Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,285: Crushing all the way

You should know that the scorching sun emitted by Tunri is enough to threaten an immortal golden immortal, and it is a bit bullying to deal with these celestial immortals.

"Awesome, if Tunri advances to the golden immortal, won't he be able to kill other golden immortals in seconds." Black Water Demon Eye exclaimed.

"These golden immortals look good, but their realm is too low. There are even some primary celestial immortals among them. Hey, a small place is a small place, not up to the stage." Chen Feng sneered.

"I think the opponent's quality is not bad. So many people died, but the team was not in chaos." Black Water Demon Eye said.

"This is the excellent quality of our Changsheng Heaven." Chen Feng said seriously.


Then Tunri and Changfeng rushed up quickly with two hundred disciples.

Although the number of people was relatively small, the lowest realm was a high-level celestial immortal, so the two sides were one-sided when they came into contact. The half-step golden immortal of Tianhuo County wanted to change the situation, but was quickly killed by Tunri and others.


The mutant dragon and the space-time beast suddenly disappeared beside Chen Feng, and then fought with three golden immortals in another space.

"Do you want me to take action?" Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.

"Wait a minute." Chen Feng nodded.

Two to three, the two sides tied, Chen Feng was a little surprised and sighed.

Although the mutant dragon and the space-time beast are chaotic species with strong talents, the performance of the golden immortals in the Changsheng Heaven Realm is a little too weak.

"This level is not much stronger than the golden immortals in the fairy world." Chen Feng made an evaluation in his heart.

"If the entire heaven is at this level, then it will definitely suffer in the future when it goes to war with the fairy world."

Black Water Demon Eye seemed to see Chen Feng's thoughts and said with a smile: "You also said that this is from a small place, your royal disciples should not be so weak."

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded.

At this time, under the charge of the two hundred Sun Swallowing Monks, the 10,000-man army of Tianhuo County finally began to collapse, and after the collapse, they began to flee.

At last count, 3,000 people were killed, plus the 1,000 killed by Lie Ri before, 4,000 of the 10,000-man army were killed directly.

Many people who escaped were also injured.

Tunri and others had no psychological burden at all. Soldiers from the Wuya Legion never took other cultivators seriously.

"Tianhuo County, dare to intercept and kill our Young Master Changtian, soon, our Wuya Legion army will arrive and flatten Tianhuo County." Tunri shouted loudly, and the voice spread throughout the Tianhuo County.

That's not all, the other disciples also shouted together: "Tear down Tianhuo County."

The voice shook again and again, and in the end, the cultivators of the entire Tianhuo County were terrified, and some people even cursed in their hearts, cursing these people for not knowing how to live or die and actually provoking trouble with the Wuya Legion.

Wuya Legion, what kind of existence is that, and Young Master Changtian, what kind of existence is that, these people doing this, won't it bring trouble to Tianhuo County?

Thinking of this, the entire Tianhuo County panicked.

You must know that in these heavens, wars are sometimes more intense than in other worlds.

For these small counties below, offending the royal family is a big crime, not to mention the legendary Young Master Changtian.

Chen Feng shook his head, stretched out his hand, and his huge palm directly inserted into another layer of space. A golden immortal who was fighting with the mutant dragon was directly caught by Chen Feng.

"Spare my life!"

The golden immortal begged for mercy, with horror in his eyes. He never thought that Chen Feng's strength would be so strong.

"What did you say?" Chen Feng's eyes flashed with a trace of sarcasm.

"Young Master, spare my life!"

The man spoke again, but this time Chen Feng stretched out his fingers to make a circle, and then the circle quickly expanded and floated in the sky, so that the cultivators within a radius of 100 million miles could see it clearly and hear the other party's begging for mercy.

"It's the Heavenly Fire Immortal!"

Someone exclaimed.

"The Skyfire Immortal is the ruler of our Tianhuo County, how could he be captured by someone?"

"Haven't you heard that these people went to kill Young Master Changtian, which has brought disaster to our Tianhuo County."

"Young Master Changtian, hasn't he fallen?"

"Hmph, your information is out of date. According to the information I got, Young Master Changtian has cultivated to the realm of Golden Immortal. This time he comes back, he will definitely stir up a bloody storm."

"So that's the case, but we have so many masters in the heavens, they shouldn't let Young Master Changtian do whatever he wants."

"So what, don't forget who Young Master Changtian's father is, and I think these people are looking for death, and they took the initiative to provoke Changtian. Young Master, this is nothing but a way to die. "

"I don't think it's that simple."

"Okay, don't say any more. This kind of high-level affairs is not something that small people like us can participate in."

"Whoever participated was just talking about it. And this time we angered Young Master Changtian. If the Wuya Legion comes to kill us, our Tianhuo County will be finished."

"That makes sense. Let's think of a way out in advance."

The discussions of the cultivators in Tianhuo County all entered Chen Feng's ears. Chen Feng smiled coldly and waved his hand. A huge palm holding Tianhuo Xianjun began to appear in the sky. The space fluctuated, and the influence outlined by the power of the law was clearly transmitted to all directions.


Very cleanly, Chen Feng crushed Tianhuo Xianjun, and the broken energy was also swallowed up by Chen Feng.

