Eternal Existence

Chapter 1407: Meeting with the King of the East

Although Chen Feng said this, in the final analysis, he still hopes that the power in his hands will become stronger and stronger. Two months after the Blood Rakshasa passed through the tribulation, two more half-step Golden Immortals successfully passed through the tribulation and advanced to Golden Immortal. One was from One of the immortals from the Heavenly Realm came from the previous Six Paths Sword Sect. When these two people transcended the tribulation, they also alarmed Chen Feng, but Chen Feng did not take action because these two people have been practicing for tens of millions of years. Compared with Chen Feng and others, they are considered seniors, although their talents are not as good as those of Chen Feng and others. People like Chen Feng, but they have many years of savings and a relatively solid foundation, and as expected, they successfully advanced to become a Golden Immortal.

He reached the sky in one step and reached the state of immortality.

In addition to these two people, there were several monks who chose the way to attack the Golden Immortal, but they failed. One person died, two people escaped with a trace of Yuanling, only one person was seriously injured and retreated, and the other two were the only ones left. Even if the Half-Step Golden Immortal with a hint of Yuanling had the life fruit provided by Chen Feng to reshape his body, it would still take a long time to return to his previous state. What's more important was that he failed to transcend the tribulation. These two people had injured their origins. The chance of becoming a Golden Immortal in the future is very slim.

After all, those who can cultivate to the level of Golden Immortal are those with talent, chance, and great perseverance. In many living worlds, no one will emerge even in hundreds of millions of years. Even in the fairy world, only large sects can have Golden Immortals. Even the Six-Path Sword It was only in these years that some people in Pai began to advance to the level of Golden Immortal.

Chen Feng was actually a little worried, worried that the Taiyi Golden Immortal would come to his door, but as time went by, Chen Feng's life became calmer, and Chen Feng was a little confused at first, but gradually became relieved.

No hassle is the best.

Not only that, the development momentum of the Immortal Alliance is becoming more and more fierce, and it is relatively smooth. It can be said that in the entire Dongji Immortal Palace, apart from the Dongji Immortal Palace, the most powerful one is the Immortal Alliance, and the momentum of the Immortal Alliance is gradually overshadowing that of the Immortal Palace. Lived in Dongji Immortal Palace.

What made Chen Feng a little strange was that Xianting seemed to be quiet and did not attack the Immortal Alliance.

Of course, the calmer the Immortal Court becomes, the more uneasy Chen Feng becomes. Who knows what the Immortal Court is doing, it might suddenly explode.

"Immortal Court will definitely not let outside forces grow. In the past, Immortal Court probably let in the Zerg because of its ambitions. Then the four parties conquered the world of life, and even attacked the world of heaven. Now it is quiet. Things are definitely not that simple." Chen Feng Thinking.

"I wonder if Princess Ziyu can find out something." Thinking of this, Chen Feng's eyes lit up. Previously, Chen Feng sent twenty god kings to assist Princess Ziyu. Although these god kings ostensibly obeyed Princess Ziyu, But there is another purpose, which is to collect information about Immortal Court.

In addition, Chen Feng had sent a large number of monks to sneak into the Immortal Court and the Immortal World a long time ago. Among them, the Dark Souls were the dominant ones, because Chen Feng had always believed that the Immortal Court had many secrets.

However, the information collected over the years was of little use to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng instead sent more forces.

Chen Feng believes that these forces will come into play sooner or later.

"The territory is expanding, the Immortal Court is quiet, the Dongji Immortal Palace is also quiet, the number of killers seems to be decreasing, and other forces in the Immortal Realm seem to be retreating. The Immortal Realm, the Moro Realm, the Dark Realm, the Blood Realm, and the Demon Realm are constantly gaining strength. Injection, it seems that the power of the Eternal Life Alliance is more than a hundred times more powerful than before, but why do I feel more and more worried recently, it seems that something bad is about to happen. "

"Could it be that the Immortal Realm wants to wait for our strength to grow stronger, and then defeat them all in one fell swoop? This is what the Immortal Realm plans to do." This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

However, even if Chen Feng can determine the purpose of Immortal Court, he cannot withdraw. The situation in front of the Immortal Alliance can only continue to develop. He may think of some ways to deal with it, but he will never quit and create such a large territory in the Immortal World. It's really not easy. Chen Feng has already invested too much. He doesn't just give up.

