Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,234: Secret Measures

The picture displayed in the mirror was the mountains and rivers of the Immortal Sword Sect. As the light from the eyes of the black water demon pupils continued to shine, the picture in the mirror began to change continuously, and soon monks began to appear.

"Tsk, tsk, you are quite good at this, you can use it for peeping." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What peeping, I'm checking the situation of the place." Black Water Demon Eye said with some displeasure.

"Sure enough, there is a problem. Look, I have never seen these people before. They must be reinforcements later." The Black Water Demonic Eyes stretched out their hands, and two monks were magnified in the mirror.

Astonishingly, they were two Golden Immortal clones.

"It seems that he is from the heaven, but I don't know where he comes from. The other party is also a clone of the Golden Immortal. You have to be careful not to be discovered by the other party." Chen Feng reminded.

"Don't worry, I'm a Golden Immortal now. Besides, what if the other party really finds us?" Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile, stretched out his hand again, and the two people disappeared from the screen, and there were another group of neatly dressed people. Soldiers appear.

"If you find us, then take action. These people dare to hurt my subordinates. I have an excuse." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and the Eternal Life Sword flew out and hovered above his head.

"Wow! You're not planning to take action now." Black Water Demon Eye was a little surprised.

"Of course not, I'm just solving some troubles." Chen Feng said and the sword of longevity disappeared in a flash. When he came back again, several monks had been killed in the distance.

"It's Chang Hentian's spy. You're ruthless enough. Aren't you afraid of being discovered by the other party?" Black Water Demon Eye was a little surprised.

"So what if I find out? My subordinate was injured. I came here to seek justice." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Look at these people!"

Black Water Demon Eye pointed at the screen and said. The screen showed a team of three hundred fully armed soldiers. What surprised the two of them was that these three hundred people were all immortals and wore high-grade immortal weapons. Wearing body armor and holding high-grade attack weapons, the most important thing is that this group of soldiers does not come from all heavens.

Although these soldiers are just ordinary Celestial Immortals, the formed team can pose a threat even to Golden Immortals.

"I can't tell, what do you think?" Chen Feng shook his head.

"Why do I feel like I came from the Immortal Courtyard?" Black Water Demon Eye said a little strangely.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up: "I feel the same way when you say it. Could it be that these two families have united with Xianting."

The black water demon pupil used its pupil technique to constantly change the scene, and finally locked on the two lonely monks.

These two monks had some intermediate-level immortal cultivation. They were picking elixirs when they felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then they saw two young people looking at them with smiles.


The two immortals already felt that they could not move as soon as they opened their mouths, and even their souls froze. Chen Feng and Blackwater Demon Eyes took action at the same time and quickly searched each other's sea of ​​consciousness.

"How is it?" Black Water Demon Eye asked first.

"This person's consciousness is restricted by the Golden Immortal, but fortunately I found some useful information. These people are actually from the Fengtian Immortal Mansion. This thing is interesting." Chen Feng laughed.

Blackwater Devil Eyes nodded, the two of them got similar information.

The two did not kill the two immortals, but left a mark on each other's sea of ​​consciousness, using the two as puppets. With a wave of the black water demon pupil, the two immortals returned to their original place and looked at each other. He started taking action and soon avoided many restrictions and began to spy on the situation in the core area.

Immortal Court is the nominal ruler of the Immortal World. There are also some institutions such as Immortal Palace and Immortal Mansion below. These forces are very powerful, second only to Immortal Court and far beyond some first-rate forces. There are Immortal Emperors in every place.

Those who can be called Immortal Emperors are generally some veteran Golden Immortals, and they have even begun to comprehend the Taiyi Law on the basis of the Immortal Law.

Those who can take another step forward on the road to immortality are the true masters and powerful ones.

"Sealing Heaven Immortal Mansion is headed by Sealing Heaven Immortal Emperor, who is on the same level as Black Tooth Immortal Emperor. He is best at sealing, otherwise he would not be called Sealing Heaven Immortal Emperor." Heishui Demon Eye thought for a moment and said.

"What I care about is that Changhentian and Taihuangtian actually got together with each other. I don't know what happened to the other forces. Hey, they just experienced the siege of Dongji Immortal Palace and started to cooperate with each other again." Chen Feng sneered.

"It's rewarding."

The eyes of the Black Water Demon's pupils lit up, and the two immortals had successfully sneaked into a treasure place. This treasure place's immortal energy was extremely rich, and there were many monks practicing here.

"It is a large spirit gathering array, or eighteen overlapping ones. The most important thing is that there is a spiritual spring in the large array. Although it is not as good as the immortal spiritual spring, the fairy spirit energy emitted is also good for heavenly immortals. " Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Do it?"

"Do it."

Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eyes looked at each other, and then each controlled an immortal to take action.

