Eternal Existence

Chapter 1411: Capturing the Skeleton

In fact, Chen Feng had encountered this situation before. At that time, Chen Feng spent a long time to restore his soul, but now it was different. With the previous experience, coupled with Chen Feng's realm and life force, the soul recovered at a speed beyond Chen Feng's imagination.

Finally, Chen Feng's soul was completely condensed, and only then did he begin to check the condition of his body.

Chen Feng also felt a little incredible that he could block the opponent's attack, and at the same time, Chen Feng had some understanding of his potential again.

"It seems that my potential has yet to be tapped."

The damage to the body was much better than Chen Feng had imagined. The previous attack brought Chen Feng's body to the brink of collapse, but at this time the Queen Mother took action and swallowed up some of the power, which allowed Chen Feng's body to resist, and then the power of immortality and life energy surged, and Chen Feng's body recovered quickly. In this process, some of the laws that Chen Feng practiced also played an important role, especially the immortal law and Taiyi law.

Of course, if Chen Feng did not have a chaotic body, then even if he had these powers, he would not be able to resist.

"This crystal skull seems to be more powerful than the previous one, and almost beat me to death." Chen Feng frowned, and saw this fiery red crystal skull fighting with a Taiyi Jinxian.

"This is the strongest trump card of the Eastern King, Taiyi Jinxian clone, you want to snatch the crystal skull from me?" Chen Feng laughed coldly, these crystal skulls have been determined, and one was captured before, and the one in front of him cannot be let go.

What's more, the other party did not take action when he was in danger just now, and now he wants to snatch his things, so don't blame me for being rude.

At this time, the two combat puppets have returned to Chen Feng, and Hekong and Zhuoliu have been seriously injured. They only rely on the protection of four God Kings and strange beasts. There are still some shadow demons around, and various creatures are constantly gathering from all directions, including some God Kings.

"Mr. Changtian, are you okay?" At this time, the Eastern King asked with concern.

"I'm fine, but it looks a little bad over there." Chen Feng said.

The Taiyi Jinxian who was fighting with the crystal skull was wrapped in purple-gold light, and his specific appearance could not be seen clearly. However, although it was a clone, his fighting power was very strong. He was about to capture the fiery red crystal skull. Of course, this Taiyi Jinxian wanted to capture the crystal skull intact. If it was a fight to the death, the crystal skull would have been killed long ago.

Chen Feng was a little anxious.

Although Dong Wang and others were also besieged, they seemed to be able to hold on.

"Hehe, no problem, thank you for your concern, Master Changtian." Dong Wang said with a smile.

"Master, it's time to take action. With two combat puppets and I am sure I can deal with the crystal skull." At this time, the mother queen said.

"You can take action." Chen Feng asked.

"It's okay. The skull is completely sealed. I can now go all out." The mother queen said.

"Of course there is no problem in dealing with that skull, but the Taiyi Jinxian may not watch us take action. After all, Dong Wang and I are still partners now." Chen Feng said with a smile. "What should we do?" The Queen Mother looked even more anxious than Chen Feng.

"There is no other way. We can't grab all the good things. The King of the East will ask me for help next time. We'll see then." Chen Feng shook his head with some regret.

"It can only be like this. At worst, we can snatch it back." The Queen Mother said.

The two combat puppets are second only to the real Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the Queen Mother is also better than the God. It is not a problem for the three of them to join forces to deal with a Taiyi Golden Immortal's clone.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Silk threads emerged from the fingers of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and instantly tied up the fiery red crystal skull.

"Got it!" The King of the East was a little happy, but Chen Feng was a little disappointed. Although it was possible to snatch it from the other party again, it was only a possibility.

But at this moment, things suddenly changed. A dark fist suddenly appeared. Chen Feng only took a glance and clearly captured the powerful power contained in the fist.


The black fist that suddenly appeared hit the Taiyi Jinxian heavily. The black, golden, and purple air currents hit the Taiyi Jinxian. The Taiyi Jinxian made a muffled sound, and the Taiyi body exploded, but it quickly closed again, but the power fluctuations on the body weakened a bit after closing.

