Eternal Existence

Chapter 1213: Killing the Golden Immortal

"It was re-refined and blessed by the leader, seniors Dark Night and Hengri. I saw with my own eyes that the leader took out several artifacts and hit them into the center of the formation." Shura Daojun said with a weak breath.

In the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Shura mainly cultivates killing, so Shura Daojun killed the most people in the war and was also the one who was most seriously injured.

"This is the last barrier. I hope it can block the opponent's attack." Renjian Daojun sighed. In this war, a large number of disciples from the original Six Paths Sword Sect died.

"It blocked this time, but I don't know if it can block the next time. I don't know when the leader will come back?"

"The two seniors were also led away, which is really worrying."

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

After a fight, everyone was in a state of recuperation and recovery, but bursts of rumbling sounds came from outside the formation. At first, everyone thought that the opponent was attacking the formation and didn't pay too much attention, but soon a strong energy fluctuation was transmitted, and finally even the formation began to shake.

"Such a powerful attack."

"No, the other party used energy cannons!"

"Yes, it's an energy cannon, which should be provided by the Immortal Court. This is a bit troublesome."

"Hmph, although the energy cannon has amazing attack power, it needs energy. I'll go out to investigate the situation." The God of Killing said and disappeared in a flash.

The roar lasted for an incense stick of time before it stopped. Tiandao Daojun and others looked unhappy. The bombardment just now caused the big formation to be damaged, and some small killing formations hidden in it were also somewhat loose.

Soon, the God of Killing came back, with blood on the long sword in his hand, and some deep wounds on himself.

"The other party dispatched twelve energy cannons, with power similar to the dark night energy cannon. Under the bombardment just now, cracks have appeared in the big formation. If it comes a few more times, hehe, I don't need to tell you the result." After saying this, the God of Killing sat down on the ground, and the whole person was limp.

Dafeng immediately stepped forward and stretched out his hand to grab. A wisp of black air flow drilled out of the wound, just like a spirit snake, and it was still twisting in Dafeng's hand.

"What a powerful Yin Sha power." Dafeng said as a ball of fire surged out of his palm, making a sharp and piercing sound while burning.

The God of Killing opened his mouth and sprayed a black airflow, and the flesh on his body kept cracking, then healing, cracking again, and healing again, and it returned to normal after several times.

With the help of Dafeng, the God of Killing gradually recovered.

"It was the Golden Immortal's clone, but I also killed a half-step Golden Immortal." The God of Killing said with a smile.

"Before the Six Dao Hunyuan Formation is destroyed, let's choose to leave." At this time, Tiandao Daojun and Renjian Daojun came to Dafeng and others.

"Leave?" Dafeng was a little confused.

"Yes, leaving through the teleportation formation can still retain strength. Even if you go through the space gate to other forces, it is better than waiting to die here." Renjian Daojun said with a gloomy face.

"Are you willing to give up the Hunyuan Mountains." Dafeng said with a smile.

"Of course I'm reluctant, but I don't think I can make it this time."

"Going to other places will result in the same result. Besides, you think it's so easy to teleport out by constructing a space gate. During the teleportation, you will definitely be blocked by the other party's masters."

"What should we do? Just wait to die here?"

"If you all want to wait to die, then just wait to die." Dafeng said lightly, no longer paying attention to the other party.

"Hmph!" The Taoist Master of the Human World turned and left, and the Taoist Master of the Heavenly Dao also sighed.

Chen Feng finally found the Dark Kirin. Originally, Chen Feng planned to fight to the death, but after seeing the situation clearly, he was stunned.

After the Dark Kirin turned into its original body, it was a million miles long, just like a planet, but there was a black cloud above its head. Chen Feng looked carefully and felt that his eyes were first blurred, and then suddenly it was clear. The power of the origin, the laws of the avenue, the mountains and rivers, the strange beasts and birds, the reproduction of life, the flow of time, all kinds of pictures kept turning, Chen Feng closed his eyes, just a moment ago, Chen Feng felt that he had spent tens of millions of years.

"This is the entire dark world. Has Dark Qilin reached this point?" Chen Feng was secretly surprised.

He opened his eyes and looked again, and saw the Changsheng Zhenjing appearing and disappearing in the black cloud, and pages were constantly turning, and black streams of light shot out from time to time.

The energy from the opponent's attack was blocked or absorbed by the black cloud.

Dark Qilin suppressed two Golden Immortals alone, and one of them was on the verge of death, and the other was seriously injured. The two wanted to clash from time to time, but they were blocked by the power of the dark world every time.

Chen Feng didn't believe that Dark Qilin would be so fierce.


Dark Qilin held the Zhan Tu and hit hard. The half-dead Golden Immortal finally exploded. A little true spirit wanted to escape but was swallowed by the suction from the dark scripture.

The last person was almost scared to death, and suddenly saw Chen Feng, then his figure shook and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Dark Qilin naturally saw Chen Feng, but he was not anxious, but smiled as he watched everything.

