Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,275: Fierce Battle

At this time, Chen Feng and the Black Water Demon Eye were in an independent space. This was the result of the Black Water Demon Eye's pupil technique.

The two of them were not idle. They continued to use various powerful secret techniques, and all the attacks they launched fell on the Black Annihilation God Lord.

Without the suppression of the shadow of the dark world, the broken body of the Black Annihilation God recovered instantly, but was quickly shattered by Chen Feng and the Black Water Demon Eyes, and then recovered and was shattered again. Each time it was shattered, it would be consumed. With a large amount of energy, the angry Black Annihilation God Lord was furious.

Think about it, God Lord Black Annihilation has been practicing for hundreds of millions of years, when did he receive such a blow, and he was still besieged by two juniors. What's more important is that Chen Feng is not a golden immortal.

"Junior, I'm going to kill you." The Black Annihilation God was furious, and the immortal light swept across, directly sweeping Chen Feng and the two out.

However, Chen Feng waved his hand and the longevity sword circled, cutting the body of the Black Annihilation God Lord again. At the same time, the Black Water Demon Eyes muttered something in his mouth, and a black talisman made of black light was attached to the Black Annihilation God Lord. Lord Yan Shen paused and was confused for a moment.

Then Chen Feng quickly stepped forward, stretched out his hand and entered the body of the Black Annihilation God. Then he grabbed hard and an immortal law was pulled out. Then with a flash of his palm, the immortal law entered Chen Feng's body and penetrated into the Immortality Cave. , several middle-grade artifacts were waiting. When they saw the appearance of the Immortal Law, they immediately burst out with the power of the artifact, easily suppressing the Immortal Law, and then sprayed out real fire and began to refine it.


The Lord Black Oblivion screamed in pain, and the original law was extracted. This is what kills people. But at this time, Chen Feng took action again. This time, he did not continue to extract the law, but punched the Lord Black Oblivion hard. body.

Bang bang bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang bang!

The powerful immortal body exploded in a series under Chen Feng's punch and turned into pieces. The Black Water Demonic Eyes took the opportunity to step forward, stretched out a pair of big hands in his eyes, grabbed it suddenly, and took away an immortal law. .


The Black Annihilation God screamed again, but two laws were extracted in succession. His strength was greatly reduced, and his aura plummeted. This made him even less able to block the attacks of Chen Feng and the Black Water Demonic Eyes.

"Hahahaha, you were so majestic when you were chasing me before. What's going on now? Why are you so weak?" Chen Feng laughed, feeling extremely comfortable in his heart. Thinking about the repeated injuries he suffered under the opponent's attacks before, There is nowhere to escape, and looking at the situation in front of us, it is simply changing.


The blood-gathering bead flew out of Chen Feng's hand, and the sky shook. The body of the Black Annihilation Lord was even more shattered, and a large amount of blood energy entered the blood-gathering bead.

"The veteran Golden Immortal has been taken care of." Chen Feng was a little proud.


At this time, the black immortal light swept across again, targeting Chen Feng.


The Black Water Demon Eye shouted. The immortal light emitted by the other party was extremely powerful. It seemed to be the final blow of the Black Annihilation God.


Chen Feng also emitted the immortal light, which was the collision of the two sides' most original powers. Then Chen Feng's immortal light was shattered, and the black immortal light entered Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng was not worried, but instead sneered: "You didn't kill me last time, and now you still do this. What an idiot."

This time, Chen Feng's condition was much better than before. Under the suppression of the power of the artifact, he quickly dispersed the immortal light and at the same time erased the soul imprint in it.

"The harvest this time is really great."

Next, Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eyes took action again, and finally completely eliminated Black Annihilation God Lord. In the final process, a little bit of Black Annihilation God Lord's true spirit tried to escape, but was shattered by the Black Water Demon Eyes' pupil technique.

"The harvest is great, and this is just the first one." Chen Feng said, opening his mouth and spitting out a stream of black energy. This stream of black energy turned into a long sword and passed through the void in front of him.


The long sword turned into pieces, and a big golden hand suddenly appeared, with its five fingers spread apart, blocking time and space, covering Chen Feng, and grabbing at Chen Feng. At the same time, the surrounding space laws were in chaos, and the space created by the Black Water Demonic Eyes was also in chaos. stand up.

"Someone actually found this space." Black Water Demon Eye's expression changed, his hands quickly changed into a handprint, and then black threads appeared out of thin air and wrapped around the golden palm.

Facing the attack of the big golden hand, Chen Feng shook his body and made a snapping sound. This was squeezed by the powerful force of oppression. Chen Feng's face was solemn. The strength of the owner of this big hand was no less than that of the Black Annihilation God.

"The Mahamudra of Immortality!"

Chen Feng chose to fight head-on and made a different Mahamudra than before. This time, the Grand Mudra of Immortality was completely condensed by the power of law and merged with several immortal laws. The law of heaven in Chen Feng's body completely changed its color. At the same time, it was also compressed to eighty-one lines.

Eighty-one laws of heaven quickly intertwined into a huge longevity hand seal. When they collided with each other, thunder erupted, and thunder and lightning flashed continuously.

This is the divine thunder generated by Chen Feng's original power.

The moment the two palms collided, this independent space exploded, and at the same time, the black silk thread wrapped around the golden palms broke inch by inch.

"Good guy, is this guy Chang Tian crazy?" The body of the Black Water Demon Eye was constantly fluttering in the powerful energy, and the Phantom Demon Blade in his hand was spinning, quickly opening a passage.

