Eternal Existence

Chapter 1426 Deterrence

With Di Mingzi's cultivation, he could fly hundreds of millions of miles with just one breath, but Di Mingzi still felt deeply frightened.

At this time, beside Di Mingzi, a palm suddenly stretched out and pulled Di Mingzi directly into the void. Then the palm continued to shake, and Di Mingzi's subordinate monks were also captured. Mingzi wanted to struggle, but saw Chen Feng with cracks all over his body.

"Are you okay?" Di Mingzi asked immediately.

"Do you think now is the time to talk about these things?" Chen Feng asked.

"Did you really detonate that star core?" Di Mingzi asked in a trembling voice, but before Chen Feng could answer, a wave of energy that destroyed the universe swept in, and the surrounding void channels were shattered. Chen Feng and others Just like a small fish submerged in a flash flood, struggling desperately, feeling the end of the world.


Di Mingzi and others shouted loudly, and the powerful force of destruction caused almost all the monks present to be more or less injured.


At this time, the power of Taiyi emitted from the two battle puppets enveloped everyone, but soon there were dense cracks in the barrier formed by the power of Taiyi.

At this time, there was another tyrannical energy that enveloped everyone. This was clearly the power of Taiyi Golden Immortal. A middle-aged man did not know when he appeared in front of everyone.

Chen Feng was not surprised, because Chen Feng had long known that Di Mingzi was secretly guarded by Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Although the Taiyi Golden Immortal appeared at this time, the Taiyi Golden Immortal still did not completely change the situation in front of him. The Taiyi Golden Immortal's face was solemn and ugly. At the same time, he secretly cursed Chen Feng in his heart for making such a big noise. Even if he exerts all his strength, he is still not sure that he can protect the monks present from being affected.

Although the battle puppets and Taiyi Golden Immortal took action, the energy of destruction still overwhelmed Chen Feng and others.

If a monk watches from a distance, he will find that a black shadow is rapidly expanding, constantly eroding the surrounding space and earth. No one doubts that this black shadow will not cover a star field.

And now the power of destruction is eroding the fairy world. It can be said that in a few breaths, countless fairy mountain caves and spiritual lakes have been reduced to nothing. Even the nearest Tianshang City has been affected.

"not good!"

In fact, before the star core fully exploded, some experts in the fairy world had already sensed the crisis, especially several Taiyi Golden Immortals in the Tianshang City area who acted almost at the same time.

Especially since the Taiyi Golden Immortal was originally stationed in Tianshang City, the two Taiyi Golden Immortals each exerted their strongest magical powers to block the impact of the destructive power.

Chen Feng later learned that his move shocked the entire fairy world. An area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles was reduced to nothing. Almost all the creatures in this area disappeared together. There was a long-term chaos in the space. Even the space barriers of the fairy world appeared. There were cracks, and the ground in the explosion area sank tens of thousands of feet.

And this was only after several Taiyi Golden Immortals intercepted it.

As for Tianshang City, it will definitely be rebuilt.

There are more than a hundred sects that have disappeared, including several large sects.

Of course, this is only part of the results that Chen Feng knows. There are many more. Some people simply don't bother to count them because there are no traces or clues left in this disappeared area.

Of course, Chen Feng only knew this after the fact.

After this temporary disaster, Chen Feng and others arrived in the outer starry sky of the fairy world.

On a vibrant planet, Chen Feng, Di Mingzi and others were lying on the ground with injuries all over their bodies. The two battle puppets and the Queen Mother and the Taiyi Golden Immortal beside Di Mingzi were constantly busy. This man The Jinxian and the battle puppets were covered in scars and their auras were a little sluggish. Except for Chen Feng, the others were in a coma, and a few of them had their bodies broken. They were slowly recovering at this time.

"In the past, Zerg was rarely seen, but now we are constantly encountering it, and it is also a female queen." True Lord Blue said.

"Isn't it strange?" the Queen Mother said lightly. In her previous state, only the Queen Mother was intact and uninjured.

"It's not strange, just a little surprised." True Lord Cang Lan said.

"You two, stop talking nonsense." Chen Feng said lightly, and then slowly sat up cross-legged. In terms of recovery power, no one can compare with Chen Feng, not to mention that Chen Feng was guarded by the battle puppet before, and his injuries were not too serious. Heavy.

The Queen Mother immediately stopped talking and went about her business in silence, while True Lord Canglan also glanced at Chen Feng, showing a look of dissatisfaction.


Chen Feng smiled, then stood up. The injuries on the surface of his body had completely recovered. After moving his body, the life force and immortality energy in his body continued to flow, and the breath on Chen Feng's body began to roar like a tsunami.

