Eternal Existence

Chapter 1441 A Wonderful Place

"If you are so powerful, then you were injured before." Chen Feng was a little unconvinced.


"You said pretending, what is the other party's purpose, you don't say it is to get close to me?" Chen Feng felt a little funny.

"Yes." Ta answered as straightforwardly as ever.

"What purpose can you have to get close to me, it's funny." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I don't know either, okay, kid, I encountered something." Ta said and turned into a stream of light and drilled into the fragment of the disk of time.

Just when Chen Feng was curious, he felt that he had established a subtle connection with this fragment, and some of the restrictions on the fragment loosened a little, and then the rolling power of time rushed into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness and merged into the light point of time condensed by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng felt that he could control this fragment to a certain extent as soon as his mind moved.

"The fragment of the best artifact, not bad, I can actually control it. It seems that it is not so easy to refine it for myself." Chen Feng smiled. It was the power of the Longevity Tower that saved Chen Feng a lot of effort. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Chen Feng to refine and control this fragment of the best artifact.

Knowing that the Longevity Tower was back, Chen Feng felt confident. In fact, Chen Feng had something to ask the Longevity Tower, but he didn't have time.

"My friend, are you interested in learning my Three Thousand Great Dao Hand Seals?" The Three Thousand Venerables suddenly said with a smile.

"Three Thousand Great Dao Hand Seals?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Not bad, look."

As the Three Thousand Venerables said, his hands suddenly moved quickly, and his two palms kept showing various different hand seals, but in a blink of an eye, his hands returned to calm.

"How is it? How much did you see?" The Three Thousand Venerables asked with a smile.

"Chaos, killing, death, Taiyin, Jiyang, five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, earth..." Chen Feng closed his eyes and kept replaying the movements of the hands of the Three Thousand Venerables in his sea of ​​consciousness.

In fact, the speed of the hands of the Three Thousand Venerables was not too fast, but each handprint contained the truth of heaven and earth and the great way of the universe, so the more Chen Feng wanted to capture it, the more chaotic he felt. After several replays, Chen Feng remembered less and less.

Three thousand handprints, Chen Feng didn't even remember one tenth, and this time they were all some single-attribute origin handprints that Chen Feng remembered by feeling.

"Not bad, how about it, little friend, I am more compatible with you, are you interested in learning this little trick." The Three Thousand Venerables said with a smile.

Chen Feng pondered for a while: "Senior, let's be frank, I don't believe in compatibility, I don't know what the senior's purpose is?"

Chen Feng didn't want to beat around the bush with the other party.

"Of course there are some purposes, but I can't say it now. I just ask you one question, do you want to learn or not." The Three Thousand Venerables said with a smile.

"Learn, of course I have to learn. If I don't learn, I'm a fool." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Well, come and see it again." Three Thousand Venerables said as his hands changed into countless hand seals again, and at the same time he was muttering something. Listening carefully, it turned out to be the name of the hand seal. The speed was so fast that ordinary people could not hear it, but it clearly entered Chen Feng's ears.

"In fact, although there are three thousand big hand seals that I practice, there are actually more than three thousand. The Great Dao has no limit." Three Thousand Venerables said slowly, and the sound continued to impact Chen Feng's mind.

Chen Feng closed his eyes again after Three Thousand Venerables stopped moving. This time, Chen Feng woke up after a full day.

Of course, it was one day from the outside, but Chen Feng's thinking was accelerated by 10,000 times, which means that a full 10,000 days had passed.

Chen Feng opened his eyes, and the whole person seemed a little different. There were hand seals constantly changing in his pupils, and they disappeared after a long time.

The Three Thousand Venerables nodded, without saying anything, but his hands changed again, this time the speed of change was slower, the first time was a blink of an eye, the second time was a stick of incense, and this time it took a full hour.

Looking at Chen Feng again, he still finished his training after one day. Of course, Chen Feng used the power of time to interfere with time, so it took a full 100,000 days.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and a huge handprint condensed in the starry sky, then disappeared directly, and then crashed into a god a million miles away.

"Who is it?"

The god who didn't know where he came from waved his hand, and the sword light flashed, and the big handprint was cut open. Originally, this person wanted to find trouble with Chen Feng, but when he saw the Three Thousand Venerables, he immediately fled far away without saying a word.

"Yes." The Three Thousand Venerables said this on the surface, but in fact, they were already very shocked in their hearts. This was the handprint that they gradually comprehended and accumulated after they cultivated to the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, but they did not expect that it would be mastered by a half-step Jinxian in such a short time. If Chen Feng was a Divine Lord, even a Divine King, the Three Thousand Venerables would not be so surprised, because Chen Feng's realm was too low.

