Eternal Existence

Chapter 1469: The Return of the Big Brother and the Second Brother

Originally, Changren came out this time to prevent the soldiers of the Wuji Corps and the Wuya Corps from clashing, but he didn't expect that he would fight the Water Demon right away.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, the soldiers under his command were also ready for battle. A loud shout shocked the two men and made them retreat again and again.

Taichong Divine Lord appeared in front of the two.

"Meet the Divine Lord!"

Regardless of the identity and strength of Taichong Divine Lord, he deserves respect from the two.

"What are you doing? The enemy is still outside, and you are fighting among yourselves." Taichong Divine Lord had a bad face and kept scanning the two.

Water Demon and Changren were not talking. It was impossible to fight again at this time, so Water Demon took 500,000 soldiers and followed Taichong Divine Lord to leave.

In this situation, it was better to have a powerful monk.

For a period of time, the two sides were at peace. Everyone was killing the enemy. After a long time, the relationship between them became much more harmonious.

This is what the monks are happy to see.

On this day, Changren had just finished the battle and was about to take a break. Before his subordinates reported, he felt the chaos of the enemy in one direction.

Chang Ren was a little strange. The direction of the wave was from a unit of the Blood Eye Clan. Not only was there a large number of them, but they were also composed of elites. In addition, they had some real weapons, such as the Killing Array and the Battleship. For such a long time, the Wu Ya Legion had many conflicts with the other side, but they never gained the upper hand. Therefore, the chaos in the other camp made Chang Ren feel a little strange.

After a little hesitation, Chang Ren rushed over. On the way, he also received some news from his subordinates that the Blood Eye Clan was unable to resist the attack of the unknown monks, and the formation was already in chaos. At this time, the Wu Ya Legion was taking the opportunity to dispatch troops to press forward.

"Where did the reinforcements come from?" Chang Ren was a little surprised. At this time, he had seen a large number of monks attacking the Blood Eye Clan's camp, but he could not see the origin of the opposition.

But soon, Chang Ren's eyes lit up and saw a familiar figure. In great joy, the power in his body gushed out, and he led people to kill again.

"Second brother!"

Chang Ren shouted during the charge.

"Haha, third brother, I'm a little late." A handsome young man with starlight all over his body cut a bloody path under the protection of several monks, came to Changren, stepped forward and hugged Changren heavily, and then laughed.

Wuya has four sons. The eldest is Changhun, who left due to an accident. Changchen in front of him is the second son. He is born with the power of stars, so he is named Changchen.

Changren is the third son, born with sword light, and Chen Feng, also known as Changtian, is the youngest.

When Chen Feng returned to Changsheng Heaven, Changchen had been wandering outside the domain, but at this critical moment, he brought some monks back to kill.

"Third brother, I didn't expect that the power of the legion has become so strong during my absence." Changchen said with some surprise.

"It's a long story, but now is not the time to communicate." Changren said.

"Yes, let's deal with these opponents first." Changchen said and led people back to kill again.

This time, Chang Chen came back with a million troops, which was a very strong force. Especially when they attacked from behind, they broke through the Blood Eye Killing Formation set up by the Blood Eye Clan and smashed several warships. At this time, they joined forces with the Wu Ya Legion and quickly strangled this unit of the Blood Eye Clan.

And the Water Demon brought his 500,000 troops to share a piece of the pie. In a short time, this unit of the Blood Eye Clan was dispersed, most of them were killed or injured, and the rest fled. Chang Ren immediately commanded his soldiers to seize this star field and quickly built a defensive fortress.

"Hey! Are you in charge of the legion affairs now?" Chang Chen asked in surprise.

"Yes." Chang Ren nodded.

"Where is my brother?"

"It's a long story."

"Then why are these guys from the Wuji Legion here?" Chang Chen was not polite at all to the Wuji Legion.

"It's a long story." Chang Ren said this again.

"Well, now you tell me." Changchen was a little curious at first, but he became shocked as he went deeper into the base, so he waved his hand and his subordinates left. Changchen and Changren started chatting while walking.

They had just defeated a powerful army of the other side, and the situation was relatively stable at this time, so Changren took Changchen back to the headquarters.

"Second brother, it's really a long story at this time." Changren said this again.

"Why are you so nagging?" Changchen was already shocked all the way, and he couldn't help hearing this sentence.

"Let's start with the younger brother." Changren said.

"Younger brother, what younger brother?" Changchen was a little confused.

"Of course it's Changtian. By the way, you don't know yet, Changtian is back." Changren was a little excited.

"What, you said Changtian, Changtian is back." Changchen was even more excited. You know, Changchen has been wandering outside the domain for many years, but he has been searching for news about Chen Feng most of the time.

