Eternal Existence

Chapter 1187: Counterattack

"Maybe we can go check it out." Princess Ziyu kept staring at Chen Feng while she said this.

"I don't care." Chen Feng said lightly, but didn't express anything.

Then everyone changed the route, and after some twists and turns on the road, they finally arrived at the place Princess Ziyu said.

"It's here. I don't know where you got the news from." Chen Feng said with a smile. Before saying this, Chen Feng had already used his spiritual sense to sweep the four directions, and immediately realized that he and others were in a very powerful killing array.

At this time, Princess Ziyu also realized that something was wrong, and the soldiers under her command had begun to drive the chariot to crash around.

"I was really careless. I didn't expect it would be so easy to fall into the trap set by others." Chen Feng said with a smile, a spark flew out of his eyes, and instantly jumped into a space, and then there was a scream.

"It's someone from the Heavenly Soldier Pavilion. I don't understand why the other party did this. Is it just for the dispute just now? I don't think so." Chen Feng said lightly, without any worry of falling into the killing array.

Princess Ziyu looked very unhappy. Chen Feng had calculated the approximate range of the Forget-Your-Worry Spirit Spring before, but she had fallen into the other party's trap because of a piece of information.


A sky curtain fell from the sky, directly separating Chen Feng and Princess Ziyu, and then a passage appeared in front of Princess Ziyu.

"Princess Ziyu, you can come out now." A voice came from the passage.

"This is impossible." Princess Ziyu refused directly.

"In that case, you don't have to come out either."

Then the passage disappeared, and the vertical sky curtain suddenly dispersed, turning into countless sharp blades to kill Chen Feng.

"Everything has a cause and effect. At the beginning, these guys from the Heavenly Soldier Pavilion were dealing with me, and now they are directly dragging Princess Ziyu into the water. Tsk, there must be a convincing reason for paying such a huge price." Chen Feng said lightly, and with a press of his palm, a whirlwind appeared, shredding all the attacking sharp blades into pieces.

Tunri and Dafeng stayed beside Chen Feng, while Xuanfeng and Tiezhen went to charge the killing array with the soldiers under Princess Ziyu.

However, the killing array was already in operation, and thirteen energies like wolf smoke rose into the sky, and then the sky was dark, but there were lightning flashes of various colors, thunder balls rolled, and lightning chains penetrated, making people feel as if they had rushed into the calamity cloud.

"I have implicated you." Princess Ziyu has regained her composure.

"You are wrong, I have implicated you. In order to kill me, the other party did not hesitate to trap a fairy princess in it. It seems that we are in trouble this time." Chen Feng said with a smile, Tunri and Dafeng had already taken action, constantly resisting various forms of attacks.

"It is the Hunyuan formation." Princess Ziyu looked at the wolf smoke rising to the sky around her and said.

"It is not a simple Hunyuan formation, it is mixed with other elements, and more importantly, there is the shadow of the Golden Immortal behind him." Chen Feng's eyes have been overflowing with streams of light, turning into mysterious symbols that dissipated in space.

"Since he is a Golden Immortal, why don't you just attack directly? It would be troublesome to set up a trap." The chariots and soldiers under Princess Ziyu were fully deployed, and the six half-step Golden Immortals formed a wonderful small magic circle, surrounding Princess Ziyu in the middle. Waves of golden light swept out from time to time, and all attacks were smashed into pieces.

"Because the opponent is not sure to deal with me head-on, maybe the opponent is just a clone." Chen Feng said, and the stream of light in his eyes began to gush, but no matter how much stream of light was sprayed, it all disappeared in the end, and it had no effect on the attacks around.

Princess Ziyu knew that Chen Feng was performing a magical pupil technique, so her mind moved, and a soul wave quickly shot out from all sides.

Princess Ziyu is proficient in pupil techniques, soul secrets, and close combat. She can be said to be an all-rounder on the road of cultivation. Although she feels a little oppressive compared to Chen Feng, there are few people who can compare with Chen Feng who has a chaotic body.

At least in the current situation, if the two fought to the death, Chen Feng was not completely sure that he could defeat the other party. After all, if he could carry two Golden Immortal clones with him as guards, how could he not have some means and killing moves?

Princess Ziyu herself was very powerful and had many monks under her. The collision of the chariot alone could match several Half-Step Golden Immortals, and the soldiers in the battle team could compete with several Half-Step Golden Immortals. In addition, she also had six Half-Step Golden Immortals, so this was a very powerful force.

But the opponent was well prepared after all, and took Princess Ziyu's power into account, so various attacks were mixed in the killing formation, and casualties had already begun.

And Chen Feng remained unmoved, still standing there and constantly releasing streams from his eyes, Tunri and Dafeng guarded Chen Feng steadily, and only Tiezhen and Xuanfeng joined the battlefield.

