Eternal Existence

Chapter 1414: Taiyi Golden Immortals One After Another

"Death evil spirits are not only found in this universe." The Queen Mother said with a smile.

"I'm wondering how this sealed land was formed and who sealed such a powerful creature here."

"One of the demon ancestors and the death evil spirit that was released are both evil and powerful. I wonder if there are other things." Chen Feng said.

"There will definitely be more. According to the information I got, the history of this sealed land is very long, even longer than that of Dongji Fairy Palace. There are indeed many powerful creatures sealed here. Some have died, and those who can survive are all powerful ones." The Queen Mother said.

"Of course, the energy generated after death gave birth to new creatures. Look at how powerful those crystal skulls and vengeful spirits are, so those who are sealed are even more powerful. I wonder what will happen if all the sealed masters are released?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Sir, if that happens, I'm afraid what we have to do is to leave the fairyland as soon as possible, but I think this should be difficult to succeed." The Queen Mother said.

"That's not necessarily true. Look." Chen Feng pointed. The death evil spirit that had just broken free did not attack the monks present, but emitted a strong power fluctuation. Wherever it passed, some space nodes and space barriers appeared again in the destroyed space. Under the power of the death evil spirit, the space nodes and space barriers were shattered again.

"The other party is releasing other creatures in the sealed land." Black Tooth Immortal Emperor said in horror.

"Stop them quickly." Shenyuan Immortal Emperor also shouted.

"Stop, I want to see how you stop it." The huge body of the demon ancestor collided and attacked the two black tooth immortal emperors.

"It's getting more and more dangerous." Chen Feng said. The battle puppet had been entangled, and Chen Feng and the mother queen could only barely protect themselves.

On the side of Dongji Immortal Palace and the sealed land, the two sides were evenly matched, which was the most advantageous for Chen Feng. At this time, one side had the advantage and had extra power to deal with himself.


The evil spirit of death acted quickly, and another huge creature was released. Chen Feng could recognize that the other party was a chaotic beast, but he didn't know its specific name. However, the powerful aura made Chen Feng know that it was a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"Today is really an eye-opener. There are so many Taiyi Golden Immortals. Seeing Taiyi Golden Immortals fighting is also a great harvest. It's a pity that the current situation is still better to leave here." Chen Feng said, and the sword of immortality flew out of his hand. A sword light flashed, and a resentful spirit that just approached him was chopped into pieces.

It's still no problem for Chen Feng to deal with the immortal golden immortal.


The fourth creature sealed in the sealed land was also freed. Seeing this creature, Chen Feng and the mother queen exclaimed again, and the mother queen immediately drilled into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"It's the Zerg."

"I didn't expect that there are Zergs sealed here, and it's a Taiyi Golden Immortal."

"Don't worry, it's not the mother queen, it's just an ordinary Zerg, the ancient crystal beetle, and it's a close relative of the ancient flame beetle." The mother queen said.

"Hehe, the other party is also a Taiyi Golden Immortal after all, not an ordinary divine insect. If the other party finds you, do you think they can let us go easily?" Chen Feng said with a wry smile.

"No, the other party is stronger than me. If they find me, they will probably devour me and get my blood and inheritance." The Queen Mother said bluntly.

"It's equivalent to a powerful ordinary person meeting a weak royal family." Chen Feng said.

"You can say that." The Queen Mother agreed.

"If there are no masters from the Immortal Court, the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor and the Divine Original Immortal Emperor are dead." Chen Feng said.

A warship quickly entered the sealed land. Seeing the sign on it, Chen Feng knew that the reinforcements from the Immortal Court had arrived.

After the warship arrived, it slowly circled, and then began to decompose and merge, and soon formed a teleportation array. Under the strong energy interference, the space channel was opened, and teams of armored monks rushed over.

"Not a bad magic weapon." Chen Feng said lightly, but he was not optimistic about these reinforcements.

Although the number of reinforcements was large, exceeding 100,000, the level of half-step golden immortals made Chen Feng feel that the other party was here to die.

You should know that Chen Feng has a half-step golden immortal-level divine insect army of one million, and of course he will not take the cultivators in front of him seriously.

Sure enough, the golden immortal-level vengeful spirits and skeletons and other creatures rushed up, one hundred against one hundred thousand, it was a one-sided massacre.

Correspondingly, Chen Feng felt that the pressure was reduced a little, and then he secretly prayed that the fairy court could send more people, preferably stronger ones.

After the 100,000 half-step golden immortals, the teleportation array shook briefly, and then another cultivator was teleported over, this time it was an immortal golden immortal.

After these immortal golden immortals arrived, they just took a look at the situation on the scene and fought on the battlefield. The target was of course the vengeful spirits and other creatures in the sealed land. No matter what Chen Feng’s origin was, whether he had a grudge with the fairy court, he had to join forces to deal with the troubles in front of him.


There was an explosion, followed by a powerful force fluctuation. Chen Feng felt that his consciousness had stopped functioning. The next moment Chen Feng woke up and immediately understood what had happened.

