Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,268 The Origin of the Dark World

After the dark power entered Chen Feng's body, Chen Feng's whole body changed. His eyes became pitch black, and two black, dull talismans slowly rotated in his pupils. Every time they rotated, a wave of dark power would enter Chen Feng's eyes.

"It's the Dark Demon Pupil!" Black Water Demon Pupil was surprised, but soon the eyes of Black Water Demon Pupil also changed. Circles of black ripples gathered and compressed in the eyes, and then the speed of swallowing dark power was faster than Chen Feng.

You should know that Black Water Demon Pupil is born, and its pupil power is even better than Chen Feng.


A little black light appeared in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and then the black light spread and turned into a phantom of a scripture. With the appearance of this scripture, the origin core of the dark world vibrated slightly.

"Hey! Someone touched the origin core." Many Golden Immortals in the Dark Night City noticed the abnormality.

"It came from the Dark Night Hall. It should be Lord Dark Night who is practicing."

"Yes, it is the breath of the Dark Scripture, but it seems a little obscure."

The divine thoughts of these golden immortals quickly intertwined and disappeared again.

"This guy!" Although the Black Water Demon Eye was practicing, he also knew Chen Feng's situation and couldn't help but feel a little envious.

It's nothing for Chen Feng to have the Dark Demon Eye, but he also condensed the shadow of the Dark Scripture. In this way, he can perfectly absorb the power of the origin of the dark world, and the speed of practice is probably ten times faster than his own.

Chen Feng certainly knew that the shadow of the Dark Scripture was imprinted in the sea of ​​consciousness with the help of the Dark Kirin, and it was not condensed by himself.

Although the passage of time, Chen Feng's Dark Demon Eye actually improved a realm, the Cave Heaven God Eye also underwent some changes, and the shadow of the Dark Scripture also condensed a bit.

"This time of practice, the source power swallowed is even greater than the previous source of the Changsheng Heaven Realm. In this way, I and the Dark World have a entanglement with each other, and this war cannot be left." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Not only Chen Feng, but also Black Water Demon Eye had this thought.

In fact, Chen Feng's speed of absorbing the origin of the dark world was faster than Black Water Demon Eye's imagination, because Black Water Demon Eye ignored Chen Feng's chaotic physique in his guess.

Chen Feng's pupil technique and spiritual realm have been greatly improved. In addition, the world inside his body has also begun to expand. Every circle of expansion requires a huge amount of energy.

Chen Feng's body is like a bottomless pit that can never be filled. In the end, even Dark Kirin was shocked.

"Yes, yes, this kid has a chaotic body, and the energy absorbed will increase tenfold." Dark Kirin said with a smile.

"Master of the realm, the army of killers is coming again." At this time, a half-step golden immortal came to report the matter. This half-step golden immortal appeared in human form, but his body was a shadow demon leopard. Generally, only the dark world cultivators who completely surrendered to Dark Kirin would call Dark Kirin the master of the realm.

"Pass my order to mobilize the millions of celestial immortals of the Dark Night Legion and gather quickly." Dark Kirin said in a deep voice.

"Master, the Dark Night Legion is controlled by the Elders, and I'm afraid I can't mobilize them." Half-step Golden Immortal said hurriedly with a pale face.

"Just go and pass on my orders." Dark Kirin said with a smile.

"Yes." Half-step Golden Immortal gritted his teeth and retreated.

"The time is almost right, it's time to attack the Elders, but we have to test their reaction first." Dark Kirin said lightly.

"Everyone, let's move too." Dark Kirin said and strode out. At the same time, more than a dozen cultivators walked out of the shadows of the hall, all of them were Golden Immortals.

"The Lord of the Realm is going to take action against the Elders. I'm afraid those elders won't give up their power so easily."

"Hey, the Dark Night Legion is the most powerful legion in the Dark Realm. If the Lord of the Realm can control it, then the position of the Lord of the Dark Realm will be more stable."

"The Lord of the Realm has mastered the Dark Scripture and has been recognized by the core of the Dark Realm. There will definitely be more extensive development in the future. Since we have chosen the Lord of the Realm, we can't have second thoughts."

"Of course."

"By the way, the two friends of the Lord of the Realm, what did you see?"

"The two came From the Changsheng Heaven Realm, one from the Moro Heaven Realm, both have powerful backers. If these two people fully support the Realm Master, other guys with ideas can only be honest. "

"At this time, we still have to deal with the war of the killers. I feel that the Realm Master is a little too anxious."

"Wrong, it is precisely because of the invasion of the killers that the Realm Master has the opportunity. I think even if the Realm Master cannot get the Dark Night Legion, he can still get the command. "

Time passed quickly. After Chen Feng's cultivation came to an end, a year had passed. Looking at the Black Water Demon Eye again, I don't know where it ran.

"I don't know what the situation in the Dark Realm is like?" Chen Feng thought about it and walked out of the Dark Night Hall.

This year's cultivation has greatly improved Chen Feng's strength. Chen Feng has some emotions about the Dark Night.