"After reaching a certain realm, the most important thing is the core essence, and some external forms don't matter. I think my Three Thousand Great Handprints can also be compared with the Longevity Great Handprint of your Changsheng Heaven Realm. In fact, to put it bluntly, the Longevity Great Handprint is also one of the Three Thousand Great Daos." The Three Thousand Venerables said proudly.

"What the senior said makes sense. The junior will never forget the grace of the senior's teaching." No matter what the other party thought, Chen Feng had to say thank you. The practice just now did make Chen Feng gain a lot, and the Longevity Great Handprint that Chen Feng practiced also had a tendency to merge into the Three Thousand Great Handprints.

"The Three Thousand Great Handprints are a bit too complicated. It's not easy to master the essence without billions of years of cultivation." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Young Master, I think we should act now." At this time, the Queen Mother said that several small pictures appeared in front of her.

One of the pictures was the Time Sword running in the starry sky, and it seemed to be chased.

Another picture was the scene of foreign monks killing the Time Beast.

The third picture was a monk who seemed to be collecting the power of time in a chaotic space.

The fourth picture was a long sword fighting with two monks. In this galaxy, the only long sword that could fight with two Taiyi Jinxian was the Water Moon Sword.

"With so many big things, is there any news about the Staff of Time?" Chen Feng was attracted.

"Not yet." The Queen Mother shook her head, and another picture appeared in front of her, a huge meteorite flashing with rich time power.

Seeing this meteorite, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and the whole person almost jumped up, because the fragments of the Time Disk that had been very quiet in his body also vibrated.

"It's a fragment of the Time Disk." Chen Feng was pleasantly surprised, but soon became a little surprised.

"Since they are all in the Time Star River, why don't they merge together?"

"Young Master, please look carefully." The Queen Mother said.

Chen Feng then noticed that a majestic spear was inserted on this huge fragment, and the power in the fragment was constantly gathering in the spear.

"It's the Samsara Spear, the Samsara Spear is absorbing the power of the fragment of the Time Disk." The Three Thousand Venerables said on the side.

"Not only did we find the fragment of the Time Disk, but we also found the Samsara Spear. This is really a fortune." Chen Feng laughed and was about to take action, when he saw the Samsara Spear tremble and a phantom of a spear flew out.

Then the scene changed, and a phantom of a God Lord's spear was fixed.

Then the phantom suddenly exploded and scattered around, and then the scene disappeared.

"The insect was killed." The Queen Mother said.

"The Samsara Spear is also a top-grade artifact, you can take risks." The Three Thousand Venerables said.

"Anyway, it's not that easy to stay here, let's go." Chen Feng said.

Because of the route explored by the divine insect, Chen Feng and the Three Thousand Venerables quickly came to the place where the Samsara Spear was, but once they entered a certain range, they would be attacked by the Samsara Spear.

The shadow of the long spear was crushed by the Three Thousand Venerables, and at the same time Chen Feng also noticed that it was not only his side that discovered the Samsara Spear.

"My friend, we discovered the Samsara Spear first, so as not to cause misunderstandings, you should leave." The person who spoke was a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and of course the person he was speaking to was also the Three Thousand Venerables, who did not take Chen Feng seriously at all.

"No matter who you are, I found this magic weapon fragment, and I want it." Chen Feng said.

"Tsk! No respect." The Taiyi Golden Immortal said and glanced at Chen Feng, and a beam of Taiyi Light attacked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng sneered, and the two combat puppets also emitted Taiyi Light at the same time. The three beams of Taiyi Light collided and soon dissipated.

The Taiyi Golden Immortal, who did not know where he came from, glanced at Chen Feng, and stopped attacking and talking.

"Hey." Chen Feng sneered, and then directly activated the fragment of the Time Disk in his body, sending out a summoning force, and then the fragment in front of him reacted and actually rushed towards Chen Feng.

But at this time, Chen Feng's heart was chilled, and then he became unable to move. A sharp murderous aura that had formed into substance came in front of Chen Feng.

It was the Samsara Spear that attacked Chen Feng.

The two combat puppets stepped forward and smashed the attack. The Three Thousand Venerables slammed the huge fragments with a palm from a distance, and then the Samsara Spear, which was a million feet long, flew out and stabbed at the Three Thousand Venerables.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The big handprints made by the Three Thousand Venerables were pierced by the Samsara Spear one after another, and in the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of the Three Thousand Venerables.


