Eternal Existence

Chapter 1418 Emperor Mingzi

"Are there any other news?" Chen Feng asked again. It seems that these things are not enough to cause unrest in the entire fairy world, because Chen Feng has entered the central land of the fairy world at this time.

"There is also some news. Some cultivators from the heavens and some anti-heaven races have come to the fairy world." The mother queen said.

"I think this is the reason why the fairy world is in chaos." Chen Feng laughed.

"The heavens are not stupid. When the fairy world is in chaos, they must send people to fish in troubled waters. If there are two or three families, the fairy court can also deal with it, but if there are too many, the fairy court will have a headache."

"The fairy court is actually very powerful and has been growing stronger. Before, it used means to attract a group and attack a group, trying to divide the heavens. If it can occupy several heavens, the strength of the fairy court will be improved again. Speaking of this, the fairy court's means are very powerful. Borrowing the power of the killer, it actually merged some life worlds, and even caused several heavens to be severely damaged. It's a pity that things can't develop according to their own ideas. The heavens are very powerful, and the fairy court also has some internal strife. It will be chaotic for a while next." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, this fellow Taoist is really insightful." At this time, a cultivator who looked like a young man came over. At first, this person was still thousands of miles away, but he came to Chen Feng in a few steps.

This cultivator was handsome, with a calm and restrained gaze, but his invisible and intangible gaze could give people more pressure. He was wearing a light blue long gown, and he was elegant and free and easy, giving people a feeling of being light and ethereal.

"Oh! Who is this fellow Taoist?" Chen Feng was not surprised. In fact, Chen Feng knew from the beginning that there was someone in the distance, but the other party did not look like a person from the fairy world, so Chen Feng deliberately spread the voice.

"I am Emperor Mingzi, meet fellow Taoist Changtian." The young cultivator said with a smile.

"Oh!" Chen Feng was really surprised this time.

"Do you know me?" Chen Feng did some concealment and transformation techniques, and even the God King might find it difficult to recognize his original appearance. What was the origin of this guy who called himself Emperor Mingzi in front of him?

"Haha, I've heard of you a long time ago. It's a coincidence that I met you. Of course, how I recognized you is related to a secret technique I practiced." Emperor Mingzi said with a smile.

"Sir, the other party is from Piaomiao Immortal Realm. He practices a kind of mind-breaking technique that can see through all illusions, return the origin, and sense the other party's reality. Although this person is at the level of Immortal Golden Immortal, he is as talented as you, and can challenge opponents of higher levels." At this time, the Queen Mother secretly said to Chen Feng.

"So he is from another immortal realm. I don't know what purpose this kid has for coming here, and what purpose he has for appearing to see me at this time." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Haha, Daoist Di Mingzi, I think you should be from Piaomiao Immortal Realm. The reason why you can recognize me is probably because of the mind-breaking technique." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You!" The smiling Emperor Mingzi's face changed drastically, and the breath of the followers behind him paused, and then a faint murderous intent was revealed.

"Haha, what's the matter? Are you here to cause trouble for me?" Chen Feng laughed and waved his hand. A combat puppet behind him came out and stomped his feet heavily. The surrounding space suddenly solidified, and then the earth was broken like crystal with a bang, and even the power of the void poured in.

"What are you doing? Why don't you retreat?" Emperor Mingzi shouted hurriedly, and then came to Chen Feng with a smile.

"Haha, Taoist Changtian is really amazing. He can see my origin at a glance, but I believe Taoist can also see that I have no ill intentions." Emperor Mingzi said with a smile.

"Of course you can see it, I'm just joking." Chen Feng also laughed, and the combat puppet returned to his back.

Emperor Mingzi brought a total of 18 followers, who were much cooler than Chen Feng. They were all in the Golden Immortal Realm. The large number of people did not mean strong strength, at least not in Chen Feng's eyes. In Chen Feng's view, as long as his combat puppets were dispatched, he could easily slaughter the opponent.

Just now, Chen Feng just wanted to give the other party a warning, to let the other party know where this place is and what kind of person he is.

Of course, Chen Feng also knew that the other party had no ill intentions, because the mother queen also cultivated the power of the mind.

"In fact, I heard the name of Daoyou as soon as I came to Wuji Xianyu. It is a great honor to meet you this time." Emperor Mingzi's attitude was lower than before, because the strength shown by the battle puppet beside Chen Feng just now was too powerful, and Emperor Mingzi also knew some of Chen Feng's deeds, and he still admired Chen Feng. Besides, Emperor Mingzi also had some purposes for traveling in Wuji Xianyu this time. Chen Feng was powerful and had the backing of Changsheng Tianjie behind him. Unless there were some hostile forces, even a fool would not choose to go against Chen Feng.

"I dare not, Daoyou is too kind." Since the other party was on the road, Chen Feng would not be too arrogant. In addition, although the two came from different places, they were not much different in age, and they had some common topics and views in some aspects. In addition, Emperor Mingzi was worried about making friends, so the two talked very harmoniously for a while.

With Di Mingzi's careful planning, the two of them became good friends who had known each other for many years. Now they joined forces and moved forward together.

Emperor Mingzi has his own purpose, and Chen Feng also has his own ideas. On the one hand, he came out this time to collect some materials, and on the other hand, to learn more about the situation in the fairyland. In addition, he was very quiet and wanted to move. He had been refining clones in the alliance before, and Chen Feng was a little tired mentally, so he wanted to come out to relax. When he met Emperor Mingzi, he felt that he was interesting after a conversation. Moreover, Chen Feng was also a little curious about the situation in other fairylands. Maybe he would go there in the future. Now he met Emperor Mingzi and wanted to take the opportunity to understand the situation. In addition, this Emperor Mingzi was not simple. From the guards he carried with him, it can be seen that this Emperor Mingzi had some status in Piaomiao Fairyland. Chen Feng did not want Emperor Mingzi to join forces with the fairy court, so he could get acquainted with him at this time. Of course, if Emperor Mingzi had malicious intentions, Chen Feng would not mind killing him.

"So Brother Chen wants to collect materials. I don't know what materials they are. Maybe I have them." At Chen Feng's request, Emperor Mingzi directly called Chen Feng by name.

So Chen Feng took out the materials he needed to find.

"Haha, what a coincidence, I have two of the materials that Brother Chen mentioned. I have no use for them anyway, so I can give them to Brother Chen." Emperor Mingzi said as he took out two stone boxes, which contained the materials that Chen Feng needed.

"Sure enough, they are the Soul Condensing Stone and the Void Grass." Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"Thank you very much, Brother Dao." Chen Feng put the stone box away without hesitation.

"It's just a little thing, it would be a waste to keep it on me, it would be best if Brother Chen could use it." Emperor Mingzi said with a smile.

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