Eternal Existence

Chapter 1200: The Power of Chaos and Nirvana

Compared to the two Golden Immortals, Chen Feng's situation looked a bit miserable, with wounds and holes constantly appearing on his body, but only Chen Feng himself knew that the situation was gradually getting better. Although his injuries looked serious, he was not in danger of blood and flesh falling apart. More than 70% of the power of chaos and annihilation had been swallowed by Chen Feng. Originally, Chen Feng wanted to swallow this Xuanhuang blood, but with a higher level of destructive power, of course he had to change direction.

"It turned out to be Xuanhuang blood. I wonder if this guy can resist it." At this time, the Black Water Demon Eye was shuttling in space, but still felt the fluctuations of the heavenly tribulation. After praying for Chen Feng in his heart for a while, he accelerated the speed of the shuttle and soon disappeared.

"This kid should not be able to resist, my immortal body has been hurt."

"It should be soon, it is definitely impossible to resist the destruction of the power of chaos and annihilation, what a pity, this is a genius of our Changsheng Heaven."

"Hehe, since he is a genius of your Changsheng Heaven, why do you still want to take action?"

"Okay, there is no need to say this, you also attacked a genius like Black Water Demon Eye, we each have our own needs, the heaven is so big, it is normal to wither one or two geniuses."

"I feel something is wrong, the Xuanhuang blood has been washed for a while, and it is still resisting now."

"Don't worry, wait."

But soon, the two Golden Immortals became anxious, because the momentum of the Xuanhuang blood became more violent, and the power of chaos and annihilation mixed in it also increased by 10%. A negligence caused several blood holes on the two of them.

The two could no longer remain calm, and they didn't have so much time to think about other things, because if they didn't deal with it well, these chaotic annihilation forces would cause serious damage to the two.

"Huh!" Chen Feng stood in the dark yellow blood, letting his flesh and blood continue to crack and even fall off, but Chen Feng did not move at all, his face was calm and unmoved, as if it was not his own flesh and blood that was washed away, but the suction force from the huge vortex in Chen Feng's body was getting stronger and stronger. Chen Feng had already adapted to this mode of practice very well. As long as he could handle these chaotic annihilation forces, even if Chen Feng's flesh and blood were really broken apart, he could recover quickly.

First, the law of truth emerged, like a spider web crisscrossing in the body, bursting out with roaring power, followed by the law of heaven, and finally the two immortal laws.

Most of these law powers were taken by Chen Feng by force, but they were condensed by Chen Feng's blood and soul fire billions of times, and had long become a part of himself.

It emerged at this time, and it was Chen Feng's deliberate act. Under the wash of the power of the heavenly tribulation, it would wash away the last trace of lead and reach a perfect and harmonious state.

Moreover, during the heavenly tribulation, the 108 true laws in the body are gradually changing towards the direction of the laws of heaven. This is the most important sign in the process of cultivation, that is, strength.

"Maybe I should be more ruthless." Chen Feng's mind turned, and the two immortal laws suddenly had golden light flowing out. In this process, Chen Feng felt the pain of being deprived of power and consciousness. Even Chen Feng's mind, which had been tempered for thousands of times, roared loudly in pain.

"It seems that this kid can't resist it."

"Haha, it's almost done, let's hold on for a while."

Hearing Chen Feng's roar, the two golden immortals felt a little relieved.

Chen Feng made a huge decision, which would seriously affect the future path of cultivation, that is, to melt these two immortal laws, and integrate the laws and power into other laws of heaven bit by bit, including the core laws of heaven that Chen Feng was condensing.

Perhaps because of the separation of the immortal laws, Chen Feng's strength has declined, or perhaps it has become stronger. Chen Feng himself can't explain it clearly, but when Chen Feng flashed this idea in his mind, he immediately grasped it and implemented it without hesitation.

The process was painful, a wisp of golden light was constantly being extracted, this was the decomposition of the immortal law, the process was very slow, which meant that this was not a job that could be completed quickly, Chen Feng would also have to endure long-term pain, compared to these, what Chen Feng was most relieved about was the integration process, the law of heaven was like a pigment injected into it, a wisp of golden light emerged, and then slowly spread, integrated into the entire law of heaven, making the law of heaven change color, of course, it would take a long time to completely integrate with the law of heaven, but for Chen Feng, with a good start, he would not worry about time.

Chen Feng even planned to melt the power of chaos and annihilation and integrate it into it, of course, this was not something that could be considered at the moment.

Once you enter the state of cultivation, time will pass quickly, even if there is some pain in it, but it will become numb after a long time.

The Xuanhuang blood passed, this was Chen Feng's second wave of heavenly tribulation, which exceeded Chen Feng's initial expectations.

