Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,272: Lord of Black Annihilation

"I am very happy. I don't think these guys are that bad." Although Black Water Demon Eye said this, his expression was not relaxed at all. Black Water Demon Eye had already used his pupil technique to the extreme, just to buy some time for Chen Feng.

After cutting a cultivator in half, the Longevity Sword in Chen Feng's hand flew out directly, piercing through the bodies of three cultivators in one breath before stopping.

At this time, the illusion arranged by Black Water Demon Eye was also eliminated, and these Golden Immortals from the Immortal Court fled in panic.

Under the attack just now, no Golden Immortal was killed, but the opponent was seriously injured. Chen Feng's figure shook, and he even stepped forward to grab one person.

The Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique was launched, madly devouring the opponent's vitality. It was only a breath of time, and the injured Golden Immortal disintegrated and disappeared, as if returning to the universe.

"You, this method is too heaven-defying. You devoured the opponent's body and soul like this. This is against the harmony of heaven." Black Water Demon Eye shook his head, unable to tell whether he was envious or jealous.

"Since it exists, it is reasonable. Even if other people practice the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique, they will not devour so recklessly." Chen Feng said with a smile, devouring a Golden Immortal, and the energy just lost was gradually replenished.

"Yes, other people don't have a chaotic physique like you, otherwise they would have burst long ago." Black Water Demon Eye was indeed a little envious when he said this.

"Let's not talk about this for now. What happened to you?" Chen Feng changed the subject.

"The Immortal Realm intervened." Black Water Demon Eye sighed.

"Of course I know this, do you need to tell me?" Chen Feng said dissatisfiedly.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet. Actually, I don't need to say more. I think you should be able to guess it."

"The intervention of the Immortal Realm is indeed within my expectations. What I am surprised about is that you can be dragged outside." Chen Feng knew that if he had not stayed in the Dark Night City before, the city would probably be destroyed even more severely.

"The other party has Taiyi Jinxian intervening."

"What!" Chen Feng exclaimed. If that was the case, then the Dark Night could not be saved.

"That's not right. How could Taiyi Jinxian intervene so easily? The Dark World has existed for hundreds of millions of years. There must be people who have cultivated to the level of Taiyi Jinxian. Isn't this what the Immortal Court did to violate some rules?" Chen Feng doubted.

"In fact, this is the case. Senior Dark Night was seriously injured. Now he should go to the core area of ​​the origin to heal his wounds." Black Water Demon Eye sighed, thinking about the previous battle. If it weren't for the Dark Kirin blocking the other party, then I don't know how many of his immortal golden immortals would be killed or injured.

Chen Feng nodded, his consciousness escaped, and soon communicated with the Dark Kirin. After a long time, he retracted his consciousness.

"The other party didn't send out his true self. I don't know what the big hand was?" Chen Feng thought about it, and then used the secret technique to track the other party through the immortal light he had absorbed before, but soon Chen Feng was disappointed. Everything was empty, without a single clue.

"What are you doing?" Black Water Demon Eye didn't understand what Chen Feng was doing.

So Chen Feng told what he had encountered, and finally said: "The situation before was very serious, and I almost died."

"Black immortal power." Black Water Demon Eye showed a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

"Wait a minute, the black immortal power contains a powerful destructive force. The other party should have come out of the Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion. I know an old-fashioned Golden Immortal called Hei Yan Shenjun. The immortal light cultivated with the help of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation is black."

"Hei Yan Shenjun." Chen Feng shook his head. He had never heard of this name.

With the return of the Dark Night monks, the scene in the Dark Night City began to change. The killers who stayed in the city were killed one after another. However, Chen Feng was a little surprised that the Immortal Court Golden Immortals who had fought with him had disappeared.

"No need to guess, there is a traitor in the Dark Night." The voice of Dark Kirin sounded in Chen Feng's ears.

"You are fine." Chen Feng was happy.

"I was fine in the first place, I just wanted to lure some people out." Dark Kirin said lightly.

"So that's it." Chen Feng understood. At first, Chen Feng was a little skeptical. With the strength of Dark Kirin, he could mobilize the phantom of the Dark Realm to suppress it. At this time, in the Dark Realm, he could mobilize the power of the Dark Realm to the greatest extent. In the Dark Realm, even the original body of Taiyi Golden Immortal could not easily deal with Dark Kirin.

"What do you need us to do?" Chen Feng asked.

"You two hide and act as my trump card."

"Killer card!"

At this time, Black Water Demon Eye also heard the voice from Dark Kirin, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"The senior really thinks highly of us."

"Just do your best. With our strength, even an old Golden Immortal can handle a sneak attack." Chen Feng laughed.

With his three times combat power and the strange pupil technique of the Black Gray Demon Eye, he could kill an ordinary Immortal Golden Immortal instantly.

