoil that occurred on the basis of war already showed the importance of the matter.

The prison soldiers arrived.

The prison soldiers came very slowly. From a long time ago, all parties had noticed the prison soldiers in the distant starry sky, but no one knew the purpose of the prison soldiers coming, so no one took the initiative to provoke them.

But now it is different. One billion prison soldiers came to the fairyland in a mighty manner. Ignoring the warnings of the fairyland cultivators, they rushed directly to the East Great.

The most chaotic place in the entire fairyland is of course the East Great. The war between the Longevity Alliance and the fairyland lasted for hundreds of years. Then the demon clan, the Nether Fire Knight, and the Death Evil Spirit came out to participate in it. In addition to the killers and fighters, the chaotic scene has not appeared in the fairyland for nearly one billion years.

At this time, the prison soldiers from the depths of the universe came again. The combat power of one billion prison soldiers was very strong. They condensed into one. They brought a strong shock to the fairyland cultivators before they came to the fairyland.

These one billion prison soldiers were actually equivalent to 10 billion killers.

Chen Feng was secretly shocked and a little worried. He was shocked by the opponent's strength and worried that these prison soldiers were coming for him.

Sure enough, the prison soldiers were indeed coming for Chen Feng, but it was not a bad thing, but a good thing. These one billion prison soldiers had been extremely arrogant since they entered the fairy world. They would immediately kill any fairy cultivators they met. The four Taiyi Golden Immortals were in the lead. In the front was a million hellhounds pulling a huge chariot, and on the chariot were fierce prison soldiers of various shapes. If it were not for the hellfire emanating from these prison soldiers, they would not be much different from ordinary monsters.

These hellhounds pulling the chariots all had the combat power of celestial immortals, and the prison soldiers on the chariots were a mixture of half-step golden immortals and celestial immortals. Behind them were neat queues, each of which had only a few hundred or a thousand people, but they were all led and controlled by golden immortals.

The overall look was a bit out of place, even a bit chaotic, but wherever they passed, whether it was the fairy cultivators, the killers, or the regular army of the fairy court, they were all smashed into pieces by the hell torrent.

At this time, no matter how stupid everyone was, they could see that these prison soldiers were here to rescue the Immortal Alliance.

Seeing these prison soldiers killing the killers and immortal monks, Chen Feng was surprised and puzzled. He never thought that the other party was here to help him.

"What's going on? However, the fighting power of these prison soldiers is indeed very strong. This time, the plan of the Immortal Court has been shattered." Seeing these prison soldiers coming to kill, Chen Feng immediately saw the outcome of this war.

The killers were finally killed. The strength of other sects on the East Great Continent had long been shattered by the three forces of the demon clan. At this time, the prison soldiers came and easily swept away these scattered forces.

The regular troops of the Immortal Court suffered heavy casualties and began to retreat. The morale of the Immortal Alliance was high. They gathered people and expanded to the surrounding areas to recapture the territory they had lost before.

Since the Taiyi Jinxian of the prison soldiers did not take action, the bigwigs of the Immortal Court could only watch. No one took the initiative to provoke these four Taiyi Jinxian-level prison soldiers.

After most of the soldiers in the Immortal Court had evacuated, the four Taiyi Jinxian-level prison soldiers came to meet Chen Feng.

"Thank you for your help." Chen Feng was the first to thank the other party. If it weren't for the participation of the prison soldiers, it would be unknown when this war would end.

"You are welcome, fellow Taoist. We are here under the order of the master and accept your command." One of the prison soldiers stepped forward and said respectfully.

Chen Feng felt that the scene was a bit funny. The other party was a Taiyi Jinxian after all, but he was so polite to him. Chen Feng didn't believe that the other party couldn't see that he was just a clone.

"I wonder who the master you are talking about is?" Chen Feng asked tentatively.

"The master is of course the King of Hell." Who knew that the other party answered so straightforwardly.

"The King of Hell! When did I know the King of Hell?" Chen Feng was even more confused.

"Don't think too much, fellow Daoist. We don't have a single bit of it. We came here purely to help you."

Although the other party was unwilling to say more, Chen Feng could feel his sincerity. He was overjoyed after being puzzled. He had just seen the power of these prison soldiers. After a big battle, the Changsheng Alliance was almost in pieces, and even most of the fighters died. At this time, the prison soldiers came to help the Changsheng Alliance.

The four Taiyi Jinxian-level hell monks are Hun Tian Wang, Lanling Wang, Unicorn Wang, and Explosion Wang. The one who has been talking to Chen Feng is Hun Tian Wang.

No matter how Chen Feng guessed in his heart, things were developing in a good direction. The appearance of the prison soldiers made the Immortal Court fail again this time. Not only did they suffer heavy losses, but the entire Dongji Da was lost.

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