Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,252: Entanglement

"Hengri, you said that the young master was in danger. If we don't help, will the young master blame us afterwards?" The space-time beast asked with some concern.

"No, if the young master needs our help, he will definitely notify us. You see, we haven't received any news, which means that the young master is not in too much danger and can handle it himself. Besides, it's useless for us to go to the problem that the young master can't solve." The mutant dragon thought for a while and said.

"What you said makes sense, but it's not good for us to be idle like this. When the young master comes back, if these people complain, we may be punished."

"Aren't there some killers here?" The mutant dragon said and rushed towards the killers first.

The two beasts have always been honest and obedient in front of Chen Feng, but as arrogant Chaos species, they have a strong unwillingness in their hearts, especially after being promoted to Golden Immortal, they want to get rid of Chen Feng's control. Although they are very free now, the mark deep in their souls reminds them of their identities from time to time.

Immortal Golden Immortal, but someone else's slave. When the mutant dragon and the space-time beast thought of this, they were full of anger. However, as Chen Feng's strength became stronger and stronger, the two became more and more desperate. If Chen Feng advanced to the Golden Immortal, then he would never get rid of the identity of a slave.

So the mutant dragon and the space-time beast have always been very honest and obedient. Dignity is important, but it must be ranked behind life.

Of course, the two have been looking for opportunities to get rid of their shackles. For example, now, if the mutant dragon and the space-time beast are Chen Feng's loyal followers, they will definitely rush up at the first time when they know that Chen Feng has not made it. But now, they find some reasons to stay, and curse Chen Feng in their hearts that he will not come back. Once Chen Feng falls, then the two will be free.

Of course, now is not the time to be idle. No matter from which angle, these killers need to be eliminated, so the space-time beast and the mutant dragon took out their own strength to eliminate these killers.

Chen Feng was indeed in danger at this time. Facing the attacks of two Golden Immortal-level killers, Chen Feng was no match at all. However, Chen Feng was not without the ability to resist. On the contrary, Chen Feng fought with the opponent in a lively and exciting way.

However, Chen Feng felt the crisis after all, so after fighting for a while, Chen Feng began to think of ways to escape.

Chen Feng failed several times in a row.

The time-space killer was proficient in the avenue of time and space, and the sword demon's attack method made Chen Feng feel frightened, so after Chen Feng failed to escape, he had some bad premonitions in his heart.

"Am I a little careless?"

Originally, Chen Feng was full of confidence after the tribulation, thinking that he was no match for the opponent, and it would be no problem to leave, but after confronting the opponent head-on, Chen Feng realized that things were a little different from what he thought, or that he did not understand the Golden Immortal thoroughly.

Although they were both immortal Golden Immortals, if calculated by combat power, some people were one, but some people could reach one hundred.

Some Golden Immortals have practiced for ten thousand years, while some have practiced for hundreds of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, or even longer. How can they be compared?

The two killers in front of him were clearly not simple people. Chen Feng tried his best but it was so difficult to escape.

"Tsk tsk, this level of pressure has reached my limit." Chen Feng felt that a line was being stretched. Once this line was broken, it would be the time of his death.

At this time, the number of cultivators entering the teleportation array had exceeded Chen Feng's previous imagination. At the same time, Chen Feng was secretly happy. In any case, these people were also saved by him. If he hadn't entangled these two Golden Immortal Killers, this star field should have been destroyed at this time.


A little sword light exploded on Chen Feng. Although he was protected by the golden armor, Chen Feng was still blown open in the deep mountains. A hole was blown open. His body quickly retreated and fell heavily on a planet.

This planet was full of vitality before, and a large number of creatures lived there, but it became a desolate and unupgraded ruins under the invasion of the killers.

Chen Feng crashed into it, and the powerful impact force caused the planet to be torn into pieces, and some of the remaining original power in the planet also spread out.

After close contact with these killers, Chen Feng realized that the other party was not only killing, but also devouring and absorbing all the vitality that could be plundered. After the life on a life planet was killed, even the vitality of the source would be plundered.

A little starlight flickered in the fragments of the planet. Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it. A star core fell into Chen Feng's hand. Some killers who wanted to snatch it were also killed by Chen Feng's punch.

Before, because of the existence of life, Chen Feng had a burden in his heart and did not collect these star cores, but at this moment Chen Feng had no psychological burden at all. After the star core was obtained, it immediately entered Chen Feng's heart.

Every time the heart beats, a powerful force will be integrated into Chen Feng's body.

At this time, one of the purest original energies in the universe is the best tonic for Chen Feng, who has a chaotic body.

Chen Feng's injuries healed instantly, and at the same time, even more powerful power gushed out. Chen Feng slashed with the long sword in his hand, and the mighty sword energy blocked the sneak attack of the Spacetime Killer. Then Chen Feng's free palm drew a circle in the distance, and the large pieces of debris that broke off the planet changed direction and attacked the Sword Demon.