True Lord Cang Lan was still a little surprised that Chen Feng could recover from his injuries so quickly.

"Humph, it's just relying on the Chaos Body." Finally, True Lord Blue said disdainfully.

Chen Feng shook his head and ignored the other party. He was just a clone of Taiyi Golden Immortal and had not yet been noticed by Chen Feng.

Finally, the battle puppet and the Queen Mother stopped what they were doing. True Lord Blue took out a scepter made of a wooden stick and stuck it on the ground. Then circles of runes began to spread out around, spreading with just one breath. All over the planet.

But these runes did not stop, but continued to spread into the starry sky, connecting dozens of planets before stopping. Some of these planets were still life planets full of creatures.

Then little bits of starlight began to flow along a specific route, and finally fell into a circle, and Di Mingzi and others were lying in the circle. The powerful source energy was quickly repairing the injuries of Di Mingzi and others. .

"Too fragile." Chen Feng shook his head as he looked at Di Mingzi and others. The injuries on his body were almost completely recovered, and the aura on Chen Feng's body suddenly paused, and then surged again with a roar, as if the water had broken open the embankment.

Chen Feng's cultivation level recovered to 60%.

"Sure enough, an opportunity is still needed to recover one's cultivation." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Sir, the previous star core seems to have had a great impact!" At this time, the Queen Mother suddenly said.

"Really, I can think of it." Chen Feng nodded.

"Young Master, I don't think you have thought of it." After saying this, the Queen Mother passed the news to Chen Feng. As expected, Chen Feng's expression kept changing, which was very exciting.

After a long time.

"Well, I think things seem to be beyond some previous imaginations, but the fact that we can escape to this extent shows that this is a very powerful weapon." Chen Feng was a little shocked at first, but soon He laughed excitedly. You must know that you have a lot of star cores in your body. If you encounter an enemy that you can't resist, even Taiyi Jinxian won't be able to bear it. But think about the star cores. In terms of importance, Chen Feng would not do this unless he had made up his mind, because the power of the star core explosion was too great, beyond his imagination. It could not only kill the enemy, but also affect himself. On the one hand, just look at the situation of Di Mingzi and the others.

Of course, an idea quickly emerged in Chen Feng's mind. If he could have enough time to use the star core and explode it at a specific time, it would have better effects.

However, Chen Feng knew that Immortal Court might take action this time. His previous actions were too exaggerated, and no one could bear this kind of anger.

"I need to go back to the Immortal Alliance to make arrangements. By the way, Queen Mother, you use Ziworm to issue a statement to me. I want the Immortal Court to not dare to act rashly." Chen Feng said suddenly.

"Of course you can, but this will probably put a lot of pressure on the young master," the Queen Mother said.

"Pressure, that's not necessarily the case." Chen Feng smiled.

A great earthquake occurred in the center of the fairyland, causing the entire fairyland to wait and see, while the forces surrounding the destruction area had an attitude of fear.

Destruction on this scale occurred in the immortal world, which was tantamount to an earth-shattering chaos among dozens of Taiyi Golden Immortals.

Some reclusive old monsters have also come out one after another. This threat is too great for the fairy world. If there are a few more explosions like this, the entire fairy world will be disrupted. When other forces take the opportunity to attack, the fairy world will fall into a large-scale war. In the middle of a war, this threat must be dealt with.

Soon, everyone learned the news about Chen Feng from the monks who escaped. Except for Taiyi Golden Immortal, all the powerful forces in the immortal world were furious and immediately took action with the goal of encircling and suppressing the Changsheng Alliance.

After knowing that it was Chen Feng, it was difficult for these Taiyi Golden Immortals to take action. After all, Chen Feng was only a junior in the half-step Golden Immortal realm. If these Taiyi Golden Immortals took action, they would attract the same masters from the Changsheng Heaven Realm. For Some masters in the heavens still hold these old monsters in awe.

However, these Taiyi Golden Immortals very much hope that the forces below will deal with Chen Feng and defeat the Changsheng Alliance. Some Taiyi Golden Immortals are even unable to take action on the surface, but secretly use some means to support him.

But at this time, a message quickly spread out in the Immortal World. The content of the message was actually very simple, that is, Chen Feng admitted that the previous explosion was caused by himself, but the purpose was to give Immortal Court a deterrent. If someone dared to attack the Immortal Alliance, then Chen Feng Kaede will cause explosions of this magnitude again throughout the fairy world.

As soon as this news came out, the entire fairy world was quiet at first, and then became more noisy and chaotic. Some forces retreated, some forces simply stood still, and other forces were angered and became more violent. Launch an attack on the Immortal Alliance.