"Whether Immortal Court plans this or not, I have to prepare in advance. It's not that easy to deal with the Immortal Alliance." Chen Feng said with a firm look.

Then an order was given, and the Immortal Alliance began to operate secretly. Chen Feng knew that the actions of the Immortal Alliance should not be hidden from the Immortal Court. After all, the Immortal Court is the controller of the immortal world and is too powerful. However, there is no way. If there is no preparation, once the Immortal Court army If they really come, the Eternal Life Alliance will be destroyed.

"It would be great if the Queen Mother could advance to the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm. As long as I can provide some energy and material, then I can expand the army of divine insects to 10 billion, or more. I think the Immortal Court will also have some benefits. Don't worry." Chen Feng said.

In this way, time passed quickly, and Chen Feng's strength gradually recovered to 10%, then 1.5%, and then to 20%.

Chen Feng felt that as time went by, his cultivation recovery speed gradually improved, and Chen Feng began to feel happy.

Interestingly, Chen Feng was assassinated several times during this process.

In Chen Feng's view, the assassination started after the news of his injury and decline in cultivation spread. At that time, when Chen Feng encountered the assassination for the first time, he had just recovered 10% of his strength. The assassins came from within the Immortality Alliance. These assassins In fact, they had sneaked into the Immortality Alliance long ago. At this time, they learned that Chen Feng was injured, and that Chen Feng did not retreat, but kept wandering around. Finally, these people couldn't bear it any longer and launched an assassination attempt on Chen Feng.

A total of thirteen half-step golden immortals took action when Chen Feng was alone.

The result was that Chen Feng killed the thirteen half-step golden immortals by himself without using combat puppets. Of course, Chen Feng also suffered some minor injuries.

Chen Feng was not surprised by the assassination attempt, but was a little depressed, because in this way, there would be one less half-step golden immortal in the Changsheng Alliance. In addition to the thirteen half-step golden immortals killed by Chen Feng, some others were also found out and of course they were killed.

After the first wave of assassinations, Chen Feng encountered a second assassination attempt in a short period of time. Three clones who did not cultivate golden immortals surrounded Chen Feng with the help of two half-step golden immortals.

After a fierce fight, Chen Feng killed his opponent again, and then sent out the news of serious injury, which attracted a group of cultivators, and then the guards who had been ambushed came forward and strangled all the opponents.

After a long period of calm, Chen Feng's cultivation had not recovered. After the news was confirmed and spread, the assassination came again.

It can be said that the assassination force is stronger and stronger, and the assassination method is more and more bizarre. For example, at the beginning, it was the half-step golden immortal who made the move, but soon it was replaced by the immortal golden immortal, and two assassins also appeared in Chen Feng's guard team. Of course, these two people are not spies, but they are controlled by a kind of puppet technique performed by the other party.

The number of assassins who have appeared in recent years has reached three digits, and the result is that no one succeeds, and no one can escape.

Some of these assassins come from the fairy court, some from the heavens, and some from other forces in the fairy world. What's interesting is that there are some people that even Chen Feng doesn't understand where they come from.

Until Chen Feng recovered 20% of his strength, ordinary immortal golden immortals were no longer Chen Feng's opponents. Chen Feng killed three immortal golden immortals alone. After the combat puppets killed several god kings and gods, the assassins disappeared in vain.

Everyone knows that there are two combat puppets around Chen Feng that can kill gods.

Even the gods are useless, and other cultivators have given up the idea of ​​assassinating Chen Feng, and Chen Feng's strength seems to have recovered.

Finally, when Chen Feng was doing nothing, he received a message from the King of the East.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. He had thought that he would contact the King of the East after his cultivation was almost restored, but now it seemed that the King of the East seemed a little anxious.

So Chen Feng planned to leave the Changsheng Alliance and go for a stroll outside. Of course, Chen Feng did not say this. First, it was unsafe, and second, other high-level cultivators would definitely not agree.

So Chen Feng separated an incarnation and continued to stay in the Changsheng Alliance, while the original body left. This time Chen Feng was not alone. The battle puppet and the mother queen followed him all the time. For some purposes outside, Chen Feng brought eight golden immortals, four immortal golden immortals, and four god kings.

