Eternal Existence

Chapter 1254: The Origin of the Immortal Heaven

"So, the transmission channels of the killers are everywhere, and it is useless even if the large channels here are closed." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"It is said that Dongji Xian Palace is in a headache now, and Xianting has sent reinforcements." Tunri said.

"Does Xianting have no other actions, such as sending troops to leave the fairyland to eliminate the killers?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Probably not." Tunri shook his head.

"Daoyou, although the killers bring destruction, some forces that are not affected will not take action. These people are waiting to watch the excitement. Once the killers retreat, the situation of all parties will be reshuffled." At this time, a golden immortal came over.

This golden immortal did not come from the Eternal World, but from a distant star field. This time he traveled to this starry sky and joined the camp of the Eternal World after encountering the killer army. He also killed a large number of killers along the way.

In fact, there are many cultivators like this. When encountering the killers plundering and killing, many cultivators will choose to contribute their strength.

"If the Immortal Realm doesn't go all out, even if it can survive this catastrophe, I don't know how many people will be killed or injured." Chen Feng sighed.

"It depends on how large the killers will be this time. If they are powerful enough to destroy a fairyland, hey! I think the Immortal Realm will take action. If they suffer heavy losses in the fight between the killers, other fairylands will also take advantage of the situation." Another Golden Immortal came over.

"And the major heavens, I wonder what their reaction will be?" someone said.

Chen Feng's mind flashed, and he looked at Tunri. Tunri understood what Chen Feng meant, and immediately transmitted his voice: "The Immortal Heaven has not been attacked by the killers."

Chen Feng nodded, and everyone talked for a while. Chen Feng found a quiet place, moved his mind, and traveled through the void. Soon he communicated with the Immortal Heaven.


The powerful origin of the Immortal Heaven was infused into Chen Feng. Chen Feng was like a bottomless pit, constantly devouring and plundering, and in the end even alarmed the most core origin law of the Immortal Heaven.

"What's going on?"

Chen Feng's actions alarmed the various Golden Immortals in the Changsheng Heaven Realm, and soon several divine thoughts swept over.

"Someone in the lower realm is communicating with the origin of the Changsheng Heaven Realm. Could it be that a disciple has advanced to the Golden Immortal level?"

"Who is it!"

"Promoting to the Golden Immortal level wouldn't make such a big noise. It has already alarmed the core origin of the Changsheng Heaven Realm. Ordinary Golden Immortals can't do it at all, and the other party's aura is not right."

"From the aura, it is indeed a disciple of our Changsheng clan, but it is a little strange."

"Bu Changtian is communicating with the origin of the heaven." At this time, an old voice suddenly swept across the entire heaven.

"It's Changtian!"


"How is it possible!"

"Changtian back then."

"Hehe, are some people playing dumb? Changtian didn't die, but disappeared with the Changsheng Tower, and now he's back."

"Some people shouldn't think that some actions in secret can be hidden from everyone. Some people will be in trouble after Wuya comes out of retreat."

"Not only that, I think this Changtian is also very powerful. He can even alarm the core origin. It seems that he has the strength of an immortal golden fairy."

"Hey! He's so arrogant at such a young age, and he's not afraid of getting into trouble."

Chen Feng didn't know that his actions attracted so many divine thoughts. At first, Chen Feng just simply communicated with the Changsheng Heaven Realm and wanted to rely on his divine thoughts to investigate the situation in the Changsheng Heaven Realm, but soon found that his divine consciousness entered the Heaven Realm Origin, and then received a lot of blessing from the Origin Power.

If it was just a large amount, Chen Feng would not be surprised, but a huge amount was different, and it was the core origin of the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

What does this mean? This means that Chen Feng has been recognized by the core of the origin of the Changsheng Heaven Realm. As a cultivator of the Changsheng clan, he will have an advantage over others in cultivation after returning to the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

This situation is also very normal. Some cultivators will also encounter it. It is like practicing with the surrounding heaven and earth. With the recognition of heaven and earth, the speed of cultivation will certainly advance by leaps and bounds.

"I encountered this situation when I was young. It seems that my chaotic body has caused changes after recovery." Chen Feng was a little surprised at first, but soon returned to normal. The various secret techniques of the Changsheng Sutra quietly operated in his body, and the speed of absorbing the origin of the Changsheng Heaven Realm accelerated again.

At this time, all the pores of Chen Feng's body began to breathe, absorbing essence and exhaling turbid air. Chen Feng's heart was also beating vigorously, washing the power of the star core integrated into it.

Under the wash of the two forces of the origin of the Changsheng Heaven Realm and the power of the star core, Chen Feng felt like he was reborn.

You should know that Chen Feng's physique at this time is almost the same as that of an immortal body, but he still has this feeling, which means that the benefits Chen Feng has gained this time are really too great.

"Disciples of the Immortal Clan, come quickly." Chen Feng shouted softly, and the sound spread throughout the Eternal World.