Chen Feng relied on his speed to fly around in the debris, looking for an opportunity to escape.

At this time, Chen Feng no longer had the intention to delay time and fight to the end with the opponent. After Chen Feng's quick calculation, he knew that it would be difficult to escape with his own strength.


After several rounds of fighting, Chen Feng was knocked away again, and another planet was smashed and a star core flew out. This time, Chen Feng did not have time to make a move, and the star core was snatched away by the Space-Time Killer.

Chen Feng cursed in his heart, punched out, and a planet thousands of miles away exploded, and a star core was caught in Chen Feng's hand.

At this time, the cultivators in the God Meteorite Star Domain were almost dead or injured. Chen Feng smashed the planet, and the killer was unlucky.

This time, Chen Feng did not put away the heart core, but waved his hand to take out the Soul Sorrow Bow, and the star core quickly stretched and changed, condensing into a sharp arrow.

The sharp arrow locked the sword demon and shot out in a flash.

Chen Feng was also very distressed to use this star core to attack, after all, this star core can increase his strength after absorbing it.

But in the face of life-threatening situations, nothing can be taken care of.

The reason why he did not attack the Spacetime Killer was because Chen Feng was not sure of locking on the other party.

The Sword Demon was different. Although his attack power was strong, his understanding of spacetime was not as good as that of the Spacetime Killer.

Moreover, this sharp arrow also contained Chen Feng's will. After locking on the other party's breath, he would not be able to escape.

Sure enough, the Sword Demon did not dodge Chen Feng's lock. Facing Chen Feng's attack, he was not afraid at all. The whole person and the long sword merged into one, turning into a huge sword and rushing towards the flying long sword.


The waves generated by the collision of the two impacted the surroundings, and even caused cracks on the planets thousands of miles away. Some monks who had not had time to escape were caught in the energy and suffered heavy casualties.

Chen Feng could not care about these. After firing this arrow, he quickly fled to a distance, but soon the Spacetime Killer caught up again. Chen Feng had no choice but to use all his strength to deal with it.

What made Chen Feng happy was that the Sword Demon did not appear immediately. Chen Feng knew that the arrow just now had caused serious injuries to the other party. It was also beyond Chen Feng's expectation that he could fire that arrow. You know, the energy contained in that star core is too strong. When Chen Feng pulled the Soul Bow, his muscles were torn.

"You can't kill me, so why bother chasing me?" Chen Feng said with a smile, and the long sword in his hand kept changing, sometimes disappearing, sometimes a sword curtain unfolded, sometimes opening and closing, sometimes unpredictable.

The short fight with the Sword Demon made Chen Feng's swordsmanship grow a little.

The Space-Time Killer did not speak, and golden light emanated from his body again, once again locking Chen Feng in it.

Chen Feng cursed angrily.

Although the Changsheng Wings advanced, traversing space and time, turning freely, they were restrained by the Space-Time Killer from time to time. Chen Feng did not remember that this was the first time he was trapped in an independent space.

"It would be great if Demon Eye came, so we can fight each other." Chen Feng sighed, but he was not too worried. Although the opponent's time and space technique was powerful, it could only delay him for a while.

Not long after, Chen Feng rushed over again, but a sharp sword energy forced Chen Feng back again.

The Sword Demon finally caught up.

At this time, the Sword Demon looked extremely miserable. There were transparent holes all over his body. There was almost no good place. It was all because of his own energy that his body did not fall apart. One arm disappeared and his face was unclear.

However, his attack was still domineering and sharp. Chen Feng's eyes were bright. Although the opponent looked seriously injured, he was still far from death. Cultivating to the level of Immortal Golden Immortal, it was not an irresistible force attack, and it was difficult to die.

"Boy, die." The Sword Demon was angry and hated Chen Feng to the extreme.

Chen Feng smiled and took out the Soul Sorrow Bow again. Another sharp arrow shot out. At this time, a trace of fear flashed in the Sword Demon's eyes and he quickly hid away.

Chen Feng took the opportunity to rush out.


The sharp arrow exploded with great momentum, but the power was less than one percent of the previous one.

"Haha, you two, go ahead." Chen Feng's laughter sounded in the distance.

"Want to go, can you go?" Two streams of light flew out of the eyes of the Space-Time Killer. The speed of the streams was extremely fast, even faster than Chen Feng who used the Immortal Wings. With a bang, the two streams of light exploded and turned into a net of heaven and earth, blocking Chen Feng in front of him.


"Break it for me!"

Chen Feng slashed with the long sword in his hand, and the silk net in front of him was directly cut open, and there was a crackling sound at the same time, but this delay, the Space-Time Killer caught up again.

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