Chen Feng certainly knows that all this is caused by absorbing a large amount of original power.

"Hey! The killers have attacked the Dark Night City." Chen Feng was a little surprised when he saw a small group of killers rushing in front of him.

You have to know that in Chen Feng's cognition, it is difficult for even a Golden Immortal to attack this Dark Night City, so how can these True Immortal-level killers break in at will.

Before Chen Feng made a move, a team of dark world soldiers appeared and quickly strangled these killers.

Chen Feng's consciousness spread out, and finally frowned again, because Chen Feng discovered the existence of the space-time killer.

Among the killers, this type of opponent is the most troublesome, because it is basically a mobile war fortress. As long as the opponent is given time, a time and space killer can teleport billions of killers.

"Dark Qilin and the others are not here, and neither is the Black Water Demon Eye. There seem to be few golden immortals in the city. In this case." Chen Feng looked a little surprised. In Chen Feng's opinion, such a situation should not have happened before him.

"Dark Night City was attacked, but Dark Qilin and others did not show up. This means that they are either being restrained or there are more important things."

Speaking of this, Chen Feng clapped his hands, and not far away, a team of hundreds of killers was directly dispersed.

Next, Chen Feng walked around freely in the City of Darkness, taking action from time to time, killing batches of killers.

Various formations in the City of Dark Night also activated independently. Nearly one-third of the killers who entered the city died in the formations, and some were trapped by the formations. In Chen Feng's view, they were also the fate of death.

A team of ten half-step golden immortals rushed towards Chen Feng, forming a sharp formation. Wherever they passed, a large number of formation restrictions were broken.

Although Chen Feng was only in the realm of Heavenly Immortal, these killers had already felt how extraordinary Chen Feng was, so they gathered ten Half-Step Golden Immortals to attack Chen Feng.

Of course, if these killers knew that Chen Feng could kill Jinxian, they would not do such a thing.

The ten killers suddenly stopped when they were still about ten meters away from Chen Feng, or froze in the space. There was fear in the eyes of these killers, but they could not move. Then this space Like a shattered crystal, the ten killers were shattered into pieces.

Chen Feng shook his head and disappeared from the spot. For Chen Feng, the Half-Step Golden Immortal was a bit weak. Chen Feng was not interested. He just used the Immortal Barrier Technique at will, and the effect was not bad.

Chen Feng's target was the time and space killers. Chen Feng walked all the way and killed more than ten thousand killers quickly. Finally, Chen Feng found the first time and space killer.

Chen Feng stomped his feet heavily, and the thick power of the earth suddenly spurted out from the depths of the earth. The space-time killer lying on the ground was directly bounced up. Once disturbed, the transmission channel on his back could no longer be maintained. After shaking a few times, it closes and disappears.

The eyes of this space-time killer flashed with strong murderous intent, and then a series of light blades were directed at Chen Feng to kill him. Not to mention, there were dozens of half-step golden immortal level killers around him who also launched a joint attack. .

Chen Feng punched out, and the thick Gang Jin pushed out all the way, blocking the attack of the light blade. Then he stomped his feet, the power of the earth spurted out, and the surrounding restrictions were activated, submerging all these killers.

Then Chen Feng strode forward and walked towards the Space-Time Killer. As he moved forward, Chen Feng communicated with the origin of the dark world and formed an earth cage. The Space-Time Killer immediately felt the sticky power of restraint. His body and shape were affected by what he saw in his eyes.

Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh!

Several long whips that looked like shots flew out from the Time and Space Killer and struck at Chen Feng. The force they sent disturbed the space, and they also had the force of restraint to squeeze Chen Feng.

Chen Feng, the Time and Space Killer, knows too much about him, so instead of retreating when faced with this kind of attack, he quickly stepped forward, unfolded his Immortal Steps, and constantly shuttled through the gaps. With the last wave of his hand, the sword light flashed, and several long whips were chopped off. Eventually, Chen Feng also landed on the back of the Time and Space Killer.

Regardless of the vortex emerging under his feet, Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and black light flashed out, wrapping the huge body of the Time and Space Killer.

After the time and space killer broke free from the dark night screen arranged by Chen Feng, it found that Chen Feng had disappeared. The angry killer became furious.

Chen Feng did not continue to attack the space-time killer. Chen Feng's purpose was to disrupt the space teleportation. At this time, Chen Feng had already arrived in front of the second space-time killer. After a fight, Chen Feng left again.

In this way, Chen Feng kept changing positions in the City of Dark Night, fighting against the Time and Space Slayer from time to time.

"It's just the eighth time and space killer." Chen Feng was a little tired, but more solemn. When ordinary killers enter the Dark Night City, even if 100 million come in, the impact will not be too great, but these golden immortal level The destructive power of the Slayer is simply too great.

What's more, it still exists like a mobile fortress.

"I can only do my best. I wonder when An Qilin and the others will come back?" Chen Feng sighed secretly.

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