Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,270 Black Immortal Light

After the power of the three Golden Immortals fell on Chen Feng, three dazzling lights flashed immediately, just like three huge stars exploded.

Chen Feng's body just shook, and then the power of the punch was increased a little.


One of the Golden Immortals was directly blown up by Chen Feng. When Chen Feng wanted to step forward and kill the opponent in one fell swoop, the other two Golden Immortals stepped forward to block him, and then the Golden Immortal who was blown up by him quickly condensed into a human form. Except for the unstable breath, everything seemed normal.

Chen Feng's eyes kept flashing with murderous intent. Just now, he took the opponent's attack hard and it was not as easy as it seemed on the surface.

The golden armor only blocked the power of one of them, while Chen Feng dissolved part of the power, and some of the power was transferred out by Chen Feng, and some of the power was actually used on Chen Feng. It caused some damage to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also endured it and wanted to kill one person.

However, the Three Talents Sword Formation used by the opponent did not look simple. Unless he could defeat the opponent in one fell swoop, if he broke through alone, he could only kill one person with one blow.

"The power just now was almost all my power. It seems that these Golden Immortals are not as weak as I imagined." Chen Feng thought about it, and the air flow around him surged. At the same time, the protective armor on his body also changed. The defense began to weaken, but the corresponding attack power began to increase. Some key places even grew ferocious spikes. In addition to these spikes, the combat armor was also covered with some patterns.

"Finally, the complete version of the Golden Glory Armor was activated. I don’t know what help it can bring to me." Chen Feng said that the breath in his body began to gush out. Originally, because of the Golden Glory Armor, Chen Feng’s whole body became golden, but under the support of blood, the blood light merged into the golden light, looking more majestic and weird.

"Protective armor of the middle-grade artifact level." The three Golden Immortals saw this scene and their faces became solemn.

In the eyes of the three, Chen Feng was wearing a mid-grade divine weapon, which had a great advantage in defense, so they had no confidence in whether they could kill Chen Feng.

"Call others."

"No, we have already divided the tasks when we came, and everyone has their own tasks."

"So what, the current incident is an accident, and I think it will be difficult to deal with it with the power of the three of us."

"In this case, wouldn't we be very embarrassed."

"Face is not important, do we still care about these at our level?"

"That makes sense."

The three of them communicated secretly, and soon made up their minds, and then sent out the summoning power through the secret method.

"Start calling people." Chen Feng's face changed, and then he strode forward, slashing at one of them with the long sword in his hand. The sword energy flashed, surpassing time and disrupting the space.


The three of them circled around Chen Feng quickly, and the three sword energies merged into a huge "seal" character, blocking Chen Feng's attack.

Next, Chen Feng attacked repeatedly, constantly performing various sword techniques, but no matter how he attacked that cultivator, the other party would join forces to resist, making all of Chen Feng's attacks fall through.

Chen Feng knew that they wanted to trap him and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

"Do you think I have no way out?" Chen Feng said as he shook, and the two phantoms behind him also became vivid, and the mighty murderous aura emanated from Chen Feng, and the impact of the Three Talents Sword Formation around him had cracks.

"Not good."

"Be careful."

"Three Talents Sealing Heaven Sword."

The three Golden Immortals also felt the pressure brought by Chen Feng, and also performed the strongest defense technique in the Three Talents Sword Formation.

Three Talents Sealing Heaven, when used, can seal the Zhoutian World. The three people once used this move to block the attacks of five Golden Immortals.

In the eyes of the three people, no matter how powerful Chen Feng is, he can't resist five Golden Immortals.

"Not bad swordsmanship." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, but the attack still broke out.

The swordsmanship in his own hand, while the phantom controls two artifacts. In Chen Feng's opinion, if he bursts out with all his strength, even the old immortal golden immortal will have to be careful to deal with it.


The powerful energy exploded in a circle of sword aura, and the chaotic and powerful force continued to impact the surroundings. At first, the three golden immortals showed a look of surprise on their faces, but soon they became solemn, and then they became afraid.

A few cracks appeared on the smooth and heavy sword aura.


Chen Feng shouted, and the cracks expanded. The surrounding Fengtian sword aura finally exploded, and the chaotic fragments of energy submerged the three golden immortals.

But at this time, Chen Feng felt the strong power instead, so he stopped chasing the other party, but shook his body and found a direction to escape quickly.

"Where are you going."

At this time, a huge golden palm slapped Chen Feng.

This golden palm appeared without any signs, but the energy contained in it made Chen Feng's head numb. He gritted his teeth, and the longevity wings extended from the main body and the phantom vibrated, and suddenly accelerated. With a turn, he stopped at the same place.