A black shiny skeleton suddenly tore through the space and walked out, with purple flames jumping in its eyes. The body was made of black crystal. What's interesting is that the black bones were covered with strands of purple lines, which can only be seen if you look carefully.

"The whole body is full of Taiyi power. This crystal skull is more powerful than the previous two." Chen Feng said, with a gleam in his eyes, knowing that the opportunity had come.

The Taiyi Jinxian clone and the black skeleton fought into a ball, and the fiery red crystal skull also stepped forward to join the battle. This time, the Taiyi Jinxian couldn't resist. If it weren't for his skillful use of the law, he would have been blown up by the two crystal skulls.

The King of the East led the gods to join the battle, but they were injured after just one fight, and one of the gods was on the verge of death.

"Young Master Changtian!" At this time, the King of the East looked at Chen Feng.

"Haha, I think this senior should not take this small scene seriously." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, if even Taiyi Jinxian can't handle it, my young master will die if he goes forward." Jiutian Dapeng interrupted from the side.

"Please take action, young master." King Dong was a little anxious at this time, because he saw that the clone of Taiyi Golden Immortal was about to be destroyed.

Chen Feng nodded, knowing that he should not go too far, so he nodded, and the two combat puppets rushed forward, entangled the fiery red crystal skull as soon as they came up.

In Chen Feng's opinion, it was better to deal with the easy things first, and besides, he couldn't let the pressure from the Taiyi Golden Immortal disappear at this time.

"How about the Queen Mother, can't she suppress another Crystal Skeleton?" This is what Chen Feng is most concerned about. Although he had taken it into the Consciousness Sea Space before, it almost caused Chen Feng to be injured. If it hadn't been for mobilizing the power of the Chaos Heart , I still don’t know how my sea of ​​consciousness has been damaged.

"There is no problem. Now that the space barrier has been thickened, there will be no problem even if we trap a few more opponents." The Queen Mother said.

Chen Feng nodded. The Queen Mother was different from some other monks. If it were other monks who said there was no problem, Chen Feng would still be a little worried and scrupulous. But the Queen Mother must have made strict and careful calculations before she could say this.

During the time that Chen Feng communicated with the Mother Queen, they could barely breathe. The fiery red crystal skull was tied up and entered an independent space in the sea of ​​​​consciousness the next moment. Then the Mother Queen quickly moved this person away. Only the powerful Crystal Skull suppressed it.

"There is one more." Chen Feng looked surprised at this time, and couldn't help but stare at another black crystal skull. In Chen Feng's view, the power of this skeleton was close to that of Taiyi Golden Immortal. If you get it and refine it into a battle puppet, it will be no less than the battle puppet around you. If you refine the clone, there is a possibility of promotion. After all, these crystal skeletons have great potential. If they were not waited for by themselves, When people meet, it is a sure thing to advance to Taiyi Golden Immortal in time.

Seeing that Chen Feng had captured another crystal skull, Dongwang was so jealous that he was about to spit out blood. However, he couldn't do without Chen Feng in the current situation, so Dongfang Quiet had to mobilize all his strength to deal with other people. creature.

"Senior, take a rest." Chen Feng said with a smile. The two combat puppets, one on the left and one on the right, wanted to continue to capture the black crystal skull.

Taiyi Jinxian snorted coldly and said nothing, but the movements in his hands were not slow. In a one-on-one situation, Taiyi Jinxian still had the upper hand, but it would be difficult to capture the opponent in a short time. .

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang!

At this time, the powerful crystal skull suddenly had black flames spurting out from its body. The destructive power contained in it actually caused the Taiyi Golden Immortal to retreat continuously. Chen Feng was surprised and saw the two combat puppets still coming up. Before, not afraid of these black flames, one of the combat puppets even stabbed the black crystal skull with a spear.

Chen Feng quickly ordered, and the two combat puppets returned to Chen Feng, one on the left and the other on the right. Only then did Chen Feng see some potholes appearing on the bodies of the combat puppets, but these potholes had not recovered.

"Such a powerful destructive power, no wonder this Taiyi Golden Immortal retreated. My battle puppet has no intelligence, so it doesn't know how powerful this kind of flame is." After being surprised, Chen Feng gradually calmed down, and the wounds on the battle puppet's body It was not a big deal if he could repair it himself. Chen Feng felt it was a pity that the black crystal skull broke through the space and disappeared.

