Eternal Existence

Chapter 141 Dilemma

Although the old monk sighed, the ferocious demons that rushed towards him from the plane did not pose any danger to him. The two tall and ferocious demons were pierced through the heads by the Fiery Sun Needle before they could attack the old monk.

The Fiery Sun Needle gathered powerful fire essence, and the extremely high temperature could even directly burn these iron-hard demons.

The characteristics of these demons are fast speed and great strength, and their whole bodies are invulnerable and extremely hard. They are also tireless and fearless. They just kill blindly without any reaction to their own injuries. The most important point is that the endless demonic energy around them is to supply the energy they constantly consume.

Although the monks present have their own realms and magic weapons, they are very embarrassed when facing the attacks of these demons.


The flying sword flashed, and the arm of a demon was cut off, but the demon just shook and rushed towards the monk again. The huge body hit the monk heavily. With a dull sound, the monk screamed and flew backwards.


A demon over three meters tall roared and rushed towards Chen Feng. Its hard arm made of steel swept across Chen Feng. Chen Feng only felt a strong gust of wind blowing in his face, with a strong demonic energy in it.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand, and the sword of immortality quickly condensed. With a casual wave of his hand, the sword energy rolled, and a thick arm was cut off by himself. At the same time, Chen Feng was a little surprised. When he cut off the demon's arm just now, Chen Feng felt like he was cutting steel and stone. It should be said that it was harder than steel and stone.

"Even if it is harder than steel and stone, it can't stop my sword of immortality." Chen Feng laughed, and the sword light rolled, directly cutting the demon in front of him into seven or eight pieces.

"This weapon condensation technique is really powerful. I am only at the second level of the secret realm now, but the condensed Changsheng Knife and Changsheng Sword are actually of the quality of a fourth-grade magic weapon. I don't know what it will be like to cultivate the Changsheng Sutra to the state of perfection. However, this sutra is really profound. The various cultivation methods and some magical secret methods are simply as vast as the sea. I really can't think of anyone in the world who can compile this sutra. I am afraid that even if I cultivate to the immortal level, I can't cultivate this sutra to perfection." Chen Feng said in his heart.

At first, Chen Feng could not appreciate how magical the Changsheng Sutra was, but as his realm improved, Chen Feng understood more and more about the Changsheng Sutra in his mind, and at the same time, he felt more and more that his cognition was too shallow. It can be said that the powerful methods in the Changsheng Sutra can only be exerted when he cultivates to the heavenly realm.

With Chen Feng's current secret realm level, he can only cultivate the Changsheng Qi, the weapon condensation method, and the acupoint method, and he has only cultivated a little bit of fur.

The first weapon Chen Feng condensed was the Immortal Blade, and then he condensed the Immortal Sword. The Immortal Blade was domineering, and the Immortal Sword was upright, all of which were extremely powerful weapons.

As Chen Feng's mind was working, the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword shot out sword curtains, wrapping himself, Ye Ziming and Ruta. He condensed the Immortal Blade in his left hand and the Immortal Sword in his right hand, and fought with the surrounding demons.

"These are all monks who came in to adventure like us. I didn't expect to end up like this." Chen Feng killed three demons in a row, and felt a little emotional.

"They all have no intention of autonomy, and the only thing left is the intention of killing. Brother Chen must not be soft-hearted." Ye Ziming shouted hurriedly.

"Haha, facing the enemies who attack me, I never feel soft-hearted, but I just feel a little emotional." Chen Feng laughed, and the sword and the sword came out together, directly knocking a demon away, and then Ye Ziming and Ruta quickly stepped forward and smashed it into pieces.

"These demons are useless except for killing. If it is a demon beast, its fur can be sold for money after it is killed. We are just wasting our time." Ruta couldn't help shouting.

Chen Feng took the time to look around. Although there were many demons, these monks seemed to have found some ways to deal with them. The casualties gradually decreased, and demons were constantly killed.

Fengliu Langjun was seriously injured and had almost no strength to fight. He relied on the protection of the master of Xieyue Cave. Fang Tianfan Seal was like a hill, circling around the two of them. The demons around were suppressed into pieces before they got close.

"This Tianfan Seal is really powerful. It is indestructible and unbreakable. I don't know how it was made?" Looking at the Tianfan Seal showing off its power not far away, Chen Feng was a little envious.

But now is not the time to envy, but to deal with the situation in front of him and get rid of these difficult demons.

However, these demons have no thoughts, are not afraid of death or injury, unless these demons are smashed into pieces, there is no good way.

"Brother Chen, help me." At this time, Boss Tao suddenly shouted.

