Eternal Existence

Chapter 1421 Auction House

Since the things were already in hand, Chen Feng didn't mind the other party taking action. Now Chen Feng was not afraid of making trouble.

The battle puppet stepped forward, and before it made a move, the aura like the deep sea rushed towards Tianzong Xingjun and the other two. Under this momentum, the two gods looked ugly, retreated repeatedly, and soon made way.

"You two should not make a move, maybe we will meet again in the future." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then walked away.

Tianzong Xingjun and the other two looked ugly. For many years, they had not encountered such a thing. What happened just now was simply a great shame, but they had to bow their heads in front of absolute power, otherwise they might die.

When the two suppressed their anger, a strong will descended, forming a special space that wrapped the two in it.

"Master Zhenjun!" Tianzong Xingjun and Diheng Xingjun saluted hurriedly.

"I know what happened just now, I will deal with it." The powerful will wavered.

"Yes!" The two gods agreed hurriedly.

Then the will dissipated, and the surroundings returned to normal.

"Since the adults have taken action, we don't need to worry about it." Tianzong Xingjun said.

After leaving the auction house, Chen Feng was calm on the surface, but he was still very excited in his heart. At this time, although the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron were only less than one-third, the volume had reached half.

In Chen Feng's inner world, a large cauldron with the origin of chaos and the aura of ancient times was slowly floating and rotating. It was somewhat different from the previous dim light. There was a constant luster on the Great Desolate Cauldron, and the power of the law was intertwined and flowing. It seemed that the power contained in it was being developed. However, although the Great Desolate Cauldron had taken shape, it was still full of gaps. These gaps were the fragments that had not been found yet.

"There are still a few pieces in this city. It's interesting. How can there be so many fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron in the Tianshang City? Mother Queen, don't you think it's a bit strange?" Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Maybe it's a coincidence. After all, this is the largest mall in the fairy world. It must have collected a large number of magic weapon fragments." Mother Queen said.

"I hope it's a coincidence." Chen Feng nodded. Then Chen Feng went to several places again. Not only did he collect several pieces of fragments, but he also got what he needed before. The purpose of this trip was achieved.

In this process, only one transaction was reasonable, and the rest were forced robbery. It was okay if the other party did not stop it, but those who dared to stop it would be killed or injured.

Chen Feng's series of actions had already alarmed the top leaders of Tianshang City. If it was an ordinary cultivator who made trouble in the city, he might have been killed by the soldiers in the city. But now there are millions of soldiers in the city, but no one dared to capture Chen Feng and others.

Below the Golden Immortal, no matter how many soldiers there are, they would die if they went forward.

"Daoyou, I came to Tianshang City this time to buy some things." Emperor Mingzi finally couldn't bear it anymore. Chen Feng was too domineering.

"Didn't we go to many places before? If we have something we like, we can just take it away. Is it necessary to be so troublesome?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Are you going to tell me that you used to do the same thing?" Emperor Mingzi asked.

"I guess so." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Emperor Mingzi was speechless. In his hometown, Taiyi Jinxian served as the guard, and few people did such excessive things.

"This Tianshang City is not simple. There is a Taiyi Jinxian sitting in it. I come from the Piaomiao Immortal Realm. I don't have a backer here, and I don't have enough power. I am not as reckless as fellow Taoist." Emperor Mingzi said.

"Well, then, you will be the master next." Chen Feng nodded. The things have been obtained and the purpose has been achieved. Next, he can be quiet. Of course, if he encounters a treasure that makes him excited, Chen Feng doesn't mind snatching it again.

In fact, the reason why Chen Feng acted so arrogantly is that he has his own ideas. It is not reckless. Chen Feng wants to take this opportunity to see the attitude of Emperor Mingzi and the attitude of Tianshang City.

And he also has to show a style of behavior that is in line with his current identity. Chen Feng certainly understands that his actions have long been seen by some high-level cultivators in Tianshang City. What actions the other party will take, Chen Feng is also looking forward to.