This Golden Immortal did not take Chen Feng, a small Heavenly Immortal, seriously at all. What the Golden Immortal noticed was the passage that appeared behind Chen Feng. As for how this passage appeared, the Golden Immortal did not think too much about it under the threat of his life.

After the collision, Chen Feng was just an insignificant little mosquito that was about to be killed.

However, when Chen Feng took out the Immortal Heavenly Sword and his body rose in the field of vision, the Golden Immortal suddenly felt that something was wrong. How could this little Heavenly Immortal get close to the battlefield of the Golden Immortals? Even an ordinary Half-Step Golden Immortal would be seriously injured if he got so close.


Chen Feng's sword was like a galaxy, and the Golden Immortal was almost cut in two.

"Such a weak opponent, no wonder he can fight two to one." Chen Feng laughed.

"Humph! You can say that this kid still has 30% of his combat power left, but it's good that you can do this." Dark Kirin said, pointing his finger, and countless black threads in the Dark Sutra pierced the body of the Golden Immortal. Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the void, and the rolling essence was pulled out.

"Really good at taking advantage." Dark Kirin returned to human form, still looking like a cool black-clothed boy.

"Congratulations, I didn't expect your strength to improve again, but I'm not bad either, I killed a Golden Immortal before." Chen Feng said proudly, a necessary law came into Chen Feng's hands, paused for a while and disappeared.

"Stinky boy, robbing my things, what, you just said you killed a Golden Immortal, didn't you use the Longevity Tower?" Dark Qilin was a little surprised, but he acted very quickly and quickly grabbed the remaining few immortal laws.

"Of course not, I relied on my own strength. Lord Dark Night, why did you rob so many things, you are now a Golden Immortal." Chen Feng only swallowed one-third of the power.

"Although I am a Golden Immortal, I also need immortal power to improve my strength, and now I am the Lord of the Dark Realm, there is an entire Dark Realm that I need to support, what do you think I need these things for." Dark Qilin said unceremoniously.

"Okay, we can go to Hengri, he also has two Golden Immortals." Chen Feng said.

"Let's go, where is this dragon?" Dark Qilin was in high spirits, his strength had just broken through, and it was time to fight and hone.

"Escape." Chen Feng sensed it and said.

The mutant dragon was indeed on the run. Although the mutant dragon had a strong bloodline and was a chaotic species, it was still inferior to the dark unicorn. What's more, the dark unicorn had integrated the Dark Sutra and had the entire dark world as its backing. So after a brief fight, the mutant dragon chose to escape.

Speaking of a golden immortal escaping with all his strength, it would be easy to escape if the difference in strength was not too great. The mutant dragon had been on the run for a while, and relying on its strong bloodline, it had resolved several crises.

At this time, he felt the presence of Chen Feng and the dark unicorn, and his heart suddenly became excited. He turned around suddenly, and a ball of scorching sun bombarded one of the golden immortals.

"It's my turn." The huge divine consciousness locked onto one person, as if he was afraid that the other party would run away.


As soon as the Dark Kirin came up, he summoned the phantom of the Dark Realm. Under the suppression of the entire Dark Realm, one of the Golden Immortals was immediately injured, and Chen Feng continued to use the move that killed the Golden Immortal before. The power of the six reincarnations appeared, but this time Chen Feng did not have the fragment of the Golden Immortal's true spirit. Instead, he took out a drop of the Golden Immortal realm and injected it with the soul-soothing spell. A blood light penetrated the sky and also penetrated the Golden Immortal who was fighting with the mutant dragon.

A round of scorching sun quickly stretched out, forming a light blade, and then killed it, cutting the seriously injured Golden Immortal in two.

Chen Feng quickly stepped forward and unceremoniously extracted the immortal law and spirit. Although the mutant dragon had an opinion, it did not dare to say it. Chen Feng's attack just now caused a strong fear in the mutant dragon's heart. Thinking that Chen Feng was even more powerful, the mutant dragon felt infinite disappointment, but then it was somewhat comforted, because this Golden Immortal Chen Feng only took half of the benefits, and left the rest to the mutant dragon.

Then the two helpers and another Golden Immortal were killed. Of course, Chen Feng took the opportunity to get a share of the spoils.

In this series of time, five Golden Immortals died in the hands of three people. Chen Feng felt like he was dreaming. After all, in Chen Feng's mind, these immortal Golden Immortals were difficult to kill.

"Most of these Golden Immortals have clones. Although we killed the original body, the opponent's clone will still come to take revenge after growing up." Dark Kirin thought for a while and said.

"Come for the reward!" Chen Feng laughed instead.

"Even the original body was killed by us, how dare the clone come."

Then Chen Feng stretched out his finger and drew a circle in the void. After the energy fluctuations, a series of pictures were displayed, which was exactly what happened in the Six Paths Alliance.

"The situation is a bit bad, Hengri, you quickly go back and take charge, destroy the opponent's energy cannon, and defend the formation." Chen Feng thought for a while and then said in a commanding tone.

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