Eternal Existence

Chapter 1445: The True Lord of Chaos Ancient Times

"I just want to create some twists and turns. If there are no twists and turns, I will be a little disappointed." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The Queen Mother was silent for a while, as if she thought of something, and then stopped persuading. Shining runes began to spread around her huge body, and soon formed a formation, covering the surrounding starry sky.

"Young Master, it's OK." The Queen Mother said.

Chen Feng stood in the formation, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he urged the law of time. A golden light shot out from Chen Feng's eyebrows, paving a road of time, and soon extended to the Immortal World's Longevity Alliance.

And Chen Feng's clone, who had been sitting in the alliance, also took action. With a wave of his hands, he arranged restrictions around him, and the road of time extended to the front.

In fact, this method is nothing for some high-level cultivators. Chen Feng has used it before, and the reason why Chen Feng used the law of time this time is that it is fast enough.

All the beads of time that Chen Feng had just obtained turned into a torrent and disappeared on the Avenue of Time. On the other side, Chen Feng's clone received the beads of time, and at the same time, the clone and the original body exchanged some information with each other.

The goal was achieved, and then the Avenue of Time disappeared.

Chen Feng was a little regretful, because the process was very smooth, and there were no twists and turns as previously guessed.

"Just walk around."

Chen Feng shook his head, and the Queen Mother acted as a mount and began to travel in the Star River of Time.

"It's been a while since I came here, but I haven't taken a good look here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's because it was too dangerous before." The Queen Mother's body at this time was a full 100,000 feet. If it was placed in the world of life, it would be an island or a mountain, but in the starry sky it could only be regarded as an inconspicuous meteorite.

"Yes, there was indeed some confusion during that period of time. By the way, is there any news about the Blood Eye Clan?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Not yet, the other party seems to have disappeared." The Queen Mother was also a little puzzled. She had sent out hundreds of thousands of insects, and they were all half-step golden immortals. They kept changing directions and almost covered the entire Time Galaxy. I don't know how many time beasts and golden immortals they found, but there was no trace of the Blood Eye Clan.

"Strange, it is a bit strange. This Blood Eye Clan is not that simple. With these things in hand, maybe there will be gains this time. Queen Mother, increase the search efforts." Chen Feng said.

"Of course, but young master, there are two things I want you to decide. The first is that I found a huge decaying star, but there seems to be a star core inside the planet. The second is that a Taiyi Golden Immortal was besieged by time beasts and was seriously injured. Without external forces, he would definitely not be able to escape." The Queen Mother said.

"The Taiyi Golden Immortal was besieged. What does it have to do with me? Of course, it is right to find the star core." Chen Feng said immediately.

However, when the Queen Mother was about to take action, Chen Feng suddenly said, "Let's go and see the excitement first."


The Queen Mother said and sped up.

"Where did the other party come from?" Chen Feng asked.

"I don't know, I can't tell."

"Forget it, I'll know when I get there." Chen Feng shook his head.

In fact, the Queen Mother was very fast. Not long after, Chen Feng saw hundreds of time beasts frantically besieging a middle-aged monk who was 100,000 feet tall.

The monk held a chaos halberd, but there were caves with fiery red lights all over his body. At first, Chen Feng thought it was sparks, but after a closer look, he realized it was the power of thunder and lightning.

"Fiery red lightning, this is a kind of original divine thunder in the chaos." Chen Feng said.

"It's the red divine thunder!" The Queen Mother continued.

"This person looks very powerful, but if he fights, he should not be the opponent of the three thousand venerables." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"I can't see where the other party came from. The young master wants to help the other party." The Queen Mother said.

"Since I'm here, I have to help. Helping a Taiyi Jinxian is a big investment." Chen Feng nodded and took out the Longevity Bow.

"I'm afraid I won't get any reward." The Queen Mother interrupted.

"If I only wanted a reward, I wouldn't have come, although I did come for this idea." Chen Feng laughed.

"Now the scene is getting more and more chaotic. The heavens are fighting each other. A big war is a matter of time. I have a hunch that this chaos will spread throughout the universe and may burn to other universes."

"Young Master is really good at telling jokes. Didn't our Zerg come from other universes?"

"Okay, I was wrong." Chen Feng said as he pulled the Longevity Bow. A ball of fire cut through the starry sky and hit one of the time beasts.


It was just that one of the time beasts made a move and broke the ball of charcoal.

"Oh! It's the God." Chen Feng said as he made a move like the wind. In one breath, dozens of long swords of different shapes flew out.

Finally, Chen Feng's actions angered these time beasts, and then two of them pounced on Chen Feng.

With just two flashes of golden light, the other party was not far from Chen Feng, one rushed towards the Queen Mother, and the other killed Chen Feng.

Puff! Puff!

Two combat puppets appeared at the same time and killed the two time beasts, making the Queen Mother feel a little regretful for not taking action.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious." Chen Feng said and fired a few more arrows. This time it worked. Two time beasts of the Divine Lord level were shot through their bodies. The tall monk roared, swung the Chaos Halberd in his hand, and flashed past, killing the two time beasts.

At this time, two combat puppets also rushed up, fought several times, killed several time beasts, and then quickly retreated, protecting Chen Feng and leaving this starry sky.

In order not to attract the siege of many time beasts, Chen Feng could only do this step. If the other party still couldn't escape, there was nothing he could do, and he could only blame his poor cultivation.

Not long after Chen Feng left, the front was blurred, and the tall cultivator appeared in front of Chen Feng holding a chaos halberd.

"Thank you for your help, my friend." The cultivator said as soon as he came up.

"It's just a little effort." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I come from the Cangming Land. You can call me the Chaos Ancient True Lord. I don't know what to call you." Although the cultivator was seriously injured, his momentum was still as condensed as a mountain.

"Chen Feng, from the Changsheng Heaven, the senior's injury is very serious." Chen Feng muttered in his heart. He knew the Netherworld, but this Cangming Land was the first time he heard of it. However, the name of this Chaos Master is quite impressive, and it seems that he is practicing the Chaos Path. When he meets Chaos Master in the future, the two will definitely exchange ideas.

"My friend, you just saved me. I have no way to repay you. This is my thank you gift." Chaos Master said as he stretched out his palm. A faint law shadow gradually solidified, and then rushed towards Chen Feng like a dragon, circled around Chen Feng, and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"Chaos Law." Chen Feng was a little surprised. This was condensed by the other party with the original power. Although it was not as good as the real Taiyi Law, it was more active. To put it bluntly, it was more suitable for Chen Feng now.

"Thank you, senior." Chen Feng said hurriedly. The Chaos Law in his body had just taken shape. It would take a long time to fully condense it. With this law, he saved a lot of effort and energy.

"I should have said this. My friend, goodbye. We will meet again in the future." Chaos Master said as he turned and left.

"How is it? I think there is something to gain." Chen Feng smiled and put away the Chaos Law. He would slowly refine and nourish it in the future, and when the time is right, he would be able to merge it with his own Chaos Law.

"My lord, you have a long-term vision, and I can't compare with you." The Queen Mother said.

"Haha, you are also good at flattering people. Now it's time to go and see that huge planet." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"My lord, according to the new information, someone has discovered that planet." The Queen Mother said hurriedly.

"Then let's speed up. If there is really a star core, it may be another big battle." Chen Feng's eyes flashed.

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