Eternal Existence

Chapter 1462 Demonic Reinforcements

"That's right, we can't retreat. We have been wandering in the starry sky for a long time. We finally settled down here. I have regarded the Longevity Alliance as my home." He Kong also said so.

"Forget it. We have been practicing for billions of years. Since our hometown fell, we have been wandering in the starry sky. Later, we encountered the killer and had no place to live. Although the Longevity Alliance is good, it is not worth my life here. I have killed enough killers. Now it's time to leave." At this time, an immortal golden immortal who had been fighting side by side with Zhuoliu and Kong suddenly said.

"Everyone has his own ambitions."

He Kong and Zhuoliu just said lightly, and then continued to fight the killer.

"Everyone, goodbye."

The golden immortal still chose to leave, and opened a road with tens of thousands of people, and soon disappeared.

"Stupid, it's not that easy to leave, there are more killers outside." Another golden immortal sneered.

The dark beasts are roaring, the demon cultivators in the demon world are clashing, and the cultivators of the major forces in the blood world, bone world, and Chen Feng's alliance are fighting desperately with the killer.

Although most of these people have experience fighting against the killers, the number of killers is too large, and it is simply endless.

"The power of the immortal heaven."

Under desperate situation and pressure, the cultivators from the immortal heaven finally communicated with the immortal heaven. The power of the heavenly origin was blessed, which made the cultivators from the immortal heaven improve their cultivation by several percent, and even the injuries on their bodies were almost completely recovered.

As a result, other cultivators from all sides followed suit. The dark world communicated with the dark world origin, the blood world communicated with the blood world origin, and the demon world communicated with the demon world origin. In this way, the killer's offensive was suddenly slowed down, but the good times did not last long. The blessing state ended soon.

"Strange, why is the blessing time so much shorter this time." Tunri was a little surprised.

"Don't forget that the heaven was also attacked." Dafeng said.

"Hey! I wonder how the young master is doing?"

"Hasn't the young master been fighting all the time? And with his strength, I don't know how many times more killers he has killed than us."

"I'm not talking about the young master's clones, I'm talking about the young master himself."

"The young master must be important. Besides, the young master left all his clones behind, so he must have thought of this kind of thing."

"Hey, I don't know when the young master can advance to the Golden Immortal. Once the young master advances to the Golden Immortal, he should be invincible in the immortal realm."

"It's not that easy. There are God Kings and God Lords above the Immortal Golden Immortal. These are old monsters who have practiced for countless billions of years. Of course, it would be different if the young master held the Longevity Tower."

"Nonsense! The killer rushed up again. My injuries have recovered and I can hold on for a while."

The next thing was a more brutal fight.

In fact, the clones left by Chen Feng fought more fiercely than other cultivators. Several clones of the God King level refined by Chen Feng have completely perished in the war. Only the clones of the God Lord level can persist until now. Moreover, these clones are made of crystal skulls and metal skulls, which are inherently very powerful. However, two clones were almost broken up under the frequent and fierce wars.

In the Quicksand Fairyland, in the Thunder Ancient City, Chen Feng and the Queen Mother have been wandering with several sword cultivators for several days. During this period, they encountered two dangers and had three battles with other cultivators who also entered this place. They also gained some small gains, but Chen Feng could see that these people were looking for something, not just coming in for adventure.

"Sir, the worms have suffered heavy casualties." The Queen Mother suddenly said.

"How many exactly?" Chen Feng frowned.

"Half are left." The Queen Mother said.

"Billions of fighters have been killed or injured. I remember that the war has not lasted long." Chen Feng was a little worried.

"The opponent is a killer, fearless of death, tireless, and other forces in the fairy world have also intervened." The Queen Mother said.

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly flashed: "I also got the news, my clones are almost dead, and now there are only a few gods left to hold the scene."

"Then, young master, let's do it!" The Queen Mother asked tentatively.

"Of course we should do what we should do. Can we go back now? Besides, a war of that scale can't change the situation with more than two of us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Young master, don't worry."

"Of course I'm worried. I'm worried that the Changsheng Alliance that I worked so hard to build will be destroyed, and I'm worried that Changsheng Heaven can't withstand this war. But the current situation is that I have to believe in Changsheng Heaven and Changsheng Alliance. Don't forget that we have left some means, and Changsheng Heaven has a foundation, which cannot be broken by one or two anti-sky races." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Attack, there is a situation ahead."

"Go and have a look."

Changsheng Alliance, the clone refined by the metal puppet suddenly left silently, and soon left the battlefield and flew in the direction of Dongji Fairy Palace.

With the cultivation of a god, this distance is nothing. Soon Chen Feng stopped above the Dongji Immortal Palace.

Chen Feng's figure flashed and entered an independent space, where a middle-aged cultivator was waiting for Chen Feng.

"Hello, senior." Chen Feng smiled and greeted.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. I thought you wouldn't come back." The middle-aged cultivator stared at Chen Feng for a few times and then said with a smile: "Not a bad clone."

