Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,229: Black Water Demon Eyes Overcoming the Tribulation

"Although it has been stable for hundreds of years, the sect is not suitable for war." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Not having resources is indeed a very troublesome thing."

"Sir, it's not like that. Recently, I got news that Dongji Immortal Palace seems to have had a major change. Even some half-step golden immortals and celestial immortals have been transferred back." Dafeng said hurriedly.

"Is there such a thing?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. His clones didn't get this news.

"It just happened. The other party retreated very secretly. I also discovered it without any doubt."

"So now is a good time for us to attack Xingyuan Sect." Dafeng said excitedly.

"It won't be a trap set by the other party." Chen Feng was a little cautious.

"It shouldn't be. I went deep into Xingyuan Sect to investigate. The number of half-step golden immortals is indeed decreasing. Without half-step golden immortals, what can the other party do even if they set a trap?"

"So what exactly happened to the other party, and what about the forces of Changhentian and Taihuangtian?" Chen Feng thought for a while and asked.

"The details are not clear yet."

"Then investigate first, and talk about it if you can't figure it out. Our alliance also has several Golden Immortals, but the other side will not attack rashly if they are just defending the city. But if there is really a big change in Dongji Immortal Palace, such a good opportunity should not be missed." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, sir, I will go check it out." Dafeng said and retreated.

At this time, a young man with a stern look suddenly walked out of the space and bowed respectfully to Chen Feng: "Hello, sir."

This young man is the Space-Time Beast, and he is also a Golden Immortal at this time.

"Go to Dongji Immortal Palace to find out what happened, but pay attention to safety. There is a Taiyi Golden Immortal in Dongji Immortal Palace. If you find something wrong, leave immediately." Chen Feng ordered.

"Taiyi Golden Immortal!" The Space-Time Beast was a little surprised.

"Yes, it's Taiyi Golden Immortal." Chen Feng nodded.

"Yes, sir, I will pay attention to safety." The Space-Time Beast nodded, then took a step forward and disappeared.

Chen Feng was still very relieved about the Space-Time Beast. This kind of alien species in the universe is born with a strong talent for cultivation, especially the Space-Time Beast's mastery of the way of space and time far exceeds Chen Feng, so Chen Feng was still very relieved.

However, because of the soul shackles, Chen Feng benefited from the mutant dragon and the Space-Time Beast when they advanced to the Golden Immortal. Not only that, after a long time, Chen Feng can also possess the innate energy of both, of course, only a part of them.

"It's still okay for the Space-Time Beast to go there." Chen Feng nodded, his mind moved, and he turned around and saw the space in front of him fluctuate, a rapidly rotating vortex appeared, and then the Black Water Demon Eye walked out of it.

"The cultivation is over." After the Black Water Demon Eye appeared, it circled around Chen Feng several times.

The breath on Chen Feng's body flashed, and then the Black Water Demon Eye felt a little breathless.

"You, you, you." The Black Water Demon Eye pointed at Chen Feng in surprise.

"What?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Why has your cultivation increased so much?" The Black Water Demon Eye showed an unbelievable look in his eyes.

"Have you forgotten that I have a chaotic body constitution? I just need to absorb enough energy. By the way, I have been practicing for these years and refined some of the blood essence of the Golden Immortal." Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and a ball of blood light emerged, which really contained the immortal spirit.

"You are really crazy, even if you are a chaotic body, you can't just absorb some energy casually. Be careful not to burst yourself." Black Water Demon Eye opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Don't worry, I know what I am doing." Chen Feng nodded.

"But there is something wrong with your aura." Chen Feng asked again.

"Of course it's wrong. I am about to pass the tribulation. In the process of being promoted to the Golden Immortal, I hope you can protect me, so that you can also gain something from it." Black Water Demon Eye said.

Chen Feng was not surprised that Black Water Demon Eye was going to pass the tribulation, but nodded: "Why, are you ready?"

"What's the matter with preparation or not? The feeling is coming, and naturally I can't let it go, and I am under a lot of pressure." Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.

"Pressure, you are not talking about me, right? Indeed, anyone will feel pressure in front of me." Chen Feng showed a serious expression on his face.

Black Water Demon Eye shook his head, somewhat helpless: "It's about Moruotian."

"Sure enough, don't worry, maybe the situation will be better after you are promoted to Golden Immortal, and I support you."

"It's good for you to support me, but I'm afraid you will have a lot of troubles once you return to Changshengtian."

"Hmph, when I am promoted to Golden Immortal, I will go back and cut off all the troubles, and there will be no more." Chen Feng said disdainfully.

"Not bad, very domineering, I admire you." Black Water Demon Eye raised his thumb.

After the two chatted and laughed for a while, they started to move, and stopped only when they reached a deserted place.

"Have you made preparations?" Chen Feng looked around and asked, there was clearly a formation arranged in advance here.

"Yes, this time I may be in danger when I cross the tribulation." Black Water Demon Eye nodded seriously.

