Eternal Existence

Chapter 146: Taoshan is a fairy mountain

"It is indeed a damaged building. Strange, how can there be a building here? Isn't it said that the Demon Soul Valley was caused by the ancient war of demon gods?" Ruta said in surprise.

"Our knowledge of the Demon Soul Valley is limited to rumors. According to records, the Demon Soul Valley existed tens of thousands of years ago, and the Demon Soul Valley is unknown how big it is. No one has ever entered the deepest part of the Demon Soul Valley. Who knows what happened here? Many people have gained some opportunities in it. It is not surprising that some buildings appear." Ye Ziming said.

"Some people have indeed gained immortal fate here, and it is possible that they have cultivated to the immortal position." At this time, Boss Tao suddenly said.

"Oh, is this true?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Young Master, do you know why the five of us are called the Five Heroes of Taoshan?" Boss Tao said with a smile.

"Haha, I don't know about this." Chen Feng smiled, and at the same time thought to himself, I have never heard of your name before, how can I know.

"The place where the five of us usually practice is called Tao Mountain. Although Tao Mountain looks a bit ordinary now, it may be a fairy mountain left over from ancient times." When Tao Lao Da said this, his voice suddenly became smaller.

"Ancient fairy mountain?" Chen Feng said in surprise, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"You are bragging. You said that the place where you live is a fairy mountain. If the head of the ten major fairy sects in Beiyuan said this, it would be almost the same." Ruta was the first to laugh.

"We have a basis for saying this." At this time, the straightforward Tao Lao San shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Speak softly, don't let others hear it." Tao Lao Da scolded in a low voice.

So Tao Lao San showed an embarrassed expression on his face, but stopped talking.

Seeing that these people didn't seem to be joking, Chen Feng and the other two all became interested.

"Tell me quickly, what is the basis? There are no outsiders here, just speak softly." Ruta laughed.

"It's actually very simple. My brothers and I found a stone tablet in Taoshan. It was just an ordinary stone tablet, and it was even covered with green moss. But we didn't know where we came across it. Suddenly, the stone tablet glowed with light, and dense handwriting appeared on it. We had never seen these handwritings before, but we could understand what they described. It was a very strange and wonderful feeling." Tao Lao Da said slowly.

"So you have encountered the immortal fate?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It can't be such a coincidence?" Ruta couldn't accept it.

"What's on it?" Ye Ziming asked directly to the point.

"At first, we also thought we had encountered the immortal fate. At that time, the five of us were very excited. We thought that what was recorded on it was mostly an immortal scripture. Even if it was not an immortal scripture, it was at least a profound magic formula. Who knew that we knew that it was not the case after reading the content." Tao Lao Da stopped again.

"What exactly is written on it? Lao Tao, can't you finish it in one breath?" Ruta asked anxiously. Not only Ruta, but also Chen Feng and Ye Ziming's curiosity was aroused.

"The content above is that the person who left the handwriting is called Taoshan Layman. He once entered the Demon Soul Valley and got a fairy scripture in the Demon Soul Valley. Later, I don't know how he heard that Taoshan was a fairy mountain left over from ancient times, and there was a great fairy fate in it, so he settled here, and also erected a stone tablet and carved the content with magic power." Tao Boss said.

"Then what!" Chen Feng asked.

"Nothing else, the content above is so much." Tao Boss said.

"I mean what happened to you brothers next?" Chen Feng shook his head and said.

"Later, my brothers settled in Taoshan and tried to find the fairy fate that Taoshan Layman said. My brothers have been searching in Taoshan for eighteen years, but they found nothing. On the contrary, they made some names in the Taoshan area and were called the Five Heroes of Taoshan. This time, my brothers took this task because they lacked some elixirs." Tao Boss said.

"So, what about Taoshan Layman?" Chen Feng nodded and asked.

"There is no trace, and we don't know where it went. We don't know when the stone tablet was left. It may be decades, hundreds of years, or even thousands of years. We also looked up the name of Taoshan Layman at that time, but unfortunately we didn't find any clues." Tao Lao Da said.

"Brother Ye, do you know where Taoshan is?" Chen Feng turned his head and asked.

"I haven't heard of it. It's definitely not famous. It's probably a small mountain." Ye Ziming curled his lips.

Chen Feng looked at the Five Heroes of Taoshan with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Hehe, it's indeed a small mountain. There is not enough spiritual energy, not many herbs, and no minerals, but there are no monsters, and few cultivators come here. It's a quiet place for cultivation." Tao Lao Da said a little embarrassedly.

"It turned out to be a desolate place where no birds shit. You also believe that such a place is a fairy mountain. It's a pity that you have stayed there for 18 years." Ruta couldn't help but say.

