Eternal Existence

Chapter 1204 Noisy

"Since I am a mob here, I don't know what you are doing here. Are you bored? Or do you want to have a war with our Six Paths Alliance? By the way, again, this is my territory. As long as I am willing, I can keep everyone present," Chen Feng said coldly.

"Why do you think you are a golden immortal? Even a golden immortal would not dare to say this." Someone shouted.

"I am not a Golden Immortal, but I can kill Golden Immortals, and our Six Paths Alliance also has a Golden Immortal sitting in charge." After Chen Feng said this, everyone felt two supreme and invincible wills sweeping over them.

"It's Jinxian."

"It's still two."

The will of these two golden immortals deliberately contained powerful oppressive impact. All the monks present could not sit still. Some of those with weaker soul abilities showed pain on their faces. The scene was chaotic, but everyone looked at Chen. Feng's face looked a little frightened.

This is indeed the case. According to what Chen Feng said, with Chen Feng's combat power plus the two Golden Immortals, even if they cannot kill everyone, they can still kill most of them. What's more, there are other half-step Golden Immortals in the Six Paths Alliance. Look. It seems that Black Water Demon Eye has also joined Chen Feng's side.

The two golden immortal wills just swept once and disappeared, but everyone still had an uncomfortable feeling.

"Haha! No wonder Master Changtian can block the attack of Xianting. It turns out that there are two golden immortals sitting in charge. I admire him." At this time, an old man from Daluotian spoke first. From the tone, it can be heard that these people have already surrendered.

"But Mr. Changtian should also know that everyone comes from the major heaven realms, and we have our own methods to block the attacks of the Immortal Court. Just say that Da Luotian and Babu Tian were attacked by some golden immortals. Come to think of it, The pressure faced by other companies will not be less than ours," the old man continued.

"Yes, our forces in the Blood Realm have also been attacked by Golden Immortals. In addition to Golden Immortals, there are also hundreds of Half-Step Golden Immortals."

"Our demon world, underworld, and ghost world are the focus of Immortal Court's care. The other party has dispatched four golden immortals, three hundred half-step golden immortals, and tens of thousands of heavenly immortals. The power of the ghost world has been dispersed, and it is temporarily ineligible. came here."

"Wait a minute!" Hearing this, Chen Feng interrupted everyone. The hall fell silent, and everyone looked at Chen Feng.

There was doubt in his eyes, and there was no oppression as before. This feeling made Chen Feng very satisfied.

"Is Immortal Court so powerful?" Chen Feng stretched out his fingers and tapped on the armrest.

Silence, stillness.

Then it was the old man from Da Luotian who spoke first: "The Immortal Court is indeed very powerful. It is so powerful that it can threaten our major heavens. Especially in the past hundreds of millions of years, it has developed rapidly, and our heavens are always at war with each other. Although War can make people stronger, but beyond a certain point, the overall strength will decline. "

"Although there are twenty-four heavens in the Immortal Realm, there are more than twenty-four heavens now." The old man said as his eyes swept over some of the people present.

Chen Feng understood what the old man meant. Some powerful heaven-defying races were also building their own kingdoms all the time, and their overall strength was not much higher than that of Heaven.

Although some heavens have been destroyed in the course of history, the oldest and most powerful ones are still the Twenty-Four Families, which is what the outside world calls the Twenty-Four Heavens.

"Let's not talk about this for now." Chen Feng waved his hand.

"I understand the purpose of everyone's coming. It is nothing more than to unite to fight against the Immortal Palace, or to fight against the Dongji Immortal Palace. Let me tell you my opinion first. The entire Dongji Land is definitely not the only one who is under attack. In other words, what we represent in the eyes of the other party is only a part of the power. I am a little curious, but there are countless external forces in the East China Sea, but Xianting has taken action in a way that spreads everywhere. The other party's purpose is already very clear. It is clear, but the method is incredible. I have summarized a few points. First, Xianting is powerful enough to sweep all our forces in one fell swoop. Second, Xianting has other purposes that we don’t know about. Third, The controller of Immortal Court went crazy." Chen Feng himself laughed when he said this.

"If the Immortal Palace headquarters sends out its forces, we really can't stop it, but according to the information we got, it's just the Dongji Immortal Palace that is taking action." A monk from the Jiuyou Clan said.

"Dongji Immortal Palace is indeed very powerful, surpassing the first-class forces. Immortal Court is the ruler and official in the immortal world. Dongji Immortal Palace is the yamen below. It is not something that some powerful sects can compete with. What's more, Immortal Court can Mobilize the local forces to deal with us."

"Over the years, the demon world, underworld, ghost world and other big worlds have been fighting with the fairy world. I want to have some understanding of the strength of the fairy world."