At this moment, the entire Tianhuo County was shaken and terrified, and the previous voices of discussion disappeared.

Tianhuo County was extremely quiet.

Before, everyone was just worried, but it began to turn into fear.

The big hand grabbed again, and another Golden Immortal was caught in the hand.


The Golden Immortal was caught and exploded before he could beg for mercy.

Then the third Golden Immortal was caught, and with a bang, he also turned into pieces.

Three Golden Immortals were killed by Chen Feng in a row, and the cultivators of the entire Tianhuo County trembled, and some timid ones fainted directly.

"It's Lihuo Xianjun and Qinghong Xianjun. There are only three Golden Immortals in our Tianhuo County, and now they are all dead. What can we do?"

"Yes, Tianhuo County is finished."

"Even if Master Changtian doesn't take action, our Tianhuo County is finished."

"It's all Tianhuo Xianjun's fault. Why did they get involved in such things? It doesn't matter if they are looking for death, but they also implicate us."

"This time Tianhuo County is miserable. It just happened to be annexed by our Guxing County."

"Not good, do you think the Golden Immortal Lord of our Guxing County will also be confused?"

"It's hard to say, return to Guxing County quickly."

"Tianhuo County is guilty of committing crimes, and the nine clans should be exterminated. From now on, all cultivators above the earthly immortals in Tianhuo County will be sent to the Wuya Legion to serve as coolies for 10,000 years. Those who dare to escape will be killed and their souls will be dispersed." Chen Feng's voice was faintly transmitted.

After Chen Feng and others left, the whole Tianhuo County was filled with wailing. Chen Feng's order was simply to send Tianhuo County to the eighteenth level of hell.

That is to say, from now on, Tianhuo County will never be able to turn over.

After crying, the cultivators above the earthly immortals began to set off one after another to report to the Wuya Legion, and only a very small number of cultivators chose to flee.

The fate of these people who fled was not necessarily good. If they were taken in by other forces, it would be fine. If not, they would always face the fate of being caught and killed in the future.

Unless these people leave the Changsheng Heaven Realm, they will never come back.

It’s okay for powerful immortals, but cultivators below the immortal realm will only die faster if they leave the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

Compared with 10,000 years of hard labor, most people will not choose to leave the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

The mutant dragon and the space-time beast returned to Chen Feng, and the two hundred immortal disciples behind him looked at Chen Feng with awe.

Chen Feng’s previous actions were really too shocking.

“You are so cruel, these are three golden immortals.” Black Water Demon Eye sighed.

"Three Golden Immortals? First, this is to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. Second, these idiots can cultivate to the Golden Immortal level, which is also of some value to me, that is, to be devoured by me and increase my strength." Chen Feng said lightly.

"What a pervert." Black Water Demon Eye smacked his lips.

"Since someone wants me to be perverted, then I will be more perverted. I don't think I will let those people down." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Young Master, the front is Guxing County." Dafeng said.

"I know that the other party has dispatched troops to wait for us." Chen Feng said with a smile, and his laughter was full of murderous intent.

"What! These people dare to show up, aren't they afraid of death?" Dafeng and others were a little surprised.

"The less afraid of death the other party is, the more powerful the person behind the scenes is." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and pointed, and the Changsheng Sword turned into a million-foot sword aura and slashed forward.

This time, the power Chen Feng burst out was several times stronger than before, but soon, the huge sword aura was broken, and the Changsheng Sword turned into a stream of light and fell into Chen Feng's hands.

"It's not the power of one county, but the power of three counties." Chen Feng said lightly.

Black Water Demon Eye swept his eyes, and then said with a smile: "Ten Golden Immortals, an army of 100,000 Heavenly Immortals, wow, what a big deal."

Although Black Water Demon Eye was laughing, he was also extremely surprised in his heart. This force was already very powerful, powerful enough to compete with his own Black Water Division.

"Ten Golden Immortals? No wonder they are not afraid of death, but not afraid of death does not mean that they will not die." Chen Feng said coldly.

"Sir, in addition to Guxing County, there are also the territories of Lanling County and Shenshi County ahead." Dafeng said.

"I don't care what the other party is, and I don't care how many people the other party has. Anyway, anyone who dares to appear in front of me must be killed." Chen Feng said that the longevity wings behind him spread out overwhelmingly, and then rushed forward quickly. Chen Feng might have done it on purpose. The longevity wings moved, and ripples appeared in the surrounding space first, and then became chaotic. The chaotic energy sometimes fell on the earth, and the hard heavenly earth was easily torn apart.

"Kill!" Chen Feng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, but the murderous intent in his heart was even stronger. These were all people from his clan, but now they were going to die in his hands.

Chen Feng felt bad, but this made Chen Feng even more violent.

"Found the enemy! Found the enemy!"

The ten golden immortals were on full alert, looking ahead with complicated expressions, while the 100,000 troops behind them were constantly accumulating strength and could launch a fierce attack at any time.

Soon, Chen Feng appeared in the eyes of these people.

"It's Changshengyi!"

"Lock on the other party and attack together."

"No, we can only capture him alive, not kill him."

"The other party is Changtian. I suggest we have a good talk. The Wuya Legion is not easy to mess with."

"What are you afraid of? The forces behind us are not easy to mess with either."

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