So the current situation was almost entirely Princess Ziyu's side doing the work.

Soon, even Princess Ziyu was somewhat dissatisfied. When two of her subordinates were injured or killed, she shouted: "How long are you going to wait?"

"Wait a little longer." Chen Feng said lightly, ignoring the situation outside, which made Princess Ziyu so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet.

A sword net made up of hundreds of sword qi fell from the sky and covered Chen Feng. Each sword qi in this sword net had the attack power of a half-step golden immortal. Chen Feng did not move. Tunri and Dafeng, who had been guarding Chen Feng, finally took action. The two powerful forces rushed up to the sky and quickly broke the sword net.

"As expected of the elites from the Changsheng clan, these two are as good as my four half-step golden immortals." Princess Ziyu saw this scene and made some judgments in an instant.

However, more attacks appeared from all directions, either sword nets, or blade beams, or a series of thunder and lightning forces, or soul shock waves. Most of these attacks were launched by the killing formation, and some were sneak attacks launched by the cultivators hidden in the surroundings.

With the strength of Tunri and Dafeng, they were a little flustered. Because they had to protect Chen Feng, they were quickly injured. It was only a matter of time before they could not resist.


A knife aura flashed by, originally heading for Chen Feng's forehead, but was forcibly blocked by Tunri, so the whole body was almost pierced.

And Chen Feng remained unmoved, but the golden flames in the depths of his eyes became more and more vigorous.

"Chen Feng, what are you doing?" Princess Ziyu had already started to roar, because the six half-step golden immortals under her were all injured.

"Give me another breath of time, and then we can counterattack." Chen Feng said lightly, the light in his eyes became brighter, and golden threads began to mix in.

"Counterattack, are you kidding?" Princess Ziyu couldn't help laughing.

"Do you think I'm kidding?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Okay, I believe you for now. If you can't succeed, our cooperation will end here, and I will leave immediately." Princess Ziyu sneered.

"Hehe, I'm afraid you can't leave even if you want to." Chen Feng laughed.

"Don't worry about this."

"The time is up, get ready." At this time, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly brightened, and golden light sprinkled out from them, like two concentrated little suns, illuminating the world in all directions. Princess Ziyu felt that she couldn't open her eyes.

"Don't do it yet." Chen Feng shouted suddenly, and countless talismans flew out of the golden light and drilled into the bodies of the monks who suddenly fell from the void.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The four Sun Swallows reacted the fastest, and they rushed out before Chen Feng even spoke.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

The sound rang out almost at the same time, and four cultivators were killed. Two of the four were half-step golden immortals, and the other two were high-level celestial immortals.

At this time, Princess Ziyu also reacted. It was obvious that Chen Feng used a secret technique to force the cultivators hidden in the dark out. More importantly, these people's reactions were extremely slow, perhaps only a few blinks of time, but it was enough for a master like Princess Ziyu.

Although it was a beat slower, after the four Swallow Suns killed four half-step golden immortals, two half-step golden immortals had been cut in half by Princess Ziyu.

It was hard to believe that Princess Ziyu, a beautiful female cultivator, used a large battle sword, and the two half-step golden immortals were killed instantly by Princess Ziyu.

"Looking for death!"

Finally, the opponent's master made a move, and two golden light blades rushed towards Chen Feng, but at this time Princess Ziyu's two golden immortal clones also made a move, blocking two golden lights, but a third golden light came in front of Chen Feng.

Tunri and the others had no time to stop him. At this time, Chen Feng had a long sword in his hand, which shattered the golden blade of light with just one move.

"With only this little attack power, it turns out that it is just a Golden Immortal clone. No wonder it can only use some means in secret and dare not appear openly." Chen Feng sneered, flew up, and slashed heavily with the Immortal Heavenly Sword in his hand. Under the sword light, all the chaotic energy was cut. A half-step Golden Immortal was unlucky and appeared in front of Chen Feng, and then was cut into two pieces.

The effect created by Chen Feng's previous secret technique has been lifted, but more than ten half-step Golden Immortals on the other side have been killed, and the death toll of high-level Heavenly Immortals has reached more than 30.

Among the half-step Golden Immortals who were killed, three were wearing black armor, and the rest were wearing different clothes.

"The Heavenly Soldier Pavilion is careful. They know to contact so many cultivators, but the number is still a little small." Chen Feng said coldly.

Princess Ziyu looked at Chen Feng in shock. She never thought that things would change so completely. In a short period of time, Princess Ziyu killed three half-step golden immortals and ten high-level celestial immortals. This kind of record was unthinkable under normal circumstances, but she did not expect that it could be easily achieved under the influence of Chen Feng.

"What kind of secret technique did this guy just perform? How could he affect so many cultivators?" Princess Ziyu's eyes flashed. In addition to being shocked, she had some other thoughts in her mind.

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