Moreover, the crystal skull clone that Chen Feng had refined before was also in this Tianshang City, and the fighting power of the God Lord could also play a role at a critical moment.

Although Chen Feng was ready for the battle, troubles did not come to him for a while. A few days later, Chen Feng and Di Mingzi entered the largest auction house in Tianshang City.

And there was a charming and seductive female cultivator beside Di Mingzi. It was quite interesting to say that this Di Mingzi was actually a romantic man. With a good appearance and his own strength, he quickly hooked up with a female cultivator.

Speaking of which, there were also female cultivators who expressed their intention to make friends with Chen Feng, and some bold and open ones even expressed their intentions nakedly, but they were all rejected by Chen Feng.

"Daoyou, blindly practicing hard is not good, there are better things than practicing." Di Mingzi said meaningfully.

"What you said makes sense, but the road to cultivation is very long. This kind of thing can be done slowly." Chen Feng said with a smile. Sometimes Chen Feng also felt that he might have a psychological problem. With Chen Feng's status and talent for cultivation, he could find any kind of partner he wanted. Before, because he was weak, he just practiced blindly. Now that he has returned to the Changsheng Heaven, his status has been improved, and he has his own territory and power. It's time for him to consider this aspect.

The female cultivator beside Emperor Mingzi was born in the fairyland. She had an attractive figure and a charming aura. To be honest, even Chen Feng was a little tempted.

Chen Feng could tell that she was a half-step golden immortal. Her cultivation was not very strong, and her internal laws were also quite standard. She should be from a medium or large force and practice the secret art of spiritual charm.

Of course, only a half-step golden immortal could be so easily hooked. Otherwise, entering the golden immortal in one step would be the true immortal supreme road. Although Emperor Mingzi seemed to have some power and could find a golden immortal as a partner, it was not so simple and easy. Of course, it would be even more difficult to find a Taoist partner who supported each other in cultivation.

Although the female cultivator named Caiyi Fairy walked intimately with Emperor Mingzi, her beautiful eyes kept drifting towards Chen Feng.

Speaking of which, Fairy Caiyi was full of curiosity about Chen Feng. On the surface, Emperor Mingzi brought 18 golden immortal guards. This kind of pomp could shock most cultivators in the fairy world, but Fairy Caiyi could feel that Tian Xiaozi, that is, Chen Feng, was the main force in this team.

Fairy Caiyi was only a half-step golden immortal, and no matter how good her eyesight was, she could not tell the truth about the mother queen and the battle puppet.

It was Emperor Mingzi's idea to come to this largest auction house, because Emperor Mingzi needed to buy some things, and Chen Feng also saw a few things that interested him on the auction list.

Of course, there were some small gatherings after the auction, which was the reason why Chen Feng came.

Chen Feng and Emperor Mingzi entered the VIP box with noble and gorgeous decoration. Although it was not the top grade, it was difficult for ordinary people who were not immortal golden immortals to enter this box.

"Haha, this is the first time I have entered such a high-end VIP box." Fairy Caiyi smiled like a flower, and said excitedly. In the process of entering the auction house, Fairy Caiyi felt some jealous eyes, and Fairy Caiyi enjoyed this feeling very much.

Although the VIP box was big enough, Emperor Mingzi only left two of his men, and the rest of the people all went outside the VIP box.

This action made Chen Feng more curious and speculative about Emperor Mingzi's identity. There were several God Kings among the cultivators who went out just now.

Of course, the Queen Mother and the two combat puppets followed Chen Feng all the time. After all, Chen Feng had not recovered his strength at this time and was relatively fragile among the Golden Immortals.

The auction started soon. Chen Feng and Emperor Mingzi drank fine wine and ate spiritual fruits while watching the situation in the auction hall.

The auction was very fast. The items auctioned were nothing more than divine objects, elixirs, magic weapons, and secret techniques.

Chen Feng didn't like them, but Emperor Mingzi took two of them, one was a top-grade immortal technique, and the other was a mid-grade artifact.