The Three Thousand Venerables put their hands together, clamped the long spear, and then the huge body of the Three Thousand Venerables began to retreat continuously.

"It's not that easy to snatch the Samsara Spear." At this time, the other Taiyi Golden Immortals couldn't bear it and took action.

The stalemate was immediately broken. The three thousand venerables loosened their palms and retreated, with scars on their palms and shoulders.


Compared to the Samsara Spear that was snatched by the Taiyi Golden Immortals, this fragment was Chen Feng's target.

But things would not go as smoothly as Chen Feng thought, because someone was also eyeing this fragment.

"The God King is also looking for death!" Chen Feng waved his hand, and one of the combat puppets rushed forward and killed two God Kings in a row, and the remaining few fled far away.

But at this time, a purple big hand grabbed the fragment. There was still a Taiyi Golden Immortal eyeing this fragment.

Chen Feng was nervous at first, but then relaxed.

Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!

The fragment of the Time Disk burst out with the power of time, and this huge purple palm was like a candle burned by cracks, and soon began to melt.

The chaotic and powerful power of time swept out in all directions. This was simply a void storm, but it was made up of the power of time.


Chen Feng shook his head and sighed. The fragment in front of him was stronger than the one he had collected before. It seemed that there would be some trouble today.

Faced with this level of power, even the Taiyi Golden Immortal had to be careful to deal with it. As for those gods, they had already fled without a trace.

However, the Samsara Gun was not affected. Instead, it became more powerful with the help of the Disk of Time. Three thousand venerables were ejected, and three Taiyi Golden Immortals also retreated in different directions.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was secretly shocked. This reincarnation gun must be too powerful. Could it be because it has absorbed the power of the Disk of Time?

Of course, Chen Feng was not affected, or had no bad influence. Facing the impact of the power of time, Chen Feng turned into a big whirlpool. All the power of time entered Chen Feng's body, and was then swept away by time. The fragments of the disk are absorbed.

Chen Feng laughed secretly at first, and then felt that he was about to burst into happiness, so he continued to send out the summoning power in the chaos.


The fragments raging in front of him finally penetrated into Chen Feng's body, and the two fragments of the Disk of Time stuck together, but the fusion speed was slower than Chen Feng imagined.

However, with the blessing of power, the fragment of the Disk of Time wanted to expand its territory. However, at this time, the small sword and the Great Wild Cauldron emitted a breath at the same time, and finally the fragment became quiet.

"Phew! Just calm down." Chen Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the battle puppets and clones had already fought with other monks, and only the mother queen was guarding Chen Feng.

"Sir, you collected the fragment, but it attracted more enemies." The Queen Mother said.

"There's nothing we can do about it." Chen Feng then paid attention to his surroundings. He was startled when he saw that his clones and combat puppets were retreating under the siege of the opponent, and they were about to be unable to withstand it.

"Do these guys think I'm easy to bully? Why don't you grab the reincarnation gun?" Chen Feng said angrily.

"It looks like this." The Queen Mother agreed.

"Go, get out of here."

Chen Feng looked at the situation on the side of the Three Thousand Venerables. In order to snatch the reincarnation gun, the four Taiyi Golden Immortals sometimes fought against the reincarnation gun, and sometimes fought with each other. It looked very fierce. They should be separated after a while. No victory or defeat.

"These guys are really stupid. They should work together to get the reincarnation gun first." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

However, Chen Feng has no intention to care about these things, because his situation is getting worse and worse. His two clones have merged again, and they still can't block the opponent's attack. Bang! One of the combat puppets flew out upside down.

"The Taiyi Golden Immortal appears again, why are they always targeting me?" Chen Feng was helpless.

"Sir, I think we should find a way to get out of here first." The Queen Mother also joined the battle.

"Where can I go after leaving here? The other party will definitely catch up. By the way, return to the previous place." Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up at this time.

Having said that, even escaping from the situation at hand is not that easy.

The two battle puppets were knocked away at the same time, and a Taiyi Golden Immortal strode towards Chen Feng.

"Hey! It seems that this is the only way to use it." Chen Feng said that the fragments of the Disk of Time appeared and stood in front of Chen Feng.

With Chen Feng's current situation, he can only do this.

"Bring it!"

When the Taiyi Golden Immortal saw the fragments of the Disk of Time, he stopped attacking Chen Feng. Instead, he waved his hand, and the shadow of the big world enveloped the fragments.

This person actually used this method to collect the fragments, which surprised Chen Feng.

But soon, the fragments of the Disk of Time emitted powerful power of time, and the world of this Taiyi Golden Immortal began to dissolve rapidly.