Various runes continued to flow out of the eyes of the Black Water Demon Eye, and soon disappeared into the void through a special way.

Chen Feng took out the evil scepter, and with a thought, the power of evil aura and curse continued to emit far and wide.

The evil scepter was snatched from the evil demon by Chen Feng. It was a medium-grade artifact. Chen Feng had completely refined it over the years. Not only that, Chen Feng also tried to collect evil power and inject it into it. Finally, he ruthlessly integrated the cursed scepter into it. In this way, the essential properties of the evil scepter have changed. Although it is still a medium-grade artifact, its power has been upgraded to a higher level. If there is enough evil power, it is not a problem to upgrade it to a high-grade artifact.

The two immortals kept walking in the spirit gathering array without touching any restrictions. With the power of Chen Feng and the black water magic pupil, the two people's eyes gradually became confused, but their experience became stronger and stronger. Finally, they actually passed through layers of restrictions and came to the spiritual spring.

One of the immortals flashed his eyes, and black light flew out of his eyes and rushed into the spiritual spring. If you look closely, you will notice that these black lights are composed of compressed runes.

The immortal controlled by Chen Feng exploded with one finger, and streams of evil power flowed out like spring water, and finally flowed into the spiritual spring.

After an incense stick of time, the two celestial beings left at the same time, leaving the gathering spirit formation silently, but the energy in the spiritual spring was constantly gushing out, soon covering the entire cultivation land.

"Illusion spell! I admire you." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are more insidious." Black Water Demon Eye replied.

The two talked and laughed, but they still controlled the two celestial beings. The cultivation place just now had only a few hundred disciples, which could not satisfy the two of them, so they controlled the two celestial beings to fly out to other places again.

Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye had the same idea, which was to disrupt the other party's camp to the greatest extent.

The evil power emitted by Chen Feng came from a mid-grade artifact, and it was not so easy to resolve even if the other party was a Golden Immortal.

The illusion spell emitted by Black Water Demon Eye was not simple either. It was a secret technique after the Demon Eye was advanced. Although it was not as domineering as the evil scepter, it was also very difficult to entangle. After the cultivator was hit, he would fall into a strange illusion. If he wanted to break free, at least a Golden Immortal would have to take action.

The two of them used their identities as two celestial beings to constantly break into some important places, and then released spells and exuded evil power. It took half a day before they stopped.

"Almost." Black Water Demon Eye closed his eyes. Even for a gifted Demon Eye, this level of consumption was a bit too much.

"Let's teach them a lesson first. They will have to return our territory sooner or later." Chen Feng sneered. The means they used just now would not explode immediately, but would lurk and wait for the two to attack in one fell swoop when they needed it.

"Let's go." The two of them recovered their cultivation a little, and then turned and left.

"Hahahahaha, you two came here, don't you plan to come out and see?" At this time, there was a voice like nine days of thunder rolling in, and at the same time a huge golden finger crossed the sky and rolled over Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye.

"Discovered." Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye looked at each other, and they were not panicked. Black Water Demon Eye just flashed his eyes, and Chen Feng saw that a piece of space had been moved away. Of course, there was that huge golden finger in this space.

Four Golden Immortals blocked the way of the two.

"It turns out that the little guy from the Black Water Tribe has advanced to the Golden Immortal stage. No wonder he dares to come here so boldly." The speaker was a middle-aged cultivator, tall and majestic, but there was a little starlight flashing on his forehead.

"This is the Tianxingzi of Changhentian, born with the Tianxing physique." Black Water Demon Eye secretly sent a message to Chen Feng.

"Hehe, meet you all. I heard that something happened here. As an ally, of course I have to come and see." Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.


A young man with a gloomy face snorted coldly and looked at Black Water Demon Eye with a bad face. Chen Feng's eyes flashed and he saw that this person was missing an index finger. It seemed that he was the one who had just made a move, but the finger was moved away by Black Water Demon Eye's pupil technique. It would be a bit troublesome to find it back.

"Ally?" The four Golden Immortals all showed a playful look on their faces.

"This should be a kid from the Immortal Clan. I heard that you are the leader of the alliance. It's ridiculous. A little celestial being is here to support the scene. Is there no one left in your Immortal Clan?" The speaker was a beautiful female cultivator wearing green armor. Her skin was whiter than snow, her face was delicate, her body was hot, and there was a hint of pride in her eyes. She was actually a Golden Immortal.

"This is the Supreme Fairy. She was born with the Supreme Fairy body. She was born in Taihuang Heaven, but she practiced in the Supreme Heaven. She has two forces behind her to support her. She is very arrogant." Black Water Demon Eye said secretly.

"The Supreme Fairy body, hum, I think it is just a waste body." Chen Feng said coldly, and his voice reached the ears of the Supreme Fairy.

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