With the secret plan of the Dark Kirin, Chen Feng and the Black Water Demon Eye pretended to be injured and did not participate in the battle.

The large-scale return of the Dark Realm Golden Immortals finally stabilized the situation in the Dark Night City.

Chen Feng and the Black Gray Demon Eye also entered the Dark Night Hall, but they entered the core area of ​​the Dark Night Origin through a teleportation array in the hall and came to the Dark Kirin.

"Sure enough."

In Chen Feng's opinion, the Dark Kirin's breath was unstable on the surface, but his inner strength was extremely powerful. All this was just a pretense of the Dark Kirin.

"Just practice here. When the time comes, you will naturally know when to take action." Dark Kirin said as a shadow emerged from his body and quickly disappeared.

"This guy is really insidious." Chen Feng couldn't help but say, and Black Water Demon Eye also laughed. With their eyesight, they could of course see that the Dark Kirin in front of them was just an empty shell, and the shadow that escaped was the real Dark Kirin.

"Don't think too much, this is a good place to practice." Chen Feng said as he sat down cross-legged. A huge vortex appeared above his head, and the power of the origin entered it mightily.

"Perverted guy." Black Water Demon Eye shook his head, but he didn't follow Chen Feng, but sat down quietly to practice. After all, Black Water Demon Eye didn't have a chaotic body like Chen Feng, which could absorb a lot of energy.

I don't know how long they practiced, but Dark Kirin's voice came into the sea of ​​consciousness of the two.

"Here it comes."

Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye looked at each other, and then quietly disappeared without a sound. If they didn't take action, it would be difficult for ordinary Golden Immortals to find them with their strength.


Two golden lights flashed and then two young-looking Golden Immortals appeared in front of Dark Kirin.

"Sure enough, they are here. They look badly injured." One of them said with a smile.

"Who are you?" Dark Kirin roared, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Dark Kirin, stop talking nonsense. Hand over the Dark Scripture and we'll leave immediately." The two young men held long swords and exuded murderous aura.

"They are the Golden Immortals of the Immortal Court. These two should be here to explore the way." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Looking for death!" Dark Kirin waved his hand, and a cage formed by the power of darkness appeared around them, trapping the two people in it. Then, the spears formed by the power of darkness attacked the two people from all directions.

"Ten Thousand Swords Pulling Technique!"

"Supreme Sword Dao!"

Facing the attack, the two Golden Immortals unfolded their swordsmanship, and the sword energy soared, and the spears were cut off one by one.


Finally, a big hole was punched through the dark cage, and the two people got out one after another.

"It turns out that only 30% of the power is left." The two looked at each other and laughed triumphantly.

"To kill you, 30% of the power is enough." A huge black palm emerged from the ground and directly knocked the two people out. Two spears flashed past and pierced their bodies.


At this moment, the two young men actually begged for mercy in fear.


The black big hand appeared, and one of them was crushed into pieces, but when he wanted to crush the other, a sword light like a thread swept over and cut off the entire black palm.

A middle-aged man walked over step by step. This middle-aged man was wearing a black robe, and his momentum was as heavy as a mountain, but his eyes swept across, and he could tear through layers of space like a blade.

"This person is powerful."

"Old Golden Immortal."

Chen Feng and Heishui Motong looked at each other, flashing a look of surprise.

"Sure enough, the big fish was caught."

"Some familiar breath, this person is the guy who attacked me before, it should be the Black Annihilation God." Chen Feng hesitated and said.

"Lord Black Annihilation, this is a real old-fashioned Golden Immortal. I wonder if Lord Dark Night can handle it."

"Dark Kirin hasn't sent any news yet. There should be a big fish that hasn't been hooked."

"I don't know if I can deal with this big fish."

"Don't worry, don't worry. Dark Kirin should have made arrangements. Besides, with the strength of the two of us, if we launch a sneak attack, it will be no problem to entangle Lord Black Annihilation." Chen Feng calmed down.

Although Chen Feng was injured by the opponent's immortal light before, in Chen Feng's opinion, the person in front of him was not much stronger than the time and space killer he had encountered before. He was not his opponent. If he added the Black Water Demon Eye, it would still be a bit overbearing. Although he couldn't kill the opponent, Chen Feng was still very confident in entanglement.

"Who are you?" Dark Kirin said coldly.

"Xianting, Lord Black Annihilation." The middle-aged man said lightly, his eyes swept all around. Under his powerful insight, Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye immediately became honest.

Pa pa pa pa pa pa! Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!

Under his gaze, a series of explosions sounded in the surrounding space, and countless patterns and runes emerged. Dark Qilin's eyes flashed, and layers of restrictions emerged around him. Various weapons condensed by the power of darkness attacked the Black Annihilation Lord.

"Sure enough, there is a trap, but this level of attack is a little too weak." The Black Annihilation Lord laughed.

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