The four god kings came from golden immortal beasts.

The four immortal golden immortals were Shura Daojun and Hell Daojun, as well as Hekong and Zhuoliu from the anti-sky race who had recently surrendered to him.

Chen Feng had his own considerations for bringing these people. First of all, his current status was different, and some things also needed some pomp and circumstance. In addition, his current strength had not been fully restored, so bringing these people was also a helper. Moreover, Daojun Hell and Daojun Shura were natives of the Immortal Realm, and they knew more about some things in the Immortal Realm. As for bringing Hekong and Zhuoliu, on the one hand, he had the purpose of examining the other party's strength, and on the other hand, he sent a signal to others through this matter, that is, Chen Feng was indeed using these people, and he did not reject them because of their origins.

After leaving the Changsheng Alliance, he soon reunited with the King of the East.

"Hahaha, long time no see, Young Master Changtian is really famous." As soon as they met, the King of the East laughed and greeted him, looking very enthusiastic and sincere.

"You are too kind, you are not simple either." Chen Feng said with a smile, and his eyes swept casually. The King of the East also brought some people, who were also gathered by the Immortal Golden Immortal and the God King, but the number exceeded that of Chen Feng's side, with a full sixteen people.

Chen Feng knew that the King of the East must have something important to invite him out. After all, he and the Immortal Court were enemies, so those who could follow the King of the East must be the most trusted among the trusted.

The first time he met the King of the East was in the Dongji Immortal Palace. He was the envoy of the Immortal Palace and was only a half-step golden immortal. Now it seems that he has reached the realm of golden immortal. At that time, Chen Feng knew that he was not simple. Later, he asked Princess Ziyu about it and found out that the King of the East was a famous genius in the Immortal Court and had a combat power beyond the fighting immortal.

He was a little low-key, but according to Princess Ziyu's speculation, the King of the East should be ranked first among the four kings, below the Central Emperor.

Of course, what interested Chen Feng the most was that the King of the East did not seem to value the interests of the Immortal Court, which was one of the reasons why Chen Feng was willing to come as invited.

"Sir, the other party has someone in secret." At this time, the mother queen suddenly said.

"Oh! How many people, how strong are they?" Chen Feng was not surprised. In Chen Feng's opinion, this was normal. After all, he was notorious, and the King of the East must be wary of him. Of course, Chen Feng also knew that this was not the main thing. Perhaps the things that the King of the East was going to do next would be difficult.

"Four gods, and it seems that there is also a clone of Taiyi Jinxian." The Queen Mother said with some uncertainty.

Chen Feng then became serious and looked at the King of the East again. Having gods following him was nothing, but having Taiyi Jinxian's protection was different. However, thinking about Princess Ziyu and then thinking about the King of the South, Chen Feng understood again. At the same time, he was a little shocked. It seemed that the high-end combat power of the Immortal Court was more than he had imagined.

"Fortunately, the Taiyi Golden Immortal has not intervened yet, otherwise I can't go out, and I might meet an old monster who will kill me. But the Eastern King has the Taiyi Golden Immortal with him, and the Taiyi Golden Immortal mark on my body has been used up, so I have to be careful next time." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Haha! The young master's cultivation seems to have problems as the rumors say." The Eastern King looked at Chen Feng and smiled. In fact, Chen Feng's flashing eyes had been captured by the Eastern King just now, and he knew that the other party had seen something.

"What does it matter whether there is a problem or not? It's still a small half-step Golden Immortal." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's different, it's different. The young master's half-step Golden Immortal is more powerful than some God Kings. I have heard a lot about the young master's heroic deeds."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about business." Chen Feng's face was serious, and a piece of jade flew out, then exploded with a bang and turned into nothing.

"You asked Princess Ziyu to send me a message. I think there should be something important. I wonder if I can help?" Chen Feng asked.

Chen Feng did not meet Dong Wang in the chaotic space found in the fairy court. Chen Feng even thought that Dong Wang did not enter the chaotic space at all. You know, the chaotic space was rich in cultivation resources at that time, and I don’t know how many people were attracted. The fact that Dong Wang did not appear explained some problems. Either it was too late, or there were more important things than entering the chaotic space.