The golden palm paused for a moment, the earth shook, and there was a roar. Then the big hand shook and grabbed Chen Feng again.

"It's not Taiyi Jinxian, but the old Immortal Jinxian. The power contained in this palm is more powerful than the previous three people combined. It must be a master in the Immortal Court." Chen Feng thought to himself.


Chen Feng's figure swayed quickly, and soon, the surrounding space was occupied by tens of thousands of phantoms. As for Chen Feng's real body, no one knew where it had gone.


With a clap of his big hand, thousands of phantoms were shattered. Chen Feng paused in the air, and then struggled to escape far away.

At this time, Chen Feng's two phantoms had disappeared, and Chen Feng's speed dropped sharply. Before breaking through the Three Talents Sword Formation, Chen Feng had burst out with all his strength. Next, he had to face the attack of the big hand. Chen Feng felt that his strength was consumed, and he was a little weak at this time.

"They are all Golden Immortals, but the gap between them is really too big." Chen Feng sighed.

Some Golden Immortals were killed instantly in front of Chen Feng, while Chen Feng could only escape in front of some Golden Immortals, and he might not be able to escape.


A vortex appeared in the palm of the golden hand, and a black stream of light shot out and instantly arrived behind Chen Feng.

"Black immortal light." Although Chen Feng did not look back, he clearly knew what happened behind him. With a move of his heart, he also emitted the immortal light.

Chen Feng's immortal light was golden, but it collapsed immediately when it came into contact with the opponent's black immortal light.

This is not at the same level at all.


Chen Feng tried his best to dodge, but was still swept by the opponent's immortal light.

The golden armor made a whistling sound and burst into dazzling golden light, but was finally suppressed by the black immortal light.

Immortality represents indelibility and eternal existence, unless the opponent is defeated, but this level of power will continue to exist.

A crack was cut in the golden armor, and the black immortal light still entered Chen Feng's body.

Who knew that Chen Feng's speed would suddenly accelerate next, so fast that the big hand paused.

"Hmph, if you are hit by my immortal light, you will only have half your life if you don't die." The big hand groaned, and did not chase Chen Feng, but turned into a stream of light and disappeared quickly.


Chen Feng entered an empty building, not caring where it was. After setting up some restrictions, he could no longer suppress the injuries in his body.

Before, facing the attack of the Immortal Light, Chen Feng's thoughts rolled quickly, and then he made the decision to take the black Immortal Light into his body.

His Immortal Light was defeated, and even the Golden Armor could not stop it. Chen Feng knew that the opponent's strength was not something he could resist. So when the black Immortal Light was about to penetrate his body, the major worlds in Chen Feng's body simultaneously issued a binding force to entangle the Immortal Light, and with the help of part of the opponent's power, the speed was increased.

Although he escaped, Chen Feng fell into a bad state.

The problem Chen Feng faced was to solve this black Immortal Light, otherwise, the opponent would explode in his body and destroy Chen Feng's vitality.

Pa pa pa pa!

The black immortal light broke free from the restraints, only to burst out a powerful breath, and then Chen Feng's meridians were cut off, and he was seriously injured and vomited blood. Then the black immortal light began to travel through Chen Feng's body like a dragon, and wherever it passed, a large area of ​​life was extinct.


Chen Feng shouted softly, and the blood-gathering beads, the soul-sorrowing bow, the evil scepter, the true spirit beads, the withered bones, the six-way wheel, the stone spear, and the longevity sword fused with the immortal sky sword appeared one after another. With these artifacts as the core of the formation, a world was quickly evolved, just in time to seal this immortal light in it.

"With the power of these artifacts, even the Taiyi light emitted by the Taiyi Golden Immortal can't escape." Chen Feng sneered.

Sure enough, although this black immortal light was struggling, the frequency was very small, and it couldn't get rid of the surrounding restraints at all.


A ball of fire flew out of the blood-gathering beads, including the immortal light and began to burn.

Next, other artifacts also emitted true fire. Under the burning of these true fires, the life imprint in the black immortal light was quickly burned out.

At this time, a suction force came out from Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and then a black stream of light was pulled out from the endless light.

With the beginning, the next step was easy. Under the suppression and refining of many artifacts, this immortal light was quickly drained of its power, which helped Chen Feng, and greatly increased Chen Feng's soul fire and immortal light.

"Although I got the benefit, it was really dangerous before. If the other party caught up, I'm afraid I couldn't escape." Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief.


In a mysterious place in the Dark Night City, a middle-aged man's eyes lit up and he looked thoughtful.

"Interesting, he actually swallowed my immortal light. He is worthy of being a genius from the immortal family."

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