Eternal Existence

Chapter 1241 Various Golden Immortals

"Welcome everyone, how many of you are here this time?" Chen Feng asked calmly.

"You are just a little Golden Immortal, you are not qualified to talk to us." The young cultivator's eyes were full of contempt.

Not only Chen Feng, but also Tianhui Golden Immortal and others laughed, while the Space-Time Beast and the Mutated Dragon were eager to try.

Tianhui Golden Immortal and others may not know how powerful Chen Feng is, but they can't have two Golden Immortal-level subordinates.

"A dog that lost its home is still so arrogant." Chen Feng said, taking a step forward and punching the young cultivator directly.

Chen Feng has seen that this young cultivator has just entered the Golden Immortal realm, and his realm has not even stabilized. He is not Chen Feng's opponent at all. It is because of this that this young Golden Immortal did not see through Chen Feng's true and false, and he seemed a little arrogant to enter the Immortal realm, and he did not take anyone seriously.

Maybe this person is a genius, maybe he will achieve greater success in the future, but so what, Chen Feng doesn't care about these at all, what Chen Feng has to do is to teach him a lesson, in this crisis, Chen Feng will directly raise his own flag.

Chen Feng just made a simple move, but those present were all wise men, and they could naturally see the extraordinaryness of it at a glance. Tianhui Jinxian and others were just a little surprised, while the cultivators of Tianyuan Star Region felt bad.

"Looking for death! A little immortal dares to attack me." The young Jinxian said with some disdain, just waving his hand, and a green airflow swept towards Chen Feng.

Even now, this guy still didn't take Chen Feng seriously, and still wanted to get rid of Chen Feng casually.

Then the young Jinxian was miserable. When Chen Feng's fist broke through the green airflow and came to the front, the young Jinxian felt something was wrong, but it was too late to resist at this time. Chen Feng's punch completely blocked the opponent's aura.

The powerful fist force entered the young man's body, constantly colliding and destroying the vitality in his body, and then he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the rolling energy poured into Chen Feng's body.


Several Golden Immortals in Tianyuan Star Region could not bear it anymore and were about to attack Chen Feng. Chen Feng retreated quickly and avoided the siege of the crowd, but the young man was seriously injured and fell to the ground. Chen Feng extracted 30% of his energy.

"Sir, you are too cruel." The old man in the lead showed anger on his face, and of course there was more shock. He seriously injured a Golden Immortal in one fell swoop. How could this be a celestial immortal.

"Not cruel, not cruel, I just want you to see the situation clearly." Chen Feng said with a smile, waved his hand to take out the stone spear, waved it, and the whole person exuded an overwhelming domineering aura.

"What I want to say is that this is my territory, you are just stray dogs who come to us for refuge, understand, if you feel indignant in your heart, just go ahead and take action, the worst result is just to be destroyed by the killer." Chen Feng said lightly.

The faces of the cultivators from the Tianyuan Star Domain were extremely ugly. These people came to the Eternal World with some bad intentions. Their own star domain was destroyed, and they finally found a big world. Of course, they wanted to occupy it. Moreover, the number of the other side's Golden Immortals seemed to be less than their own, but this young man in the Heavenly Immortal Realm was really weird, which made these people hesitate again.


At this time, two more warships entered the Eternal World, and then a team of fully armed soldiers came out. Most of these soldiers were composed of Heavenly Immortals and True Immortals, but there were dozens of Half-Step Golden Immortals leading the team, but two Golden Immortals quickly came to the crowd.

"I guess this is the famous Young Master Changtian." The two Golden Immortals were a man and a woman. The man was dressed in green and handsome, and the woman was dressed in red and beautiful. Both of them had extraordinary temperaments, which gave Chen Feng a good impression.

"Who are you?" Chen Feng was a little confused. These two people were clearly from the Immortal Realm, but he didn't know them.

"We are from the chaotic land in the north. I am Bixiao and this is Qinghong. We were both born in the Eternal World. This time the Eternal World is in trouble, so we have to come." Bixiao said with a smile.

"So you two are from the chaotic land in the north. That is a place where many masters come. With the arrival of the two Taoist friends, I think the Eternal World will definitely be able to get through this disaster." Chen Feng was even happier. At the most critical moment, the foundation of the Eternal World was finally revealed.

Although this level of life world is far inferior to the fairy world, it has existed for countless billions of years. During these years, how many lives will be born and how many cultivators will emerge. Even if a golden immortal appears in 100,000 years, how many golden immortals will there be.

And now is just the beginning. Chen Feng can't guess how many people will appear next, but Chen Feng is still a little confused. That is, the other party is in the chaotic land in the north, which is very far away from the Hunyuan Mountains where he is. I don't know why he recognizes him right away.

