Eternal Existence

Chapter 1439: The Sword of Time

"What other secrets does the Time Galaxy have?" Chen Feng asked quickly.

"For example, why is this place called the Galaxy of Time, and why is there so much power of time in this galaxy? Although the Galaxy of Time is ancient, it traces back to its original origin, and there must be reasons for its formation." Venerable Sanqian's smile changed. It has to be a little weird.

"Isn't it a situation created by the ancestors of the past?" Chen Feng asked.

"So do you believe the rumors?" Venerable Sanqian asked.

"I don't believe it!" Chen Feng simply shook his head.

"Then what's the reason? Seniors don't know the secrets here, right?" Chen Feng then asked.

"We can't say yet." Venerable Sanqian shook his head.

"But the strongest person from the Blood Eye Clan is probably the Divine Lord. Isn't his power a little too weak?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, knowing that he had killed a Divine Lord of the opponent before.

"The Taiyi Golden Immortal will definitely appear in the Blood Eye Clan." Venerable Three Thousands said with certainty.

Chen Feng also began to murmur in his heart. When they met for the first time, Master Sanqian was in a very embarrassed state and was seriously injured. He came from the Kuji Immortal Realm. From the beginning, he knew a little about it until now he knows more and more. Chen Feng There is no doubt that this Taiyi Golden Immortal knows more secrets about the Time Galaxy, and the information he told him is only part of it.

The contempt from the beginning has gradually become defensive. Although I have powerful means to protect myself, the opponent is not simple. It is Taiyi Golden Immortal. Who knows what powerful means it is. I am still a little half-step Golden Immortal. Too tender.

"So I wonder what senior's plans are now?" Chen Feng asked.

"Of course, wait here." Venerable Sanqian said, and then a ray of Taiyi light swept out and observed the surrounding situation.

In fact, from the very beginning, the Three Thousand Venerables secretly investigated the surrounding situation, but did not find anything unusual, because the Three Thousand Venerables also realized that this place seemed to be safe and would not be attacked by the time beasts.

But soon the Three Thousand Venerables were disappointed again, and there was still nothing gained.

"Could it be because of this little monk? This shouldn't be possible. This little monk has some territory. Although it can make me feel oppressed, it shouldn't be a problem for the Rod of Time. Let's solve it first. Let the other monks talk." Venerable Sanqian thought in his mind.

Of course Chen Feng knew the other party's plan, but Chen Feng himself was confused and didn't understand why those time beasts didn't continue to attack him.

"Could it really be because of the little sword, but it doesn't seem like it." After I couldn't figure it out, I stopped thinking about it. Instead, I practiced secretly while observing the situation in other places through the Queen Mother.

"There are some Taiyi Golden Immortals, but the most numerous ones are the Golden Immortals on the Immortal Path. However, these Taiyi Golden Immortals are all high-ranking figures. Most of them act alone. If they unite, they will not encounter time beasts. So embarrassed." Chen Feng secretly laughed.

"Sir, the worms are very consumed." The Queen Mother said suddenly. Nearly 30% of the tens of thousands of worms sent out had been consumed just to investigate some situations, so the consumption was a bit high.

"Send out more worms." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Yes!" The Queen Mother could not disobey Chen Feng's order, and soon 30,000 worms were sent out. These worms were still at the level of a half-step golden immortal.

"These consumptions are necessary. I must know the situation of the Time Galaxy in order to make some plans in advance for the next actions." Chen Feng said.

In fact, Chen Feng has been secretly refining the power of time in his body. After all, the beasts he had swallowed before were all divine-level beasts of time. Even with Chen Feng's strength, he could not completely refine them in a short time.

The expanded spot of time in the sea of ​​consciousness once again shrunk to its original state. Chen Feng knew that in order to condense it into the law of time, he not only needed the power of time, but also needed to understand it himself.

Of course, the simplest way is to extract the Law of Time from the body of the Time Beast and make it your own. However, this will reduce the trouble, but it will leave hidden dangers for yourself in the future, which will cause even more trouble. Therefore, Chen Feng rejected this idea. Thoughts, but devouring and refining the opponent's law of time is Chen Feng's necessary means.

"Refining the power of years." Although he did not have the confidence to explore the situation in Chen Feng's body, Master Sanqian still saw something strange and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Venerable Three Thousands finally couldn't bear it any longer and carefully released a trace of spiritual energy into Chen Feng's body. However, at this time, the small sword floating in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness moved. A trace of sword energy flashed across the body of Venerable Three Thousands. The thoughts turned into nothingness in the sword energy.

Venerable Three Thousand's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but take a step back. There was a crack between his eyebrows, a crack opened, and a drop of blood flowed out.