The body shook violently, and the injuries on the body disappeared within a breath. Chen Feng sensed that the physical state was very good, and the absorbed power of chaos and annihilation was quietly stored in an acupoint. However, before Chen Feng could be happy, it was only two breaths, and the powerful aura locked Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, knowing that the third wave of calamity power was about to come. Judging from the degree of aura, it might exceed the Xuanhuang Blood just now.

"What! Xuanhuang Blood is over, and this kid is safe and sound?" Jero opened his eyes wide.

"This is a bit troublesome." Huanmie was also a little confused. Huanmie knew clearly what he was doing. Even if this thing would succeed, he would face the threat of death. However, judging from the current situation, if Chen Feng could successfully advance, he would definitely die in the future.

"What should I do?"

"There is no other way. I can only pay some price and kill this kid."

"Then do it now. I don't know what kind of heavenly tribulation will come next."

"No matter what heavenly tribulation, we have to do it. Now we have no way out."

"Then do it together and kill this kid in one fell swoop."

After the two Golden Immortals made up their minds, they rushed towards Chen Feng without hesitation. In order to prevent the interference of the Heavenly Dao, the two performed secret techniques and instantly arrived in front of Chen Feng, pressing their palms on Chen Feng at the same time.

With the power suddenly burst out by the two Golden Immortals, even if a Golden Immortal was hit, he would be either dead or injured, let alone Chen Feng.

"Come on!"

Chen Feng knew that he could not dodge in time, so he ignored the palms that landed on his body and instead bombarded the two with his fists.

One against two, this time even Chen Feng himself felt that he was going to be blown up.

However, when the power of the three people erupted, a ball of colorful light fell from the sky and turned into a halo that enveloped the three people.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then there were three explosions, Huanmie and Jero vomited blood, and each of them had a big hole on their chest, and under the cover of the colorful light, the wound continued to expand.

As for Chen Feng, it was even worse. The protective armor on his body was completely blown to pieces, and the flesh and blood rolled all over his body, revealing the white bones. There was no good place, and even the internal organs could be seen constantly wriggling.

Chen Feng took two steps back with difficulty, and then fell heavily on his body. This time Chen Feng was seriously injured, the flesh and blood had completely melted, most of the bones in his body were scattered, and the internal organs were almost completely broken, but Chen Feng barely smiled.

Only a part of the power of the two Golden Immortals acted on Chen Feng, and then he was disturbed by the sudden heavenly tribulation. However, because of Chen Feng's attack, the heavenly tribulation also caused a major blow to Chen Feng. Fortunately, the armor formed by the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron blocked part of the power. Otherwise, Chen Feng's body would not be able to be saved in the attack just now, and even his soul would be severely damaged, and it is possible that it would be broken up.

The sparks of the soul fell like sparks, covering Chen Feng's entire body, and then the almost completely scattered body began to gradually recover. At the same time, the energy in the major acupoints in the body also erupted, and Chen Feng's recovery speed accelerated again.

In just a few breaths, Chen Feng stood up again, and the two Golden Immortals also returned to normal, but their eyes were all horrified, shocked by Chen Feng's strength and the colorful streamer that just descended.

"It is the Immortal Glare, and it also contains the power of the Five Elements Reincarnation."

"If it weren't for the interference of the Heavenly Tribulation, the previous attack would have been enough to kill this kid."

"Keep attacking!"

"Tsk tsk! The Immortal Glare of the Five Elements Reincarnation is indeed a more powerful energy than the Xuanhuang Blood just now. Even the immortal body will be wiped out." Chen Feng sneered at the two Golden Immortals who wanted to kill him.


Two groups of colorful streamers locked the bodies of the two people respectively. The five colors flowed, the five elements revolved, and a powerful destructive force was generated to start to torture Huanmie and Ye Luo.

From the scene of blood splashing, it can be seen that the two people are not doing well.

Of course, Chen Feng would not foolishly choose to attack the two people. The result of doing so would only provoke a more powerful Heavenly Tribulation attack. Chen Feng was seizing every moment to restore his strength, because this time the Immortal Glare was not so easy to deal with.

Sure enough, the immortal glare soon descended, and the huge colorful streamer was divided into three parts. Chen Feng and the other two were treated equally and all taken care of, but the two golden immortals looked a little embarrassed. The two circles of immortal glare kept grinding, and even the immortal bodies gradually couldn't bear it. At this time, the two of them really gave up and stopped attacking Chen Feng, wanting to deal with the situation in front of them.

In the process of the immortal glare covering his body, Chen Feng took out the Immortal Sky Sword and kept slashing, but the effect was minimal. Since these immortal glares were called immortal, they were naturally not so easy to break up. The protective armor that had not yet fully condensed was torn apart again, and then the flesh that had just recovered was splashed with blood and flesh again.

Chen Feng took a long breath and performed the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique again. This time was different from before. The energy flowed, and small vortices appeared on the surface of Chen Feng's body, madly swallowing these lights of destruction.

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