Eternal Existence

Chapter 1258 Soul Seed

"Hmph!" Chen Feng snorted coldly, somewhat dissatisfied and sighing. He had already used all his means and mobilized the power of so many people, but he didn't expect that the opponent's soul would still escape.

"It's nothing, it can be regarded as killing the opponent once. Look, the opponent's body is left." Black Water Demon Eye comforted.

Chen Feng nodded. He had originally thought about devouring the opponent's soul, but now it seems impossible.

However, being able to kill the big round ball, which is equivalent to tens of millions or hundreds of millions of ordinary killers, is also a great gain.

"Everyone has contributed, these things are good things." Chen Feng waved his hand, and several eyeballs fell into the hands of two Golden Immortals.

Black Water Demon Eye was not polite, and stepped forward to take some eyeballs. Black Water Demon Eye practiced pupil skills, and these things were very important to him. Even if he didn't make a move just now, Black Water Demon Eye would ask Chen Feng for them.

"With these eyeballs, I don't know if my Cave Heaven Divine Eye can advance again." Chen Feng waved his hand and collected all these eyeballs. Now is not the time to practice, and he will deal with these killers first.

Chen Feng and his men killed the big sphere, which shocked the killers and boosted the morale of the Eternal World.

"Good, good kill."

Dozens of Golden Immortals came forward and attacked other killer Golden Immortals crazily.

"Daoyou, we can join forces again." The Golden Immortal holding the seal said with a smile.

Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye are very powerful and have some special skills. Following them can benefit from it.

Chen Feng nodded, then shook his head.

"The other side retreated. It seems that the identity of this big sphere is not simple." Chen Feng said.

The killer army retreated very quickly. It disappeared in the starry sky in a few breaths, leaving only a space full of chaotic energy.

Looking at the battlefield, Chen Feng's eyes darkened. Three Golden Immortals on his side died, several were injured, and countless cultivators below the Golden Immortals were killed and injured. The first line of defense was already shaky.

"The injured fellow Taoists should return to the Eternal World to recuperate immediately, and the rest of the fellow Taoists should stay here to repair the defense line." An old man said.

This old man is called Huoyu Jinxian, an old-fashioned cultivator who has practiced for more than 100 million years. He has been in the Golden Immortal realm for tens of millions of years and has an unfathomable cultivation. In the previous war, he blocked a Golden Immortal killer alone and even injured the opponent. He has great prestige in the Eternal World.

"Fellow Taoists, your cultivation is not bad." Huoyu Jinxian came to Chen Feng and the others.

"Just do your best. What advice do you have, senior?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hey! The multi-eyed killers killed by the fellow Taoists before are probably very important among the killers. This time, I don't know if they can survive the next wave of attacks." Huoyu Jinxian sighed.

"There is nothing we can do about it, but we have also made plans for the worst. If we can't resist the killers, we need to move the lives here away." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

At the beginning, the number of Golden Immortals in the Eternal World exceeded 100, and Chen Feng was still somewhat confident, because in Chen Feng's opinion, some large sects in the Immortal World did not have Golden Immortals in charge, and this time, with so many gathered, they would definitely be able to fight against the Killer.

However, after fighting with the Golden Immortals among the Killers, Chen Feng's idea disappeared. If dozens of Golden Immortals appeared in the Killer army next time, then his side would not be able to resist. '

As for the cultivators below the Golden Immortals, the Eternal World side could not compare with the endless Killers.

"Until now, we have not figured out the specific scale of the Killers, which is the most worrying." Fire Feather Golden Immortal shook his head and turned away.

Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye looked at each other and turned away. The two got the body of the big sphere and were about to study it carefully.

No matter what methods others would use, Chen Feng's methods have always been domineering and rough.

With a chaotic body and practicing the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique and the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Art, Chen Feng naturally would not study slowly like others.

Chen Feng took out an eyeball, and a vortex appeared in the depths of his right eye, emitting a suction force that swallowed the eye in.


A powerful force burst out from the eyeball. This eyeball contained psychedelic power, and the power that burst out continuously impacted Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, trying to make Chen Feng indulge in the environment.

However, Chen Feng's will was very strong, and the power of the soul swept and washed away, defeating the power in the eyeball.

Chen Feng even managed the big round ball, so how could he be stumped by the opponent's eyeball? Soon this eyeball melted into Chen Feng's pupil, and the powerful force washed over and over again, and eventually this eyeball would completely become a part of Chen Feng's power.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and another eyeball entered his left eye. This eyeball burst out a big sword condensed by the pupil technique.

The previous eyeball was an illusion, and this eyeball was pure killing intent and attack.

However, a sharp sword also formed from Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and a collision smashed the sword that flew out of the eyeball.