In the eyes of Black Water Demon Eyes, Chen Feng is indeed very strong, but limited to his unpredictable methods, he will definitely suffer a loss if he goes head-to-head with the veteran Golden Immortal like this.

It turned out that Black Water Demon Eye was right. The Immortal Handprint that Chen Feng cast only lasted for a moment before it exploded, and then the golden palm slapped Chen Feng heavily.

Then the space shook and rolled, and Chen Feng was hit and disappeared.

"What, he's gone." Black Water Demon Eye was a little surprised, with divine light flashing in his eyes, and began to look for Chen Feng, but before he found Chen Feng, a golden palm came forward to slap him.

"I won't fight hard." Although Black Water Demon Eye said so, the Magic Blade in his hand blocked it.


The Magic Blade actually blocked the golden palm, and Black Water Demon Eye immediately knew that this was because Chen Feng's big handprint had consumed the opponent's energy.


A sword light flashed, and the palm was cut off, and then the palm turned into a ball of golden light and wanted to escape from here, but was stopped by Black Water Demon Eye swinging the Magic Blade.

Chen Feng came over with a long sword in hand. With a wave of his hand, the sword energy swept and split the golden light. The light in the eyes of the Black Water Demon Eye flew out, fixing the golden light that was about to merge first.

Then, the sword light flashed, and the golden light was completely shattered.

"Are you okay?" Black Water Demon Eye was a little surprised.

"Do you think I look okay?" Chen Feng pointed to his chest, and Black Water Demon Eye saw that Chen Feng's protective armor had been deformed.


At this time, a group of black shadows broke through the air and stopped in front of the two people, and a roar came from it.

"It's the Nether Tiger!"

"It was Senior Dark Night who attacked."

"Huh! There's no time for people to rest." Chen Feng said, and the immortal light shot out from the center of his eyebrows and swept across the Nether Tiger.

Black Water Demon Eye sighed, runes flashed in his eyes, and quickly created an independent space around him. That's not all. Black Water Demon Eye thought about it, opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of essence, making the surrounding space barrier thicker, this is to prevent anyone from killing in again.


Chen Feng's immortal light swept the Nether Tiger to several somersaults, and then the Nether Tiger's body quickly grew larger. Although it had serious injuries, it roared at Chen Feng, majestic and domineering, and at the same time, a ball of energy swept towards Chen Feng.

"The power of the Nether, tut tut, this guy can't be from the ghost world." Chen Feng laughed, and then his body shook, and two phantoms appeared from behind, one holding the Soul Sorrow Bow and the other holding a stone spear.

In this situation, Chen Feng couldn't dodge, because the opponent's energy ball would explode the independent space arranged by the Black Water Demon Eye.

The stone spear stabbed fiercely and hit the energy ball, and then the energy ball first turned into a bowl shape, and finally turned into pieces with a bang. Then the Soul Sorrow Bow sent out a sharp arrow, and Chen Feng's Longevity Sword also flew out at the same time.

This Nether Tiger has a good cultivation level, and its combat power is comparable to that of the Dark Kirin. It is not easy to deal with. Fortunately, it has been seriously injured at this time. In Chen Feng's opinion, it is not impossible to deal with it.

"Illusion spell!" The Black Water Demon Eye also launched an attack.

"Looking for death!" Black light flew out of the Nether Tiger's eyes at the same time, one blocked the stone spear, and the other blocked the Changsheng Sword. At the same time, the phantom of the tiger appeared on his body, and he opened his mouth and roared, shaking off the illusion spell from the Black Water Demon Eye.

"This guy also knows this." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

However, Chen Feng did not panic, because Chen Feng had a method that he had prepared long ago. He stretched out his palm, and the phantom of the Dark Scripture flew out. At the same time, the origin of the Dark Realm burst, and the phantom of the Dark Realm appeared and disappeared in a ball of black light.

The method Chen Feng used was the same as that of the Dark Kirin, both of which were suppressed by the Dark Scripture and the phantom of the Dark Realm, but they were not as solid as those used by the Dark Kirin.

Even so, after all, it was in the Dark Realm, and the suppression force issued by Chen Feng was also 30% of that of the Dark Kirin.

That was enough.

So the Nether Tiger was crushed and rolled over repeatedly. A powerful force enveloped the Nether Tiger. Under the restraint of the power of the dark world, the Nether Tiger did not struggle out for a short time.

"Illusion spell!"

At this time, the attack from the Black Water Demon Eye finally penetrated the Nether Tiger. The Nether Tiger began to scream with some fear, and the power just mobilized also dissipated suddenly.


Chen Feng shouted softly, and the original body plus the phantom directly burst out with three times the combat power.

The Longevity Sword, Stone Spear, and Long Arrow fell on the Nether Tiger at the same time. The phantom blade of the Black Water Demon Eye was one step later than Chen Feng's attack.


The Nether Tiger screamed the same as the Black Annihilation God.

Chen Feng's body shook, the phantom disappeared, and blood began to seep out of his pores. This was because of the excessive power.

However, Chen Feng's expression did not change, and his speed of advancement was even faster. When he arrived in front of the Nether Tiger, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely, and a ball of spirit was grabbed out.

At this moment, the spirit in the Nether Tiger was consumed by one tenth.


But Chen Feng was very surprised, because the immortal law he imagined was not caught.

"Strange, strange." Chen Feng shook his head and tried again, but this time he still failed.

"The opponent is a chaotic beast, different from the Black Annihilation God, it is not so easy to succeed." Black Water Demon Eye said.

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