Of course, Chen Feng was a little surprised that this auction house could auction mid-grade artifacts, but it was a pity that the quality of the mid-grade artifacts was too poor, so Chen Feng had no desire to buy them.

"Why, fellow Daoist, don't you like anything?" Emperor Mingzi said with a smile.

"Not yet, but I'm curious about what you took these photos for. Don't say you need these things." Chen Feng said with a smile, and at the same time, he waved his hand, and two large plates of spiritual fruits appeared in front of him.

These spiritual fruits were produced by the spiritual trees that Chen Feng had collected before, including spiritual fruits produced by the Zhoutian tree, fruits produced by the Yin-Yang tree, and spiritual fruits such as the Fire Date, Fire Pear, and Ice Fruit. Of course, Chen Feng was not willing to take out the Life Fruit and the Longevity Fruit. It was not timely enough, but it was several grades higher than the spiritual fruits provided by the auction house.

Emperor Mingzi didn't feel anything, after all, he had seen big scenes, but the colorful fairy's eyes lit up, and she excitedly picked up a Zhoutian fruit directly.

"Oh my God, this is a Zhoutian spiritual fruit, which contains the two original powers of heaven and earth, and the grade is very high. If I take this one, I can at least improve my cultivation by 10,000 years, and there will be no unstable foundation." The colorful fairy exclaimed.

Chen Feng and Di Mingzi smiled faintly. Although this kind of spiritual fruit is good, it is just like an ordinary person facing apples and pears for the two of them. There is nothing strange about it. However, it is different for the colorful fairy who is not born well. It is like the residents of the hungry and poor areas seeing a big delicious cake.

Chen Feng has had the Zhoutian tree for a long time. At the beginning, it was only a few thousand feet in size, but after Chen Feng's cultivation, it has exceeded a million feet at this time. It is full of various Zhoutian spiritual fruits of all sizes. Moreover, the Zhoutian tree grows in Chen Feng's inner world, and the roots directly penetrate the inner world developed by the Zhoutian Bagua acupoint.

The Yin-Yang tree was obtained by Chen Feng by chance, but it is still in the seedling stage. There are not many Yin-Yang spiritual fruits, and Chen Feng does not like the essence energy contained. Of course, it is a surprise for the immortals or some half-step golden immortals.

Looking at the indifferent expressions of Chen Feng and Di Mingzi, the colorful fairy was even more surprised. It seems that these spiritual fruits are all hers if they can't be eaten.

At this time, Chen Feng was attracted by something in the auction house.

"Tsk tsk, it turns out to be a star core, you're interested." Emperor Mingzi said with a smile.

"Don't you know my identity?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Emperor Mingzi was stunned at first, then he immediately understood, nodded, and said nothing.

The auction price of this star core is comparable to the previous mid-grade artifact, but there are very few people bidding for it. In Chen Feng's opinion, the value of this star core is higher than that of an ordinary mid-grade artifact.

So Chen Feng made a decisive move, and finally this star core fell into Chen Feng's hands.

As soon as the star core was in hand, Chen Feng felt the powerful force of the ancient origin rushing into his body crazily. Chen Feng couldn't control it for a while, causing a burst of energy to rush around.

The Queen Mother stretched out her hand and grabbed it, and all the energy emitted was retracted back into Chen Feng's body, while Emperor Mingzi and Fairy Caiyi were shocked.

Fairy Caiyi was stunned by the pure energy, while Emperor Mingzi felt it more deeply. This star core seemed small, but it contained mysteries that could not be simply explained by space. However, the energy and quality in it surprised Emperor Mingzi secretly, and he secretly thought that he had misjudged it before. The value of this star core was equivalent to several mid-grade artifacts.

