Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,279 Military Disaster

The heavy, huge, and sharp Heavenly Sword fell towards Chen Feng's head. Chen Feng was immediately locked in, and it felt like his sea of ​​consciousness was about to be cut open by the sword energy.

"It's just in time."

For Chen Feng, only when he was forced to take out magic weapons to resist it could it be considered a truly threatening Heavenly Tribulation.


Still punching out, the Heavenly Sword paused, and dense cracks appeared. Chen Feng's fist directly cracked, revealing the white bones, and blood continued to flow out. The piercing pain made Chen Feng laugh directly.

The stronger this kind of military tribulation is, the happier Chen Feng is.

The Immortal Sword flew out of Chen Feng's body and directly shattered the Heavenly Sword. Then a vortex appeared on the surface of the sword body, which directly swallowed up the energy of the Heavenly Sword.


Then the Immortal Sword emitted a terrifying breath, and directly moved away from Chen Feng and entered the deeper depths of the universe. Soon, thunder rolled in the sky, and Chen Feng knew that the Immortal Sword was going to advance to a mid-grade artifact.

In fact, according to the things that the Changsheng Sword had swallowed in the past, it could have been upgraded to a mid-level artifact long ago. This time was just the right opportunity.


A spear flew out from the robbery cloud and pierced Chen Feng's head. Chen Feng felt a strong killing intent from a distance.

"Tsk tsk, it's even stronger than the killing intent of the Heavenly Sword." Chen Feng was not too worried, but when he saw the long whip following the spear, Chen Feng's face changed.

Coming one by one, this kind of attack was stronger, Chen Feng could handle it, but this kind of rush was equivalent to several mid-level artifacts suppressing Chen Feng, which was a bit bullying.

However, at this time, Chen Feng didn't have so much time to think about these, because the spear was already above his head.


Chen Feng swung a punch and swept the spear out. This time Chen Feng used a gentle force to knock the spear away, but did not break it, because Chen Feng still had to deal with the next long whip.

The long whip whipped down, mighty and domineering, but it was blocked by the Immortal Handprint.

Then the Immortal Handprint was broken, and the long whip whipped Chen Feng, making Chen Feng roll over and over. At the same time, the spear that was knocked away by Chen Feng flew back and pierced through Chen Feng.

Chen Feng waved his hand and finally took out his weapon. The stone spear swept across and collided with the spear. Finally, the spear exploded with a bang, and then the Immortal Spear appeared and swallowed up the energy.


Chen Feng was whipped by the long whip again. Chen Feng gritted his teeth and attacked repeatedly with the stone spear. At the moment of breaking the spear, another long whip whipped down from the top of his head. It whipped Chen Feng out again.

The previous long whip was a hard whip, and this time it was a soft whip.

This is not over yet. After the soft whip, there is another long spear.

After the long spear, there is another long stick.

Each one has the power of a mid-grade artifact.

Chen Feng's scalp was about to explode, his muscles were trembling, and the soul power in his sea of ​​consciousness was madly turbulent.

"I thought wrong, I thought wrong!" Chen Feng shouted repeatedly.

At first, Chen Feng thought that this time the military tribulation had a great benefit to him because of the opponent's attack, but this time the multiple attacks came together, even the Golden Immortal Tribulation would be no more than this, Chen Feng thought that even the Golden Immortal would be killed.

What made Chen Feng feel bad was that it was just the beginning, who knew whether the next heavenly tribulation would be strengthened again.

In any case, Chen Feng couldn't cope with it with his current situation.

So Chen Feng gritted his teeth, shook his body, and two phantoms appeared behind him, one holding the Soul Sorrow Bow, and the other holding the Six Dao Dharma Wheel.

And Chen Feng himself was holding a stone spear.

Triple combat power.

This is the power that Chen Feng will burst out when facing the most powerful opponent, and it is also the most powerful power that Chen Feng can show.

"Come on, I want to see how fierce this time's heavenly tribulation is." Chen Feng roared, and the Soul-Sorrow Bow and the Six-Path Wheel launched attacks at the same time, while Chen Feng held a stone spear, and the Longevity Wings vibrated, and followed the attack.


The long whip exploded and was swallowed into Chen Feng's body.


The long spear was also broken.

Then the spear and the long stick were broken by Chen Feng one after another. Of course, Chen Feng was not so relaxed. Chen Feng had several more blood holes, and the golden armor had become tattered.

However, Chen Feng looked like he was full of fighting spirit, and a strong breath continued to grow from his body.

It seemed that Chen Feng was in good condition, but Chen Feng knew that the most severe moment had not yet arrived.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Four powerful auras appeared in succession, stimulating Chen Feng's skin to explode.

They were axes, halberds, hooks and forks.

That's not all, there was also a huge cauldron pressing down on Chen Feng. The speed of the cauldron was very slow, but it seemed to be able to crush a universe.

"Not only weapons, but also various magic weapons." Chen Feng's eyelids twitched again, and it was very violent.