"Second brother, don't get excited, just listen to me slowly." Chang Ren was very respectful to this second brother. It could be said that since the younger brother came, only the second brother had been searching attentively, while himself and the eldest brother did not put in much effort.

After a while, Changren told everything, and Changchen's face kept changing, and he was even a little stunned.

"So, this stall was left by my father. At the beginning, my elder brother and I took over. Later, my elder brother had an accident, and then I took over. The Wuya Army began to develop rapidly in my hands, and its strength became stronger than the extreme north. You see, those nearly 1,000 golden immortal-level chaos beasts were left by my younger brother, otherwise our Wuya Army might not be able to withstand the long-term attack of the enemy." Finally, Changren said.

"Huh! So many things have happened. I have long said that my younger brother has amazing talent and a bright future. Although he has been missing for a while, his achievements are much greater than those of us brothers." Changchen laughed.

"Uh! Right, in fact, everyone can see it." Changren patted his forehead, thinking that if the Chaos Body did not have amazing talent, then all of them would become scum.

"How could such a thing happen to my elder brother? This is a bit troublesome." Changchen was a little worried.

"Don't worry, second brother. The Lord of the Changsheng Tower said that this time, the eldest brother turned a disaster into a blessing, so we should not think too much." Changren comforted.

"Since it is said by the Lord of the Changsheng Tower, there should be no problem." Almost most of the Changsheng Heavenly Realm cultivators will not question the Changsheng Tower.

"I didn't expect that Changtian would also create such a large territory in the fairy world. If it weren't for the tight situation here, I would have gone to see it." Changchen continued.


Just as the two brothers were talking, suddenly there was a strong chaotic wave coming over, and this time the wave was even bigger than before.

Changchen and Changren looked at each other, and then rushed out quickly.

"Young Master, Young Master, two Young Masters." At this time, several subordinates rushed over quickly.

"What's the matter, tell me quickly." Changren said anxiously.

"Another reinforcement has arrived, 100 million, 100 million, the Iron Blood Clan's position has been in chaos." This subordinate is a celestial being, but he was so excited that he was a little incoherent at this time.

"One hundred million reinforcements, let's go and take a look."

Chang Ren was a little surprised and puzzled. You know, the force brought by Chang Chen was already very powerful, but there were only one million people. At this time, another 100 million reinforcements appeared, which made Chang Ren a little confused.

"Could it be reinforcements from the Changsheng Alliance? No, the situation in Changtian is more critical than here. Could it be reinforcements from other heavens? Hey, I don't believe that any family would be so kind. Could it be the power of the Changsheng Heaven? It doesn't look like it. The power is wrong." Chang Ren guessed randomly.

But when he arrived at the place, Chang Ren opened his mouth in surprise, and Chang Chen rushed up quickly.

"It's the eldest brother."

"It's the eldest brother. Didn't the eldest brother have his body taken over by the Soul-Shedding Clan? Why is he back now? And he brought so many monks with him. By the way, are these monks from the Soul-Shedding Clan? Yes, yes, it is indeed the breath of the Soul-Shedding Clan. So what's the eldest brother like now?"

"Two brothers, I'm back." Changhun said with a stream of light in his eyes. The monks of the Iron Blood Clan who were blocking in front of him immediately fell to the ground in large numbers. It turned out that the souls of these people were destroyed.

"It's the method of the Soul-Shedding Clan. The eldest brother is normal. So it means that the eldest brother subdued the Soul-Shedding Clan." Changren could only think so.

After thinking about it for a while, Changren's hands were not idle, and he was killing people wantonly.

In any case, the eldest brother looks normal now. As for the reason, of course, we have to wait and see.

The 100 million cultivators brought by Changhun were stronger than those brought by Changchen, and they used the secret techniques of the Soul-Shedding Clan. Soon, the cultivators of the Iron Blood Clan suffered heavy casualties, and the 200 million troops were forced to retreat again and again. The most orderly formation was broken up, revealing large areas of strategic locations, which were taken over by the Wuya Legion and quickly established their own defense.

"Hahaha, when did Changchen come back?" Changhun came to the two younger brothers with a smile, and Changren had a feeling. That is, the eldest brother seemed to have changed a little and became much more heroic than before.

"Yes, brother, long time no see." Changchen said excitedly.

"Brother, you." Changren was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm me now, I have dealt with that guy from the Soul-Shedding Clan, and now I have not only made great progress in my cultivation, but also subdued some cultivators from the Soul-Shedding Clan. It seems that it's the right time to come back." Changhun said with a smile.

"It's good that you're fine, it's good that you're fine. Then I won't worry." Changren said with a smile.

"Hahaha, third brother has matured a lot." Changhun laughed.

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