"This is different. Although our demon world, the underworld and the ghost world are also very ancient living worlds, they are far inferior to the fairy world in every aspect. Although we have been at war with the fairy world and want to invade the fairy world to obtain resources. , but they are just small and large, and the level is not high. The Immortal Court has not sent any real masters, so our understanding of the Immortal Court is only superficial, and the true strength of the Immortal Court is still unknown. "The monks in the demon world. After thinking for a while he said.

"No matter what, the power shown by Dongji Immortal Palace this time is very powerful. If we don't ask for help, we will definitely not be able to withstand it."

"Perhaps the other party just wants us to ask for help. If the reinforcements come to the fairy world, they will definitely suffer a loss in the other party's territory."

"We in the heavenly world are naturally not afraid of the fairy world, but the number of us is too small."

"It's better to report the situation here. Maybe the major heavens should unite to teach the fairy world a lesson."

"This is a good suggestion. As long as several of our twenty-four heavens respond, we can make the fairy world look good. No matter how powerful the fairy world is, it is just a single force."

"It won't be like that. The entire Immortal Realm is really too big. If these forces obey the Immortal Court's call, our Heaven Realm will be trapped in it and we will not be able to escape."

"Hmph, I can't escape. I can't see it. After all, our heaven is beyond the fairy world."

Hundreds of Half-Step Golden Immortals gathered together, and each person's words could cause the entire scene to become chaotic. Chen Feng originally wanted to say something, but seeing this situation, he still chose to remain silent and talked with Black Water Demon Eyes. They looked at each other and showed a wry smile.

Of course, there are some masters among the monks who came this time. These masters have been very quiet and did not stand up when Chen Feng provoked him, because these people can feel Chen Feng's power more than others.

After Chen Feng came in, he emitted the power of his soul for the first time and found out the strength of all the monks present. Even a few hidden masters did not hide it from Chen Feng.

Chen Feng even noticed that there were several golden immortals hiding secretly, but the other party had not made any move, and it seemed that they would not interfere, so Chen Feng did not bother to pay attention to them.

After a long time, the noisy voices finally subsided, and finally returned to calm. These people knew that most of them and others were just talking, and the ones who really made the decision were the leaders who were sitting on the seats and did not speak.

"Young Master Changtian, you are very powerful and the number one cultivation wizard in the Immortal Realm. What do you think?" What is strange is that the leader of the Demon Realm was the first to speak, and there was obviously a hint of flattery. After listening, Some people present frowned at this.

"Actually, my idea is very simple, that is, if the soldiers come to block the water and the earth covers it, it is possible that you are planning to leave the fairy world." Chen Feng said with a smile, and took a deep look at the leader of the demon world.

"Of course not. We have developed in the fairy world for so long and have carved out a territory of our own. If you want to drive us away, hey, I'm afraid you don't have the face to go back." Someone immediately shouted.

"Actually, in my opinion, the alliance has both advantages and disadvantages." Black Water Demon Eye suddenly said.

"Oh, really, just listen to what the demon pupil has to say." Blackwater demon pupil still has some weight in this circle, and it attracted some people's attention as soon as he opened his mouth.

"The other party can attack so many of our forces at the same time. There is no doubt about the strength of the other party. If we join forces, we may be in danger of being wiped out by the other party." Black Water Demon Eye said lightly.

"If we don't unite, we will be defeated by each other individually." The young man who was injured by Chen Feng's snatching of position finally spoke after being silent.

This force comes from the Holy Light Clan, which is relatively weak among the Eighteen Clan, and is the one most eager to promote an alliance under strong pressure.

"Perhaps they will be defeated by each one." Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.

"What I mean is that if we join forces together, there is a risk of being wiped out in one fell swoop, but the advantage is that by concentrating our strength, we may be able to block the opponent's attack. Of course, it is not that simple to perfectly concentrate our strength."

Everyone was thoughtful. In fact, everyone present heard clearly what the Black Water Demonic Eyes meant. With the Six Paths Alliance, there were nineteen forces in the hall. With so many forces having about the same power as each other, then in all Who listens to whom in a critical moment? Without a clear sense of hierarchy, disputes can easily arise.

"Actually, it's very simple. Then choose a leader, and the leader will arrange the specific affairs. If someone disobeys or deliberately causes trouble, the others will join forces to punish him." The leader of Babutian spoke. The fighting ability is one of the strongest among everyone present.

"I agree with this suggestion, so let's start selecting the alliance leader now." Everyone responded. In fact, this is the important purpose of everyone getting together. So much of what they said before is false.

"I recommend Da Luotian's fellow Daoist Daoist Daoist Da Luo Tian."

"The Tianwen Taoist friends from Babutian have advanced cultivation and strong fighting ability, and can be the leader of the alliance."

"I think Taoist Taoist disciples from Taihuangtian are also very suitable."

"Haha, although Demon Eye has not been practicing for a long time, he is the best choice in terms of talent and cultivation. I recommend Fellow Demon Eye."

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