"It's a pity." Chen Feng shook his head.


The Taiyi Golden Immortal snorted coldly and disappeared again. Only Dong Wang smiled awkwardly at Chen Feng.

"They have already shown themselves, and now they are hiding again. Could it be that they disdain to walk with us juniors." Chen Feng said sarcastically.

Dong Wang's expression became even more embarrassed, and Chen Feng knew not to go too far, so he stopped speaking and instead commanded the battle puppets to sweep away the surrounding creatures.

"Dong Wang, you wasted a lot of time just now." Chen Feng said.

"Understood!" Dong Wang said, taking out the barrier bead again, then opening his mouth and spitting out a mouthful of blood essence. The barrier bead quickly unfolded to wrap everyone up, and began to travel through space. In the blink of an eye, the four directions of the barrier were formed. Disappeared, the barrier bead turned into a stream of light and penetrated into Dong Wang's body, while Dong Wang's face turned a little pale.

"It's still a bit too forced to activate the high-grade artifact." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's really difficult." Dong Wang smiled bitterly.

"You still need help from the young master next." King Dong said sincerely.

"Of course there is no problem. It's a pity that the previous Crystal Skull ran away." Chen Feng shook his head with a pity expression.

"If the other party appears again, I will assist the young master to capture the other party." Dong Wang said quickly.

"Then I hope the other party can show up again." Chen Feng said lightly.

Dong Wang nodded and then stopped talking. The Divine Lord and Divine King were guarding Dong Wang all around. Dong Wang began to use secret techniques, while Chen Feng looked at this scene curiously, not knowing what Dong Wang's purpose was this time. What is it.

"What an evil force." The Queen Mother suddenly said at this time.

"You said the power of evil." Chen Feng's heart moved, and the laws of evil began to fluctuate in his body. Sure enough, little bits of light gathered from all directions and penetrated into Chen Feng's body.

"It is indeed an evil force, but it is somewhat familiar." Chen Feng was confused.

"Young Master has forgotten the devil." the Queen Mother reminded.

"You said the demon clan." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Below the Golden Immortal is the little devil, above the Golden Immortal is the big devil, and the Taiyi Golden Immortal is the ancestor of demons. By the way, the aura here is somewhat similar to that weird face. Could it be that that face It's the devil." Chen Feng's eyes sparkled.

"What exactly is this Dong Wang going to do?" Chen Feng looked at Dong Wang. At this time, Dong Wang had already started running around. Soon, a strange and illusory rune array floated in the air, and powerful forces spread out in waves. Chen Feng then noticed that the array in front of him was not simple, because it contained super strong energy. If he set it up himself, he might have to rob his family.

"Since this place is called the Sealed Land, it must be sealed with some powerful guys, such as the weird face encountered that time. The God King is nothing. At least the guy in the Taiyi realm can be called a monster. Could it be that Dong Wang spent such a huge price just to release the things sealed here? If so, my purpose is the same, but why did Dong Wang do this?" Chen Feng said.

"Sir, there is a problem." At this time, the Queen Mother suddenly said, and then Chen Feng saw the feedback from the tens of thousands of divine insects that had been released before.

Demon souls, blood demons, vengeful spirits, bone demons, fire demons, and shadow demons kept appearing on the sealed land. The number of them made Chen Feng feel hairy all over. Some skeletons kept running. Chen Feng saw crystal skeletons hidden in them. In addition to crystal skeletons, there were also some metal skeletons emitting metallic colors.

"If so many opponents had appeared before, I'm afraid we wouldn't have even a slag left." Chen Feng thought to himself, but Chen Feng also noticed a surprising scene, that is, no matter what kind of monster it was, it would stop immediately when it arrived at an area and dared not take a step forward.

Chen Feng had already seen that he and others were in this special area. Those monsters such as skeletons and vengeful spirits were not far away from him and others. If they launched an attack, they would rush to them in just a few breaths, but the opponent formed a long arc in the outer area, and even the powerful crystal skeleton did not dare to take even a small step forward.

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