When Chen Feng was undergoing the tribulation, Black Water Demon Eye and Dark Kirin arrived, but they were just watching from a distance.

"Ah! Chang Tian is in trouble this time." Black Water Demon Eye sighed.

"Tsk tsk! It turned out to be a military tribulation, and it's not an ordinary military tribulation." Dark Kirin shook his head and laughed.

"Senior, aren't you worried?" Black Water Demon Eye was a little surprised.

"What's the use of worrying? We can't intervene. Don't worry, this kid will be fine." Dark Kirin looked very unreal. It seemed that he was not worried about Chen Feng at all.

"But this is a military tribulation. And it doesn't look like an ordinary military tribulation. You see Changtian has already exploded with all his fighting power, and the heavenly tribulation is just the beginning." Black Water Demon Eye still doesn't think highly of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's strength is indeed very strong, but this time the heavenly tribulation is too strong. In the eyes of Black Water Demon Eye, if he goes up, he will definitely die, without a trace of suspense.

"There is no way to worry. We can't intervene. We can only watch here. Our biggest role is to protect him." Dark Kirin shook his head.

"But." Dark Kirin hesitated a little when he said this, and a glimmer flashed in his eyes.

"But what."

"If this guy really can't stand it, I will take action. Don't forget that this is my territory." Dark Kirin said lightly.

Obviously, Dark Kirin's heart is not as calm as he said on the surface.

"This is a heavenly tribulation." Black Water Demon Eye shook his head.

In the eyes of Black Water Demon Eye, even if Dark Kirin mobilized the power of the dark world to intervene, it might not work much, and it might even have a counter-effect and bring disaster to the dark world.

"Let's take a look."

At this time, two of the four weapons, the axe, the halberd, the hook and the fork, had been broken by Chen Feng. If Chen Feng didn't break a weapon, the energy of the weapon would immediately enter Chen Feng's body, giving Chen Feng a rich harvest, but soon Chen Feng's body became more and more dignified. This was because of the pressure from the cauldron. Under the pressure of the huge cauldron, Chen Feng couldn't dodge even if he wanted to.


Finally, the Soul-Sorrow Bow shot an arrow, piercing the cauldron, leaving a big hole in it, but the cauldron did not break, and still fell slowly.

At the same time, a long black chain appeared around, circling in circles, firmly locking the surrounding space. Every time it circled, Chen Feng felt the pressure was stronger. Chen Feng knew that if he didn't feel that he would be tied up by the chain if he didn't solve this problem, being tied up meant a dead end.

That's not all. In addition to this chain, two more weapons appeared. These two weapons were so strange that even Chen Feng didn't recognize them.

Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat. If he couldn't hold back his weapon, he wouldn't know the opponent's characteristics, which would make it even more difficult to deal with him.

"Come on, come on!"

Chen Feng frantically stimulated the Douzhi Point in his body. His fighting will was always in the strongest state, which would allow Chen Feng to deal with the situation in front of him in a better state.


The Soul-Sorrowing Bow fired three arrows in a row. Under Chen Feng's control, the Six Paths Wheel rolled over the chains around him, and Chen Feng pointed at his brows. This time, Chen Feng's finger was like a sharp sword directly inserted into his brows.

After Chen Feng took out his finger, a dazzling golden light shot out from his brows. This time, the immortal light emitted by Chen Feng was stronger than ever before. Of course, this came at a price. Afterwards, Chen Feng's soul fire would become weak, and it was the kind of weakness that was not easy to recover.

The reason why Chen Feng did this was because Chen Feng felt a fatal threat. This pressure was unprecedentedly strong. Chen Feng knew that even if he used his most powerful strength, he might not be able to stop this heavenly tribulation. Therefore, Chen Feng had to become stronger on the basis of being the strongest.

"This guy is really crazy." Black Water Demon Eye shook his head, his eyes were full of worry. Although he was far away, Black Water Demon Eye could still see Chen Feng's strength.

"Even if he can successfully pass the tribulation, this burning soul fire is not that easy."

"No! As long as this guy doesn't die, no matter how serious the injury is, he can recover in a short time. Don't forget what kind of physique this kid has." Dark Kirin shook his head and gave a different opinion.

"That also requires powerful energy."

Chi Chi! Chi Chi!

Chen Feng's immortal light this time was indeed powerful. After a sweep, it actually cut the huge cauldron into pieces, and then the energy of the cauldron entered the Changsheng Cauldron the next moment.

Chen Feng felt the pressure eased, and the immortal light stretched again, sweeping across, and cut the surrounding chains several times.

Then, the immortal light finally dissipated.

Two unfamiliar weapons came in front of Chen Feng. One weapon emitted a gray light and blocked the Six Paths Wheel and the Soul Bow in one fell swoop. The other weapon shot out a light blade and slashed at Chen Feng.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

There was no sound, but Chen Feng deeply felt the three "slash" words. Each slash could cut off a layer of power from Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

The three "slash" words almost weakened Chen Feng's soul power by half.

"What kind of attack is this!" Chen Feng felt a sense of fear in his heart.

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