"The Immortal Emperor Shenyuan has fallen. Good fellow, this time the King of the East has really torn his face with the Immortal Court, but I am also an accomplice. I don't know how the Immortal Court will deal with me in the future." Chen Feng was surprised. It was rare to see the Taiyi Golden Immortal fall.

The Immortal Emperor Shenyuan had fallen, so the Immortal Emperor Heiya was not far from falling. The reinforcements from the Immortal Court were anxious and roared.

And Chen Feng felt the pressure was reduced again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several God Kings appeared, including two God Lords. After these masters arrived, they felt the breath fluctuations of the death of Emperor Shenyuan. Instead of retreating and being afraid, these cultivators joined forces to move forward.

"Okay, we have made a path."

The two combat puppets quickly swept away the opponents in front of them, and felt the pressure was relieved, and then rushed forward with Chen Feng.

The joining of the Immortal Court cultivators shared Chen Feng's pressure.

Chen Feng had no intention of fighting together with the other party. After escaping from the trap, he immediately went to the distance and quickly left this dangerous area under the clamp of the combat puppets.

"This time, the loss of Dongji Immortal Palace was too great. The fall of Taiyi Jinxian may cause a great shock to the entire Immortal Court."

"Now let's return to the alliance and make some preparations."

After escaping from the trap this time, Chen Feng did not dare to stay any longer, and quickly fled to the distance. Chen Feng even used some escape magic talismans, which made him faster.

Chen Feng's target is Dongji Xian Palace. This time, there is a great disturbance in the sealed land, and Dongji Xian Palace must be in chaos. It is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Before Chen Feng arrived at Dongji Xian Palace, he saw a ball of energy flying out of Dongji Xian Palace. It flashed and disappeared. The target was the sealed land. After the other party disappeared, a vast pressure pressed down. Chen Feng suddenly felt a sense of collapse. If it were not for the combat puppets around him, Chen Feng would probably have fallen to the ground.

"Are the Three Yang True Lord and the Chaos True Lord so powerful? I'm afraid not." After Chen Feng stood firm, he felt that his body was still trembling a little. This was just the momentum that the other party exuded casually.

"Much stronger than the Black Fang Immortal Emperor, then it should be the Dongji Great Emperor. It must be very exciting to fight with the emperor-level figures. What a pity." Chen Feng said as he entered the Dongji Xian Palace. The mother queen flew out, and there were also a large number of sub-worms.

"Move away all the useful things, and destroy the things that can't be moved." Chen Feng issued such an order. Chen Feng just scanned with his spiritual sense and did not find the existence of the Golden Immortal, so he was more relieved. This good opportunity must not be missed.

So the Dongji Immortal Palace became more chaotic. Chen Feng strode forward and soon found the Lingbao Immortal Palace he had been to before. Chen Feng didn't need the treasures in it, but he had countless younger brothers and many subordinates, so he could use them.

"Stop, who are you." At this time, two teams of soldiers rushed over quickly. The leader waved his hand, and all of them raised their spears and locked Chen Feng.

"Half-step Golden Immortal!"

Chen Feng shook his head, waved his hand, and the Changsheng Sword flew out. The sword energy shot out, and the two teams of soldiers fell in the sword light.

"Take this Lingbao Immortal Palace for me." Chen Feng said, and then one of the combat puppets stepped forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The ground shook, and the four-sided space began to compress. Soon, this Lingbao Immortal Palace integrated into the space shrank to a size of three inches and fell into Chen Feng's hands.

"Yes, it's faster this way." Chen Feng nodded, and then found another Lingbao Xian Palace. With the help of the combat puppets, Chen Feng soon moved all the palaces he encountered. There were also some guards on the road, and even some powerful formations and restrictions. It was a pity that Chen Feng came so freely that his footsteps would not stop at all.

"Almost done, I feel the breath of the Golden Immortal." At this time, the Queen Mother quickly came to Chen Feng. During Chen Feng's search, the Queen Mother acted alone. With so many sub-worms as guides, it seems that the harvest is not small.

"Golden Immortal, what level?" Chen Feng asked.

"God." The Queen Mother said lightly.

"Okay, it's time to leave." Chen Feng nodded, and the Queen Mother performed the mind summoning technique. Within a breath, all the sub-worms returned here.

One of the combat puppets stabbed the longevity spear in his hand lightly, and a big hole appeared in the space in front of him, and a passage extended infinitely.


Chen Feng strode in, and then the passage disappeared.

A breath later, four gods descended here. Looking at the Dongji Immortal Palace, which was almost in ruins, sparks burst out of their eyes.

"Damn, we are a step late."

"Who did it?"

"Hmph, forget it. The power of Taiyi Law is still here."

"The Taiyi Golden Immortal would not bother to do such a thing."

Just when these four gods were angry, a group of monks who had just escaped from the Black Fang Prison happened to pass by here. Some of them were causing trouble, so these gods vented their anger on these people.

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