The Immortal Alliance has long been prepared for battle. At this time, the Immortal Alliance has been replenished with troops from various forces, plus more than one billion divine insects. Unless the Immortal Court attacks in a large scale, this medium and large Immortal Realm sect will not be able to fight. Even if there are dozens of people coming, we can handle it.

A large-scale war began.

Taiyi Golden Immortal and some divine kings and gods in the immortal world who were secretly watching the excitement were a little anxious and conflicted. These people were not sure of the authenticity of the news. If it was false, then it didn't matter. These Taiyi True Monarchs could secretly mobilize more If it is true, then the matter will be serious. If there are several more explosions like this, what the fairy world will become like, even these Taiyi Golden Immortals cannot imagine.

And these Taiyi Golden Immortals, each on one side, are communicating quickly with their spiritual thoughts.

"According to the news we just received, Changtian has at least several star cores on his body."

"How much is the number?"

"It might be more than ten yuan, it might be five or six yuan."

"Hey, things are going big now."

"It's strange. There has been no news about that boy Changtian until now. I suggest you just find him and kill him directly. In this way, everything will be solved soon. It will save you so much trouble." At this time, a Taiyi Golden Immortal Made his own suggestions.

Then everyone became quiet for a while.

"Okay, I'll give you this task. You're just a half-step Golden Immortal. Go and get it done. I support you spiritually."

"Yes, I agree with you. I'll give you this task."

"Since you proposed it, we dare not take the credit from you."

"What do you mean?" The Taiyi Golden Immortal was a little angry.

"I'm wondering if you're stupid or doing it on purpose. Don't you know the consequences of our actions? I'm sure that as long as someone from our side takes action, a Taiyi Golden Immortal will definitely pop up from the Changsheng Heaven. Maybe the other party has been waiting for this opportunity. Once the Taiyi Golden Immortal intervenes, hehe, you can think about what will happen."

"Yes, it doesn't matter if one or two, or even more than a dozen Taiyi Golden Immortals fight each other, but I'm afraid that it will attract more powerful beings. Don't forget that there are also high and low Taiyi Golden Immortals. Some Taiyi Golden Immortals have even comprehended the Daluo Dao. Hehe, I got reliable news that Wuya didn't die at all. He has been practicing in seclusion for these years. I heard that his strength has greatly improved and he is about to come out. Who is Wuya? I think you should know. If we anger the other party, we will all die."

"Wuya is indeed powerful, so what? Could it be that the other party will take action? Don't joke." Someone retorted.

"Stupid, do you know who Changtian is? He is Wuya's son. What will you do if your son is killed?"


At this time, a god's mind got involved.

"The war has begun."

"Really? Let me see!"

So these Taiyi Jinxians quickly projected their mind and will to the territory of the Changsheng Alliance. Although the war was huge and a bit chaotic, the trend of the whole scene could not escape the investigation of Taiyi Jinxian.


Seeing that only 30% of the forces that had clamored before participated in the war, a Taiyi Jinxian couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"What should we do now? Can't we really stop it? This will cause dissatisfaction in the fairy world."

"Changtian has not shown up. I suggest we wait and see."

"Okay, that's the only way. Pass the order and keep an eye on the situation of the Changsheng Alliance. If there is any news about Changtian, report it immediately."

"Yes!" The god agreed and took action immediately.

"Brother Chen!" At this time, Di Mingzi and others had gradually woken up, but the planet they were on was desolate.

"How do you feel!" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Very shocking!"

"Just shocking?" Chen Feng asked again.

"And fear, don't you know this will happen? We almost died." At this time, Emperor Mingzi became a little excited, and several of Emperor Mingzi's subordinates glared at Chen Feng, because three of Emperor Mingzi's men still died, and they were the weakest immortals.

"To be honest, I don't know!" Chen Feng said very straightforwardly.

"However, even if I knew, I would do the same, and I have already reminded you in advance. If you can't escape like this, you can only blame yourself for your incompetence." Chen Feng said lightly.

"What did you say!"

A god king under Emperor Mingzi became furious and walked towards Chen Feng with a long sword in his hand.

"Haha!" Chen Feng just smiled and didn't care.

"Stay!" Emperor Mingzi suddenly shouted.

"Young Master!"

The god king's face changed and he said anxiously.

"Do you want to die?" Emperor Mingzi shouted again, so the God King retreated angrily. Of course, if the other party really rushed up, Chen Feng would not mind killing him.

"Emperor Mingzi, your subordinates seem to have always been unruly. It is better to be a combat puppet. No matter what, they will obey the orders of the master." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I hope this kind of thing will not happen again in the future. Although we are friends, sometimes we can't go too far." Emperor Mingzi calmed down. He had experienced so much and paid some price. If he turned against him now, everything would be too worthless. Besides, Emperor Mingzi was sincere in making friends with Chen Feng. In any case, Chen Feng's previous methods were indeed very powerful, and he was ashamed of himself.