"come out!"

Chen Feng shouted loudly, and the Great Wild Cauldron appeared. With a collision, the Taiyi Golden Immortal was knocked back and flew out without a trace.

"Let's go! Get out of here." Chen Feng put away the fragments of the Disk of Time and took the Mother Queen, clones and combat puppets directly into the Great Wilderness Cauldron.


The Great Wild Cauldron broke through the space with one jump and disappeared.

Compared to the fragments of the Disk of Time, the Great Wilderness Cauldron is equivalent to the natal magic weapon carefully refined by Chen Feng, which can exert most of its power when activated.

Soon, Dahuang Ding led Chen Feng and others to the place where they had been staying before. Although Chen Feng still didn't know why, Chen Feng's intuition told Chen Feng that it was safe to come here.

Despite thinking this way, Chen Feng still didn't show up. With the Great Desolate Cauldron as a defense, it would not be easy for the opponent to catch up and deal with him.

The other party arrived faster than expected. After a few breaths, two Taiyi Golden Immortals and a dozen divine kings found Chen Feng.

Seeing the Great Wild Cauldron, the eyes of the two Taiyi Golden Immortals lit up.

"I originally wanted to collect a magic weapon fragment, but I didn't expect to encounter a semi-finished product." One of the Taiyi Golden Immortals spoke.

"What a half-finished product, I have no experience. This is the Great Wild Cauldron. I heard that it failed to advance to the top level artifact and it self-destructed and disappeared. I didn't expect to meet it again here. It seems to have been reshaped to this extent. This thing belongs to me." , This is a treasure that can be upgraded to a top-notch artifact."

"Huh, since it's a good thing, you still want it. What a dream."

"Fellow Taoist, don't be impulsive. We should work together to get the things first. As for how to distribute them, that is a matter for later."

"What you said makes sense, so let's take action."

boom! boom!

The attacks of the two Taiyi Golden Immortals fell on the Great Desolate Cauldron almost at the same time. The powerful wave of power swept all around. Chen Feng in the Great Desolate Cauldron also felt uncomfortable. After all, the power of the Great Desolate Cauldron had not been restored, and the opponent was Taiyi Gold. Immortal, it is still a bit difficult to resist head-on.

"Why don't you use your little sword to kill these two people?" Chen Feng's heart flashed with murderous intent.

"If I do this, I can certainly kill the other party, but I'm afraid my sword will be consumed. It's a waste to use it in such a place." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Bang! Bang!

At this time, there were two more attacks, which made Chen Feng feel uncomfortable and wanted to vomit blood. The Great Desolate Cauldron, which had already been fused, had cracks, and Chen Feng was even more surprised.

"Forget it, the situation is critical, let's kill these two people first." Chen Feng made up his mind.

But at this time, a golden beam of light suddenly appeared, sweeping across, like a long river, and the two Taiyi Jinxian were caught in it.

"Oh no, it's the Long River of Time!"

The Taiyi Jinxian screamed in fear, and then disappeared. Then the beam extended, and the other gods were also swept away.

"The Long River of Time and the Ancestor of Time are lost in it. Oh no, hurry up." Chen Feng was so scared that his heart was about to explode.

But at this time, the light was aimed at Chen Feng again, or it should be said that the Great Desolate Cauldron. Chen Feng felt his eyes brighten, and the Great Desolate Cauldron entered a strange space.

Before he could see clearly what was outside, the power of time like a stream of water washed over.

"It's bad, I've entered the long river of time, this is very bad." Chen Feng shouted directly.

Even the figures of the Old Ancestor of Time and the Emperor of Time would get lost in it and couldn't get out, so he was just like an ant and a dragon compared to the other party. The dragon couldn't break free from the restraints, and the little ant would probably turn into powder if it came in.

"Young Master, things are not that bad, look." At this time, the Queen Mother spoke.

"Hey! What's going on?"

Chen Feng then noticed that the fragments of the Time Disk appeared without being summoned, and the phantom of the Time Disk also appeared. The phantom of the Time Disk emitted an energy shield, which expanded and wrapped up the Great Wilderness Cauldron.

There were some bumps before, as if he was rowing a boat and encountered a tsunami, but now it has become calm again.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's heart was rekindled with hope. According to Chen Feng's previous thoughts, if he wanted to leave the long river of time, he should practice to the realm of Taiyi first.


After a while of silence, the Time Disc began to vibrate again, and Chen Feng could clearly feel that the other party was sending out waves of summoning power.

"Could it be?"

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