"So overbearing." The Three Thousand Venerables were horrified and never dared to check Chen Feng again. The Three Thousand Venerables had a feeling that if they dared to test Chen Feng again, I'm afraid they wouldn't be so lucky.

Of course Chen Feng knew all this, but he didn't say much. Instead, he was a little bit surprised that this small sword was too powerful. It was the divine will of Taiyi Golden Immortal. It would definitely be beneficial to be swallowed by him, but it was devoured by the sword energy. Completely wiped out, there will be no use value at all.

"Young Master, I think there is a bigger excitement to watch." At this time, the Queen Mother suddenly said.

Only then did Chen Feng notice that the small pictures in front of him disappeared and turned into a huge picture. A group of monks were running around, but a golden long sword suddenly appeared, cutting across the starry sky, and all the fleeing people were killed. The monks were all submerged in the golden sword energy.

"Thirty Immortal Golden Immortals, ten Divine Kings, and two Divine Lords were wiped out in one fell swoop, and it was so easy." Chen Feng shook his head, secretly lamenting that the Immortal Golden Immortals also came here to die, while shaking this weapon The power of the long sword.

"It's the Sword of Time!" Three Thousand Venerables also came over.

"Top-grade artifact!" Chen Feng said. As he was speaking, a golden wave swept over from a distance. Lord Three Thousand waved his hand, and a huge handprint appeared. Mountains blocked his face, and the golden wave struck like a tsunami. In the past, Chen Feng and others were not affected by the handprints.

"What a powerful force!" Chen Feng said again. Although there were power fluctuations in the previous battles between the gods and kings, they were already very weak under the erosion of the power of time. If it is not enough, this time knife will be different. It is a top-grade artifact, and it possesses the power of time. Not only will its attacks not be weakened by the power of time, it will even become more powerful.

"Sir, do you think the Time Sword will attack us?" The Mother Queen suddenly said, because after the Time Sword Qi just now, the picture in front of the Mother Queen disappeared and became broken, which means that all the worms in the surrounding area have been eliminated. .

"Probably not." Chen Feng said with some uncertainty. As for the Three Thousand Venerables, they were ready to fight.

"How many parasites have been reduced?" Chen Feng asked.

"Three thousand!" The Queen Mother shook her head. The attack range of the Time Sword just now was too wide.

"Senior, do you think we need to change places?" Chen Feng suggested.

"I think we should wait." Venerable Sanqian thought for a while and said, but the light of Taiyi was still sweeping across the four directions.

"The Sword of Time has disappeared, and it must have left this area." After a long time, Venerable Three Thousands said.

"Let's leave like this. I don't believe that the other party can't detect our aura. These magic weapons are actually not much different from other monks. They can change their forms and do anything. It's just another way of practice. The time of existence may transcend A lot of Taiyi Golden Immortals," Chen Feng said with emotion.

In fact, it is absolutely no problem for Chen Feng's magical power to transform into magic weapons, rocks, caves, and palaces. It's just that there is no point in doing so. And when it comes to immortal level magic weapons, the magical power has also reached an extremely abnormal level. In some aspects, Said to be more difficult to deal with than human monks.

"Mother Queen, can you find the Time Knife?" Chen Feng asked.

"Not yet." Mother Queen said.

"But I found something else."

"Don't tell me it's a magic weapon like the Time Sword or the Reincarnation Gun." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Of course not, sir, please take a look." The Mother Queen said and a picture appeared in front of her again. There were no time beasts or monks from other worlds in the picture, but a huge meteorite floating in the starry sky.

Of course, if it were just an ordinary meteorite, the Queen Mother would not tell Chen Feng. This meteorite is oblate, like a millstone, but its diameter is tens of thousands of miles and its thickness is hundreds of miles. It can be said to be comparable to an asteroid. , but what Chen Feng paid attention to was not these, but the power emanating from this meteorite.

Although it was very weak and dull, it was undeniably powerful. At this time, Chen Feng directly communicated with the divine insect in that area, and Chen Feng could more intuitively understand the power of this meteorite.

"The power of time, the power of artifact, this is a high-grade artifact level magic weapon fragment. If I sense it well, there should be a very strong power of time inside, and its peak state should be no less than the time knife just now." At this time, three people Qian Zunzhe stepped forward and interrupted.

Although it is far enough away, it is not a problem to get some information through the screen.

"We must get this fragment." Chen Feng became excited.

"Master, don't be anxious, the news is being besieged by time beasts." The Queen Mother said at the side.

"It's worth the risk." Chen Feng said solemnly.

"In fact, there is no need to go directly, just use some small methods." Venerable Sanqian said again.

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