After a few breaths, Chen Feng regained his composure, and the star core in his hand also calmed down. Chen Feng thought about it and temporarily put this star core away. In fact, Chen Feng also had several other star cores on his body, but the heart was integrated with the Heart of Chaos, so he had no time to absorb these star cores for the time being.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly remembered that he had some treasures that he seemed to have forgotten, such as several large star cores, high-level crystal cores of Devourer and Killer, and crystal cores in Taiyi Golden Immortal Beasts, of course, some bodies of Taiyi Golden Immortal Beasts, and the shell of the Devourer Queen.

Speaking of these things, even Taiyi Golden Immortals would fight to snatch them. Thinking about it carefully, even Chen Feng himself felt a little surprised.

"It's a bit of a waste that so many things can't be absorbed and used in a short time. I don't know if I can use these things after practicing for 100,000 years."

Of course, if other people knew Chen Feng's idea, they would definitely think that Chen Feng was crazy. You know, most of the Golden Immortals have practiced for more than 100 million years.

The star core was a big gain. Next, Chen Feng was excited and bought two more things, a strange ore whose origin could not be seen, and a magical herb that could increase the power of the soul.

These two things are worth a lot, and Chen Feng also went through a fierce competition.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many Golden Immortals participating in the auction." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's me. I didn't expect it either." Emperor Mingzi nodded. As for Fairy Caiyi, she was shocked. She was just a half-step golden immortal, and today she saw a big scene.

"Hehe, this is just a warm-up." Emperor Mingzi said with a smile.

Fairy Caiyi didn't understand what Emperor Mingzi meant, but Chen Feng smiled, because they both came for this small private party.

Soon, the auction was over, and Chen Feng and Emperor Mingzi changed places. Although they were still in the auction house, they were in another space.

Before entering, the two were stopped. Identity and strength are one aspect, and there must be something that can be taken out.

Emperor Mingzi took out a mid-grade artifact and shook it. Of course, this was not the artifact from the previous auction, but owned by Emperor Mingzi himself. Chen Feng could see the extraordinary quality of this mid-grade artifact at a glance. The quality is similar to his own Changsheng Sword.

You must know that his Changsheng Sword is a fusion of several magic swords.

"This friend." The Golden Immortal who was guarding the door looked at Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng thought about it and took out a scripture. The other party looked at it and nodded, which was considered as approval.

In fact, Chen Feng also had some mid-grade artifacts on him, but when Emperor Mingzi took out the artifacts, Chen Feng changed them for other things. Of course, the scripture recorded the best immortal arts.

Although there are god-level techniques above the immortal-level techniques, good immortal arts are not inferior to god-level techniques, just like the strength of the immortal world is not inferior to the heavens.

Behind Chen Feng, the battle puppet and the mother queen were still following him, and Emperor Mingzi brought two subordinates as usual in addition to the colorful fairy.

There was almost no power fluctuation, and Chen Feng and Emperor Mingzi entered another space. It was just a space created by the power of the Golden Immortal master. It seemed to be the size of a house, but if you look closely, you can't see the edge.

After Chen Feng and Emperor Mingzi entered, they saw that there were already quite a few people. Some of them were wrapped in energy and their faces could not be seen clearly. Although some others did not do so, they might have changed their appearance like themselves.

In fact, Chen Feng also laughed secretly. Unless there are some powerful secret techniques, it is difficult to cover up one's breath with some concealment methods.

Chen Feng and Di Mingzi found a place to sit casually, and responded to the prying of others with a smile.


The cultivator behind Di Mingzi snorted coldly, and some eyes and thoughts were blocked by invisible forces before they approached Di Mingzi.

The Queen Mother laughed, and several people who spied on Chen Feng immediately felt that their sea of ​​consciousness was pierced by steel needles.

After showing their strength, the others calmed down, while Chen Feng and Di Mingzi used their own methods to investigate others.

Di Mingzi used the mind-breaking technique. Although Di Mingzi was only an immortal golden immortal, the God King and even some God Lords could not escape Di Mingzi's investigation.

Chen Feng was even lazier, and directly asked the Queen Mother to take action, and also used the secret technique of the mind, and soon felt the strength of the cultivators present.

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