Eternal Existence

Chapter 1195 Dark Demon Barrier

Swish, swish, swish! Swish, swish!

The strong toxin was like a mucus that could not be shaken off, sticking to the two people and emitting strong corrosive and destructive power. At the same time, the black pillars around them connected to each other, forming a cage that trapped the two people.

Swish! Swish!

Two streams of light flashed, and Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye broke through the black pillars and rushed out. Chen Feng had the artifact of the Undead Sky Sword. Unless it was a magic weapon or a golden immortal of the same level, it would not be able to stop Chen Feng's attack.

The Phantom Demon Blade in the hands of Black Water Demon Eye had been smelted since birth and had long become a part of the body. Although it was not a mid-grade artifact, it could exert the strongest power.

"Changtian, let's work together to open a passage. If you have a chance, you can escape from here." Black Water Demon Eye said in a deep voice.

"Do you think the other party will let us escape?" Chen Feng said with a smile, swinging the long sword in his hand constantly, the sword light was indestructible, everything in front of him was neatly cut open, and two unlucky monks hiding in the dark encountered Chen Feng's sword energy and died.

Not only that, the evil scepter in Chen Feng's hand was also constantly showing its power, and the evil power flowing out was integrated into the opponent's poisonous energy, just like lightning falling into the water, and a strong reaction occurred, and a passage was quickly blasted in front of him.

The combat power erupted by the Black Water Demon Eye was even greater than that of Chen Feng. The natural demon pupil had insight into the reality, and the phantom magic blade in his hand could even cut through space. The black water magic skill he practiced was even more domineering. The process of conflict with Chen Feng was surprisingly smooth.

"I didn't expect that the two of us would fight together in the fairy world, but I don't know if my childhood wish will come true." The Black Water Demon Eye said that the phantom magic blade in his hand flew out and killed two monks again.


The two rushed out one after the other.

"It won't be that easy." Chen Feng said a little uncertainly, but the world in front of him was real, not an illusion.

"Go quickly, I have to go back." Black Water Demon Eye was about to enter the barrier again, but was stopped by Chen Feng.

"My companions are all in there, I can't leave them all behind." Black Water Demon Eye said.

"Don't you see it yet? The other party's target is you and me. No matter where we go, the other party will catch up." Chen Feng waved his hand and stabbed a long spear into the void.

Then a tall cultivator walked out of the void. This was a half-step golden immortal. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the long spear thrown by Chen Feng.

"The artifact is not bad."

"Yes, it is not bad." Chen Feng showed a weird smile on his face.


Then the artifact suddenly exploded, and the half-step golden immortal screamed. His body was broken but he was not dead. He struggled to escape far away. Chen Feng chased him and slashed the long sword in his hand. The other party's broken body was completely broken into pieces in the sword energy.

"It's a waste of my artifact." Chen Feng said lightly. The one killed in the barrier before was only a celestial being. In Chen Feng's opinion, killing a half-step golden immortal is the real way to consume the opponent's power.

Then Chen Feng's mind moved, and thirty-six small flags flew out in a row, floating in the space to form a method array. The flags kept flashing dark blue lightning, constantly intertwining together, and the surrounding space was constantly torn into cracks.

Then several cultivators rolled out from the space. Chen Feng shouted softly, and the thirty-six flags exploded at the same time. There was chaos in the screams, and it was unknown whether anyone was killed.

This time, without Chen Feng's call, the Black Water Demon Eye quickly took action, and the Phantom Demon Blade in his hand kept flashing black light. In a blink of an eye, all the cultivators who came out were killed.

"Go." The longevity wings behind Chen Feng spread out with a bang, and the powerful force almost swept the Black Water Demon Eye out.

"You have cultivated the Changsheng Wing to this level." Black Water Demon Eye was a little surprised, but then he felt a flash in front of his eyes, and Chen Feng had disappeared.

"Although you are powerful, your realm is still too low." Black Water Demon Eye hesitated for a moment, and finally made up his mind. A stream of light shot out of his eyes, and soon a rapidly rotating vortex appeared in the space. Black Water Demon Eye took a step and disappeared.

"If the other party doesn't catch up, I will return."

"Almost done!" Chen Feng kept shuttling back and forth in the space, and finally stopped in a desolate and chaotic land. This land was full of large and small pits, and there was a murderous aura floating in the air. It was obvious that this was once a battlefield.

"This is it." After stopping, Chen Feng shook his hand and threw out several sets of magic arrays to protect himself tightly. Among them, there were also several sets of killing arrays. This was the result of Chen Feng's research over the years, and he had never had the opportunity to use it. Finally, he took out the evil scepter and inserted it into the ground. The evil power surged around like water waves, and soon the surroundings became pitch black.

"Changtian, what are you doing?" At this time, Black Water Demon Eye shouted outside. Although he knew that Chen Feng was in the formation, he did not dare to force his way in.