"It's better in peace, it's better in peace." Tao Lao Da laughed.

"In fact, we were shocked by the stone tablet at that time. If you saw the stone tablet, you would definitely believe that the handwriting left on it was real." At this time, Tao Laoer, who had always been reluctant to talk, spoke up.

"Is the stone tablet still there now?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's still there." Tao Laoda nodded.

"Then I'll go and see it when I have time." Chen Feng smiled.

"Okay, don't say any more, there's something going on." Ye Ziming interrupted at this time.

Only then did Chen Feng and others feel the killing aura coming from far away, and the faint sounds of fighting could be heard.

"It's a demon, and a very powerful demon." Chen Feng said solemnly.

"And there are a lot of them. Fortunately, we are at the end. It seems that they are fighting against the devil." Ye Ziming said with a smile.

"They deserve it. Who made them run so fast?" Ruta said with a gloating smile.

"Since there are architectural ruins ahead, no matter whether what Mo Ji said before is true or not, there must be some treasures among them." Chen Feng said.

"The demonic energy here is too strong, and there are demons blocking the way ahead. I'm afraid it will be a problem for us to get close to the ruins." Ye Ziming said with a frown, the situation in front of him was not optimistic.

"It's not our style to just return with nothing after arriving at a place. We can find a way to enter it and see what kind of ruins it is. And if it really comes to a dangerous moment, don't forget that I still have a very powerful trump card." Chen Feng smiled.

When Chen Feng said this, Ye Ziming and Luta immediately understood what he meant, and they had no choice but to nod and say: "Okay, anyway, we are also curious about what is ahead. Besides, it is indeed a good idea to have a trip to Demon Soul Valley after a long time." We can’t go back empty-handed, maybe we can meet a fairy fate.”

"I don't care if you are destined to be immortal or not. I just want to get two things. If I can get these two things, I will return immediately and leave this dangerous place." Chen Feng said.

"Besides the soul-protecting flower, what else is there?" Ye Ziming asked curiously.

"I need two treasures." Chen Feng said calmly.

Everyone: "..."

Next, Chen Feng and others did not take the risk to move forward, but discussed the next steps of action on the spot.

"I'm going to check the situation alone first." Ye Ziming said and was about to leave.

"You have to be careful and return immediately if you encounter danger." Chen Feng said. Originally, Chen Feng wanted to send the four-eared monkey to detect it. The four-eared monkey itself is a monster and is more sensitive to the outside world than humans. And it is extremely fast, making it the perfect candidate for detecting the enemy's situation. Unfortunately, after absorbing the blood of the purple electric silver light dragon, the four-eared monkey has fallen into deep cultivation and cannot be disturbed casually.

"Don't worry." Ye Ziming nodded, and then his figure slowly faded, and he melted into the demonic energy.

"What kind of skill is this? It's so magical." Tao Shan's five heroes were all stunned. They didn't expect Ye Ziming to be so powerful.

Chen Feng ignored them and went into the Tower of Eternal Life once again.

At this time, the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao looked even more depressed. When he saw Chen Feng standing in front of him, he just opened his eyes and looked at it, then closed his eyes again, not knowing what he was thinking.

"How are you thinking?" Chen Feng asked lightly, and then he stretched out his palm. There were ten sword qi criss-crossing continuously. Each sword qi seemed to be full of spirituality, but also had some powerful destructive power.

"If you still don't surrender, I'm afraid you will suffer a little bit." Chen Feng said calmly.

"Hey!" The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao suddenly sighed.

"I am willing to surrender."

Chen Feng was stunned at first. He didn't expect that the big demon finally surrendered, but then a feeling of ecstasy came to his heart. This way, he had a powerful thug. Think about it, he had a big demon as a guard. , coupled with the treasure on his body, if he meets the master of Xie Yue Cave again, he will definitely make him look good.

"In this case, open your soul." Chen Feng suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and said calmly.

Things went smoothly beyond Chen Feng's expectation. The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao honestly opened his soul, allowing Chen Feng to plant a soul imprint deep in his soul.

Suddenly, the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao felt that there was an extra layer of shackles on his soul. Every move he made was under the control of Chen Feng. As long as Chen Feng thought, the soul of this big demon could be shattered and turned into ashes.

A sad aura surged throughout his body. Thinking that he had finally cultivated to the level of a great demon and was considered the overlord among the demonic beasts, he never expected that he would now be driven by a small human monk. A strong feeling surged in his heart. I am very unwilling to give up, but I have no way to change the status quo.

Chen Feng naturally sensed what the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao was thinking clearly, so he said: "You don't have to worry, as long as you follow me sincerely and concentrate on doing things for me, when the time comes, I will naturally lift the restrictions imposed on you. A soul imprint deep within your soul.”

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