"I want to cooperate with the young master." Dong Wang said simply.

"Cooperation? Yes, as long as there are benefits." Chen Feng nodded.

"The last time I met the young master was in Dongji Fairy Palace. I think the young master gained a lot that time." Dong Wang said with a smile.

"It’s not bad." Chen Feng nodded, because he did get a lot of divine objects and magic weapons in the Lingbao Fairy Palace of Dongji Fairy Palace at that time, and he was just a celestial fairy at that time.

"The place where the young master entered before was just an ordinary Lingbao Fairy Palace. In fact, there are some good places in Dongji Fairy Palace, collecting higher-grade divine objects and magic weapons. In addition, I wonder if the young master has any ideas about the Immortal Spirit Spring?" Dong Wang said with a smile.

"So you are planning to attack Dongji Immortal Palace." Chen Feng nodded. As the first organization under the Immortal Court, the several major Immortal Palaces guarding the four directions are actually very powerful. In terms of antiquity and strength, they are only second to the Immortal Court. There is a Taiyi Golden Immortal in the Immortal Palace.

When talking about Dongji Immortal Palace, Chen Feng thought of that strange face. Now that he thinks about it, it is clearly the power of Taiyi Dao.

"Yes, I have stayed in Dongji Immortal Palace for a while. Compared with other places, I am more familiar with it." Dong Wang said with a smile.

"Tell me other reasons, such as why you do this, and why you find me?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"In fact, the reason is very simple. Although I come from the Immortal Court, I don't have a strong sense of belonging to the Immortal Court, or I only care about my personal strength. In addition, I don't have many friends in the Immortal Court, and there are no trustworthy ones." Dong Wang said.

"So do you believe me?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"Believe." Dong Wang nodded.

"Well, whether what you said is true or not, there are things in Dongji Immortal Palace that attract me, such as the Immortal Spirit Spring. I hope to get this kind of thing to improve the strength of my subordinates." Chen Feng nodded, which was considered to be an agreement.

"I won't fight with you for the Immortal Spirit Spring, it's all yours, but there are things I need in Dongji Immortal Palace, I hope you can help me." Dong Wang said.

"Okay." Chen Feng smiled. It's too early to say these things now, so let's talk about it later.

While the two were talking, the Golden Immortal behind Dong Wang was very quiet. It seems that Dong Wang is indeed the main person this time.

The two quickly finalized some things and then went to Dongji Immortal Palace.

The process of infiltration was very smooth. With Dong Wang there, they entered Dongji Immortal Palace almost without any obstacles.

Speaking of which, Dongji Immortal Palace has been in chaos over the years. There are constantly cultivators going there to make trouble. Of course, these people can't make too much waves, but the suppressed and sealed monsters ran out and almost broke up Dongji Immortal Palace. Even Taiyi Jinxian took action and let the other party leave in the end.

In addition, Dongji Xian Palace was also attacked by the killer. At first, Chen Feng believed it, and later Chen Feng thought it was a trick of the Xian Court. However, after a conversation with the King of the East, Chen Feng knew that the killer was actually attacking Dongji Xian Palace.

When asked about the reason, the King of the East simply replied: Xian Court is not a monolithic entity, and then Chen Feng understood.

Several major attacks made Dongji Xian Palace more strict. At the same time, Chen Feng also knew that Dongji Xian Palace was still very powerful and had not suffered much loss. There was a reason why the Changsheng Alliance was allowed to develop.

"The Xian Court wanted to wait until we developed to a high level before taking action, so that the attack would be more thorough." Chen Feng said.

"According to the information I got, this is the case, but will the Changsheng Alliance leave the fairy world?" The King of the East nodded.

"No." Chen Feng replied.

"So, it's useless for you to just do this, at most you can just make some preparations."

"This is also the reason why I quickly agreed to cooperate with you, because I need to give our Changsheng Alliance any opportunity to improve its strength as much as possible." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You will achieve this goal." Dong Wang said in an affirmative tone.

"I hope so." Chen Feng shook his head. Since Dongji Immortal Palace's power was not greatly damaged, it was hard to say whether this operation would be successful.

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