"You said the self-destruction of the star core. Haha, we were in it before and didn't see that wonderful scene. You can enjoy it next." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What do you mean, are you going to self-destruct the star core?" Emperor Mingzi's face became a little ugly again.

"I didn't want to do it originally, but I found that the shock before was not enough." Chen Feng said and then calmed down, but Emperor Mingzi felt a familiar power emanating from Chen Feng.

"Psychic power!"

At this time, Chen Feng was communicating with his crystal skull clone, and what made Chen Feng feel relieved was that he quickly established contact with the clone.

Speaking of which, in the previous explosion, Chen Feng's crystal clone also suffered some injuries, but now the injuries have been repaired, and it has arrived at the Longevity Alliance and is commanding the army to fight against the opponent.

"Very good!"

Chen Feng waved his hand, and two combat puppets guarded Chen Feng on the left and right.

"Mother Queen, I want to borrow your power." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, young master!" The mother queen turned into a human form and stood quietly in front of Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, what are you going to do?" Emperor Mingzi wanted to step forward, but the combat puppet stretched out the Longevity Spear in his hand and stopped Emperor Mingzi.

"Humph, too much." A god shouted coldly.

At this time, Taiyi Zhenren Canglan Zhenjun was surprisingly quiet, his face was as calm as water, and he was not dissatisfied with Chen Feng's attitude.

"Young Master, move away. The other party is performing a secret technique." Canglan Zhenjun suddenly said.

"If you want to know what I do, you will know soon." Chen Feng smiled.

Emperor Mingzi's eyes lit up, and his eyes shuttled through layers of space and soon landed on the fairyland. After seeing the big pit on the central ground, he was shocked and did not recover for a long time.

"It's really too terrifying!" Emperor Mingzi murmured.

"This is the result of several Taiyi Jinxian blocking it." Canglan Zhenjun said on the side. At this time, the Jinxian under Emperor Mingzi also saw the situation in the fairyland. When he looked at Chen Feng again, his eyes were full of deep fear and a trace of fear.

Then Emperor Mingzi turned his attention to the Changsheng Alliance and was stunned again when he saw such a large-scale war.

"This is Chen Feng's force. They will definitely not be able to resist the large-scale attack from the immortal world."

At this time, Chen Feng's clone, who was mixed in the army, quickly left the battlefield, shuttled, and quickly left the sphere of influence of the Changsheng Alliance, and stopped in an area with a large spiritual vein.

This place belongs to Dongjida, which is already far away from the Changsheng Alliance. It is actually a little close to Dongji Immortal Palace. Because of the large spiritual vein, the mountains that stretch for thousands of miles here form a good cave paradise. Not only are there many sects, but there is also a large hidden sect.

And Chen Feng decided to choose this place for the first shot.

In the outer starry sky, above the stars, Chen Feng took out a star core. The moment he saw the star core, Di Mingzi and others felt their hearts stop beating.

Just now, they saw the destruction of the immortal world by the star core explosion, and now they suddenly saw another star core. These golden immortals did not retreat. It was already a good concentration.

However, the more terrifying thing was still behind. Chen Feng took the star core and broke off a piece directly, as if what he had in his hand was not a star core containing super energy, but an ordinary piece of bread.

Bang, bang, bang! Bang, bang, bang!

This time, Emperor Mingzi and the others could no longer hold back and quickly retreated. Even the Blue Lord's eyelids were twitching.

Of course, under Chen Feng's control, this star core would not explode.

"Mother Queen!" Chen Feng said.


The Mother Queen nodded, and then sent out a wave of energy that penetrated into the starry sky. The star core that was broken off from Chen Feng's hand immediately disappeared.

Immortal world, spiritual veins, cave heaven and blessed land, Chen Feng's clone stretched out his hand, and a star core fell from the space into his palm.

"One-tenth the size, the power must be much smaller, but destroying this area is not a problem at all." Chen Feng took the star core and casually arranged it and threw it on the ground, then flew away.

After a stick of incense, the star core exploded, sweeping across a million miles of land, and almost everything disappeared.

"The power is much smaller than expected." Chen Feng's figure appeared in the sky, his eyes kept sweeping, and finally came to this conclusion.

Soon Chen Feng appeared in another blessed land of immortal mountains, where a star core was buried deep underground by Chen Feng.


This day was destined to be a disaster for the immortal world, because they encountered Chen Feng, the God of Killing.

After blowing up three blessed lands in a row, Chen Feng's clone returned to the battlefield. This time, Chen Feng directly threw a star core into the enemy camp.

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