Tunri and others quickly came to Chen Feng. This time, there were only 500 disciples of the Immortal Clan who followed Chen Feng to the Eternal World, but the lowest cultivation was all celestial immortals. At this time, after listening to Chen Feng's call, they came one after another and formed a circle with Chen Feng as the center.

The rich and pure origin of the Immortal Heaven Realm emanated from Chen Feng, and it impacted the surroundings in circles. Soon, the 500 disciples of the Immortal Clan were submerged.

"It's the power of the origin, so pure."

"The splicing is so high!"

These disciples who came down from the Changsheng Heaven Realm had also refined some of the Heaven Realm's origins when they were practicing in the past, but compared with what was in front of them, they were obviously not at the same level.

Some disciples who had reached the critical point of cultivation even broke through on the spot.

Everyone knew that this was a great opportunity, and all tried their best to absorb these origin powers.

"The swallowing speed has increased." Someone in the Changsheng Heaven Realm couldn't bear it anymore and took action. A divine thought swept over like a sword, trying to cut off Chen Feng's connection with the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

But soon this divine thought was cut off by another divine thought that suddenly appeared.

Then the third divine thought swept out, followed by the fourth and fifth divine thoughts. New divine thoughts continued to join. Some people wanted to cut off Chen Feng's opportunity, while others tried to stop them. Several divine thoughts kept fighting and colliding, which was very lively.


A more terrifying aura suddenly conflicted, and wherever it passed, time and space were turbulent, and the laws collapsed. The divine thoughts that wanted to attack Chen Feng just now dissipated one after another.

"It's Wuya's breath."

"The power of Taiyi, could it be that Wuya has recovered his strength?"

"Wuya has come out of retreat."

Everyone was talking about it, but no one dared to attack Chen Feng again. The breath just now was too strong, and it was not something that these immortal golden immortals could contend with. Some people even felt fear in their hearts, as if the owner of this breath could kill them with just a thought or a will.

After dispersing the immortal golden immortal's divine thoughts, this breath also disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared again.

The Changsheng Heaven Realm became quiet, but there were still some forces stirring in secret.


Chen Feng suddenly sneered. Chen Feng saw the situation in the Changsheng Heaven Realm just now clearly. After sneering, he couldn't help but sigh secretly. No matter where he was, there was no ironclad force. However, Chen Feng was still somewhat relieved. After all, there were still people in the Changsheng clan who were on his side.

"I have captured the breath of the immortal golden immortal who attacked me just now. I will visit them one by one after I return." Chen Feng knew that nothing would happen next, so he devoted himself to absorbing the origin power of the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

Chen Feng's actions aroused the envy of other cultivators. Even a golden immortal would not let go of this level of origin power.

Some people wanted to go forward to take advantage of it, but finally stopped.

Chen Feng was not very hot. Didn't he see that there were two golden immortal-level chaotic beasts guarding on the side?

In fact, Chen Feng also wanted to emit some origin energy for others to absorb, but he changed his mind and gave up. After all, only cultivators from the Changsheng clan could fully absorb these powers. If they gave them to others, it would be difficult to refine them, and some of them would be wasted.

The mighty origin power of the Changsheng Heaven Realm lasted for ten days before it stopped with a bang.

Although the time was not long, the five hundred disciples of the Changsheng clan gained a lot.

Every day is equivalent to a hundred years of cultivation in the past, and ten days is a thousand years. Dozens of people have even broken through the realm. After the absorption is over, they will start to overcome the tribulation.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to encounter such a big commotion as soon as I came here." At this time, Black Water Demon Eye came over with a big laugh.

"Why are you here?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. At that time, it was agreed that Black Water Demon Eye would guard the fairyland.

"I came down to see the situation." Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.

After the two of them laughed for a while, Black Water Demon Eye's face became serious: "The Dark Realm has also been attacked by the killer, and Senior Dark Night has already set off."

"Is it serious?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. The Dark Realm was also attacked. In this way, wouldn't the Six Paths Alliance become torn apart again?

"I don't know the specific situation, but Senior Dark Night took away most of the power." Black Water Demon Eye said in a deep voice.

Chen Feng frowned. He was restrained in the Eternal World. It seemed that he could not help Dark Kirin. However, in this way, the Six Paths Alliance.

"You don't have to worry about the things in the alliance. Now the Immortal Court has issued a call for troops from all the major forces in the Immortal World to join forces to fight against the Killer. I don't think anyone will jump out to cause trouble or civil strife at this time." Black Water Demon Eye knew Chen Feng's concerns.

"In this case, I have nothing to worry about, but the actions of the Immortal Court show that the situation is even more serious." Chen Feng nodded.

"Hehe, it's funny to say that our Six Paths Alliance has also received a call for troops from the Immortal Court." Black Water Demon Eye laughed as he spoke.

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