Chen Feng waved his hand, a passage opened, and Black Water Demon Eye rushed in quickly, but there were two shadows following behind.

"What is that!"

Chen Feng pointed his hand, and the killing formation was activated. A sharp sword light flashed by, and the black shadow was nailed to the ground. It turned out to be a black demon leopard.

"Hey, it's a dark creature." Chen Feng was a little surprised. This dark demon leopard was clearly at the level of a half-step golden immortal.

At this time, Black Water Demon Eye and another dark creature were already shaking. Without Chen Feng's help, Black Water Demon Eye quickly dealt with the other party. A dark creature that even Chen Feng couldn't name was cut in half by the Phantom Demon Blade.

"How could there be a dark creature?" Chen Feng's face was a little solemn at this time, and his hands waved quickly to strengthen the magic array around him again.

"Is this strange? We in Moruotian have been raising these things. These are all brought by the Ten Thousand Poison Demon Lord." Black Water Demon Eye groaned, and several deep cracks appeared on his armor, and blood kept oozing out of it.

"I said you are at least a half-step golden immortal, why do you get hurt all the time." Chen Feng curled his lips and arranged some divine thunder in the array.

"The Golden Immortal clone took action, and I was already good enough to escape." Black Water Demon Eye said, looking around, and then sat down heavily on the ground.

"I didn't expect you to have this skill. The formation is good. It should be able to resist for a while."

"This is my family's wealth. If it weren't for the critical situation this time, I would not be willing to use it." Chen Feng dared not relax. Chen Feng knew the weirdness of these dark creatures. Although the formation he arranged was very strong, something might rush in.

"In fact, you should leave. With the magic movement of your immortal clan, it is still no problem to leave here." Black Water Demon Eye said lightly.

"Do you think I am the only one who has practiced the immortal wings?" Chen Feng laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"Stupid, what I mean is that this time it's not just your Moyan tribe of Moruo Heaven that's involved, but also people from our Changsheng Clan. The Moyan tribe wants to kill you, and the guys from the Changsheng Clan are coming for me. As for the Dongji Immortal Palace, they're happy to watch us fight to the death. And if I'm not mistaken, our whereabouts have been under the surveillance of the Immortal Court. If the Immortal Court hadn't intervened, Moruo Heaven and Changsheng Heaven would have arranged everything to deal with you and me by coincidence." Chen Feng said with a smile. Although what he said was a bit horrifying, his expression seemed relaxed.

"It's probably not that easy to kill us, but it's a pity that your realm is too low, and at the same time, you're a half-step golden immortal like me. Even if a golden immortal comes, we can find a way to hunt him down." Black Water Demon Eye stood up, shook the Phantom Demon Blade in his hand, his eyes bright, and his fighting spirit was surging.

"If I cultivate to the realm of a half-step golden immortal, I think I can kill a golden immortal in seconds." Chen Feng said with a smile, and waved his hand. The Undead Heaven Sword flew out, and when he came back again, blood on the sword was evaporating.

This time, Black Water Demon Eye did not refute, but nodded, tacitly agreeing with Chen Feng's statement.

"Actually, after you disappeared, I thought you would disappear. I was sad for a while. Later, I heard that you ascended from the lower realm to the fairyland. I knew that the first genius of that year had withered. I didn't expect that I was wrong." After a silence, Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.

"You are also the first genius in the Black Water Department. It took a million years to cultivate to the realm of half-step golden immortal. The speed is very fast, but it is still a little bit behind me." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing when he said this.

"You guy." Black Water Demon Eye couldn't bear it anymore, and the murderous aura was diluted by the two people.

"If I can survive this time, I must make those people look good." Finally, Black Water Demon Eye gritted his teeth and said.

"I'm used to this kind of scene." Chen Feng said with a relaxed look.

"Come on, I have a feeling that this time, we may not be in a good situation, but after the other party catches up, my subordinates can escape." Black Water Demon Eye said as he took out a small sword. The small sword was only three inches long and was completely black, but there was a trace of golden light occasionally appearing.

"Tsk tsk, your flying sword is good, it is about to advance to a mid-level artifact." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I wonder how many people I can kill this time." Black Water Demon Eye said as the black small sword turned into a black light and drilled into his right eye. Chen Feng knew that when this small sword flew out again, there would definitely be casualties.

"Don't worry, in fact, I didn't come alone this time. I have made arrangements in secret. When these people catch up, the monks of your Black Water Alliance can escape." Chen Feng suddenly sent a message in secret.

Sure enough, Black Water Demon Eye's eyes flashed with surprise, and then asked: "How many people did you arrange."

"One person." Chen Feng stretched out a finger, causing Black Water Demon Eye's face to become stiff immediately.


A huge golden hand condensed in the air, emitting the unique immortal aura of the Golden Immortal, and pushed straight towards the magic circle set up by Chen Feng.

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