Chen Feng then realized that the Five Heroes of Tao Mountain were already in an extremely dangerous situation. Although the five of them had set up a small five-element battle formation, there were more than a dozen demons around them constantly besieging them. Among them, the fourth and fifth Tao brothers had not fully recovered their vitality, and now they were under attack and could not stand it. Seeing that the formation was about to break, and then the five of them would be torn into pieces by the surrounding demons, Boss Tao finally couldn't hold on any longer, so he asked Chen Feng for help.


Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the Haoran Zhengang Sword hovering above his head turned into a stream of light and flew out quickly.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Chen Feng exerted all his strength, and six demons were shot through the head in a row. The pressure on the five heroes of Taoshan was relieved, and then they quickly came to Chen Feng.

"Sure enough, it's not as powerful as the blood-colored spear in the hands of the Demon Princess." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Demon Princess!"

Thinking of this, Chen Feng suddenly felt something was wrong, and then he quickly looked up in the direction of the Demon Princess. His sight passed through the demons and shuttled to an open space. More than a dozen flags were deeply inserted into the hard ground according to a certain pattern. As for the Demon Princess and the four guards behind her, they thought that a group of flower-protecting messengers had long disappeared.

"That is the space array." Chen Feng recognized the array formed by these flags at a glance, because Ye Ziming had also arranged this kind of thing before.

"This woman, as expected, still left us here." Chen Feng sneered, and a feeling of being deceived surged into his heart. The Haoran Zhengang Sword shone brightly, and under the burning anger, this treasure also bloomed with more powerful power.

Bang! Bang bang bang bang!

A series of noises came, and the seven or eight demons around were all smashed, and a clearing suddenly appeared around.

At this time, not only Chen Feng, but others had also discovered the abnormality.

"Where did the woman Mo Ji go?" One of the cultivators couldn't help but shout.

"The woman and her guards are gone."

"Look, that's the space array. They traveled through space and left here, leaving us in this dangerous place." Someone began to roar.

Ye Ziming's mind moved, and the whole person disappeared from the spot. The next moment, he arrived in front of the space array left by Mo Ji. Seeing Ye Ziming's actions, other cultivators immediately realized and rushed towards the space array desperately.

Everyone thought that since Mo Ji and others could leave by relying on the space array, then they could naturally leave through this array.

"It's useless. The energy in this array has been consumed. It has lost its effect after the other party left. It's really not simple. It can hide from my perception. It seems that the other party's space array should have some shielding effect." Ye Ziming sneered.

As soon as the voice fell, all the flags on the ground began to disintegrate, and finally turned into ashes on the ground, and disappeared in the air with the wind.

"This bitch actually played tricks on us, using us to block these demons, and took people away to find treasures. I will never let her go after I get away." A rude person shouted and cursed.

"No wonder there are so many demons here, and they keep coming. This woman must have known the situation here in advance. She hired us to use us as a shield. With so many demons, if we can't escape, we will definitely die."

More than half of the monks roared angrily, and only a few people remained calm. These people were either determined or had strong strength to back them up.

"For now, it is the only choice for us to get rid of the current situation first. As for the demon princess, let's talk about the account after we get out." At this time, the old monk said lightly.

"But there are too many demons here. I'm afraid we can't get out."

"If we don't get out quickly, there will be more and more demons." Several monks with high cultivation joined together and began to rush out.

"I think we should go back the same way? Otherwise, we can enter the jungle. Although the jungle is weird, it has sufficient spiritual energy and there are no monsters and demons. As for whether we can get out, we'll talk about it later." A monk said firmly.

"You'll know after you look behind." The master of the Evil Moon Cave sneered.

Since they came out of the jungle, they haven't paid attention to the situation behind them. Now, after hearing what the master of the Evil Moon Cave said, they immediately turned their heads and were dumbfounded after seeing the situation behind them.

It was the same scene as before entering the jungle. It looked like an oasis with a radius of more than ten miles, although it was thought that there was another space inside.

It was still full of thick trees full of vitality, with thick branches and lush leaves, various flowers and plants all over the ground, and even the gorgeous light from the sun. At a glance, people would feel that this was a green jungle full of life.

But what shocked everyone was not this, but a group of monks who stayed in the jungle and didn't want to come out. These monks had stayed in the jungle to cut down wild tung trees, but now they were attacked.

A gray palm the size of a house, vigorous and powerful, with clear lines on it, and most importantly, an oval black hole appeared in the palm. No one knew what was inside, but they could only see black air churning in it like water splashes. At first glance, it looked like a mouth had grown in the palm.

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