"Hello, Brother Chen." At this time, Duan Shuiliu suddenly walked out of the crowd. At this time, Duan Shuiliu was already a high-level celestial being. His temperament was still cold, but when he saw Chen Feng, his eyes were a little complicated, and of course there was a hint of respect.

"It turned out to be Brother Duan." Chen Feng laughed, and at the same time he understood why the other party recognized him right away.

"I don't deserve it. Now the name of Young Master Changtian is well-known in the fairy world. I am just a small figure." Duan Shuiliu retreated after saying that.

"This is my apprentice." Bixiao said with a smile.

"The talent is not bad, I can challenge the Golden Immortal in the future." Chen Feng nodded.

"Then thank you Taoist friend Ji Yan. By the way, what's going on here?" Bi Xiao was obviously happy when Chen Feng praised his apprentice.

"Some outsiders." Chen Feng quickly said what happened just now. Bixiao and Qinghong sneered after hearing this.

"It turns out that they want to occupy the eternal world. These people really dare to think about it." Bixiao sneered.

"Everyone, I think we need to talk." Perhaps because of the arrival of Bixiao and others, the old man from the Tianyuan Star Territory changed his attitude. The dissatisfaction on his face had long since disappeared, revealing a kind smile.

"Oh, we need to talk now, let's not do anything." Chen Feng was still a little aggressive.

"Fellow Taoist, we were joking. We had no ill intentions in the first place. In fact, our home was destroyed in order to find a place to stay. But at this time, killers are rampant. The universe is so vast that there is no place for us to go. Although the big world in front of us looks like It's okay to wake up, but once the Slayer's army arrives, I'm afraid it will end up like ours in the Tianyuan Star Territory," the old man said.

"So?" Chen Feng was noncommittal.

"As I said before, we have no ill intentions. If you agree with us to settle here, then we also have the obligation to fight against the killers." The old man said with a smile.

"Wouldn't it be over if I said this earlier? I have to wait until I take action before I can calm down." Chen Feng sneered. The old man chuckled but did not rise. The young man who was injured by Chen Feng almost had fire in his eyes. Come, but there is no sound.

Chen Feng took a look and saw that there were actually ten Golden Immortals on the other side. Although a few people were injured, they were still a powerful force. No wonder the other side was so arrogant. They turned out to be confident.

"Okay, then we can have a good talk. I don't know how much power you have brought. I can set aside an area in this world for you to live in, but after the killer arrives, I hope you will definitely contribute." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"Of course, we have no reason not to do our part. The killer destroys our hometown and is our enemy until death." The old man nodded.

Although he was somewhat prepared, Chen Feng was still shocked when the monks in the Tianyuan Star Territory came out of the warship.

"You won't bring all the monks from the entire Star Territory." Chen Feng said in surprise.

The old man was a little embarrassed: "Of course not. This time we only escaped 100 million people. You must know that the population of our entire Tianyuan Star Territory is more than one trillion."

What happened next was a bit chaotic. Everyone reached an agreement, and finally a piece of land was set aside for these people to live in the eternal world. Except for some killers sneaking in, everything was relatively stable.

"Fellow Taoist, this is actually a good thing. Under the current crisis, our eternal world needs more power. No matter where these people come from, as long as they can compete with the killers." Tianhui Golden Immortal said with a smile.

"I also know this truth. I am afraid that other forces will appear next. I am also preparing to mobilize some monks from the fairy world. This time is a crisis and a training. Killing the killer can also gain benefits. The crystal core in the body It’s a good thing.”

"But the seniors need to guard this place. I want to go out and have a look. Maybe I can rescue some more monks." Chen Feng said.

"This is no problem, but I also want to be a companion with fellow Taoist." Tianhui Golden Immortal said with a smile.

"In addition, I am also a little bored. I want to meet these killers. It would be better if I can meet the other party's golden immortal." Wuyou said with a smile, and the lonely soul man on the side also nodded.

In this way, Chen Feng and the three golden immortals left the eternal world and broke into the vast starry sky.

After leaving the eternal world, Chen Feng used his pupil technique. His eyes were faint and he could see directly through the starry sky of billions of miles away. Chen Feng soon withdrew his gaze and his face became a little solemn.

"What's wrong?" Tianhui Golden Immortal asked.

"These killers are getting closer and closer to the eternal world. Time is running out." Chen Feng sighed.


The four of them were extremely fast, moving hundreds of millions of miles in space in just a few steps, and then rushed into the army of killers.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

As soon as the four people came up, they charged violently. This was the most domineering mode of action. After the four people stopped, at least tens of thousands of killers were killed.

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