"It is necessary to make some preparations. The Golden Immortal Tribulation is not that simple. Once successful, you will become immortal and indestructible."

"I really envy you. Unlike me, I am still a little immortal." Chen Feng sighed.

After hearing what Chen Feng said, Heishui Demon Eye almost vomited blood, and then ignored Chen Feng, and his figure flashed into the formation. As the aura was released, the calamity clouds began to appear in the sky.

Chen Feng smiled and sat on a rock casually, emitting some of his mind to sweep around, and then his eyes lit up and looked in a direction in the void.

"Haha, Young Master Changtian has such a powerful divine consciousness, and Heihe Patriarch greets the young master." An old man laughed and said.

"I dare not, it should be the junior who greets the senior." Chen Feng stood up.

This Heihe Patriarch is the Golden Immortal from Moro Tianxia, ​​born in the Black Water Tribe, and is a supporter of Heishui Demon Eye. At this time, Heishui Demon Eye is undergoing the calamity, so naturally he has to secretly guard it. However, Heihe Patriarch was a little surprised. He didn't expect that his whereabouts would be discovered all of a sudden. Although he also heard that Changtian's realm was low, his combat power was super strong, and he finally believed it at this time.


A black mine landed, marking the beginning of the heavenly tribulation. The Black River Patriarch's expression condensed, and he hid his figure again. Chen Feng stopped talking and sat on the rock again, looking at the tribulation cloud in the void with a faint gaze, trying to see something from it.

"The Black Water Demon Eye was born in the Black Water Tribe. Although he was born with the Demon Eye, he also had a water-based physique. He practiced the Black Water Magic Skill and the Black Evil Qi. The heavenly tribulation started with a mine attack, which was quite interesting. I don't believe that this guy's heavenly tribulation would be simple." Chen Feng thought thoughtfully.

After all, the Black Water Demon Eye is also a genius in cultivation. Coupled with his special physique, the heavenly tribulation will definitely be stronger than that of ordinary cultivators.

In Chen Feng's view, the mines at the beginning were simply a gift to the Black Water Demon Eye.

Sure enough, the first round of mine attacks was quickly taken by the Black Water Demon Eye, and it looked very easy.

The second round of attacks began again. This time, a river of heaven rushed towards the Black Water Demon Pupil. The long river was light black, flowing down at one end and deep in the calamity cloud at the other end. It looked terrifying.

"It's the mysterious water of heaven. Why is it the power of water attacking again?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Although this long river looked powerful and might have an impact on others, it should not be a big deal for the Black Water Demon Pupil.

Sure enough, the Black Water Demon Pupil passed through it easily again. This time, even the Black Water Demon Pupil itself felt something was wrong.

"Be careful, there may be a more powerful heavenly calamity later." Chen Feng sent a message to the Black Water Demon Pupil, but a lightning bolt in the calamity cloud did shoot towards Chen Feng.


Chen Feng crushed the lightning and sneered, "I'm not afraid of you attacking me. This level of lightning is not even enough to tickle me."

In the face of Chen Feng's provocation, the Heavenly Dao surprisingly did not react this time.

The third wave of the heavenly tribulation finally intensified. First, there was a round of water spears condensed from water, and then there were various forms of weapons and magic treasures. It looked chaotic and oppressive, but it still did not pose much threat to the Black Water Demon Eye.

At this time, the Black River Patriarch who was hiding in the dark could not help it, and came to Chen Feng in a flash.

"What do you think, young master?" The Black River Patriarch asked in a deep voice.

"There is a problem. I feel that the heavenly tribulation should not be so easy." Chen Feng was puzzled.

"I also feel that it is too strange. It was not so easy for the Demon Eye to pass the tribulation in the past." The Black River Patriarch nodded.

"This is the third wave. If I guess correctly, the next wave of the heavenly tribulation may be a bit more complicated." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"The fourth wave? It may also be the last wave." The Black River Patriarch said lightly.

The Black Water Demon Eye held the Phantom Demon Blade and blocked or chopped all the attacks. Although it took some effort, it still managed to survive.

At this time, Black Water Demon Pupil's heart began to beat violently and uncontrollably, and there was a strong pressure in the depths of his soul. His eyelids twitched, and Black Water Demon Pupil knew that danger was coming.

"Sure enough!"

Chen Feng and Black River Patriarch's eyes condensed, and even the two of them could feel the terrifying breath brewing in the calamity cloud.

A beam of black light fell down, wrapping Black Water Demon Pupil in it.

"It's the light of destruction!" Black River Patriarch breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just that there is no problem in this case."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Chen Feng shook his head.

As soon as the voice fell, another beam of light fell down, this time the light was fiery red, followed by the third beam of white light, the fourth beam of light blue light, and the fifth beam of purple-gold light, forming a colorful light, and Black Water Demon Pupil was in it, and even his figure could not be seen.

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