Eternal Existence

Chapter 122 Temptation

Chen Feng and Ye Ziming exchanged glances, and then communicated secretly.

"Brother Chen, the other party is quite ruthless, what do you think?" Ye Ziming asked.

"Let's see the situation. If the place we are going to is too dangerous, we can choose not to go. Anyway, we don't care about this little pill." Chen Feng smiled.

"That's true." Ye Ziming agreed.

The black-clothed woman finally checked all the cultivators present, then nodded and spoke again: "I believe everyone is very curious about where we are going?"

"Yes, I wonder if this girl can tell us in detail about this mission. Although the reward is very generous, we can't be ignorant." At this time, a calm middle-aged cultivator asked first.

"We are going to the Demon Soul Valley." The black-clothed woman said lightly.

"What, Demon Soul Valley." All the cultivators present were shocked, their faces changed, and they all started to discuss.

"Demon Soul Valley, I won't accept this mission."

Someone stood up at the first time and strode out.

"Demon Soul Valley, I won't go either, it's too dangerous. Although the 100,000 yuan Yang Dan is important, my life is more important."

"Yes, yes, if I had known it was the Demon Soul Valley, I wouldn't have come. This is a joke. What kind of place is the Demon Soul Valley? It's not a place that ordinary cultivators can enter. Even cultivators in the Heavenly Realm will die after entering it."

"Isn't this a lie? Not to mention the 100,000 yuan Yang Dan, even if you give me 200,000, I won't go."

When the cultivators heard about going to the Demon Soul Valley, they began to leave in twos and threes.

"I didn't expect it to be the Demon Soul Valley?" Chen Feng was stunned for a moment. Of course, he knew that the Demon Soul Valley was dangerous. It was a famous dangerous place in the Eternal World. However, although it was dangerous, there was a kind of herb growing in it that Chen Feng needed now, which was the Soul Protection Flower. With the Soul Protection Flower, Chen Feng could absorb and refine the Demon God's blood twice, making his body stronger again.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng began to hesitate. He had originally planned to go to the Demon Soul Valley after his realm was improved, but he encountered such a thing. Chen Feng's little abacus in his heart began to ring.

"Brother Chen, you are actually going to the Demon Soul Valley. I remember that the soul-protecting flower you need grows there, but it is too dangerous there. We need to think about it carefully." Ye Ziming said in a voice transmission.

"Let's see the situation first. The woman in black still has something to say." Chen Feng said.

"This time I entered the Demon Soul Valley mainly to find something, and you are the guards I hired with money, but you can rest assured that we are only looking for it in the edge of the Demon Soul Valley and will not enter the center." The woman in black said again.

"The edge area is extremely dangerous. As for the center area, even the cultivators in the Heaven Realm dare not enter it casually. I heard that there are ancient demon gods in it. Even immortals have to avoid it when they encounter it. We, the small shrimps, will die if we go there." A cultivator said.

"Everyone can think about it. If you don't want to go, I won't force you. If I get what I'm looking for after entering the Demon Soul Valley, I will take out three treasures to thank you. In addition, each person will be given 100 human-level pills." The woman in black said slowly.


As soon as these words came out, some monks who were about to leave stopped again, with fiery looks in their eyes.

"Is this woman crazy? She is willing to take out three treasures and 100 human-level pills for each person. These things are what the secret realm monks in front of us want, even the Tianren realm monks want. I now doubt the truth of what this woman said." Ye Ziming couldn't help but send a voice message to Chen Feng.

"I also doubt whether this woman has other purposes. When she said that, I had the urge to rush forward to rob her." Chen Feng also said with a smile.

"Robbery, how can it be so easy? The four guards behind her are not easy to deal with, not to mention this woman whose background is unclear, and there are some guardian messengers around her, unless the Tianren realm monks take action." Ye Ziming said slowly.

"Are you serious? I wonder what kind of treasures and pills they are?" At this time, some monks couldn't help it.

After all, if the benefits are enough, there are still many people willing to risk their lives.

"As for what kind of treasure or elixir it is, you don't need to know now. Anyway, I won't lie to you." The woman in black said.

"Words are not enough. What if you lie to us? We are gambling with our lives." A monk shouted.

"Okay." The woman in black nodded, waved her hand, and a stream of light flew out, and a dark red spear was inserted into the ground.

Suddenly, a bloodthirsty and violent aura rushed out in all directions, and some monks who were close to it were affected by this aura and their eyes suddenly turned red.


Two of the monks couldn't help but go crazy, their eyes were bloodshot, and they attacked the monks around them.

After a commotion, the two were quickly subdued, and the others retreated one after another, fearing that they would be affected by this strange spear.

"What kind of weapon is this? It actually has such a violent aura and can affect people's minds?" Chen Feng was shocked. The spear in front of him looked ordinary, with a dull and not sharp tip. The spear body seemed to be ordinary iron, but it was covered with bloodstains and constantly exuded an evil and bloodthirsty aura.