"Senior, thank you for the compliment. I came here to borrow troops this time." Chen Feng said directly.

"Borrow troops! No problem. This is what we have already arranged. Have you brought what I need?" The middle-aged cultivator said calmly.

"This is the star core. I have already set up the restrictions." Chen Feng waved his hand, and a star core the size of a fist fell into the hands of the middle-aged cultivator. The star core looked small, but the energy contained in it moved the middle-aged cultivator, and his eyelids could not help but twitch.

"Not bad, I didn't expect that a small star core could burst out with such a powerful force after being refined by your means. Even Taiyi Jinxian can't stop it. Not bad, not bad." The middle-aged cultivator waved his hand and two gods suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Hello, ancestor." The two gods saluted hurriedly.

"You two take 500 million cultivators to rescue the Longevity Alliance." The middle-aged cultivator said calmly.

"Yes." Faced with the middle-aged man's order, the two gods agreed without hesitation.

"Thank you, senior, goodbye." Chen Feng turned around and left. Before Chen Feng returned to the Longevity Alliance, a strong demon power came from behind, and 500 million demons had already set out.

The middle-aged cultivator who just made a deal with Chen Feng was a Chaos Demon who came out of the seal power of Dongji Xian Palace, a very powerful Taiyi Jinxian. What Chen Feng paid was a refined star core. The power of the explosion was difficult to resist even for several Taiyi Jinxians, and what Chen Feng got was 500 million demons of various levels.

This star core was a means left by Chen Feng before he left. In fact, Chen Feng had thought about using the star core to self-destruct to deal with the killer. But Chen Feng thought about it and had some concerns. That is, the Immortal Court knew that he had this means, but it had already urged the killer to deal with him, which meant that the other party might have a means to deal with him. In addition, although the star core self-destruction was powerful, it was a one-time thing after all, and it was far less long-term than 500 million demons. Besides, Chen Feng did this deliberately to drag the demon clan into the water, so that the alliance between the two sides would be closer.

Moreover, Chen Feng also knew that the other party needed the star core, a big killer, to disrupt Dongji Xian Palace, and more importantly, it might release more powerful beings in the sealed land.

This was also what Chen Feng was happy to see.

"With these 500 million demons, the pressure should be relieved. I'm afraid that the Immortal Court will continue to recruit soldiers. I hope that the big demon can stir up the situation to contain the Immortal Court." Chen Feng was relieved by the addition of 500 million demons.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the 500 million demons to arrive. As soon as they arrived, they split into two groups, one to attack the killer and the other to sweep away other immortal monks who participated in the war.

When the Immortal Alliance was about to collapse, the pressure suddenly decreased, and then a powerful force was generated, counterattacking, and the scene of the war became even more tragic.

"Alliance leader, where are these reinforcements coming from? Is it from the dark world? I don't think so."

"Young Master, the reinforcements are here. These reinforcements are a little strange. By the way, they are the demon clan."

"Young Master, why would the demon clan send troops to help us?"

Faced with these people's questions, Chen Feng just said lightly: "Have you forgotten that our Immortal Alliance and the demon clan are allies?"

Well, for Chen Feng's explanation, everyone can only choose to accept it.

In any case, the arrival of 500 million demon reinforcements became the savior of the Changsheng Alliance. Although it cannot be said that the situation was reversed immediately, the tilted balance began to slowly rebound.

"The Immortal Court will definitely take action. Pass the order and pay close attention to the movements of the Immortal Court." Chen Feng gave the Dark Soul an order.


At this time, in the core area of ​​the Changsheng Alliance, which is the cave where Chen Feng usually lives and practices, a huge violent ape was sealed in the barrier. Outside the barrier is the clone refined by the crystal skull left by Chen Feng. In addition to Chen Feng's clone, there are two monks.

These two monks are more interesting. They are the clones of Sanyang Zhenjun and Chaos Zhenjun. In fact, the two came here at the beginning of the war. The purpose is to help Chen Feng refine the strongest clone. The raw material of the so-called strongest clone is the Taiyi Jinxian-level alien beast corpse that Chen Feng obtained before.

"The clone has been successfully refined. The two seniors should go back and take charge." Chen Feng's crystal skull clone said.

"No hurry, no hurry. We can't join the war when we go back. On the contrary, it's a little unsafe here. Maybe the Immortal Court will use some dirty tricks. Don't forget what Taiyi Jinxian did to you before." Sanyang Zhenjun said with a smile.

"After what happened before, will the Immortal Court still do this?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's hard to say, just in case, otherwise, if you wait for someone to die and then take revenge, then you will still die." Chaos Zhenjun said.

"What the senior said makes sense, but I only left behind a clone, and it doesn't matter if I die." Chen Feng was not worried.

"This clone is not bad, at the level of a god, maybe it can go further in the future, you are generous enough." Sanyang Zhenjun smiled lightly.

Chen Feng also had some tears and laughter. It seemed that the two seniors would not leave. Since this was the case, it was good. Having two clones of Taiyi Jinxian staying here was also a bit more confident.

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