You should know that when the big ball was alive, Chen Feng could resist the attack of several eyeballs of the opponent, and it was extremely easy to fight one-on-one at this time.

"Pure killing intent, pure soul power, this time my soul fire is going to be advanced." Chen Feng thought.

Chen Feng completely forgot about time during this practice. After refining two eyeballs, he took out two more and swallowed them into his eyes at the same time.

Two beams of immortal light shot out from the eyeballs, crossing Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, emitting a powerful destructive force.


A rapidly rotating vortex appeared in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and the immortal light immediately shattered after hitting it, and then was swallowed up completely.

The refining speed of these two eyeballs was even faster. Next, Chen Feng did not stop, and swallowed and refined all the eyeballs he got in one breath.

Finally, a seed appeared in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. This seed was golden in color, floating quietly in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, constantly devouring Chen Feng's soul power.

"Soul seed, this is brewing immortal light." Chen Feng was even more surprised, and then he found a way to swallow the body of the big ball. Since the soul seed appeared, Chen Feng wanted to stimulate the immortal light in one go.

"Changtian is still practicing. It's been ten years."

Black Water Demon Eye has come to Chen Feng several times, but still didn't see Chen Feng this time, so he couldn't help but mutter. Even so, Black Water Demon Eye didn't bother Chen Feng. Since Chen Feng didn't come out to see him, he must have reached a critical moment in his practice.

During Chen Feng's practice, hundreds of cultivators from the Changsheng Clan have been guarding Chen Feng around to prevent anyone from disturbing him.

Black Water Demon Eye muttered for a while and then left. Fortunately, the Killer has not appeared in these years, but in recent times, the cultivators of the Eternal World have felt more and more intense pressure, and they know that the Killer army will soon come again, and from the pressure this time, it can be seen that the scale will be greater than the last time.

After seeing the power of the Killer, some cultivators have chosen to leave the Eternal World. These cultivators think that there is always a safe place in the vast universe.

Some people were anxious about this situation, but they did not try to stop it. However, some cultivators thought that leaving the Eternal World would be even more dangerous. The Eternal World was guarded by so many Golden Immortals, and it could be regarded as a safe haven. If they encountered a killer in the starry sky, they would have no way to escape.

The body of the big sphere was completely absorbed by Chen Feng, and even the crystal core of the sword demon that he had killed before was taken out and absorbed by Chen Feng.

However, the soul seed in the sea of ​​consciousness did not show any signs of the birth of immortal light except that it became larger.

Chen Feng was a little anxious. In the past ten years, he had touched the law of time and accelerated time by a hundred times. In other words, Chen Feng had practiced for a thousand years. He not only refined and absorbed the crystal core of the sword demon, but also absorbed an original star core obtained from the God Meteor Star Domain. This much energy was almost at Chen Feng's limit, but the soul seed still did not move.

"It seems that the time is not right." In Chen Feng's opinion, he had refined enough energy, and it should be that his foundation was not enough.

Despite this, Chen Feng practiced for another ten years. Of course, it was another thousand years under the influence of the law of time.

Having absorbed so much energy, and from the Golden Immortals among the Killers, Chen Feng certainly needs a lot of time to hone his skills, in order to avoid any hidden dangers hidden in his body.

"Changtian hasn't come out of retreat yet, and the Killers have already killed him at the gate." Black Water Demon Eye led tens of thousands of cultivators to fight on the front line.

After twenty years, the Killer Army came again, and the scale was even larger than before. The powerful momentum it exuded alone made the morale of the Eternal World side drop a little.

In desperation, the major Golden Immortals once again stood at the forefront, and the Killer Army also dispatched Golden Immortals. The two sides began to attack fiercely. There was originally a Golden Immortal next to Black Water Demon Eye, but he was killed by the Golden Immortal among the Killers in the previous charge. Then Black Water Demon Eye used pupil skills to move the opponent away.

However, Black Water Demon Eye knew that the opponent would appear at any time, and at that time, he could not stop the opponent's attack with his own strength.

"Young Master, it's dangerous here, let's go back." A half-step Golden Immortal who had been following Black Water Demon Eye suddenly spoke out.

"Return, where to return?" Black Water Demon Eye said lightly. This half-step golden immortal came from the Black Water Tribe in the Moruo Heaven Realm and had been following him.

"Young Master, there are too many killers this time. We can't stop them at all. We can return to the fairyland, or to the heaven." The half-step golden immortal whispered under the gaze of Black Water Demon Eye.

"Wait and see. It's not my style to leave like this. The rest of you are still fighting desperately. If we leave, won't we be laughed at?" Black Water Demon Eye laughed.

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