"This is a magic weapon." At this time, a cultivator suddenly shouted, with a trace of fear on his face.


The black-clothed woman stretched out her hand, and the spear stuck in the ground suddenly turned into a stream of light and fell into her hand, then disappeared.

"Everyone, what do you think? This is an authentic treasure. If you can help me get something in the Demon Soul Valley, I will also take out two treasures that are not inferior to this spear. As for the elixir, it is 100 human-level Peiyuan pills per person." The black-clothed woman said lightly.

"But the spear just now was a magic weapon." Someone in the crowd shouted again.

"Oh, what, so you are not interested in this treasure? Well, I don't want to say more. I have already made the conditions. If anyone is unwilling, you can leave immediately. I have so many cultivation materials. Do you still worry about not finding a cultivator to work for me?" The black-clothed woman's voice became cold, and she was obviously a little impatient.

After hearing this, everyone started to discuss again.

"This guy is really stupid. He doesn't care if it's a magic weapon or not. As long as it's a treasure weapon, it's powerful enough and can enhance strength. Do we have to learn from those so-called righteous people to slay demons and exorcise monsters?"

"That's right. Besides, there are 100 Peiyuan Pills. Tsk tsk, that's a human-level pill. Even the disciples of the immortal sects would be jealous when they see it, right?"

"Done. I'll take this task."

"Where can you find such a good thing? Anyway, it's not the core area of ​​the Demon Soul Valley. Besides, we cultivators have always been practicing with our lives. If we really die there, it's destined. Demon Soul Valley, I've decided to go too."

Not only were these cultivators surprised, but Chen Feng and the other two were also extremely surprised. They didn't expect that this black-clothed woman would be so generous. She actually had a treasure weapon on her body. In addition, each of them would be given 100 human-level pills. You know, Chen Feng now has less than 100 human-level pills.

"Brother Chen, what should I do? The value of these 100 human-level pills has exceeded that 100,000 yuan Yang Pill. I am a little tempted now. Although Peiyuan Pill is only the lowest-level human-level pill, it has some magical effects after taking it. More importantly, it can strengthen the foundation and make the cultivation and realm more stable and solid. And that magic weapon surprised me. If I am not mistaken, the spear just now is not simple. It is probably of the upper-middle level even among the treasures." Ye Ziming said quickly.

"I almost lost my mind when I saw that spear just now. If someone attacks me with that spear, I am afraid I can't resist. Let's not talk about the treasures first. The 100 Peiyuan Pills are really tempting." Ruta also said.

"Even if there are no such things, I will go to the Demon Soul Valley, but this time it just gives me an opportunity. It is safer to act with so many people than to act alone." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"If that's the case, then it's settled. I can also see the legendary forbidden land, and there is a reward to get. Where in the world is there such a good thing?" Ye Ziming said with a smile.

"I'm willing to go."

"I have no objection."

"I'll take this mission."

Everyone started talking. To be honest, the spiritual stones, treasures, and elixirs displayed by the black-clothed woman have deeply tempted these cultivators. If it weren't for the powerful power of this mysterious woman, I'm afraid the people present would have rushed up and snatched them.

Chen Feng glanced and saw the five people he had detected in the restaurant. Through other people's discussions, Chen Feng also knew the names of these five people, called the Five Heroes of Taoshan. The five people usually practiced in seclusion in a place called Taoshan. Sometimes they would come out to do some tasks. They had good cultivation and were well-known in the surrounding areas.

Feeling Chen Feng's gaze, the calm cultivator among the five turned his head and smiled at Chen Feng in a friendly manner.

Suddenly, Chen Feng felt several vicious eyes piercing his face. When he turned his eyes, he saw the four evil men of Meicheng. These four men were also in the crowd, staring at Chen Feng and the other two with cruel and murderous eyes, like four hungry wolves that would pounce at any time.

"I didn't expect these four evil men to come. I was thinking about how to kill them, but I didn't expect them to come to my door. They really don't know how to live or die." Chen Feng laughed.

Since he had already made enemies with the other party, Chen Feng decided to cut the grass and root it out to prevent future troubles. This is also the law of the world that Chen Feng has realized over the years.

"Kill them on the road, or enter the Demon Soul Valley before taking action." Ye Ziming also said.

"We don't have to worry. I think they will take action first in nine out of ten cases." Chen Feng laughed.

Of the more than 300 cultivators present, only less than 100 were left in the end. Together with the people brought by the woman in black, there were a total of 120 people. Among these 120 people, the lowest cultivation level was at the third level of the secret realm. These 120 people in Beiyuan could be regarded as a force that could not be ignored. They could even establish a kingdom or a small immortal sect without any problem. For example, sects like the Six Great Cave Heavens did not have such a strong force.

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