Eternal Existence

Chapter 1167 The Taoist with Dry Bones

The sword energy became more and more fierce, and finally some of it pierced through the armor and acted directly on Chen Feng. Just one sword pierced through Chen Feng's body.

The second, third, and fourth swords, Chen Feng's body became riddled with holes.


Finally, the long sword in Chen Feng's hand also pierced into the opponent's body, and Chen Feng immediately blew up the long sword.

The body of the Life and Death Sword Immortal still collapsed in the self-explosion, turning into fragments and starlight, and only the Undead Sword floated in the air.

"Boy, not bad, you have passed this level of mine, but you have to be careful next time." The Life and Death Sword Immortal left a word before dissipating, but Chen Feng felt that the other party's word "careful" was particularly heavy.

"There are two more levels." Chen Feng stepped forward and picked up the Undead Sword. With the Evil Scepter, he had already obtained two mid-level artifacts, and of course the Soul Sorrow Bow, the killer.

The Soul-Slaying Bow was thrown by the Longevity Tower, so Chen Feng could use it without any worries. As for the Evil Scepter and the Undead Sky Sword, they were a little unstable. They might be harmful to him at any time. It would be unreasonable not to take such artifacts.

The 98th Palace.

An old man who was so skinny that he only had skin and no flesh was looking at Chen Feng with a strange look. Even when he was looking at him, Chen Feng did not feel a trace of life. If there was no light flashing in the old man's eyes, Chen Feng would definitely think it was a dried corpse.

"Hello, I am the guardian of this level. You can call me the Taoist with Dry Bones." The old man with dry bones stood up, and actually gave Chen Feng a feeling of being tall and mighty.

"My strength is a little stronger than the Sword Immortal of Life and Death and the Evil Demon Lord. You have to be careful." The Taoist with Dry Bones stretched out his hand and Chen Feng saw a piece of dry bones enlarged in front of him, and his consciousness seemed to be frozen. Even if the fire of the soul burned crazily, he could not get rid of this feeling.


Finally, Chen Feng barely moved his body, but the withered bones still hit him. Chen Feng fell several times under the powerful force. He felt a stinging pain in the place where he was hit. Although he was protected by the armor, Chen Feng still felt a crack in one bone.

"It may not be that powerful, but the means are a bit weird." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The armor is good." The Taoist with withered bones said and stretched out his hand again, shaking like a ripple in the space. This time, two pieces of withered bones stabbed at Chen Feng.

This time Chen Feng was prepared. His eyes locked on the opponent's movements, and the wings of immortality vibrated, avoiding the attack of the withered bones. At the same time, his body accelerated and rushed towards the Taoist with withered bones. He already had a war spear in his hand, and the war spear was burning with a blazing fire of immortality, which looked very powerful.

Somewhat different from the previous two people, this Taoist with withered bones did not take out weapons and magic weapons, but fought Chen Feng with bare hands. After a few rounds, Chen Feng had to admit that this old man was indeed powerful.

The skills are strange, the rules are exquisite, and the way of attack is also somewhat different from others. Moreover, Chen Feng has a feeling that the opponent looks like he has no flesh and blood, but his vitality is so strong that Chen Feng is secretly shocked.

However, for Chen Feng, this person is not impossible to defeat, as long as he finds the right way and pays some price.

Along the way, Chen Feng's state of mind has changed after defeating the half-step golden immortal and the golden immortal. Chen Feng may not have noticed that with the improvement of his state of mind, his understanding of everything has also changed. The opponent who was unattainable in the past now seems to be not impossible to defeat, as long as he can play his strengths to overcome the opponent's weaknesses.

Moreover, in Chen Feng's view, the one in front of him is just the clone of the golden immortal. If he can defeat one person, he can defeat the second and third person.

Recently, the top leaders of the Six Paths Sword Sect have been gathering together to hold meetings and discuss things. In the words of Tiandao Daojun and others, the root of all this is caused by Chen Feng.

Originally, the Six Paths Sword Sect went to war with other major forces because of the Dragon Cemetery. Although the result of the war was that the Six Paths Sword Sect suffered heavy casualties and lost a large area of ​​territory, the Six Paths Sword Sect had a profound foundation after all. More importantly, it obtained a large number of treasures in the Dragon Cemetery. As long as the Six Paths Sword Sect was given some time, it could recover to its previous state.

As time went by, the Six Paths Sword Sect was developing rapidly and was very conservative in the face of provocations from other forces. However, because of Chen Feng, the current situation was getting worse for the Six Paths Sword Sect.

First, a large number of cultivators continued to come to the sphere of influence of the Six Paths Sword Sect and fought with Tunri and others. What made the Six Paths Sword Sect angry was that the lowest level of the people coming was the Celestial Immortal Realm, so the aftermath of the war seriously affected the Six Paths Sword Sect. For a sect like the Six Paths Sword Sect, a small number of Celestial Immortals could still be dealt with, but a large number of high-level Celestial Immortals appeared, and only a Half-Step Golden Immortal like Tiandao Daojun could suppress them. In addition, Chen Feng disappeared in the Six Paths Sword Sect at that time, so some cultivators would directly find the Six Paths Sword Sect, and many Six Paths Sword Sect disciples were innocently killed and injured.

For this kind of thing, Tiandao Daojun and other Half-Step Golden Immortals have remained silent, but the disciples below are different. Most of the disciples took confrontational measures, but the result was an increase in casualties.

Many people had some resentment towards Chen Feng, Tunri and others. On this day, several Celestial Immortals gathered together and went to the area where Tunri and others were, hoping to get the other party to leave the Six Paths Sword Sect's territory through conversation.

However, as soon as they arrived at the camp, they felt a strange atmosphere. The atmosphere was filled with murderous intent, chaos, blood, depression, anger, indomitable spirit and other emotions intertwined together, making the immortals from the Six Paths Sword Sect feel a little breathless.

"Tsk, tsk, your Six Paths Sword Sect has been in the forefront these years. Let me take a look. There are a total of thirteen high-level immortals. Well, the number is a little small, but the individual combat effectiveness is pretty good. You are reinforcements from the Six Paths Sword Sect. ." Tunri looked at the group of immortals in front of him and said with a smile.

"We are here to discuss something with you." The Killing Sword Master stepped forward and said.

"It turns out they're not reinforcements, so there's no point in that. I'll leave it to you, Da Feng." Tunri said and walked directly to the side, no longer paying attention to the Killing Sword Master and others.

"I think I understand what you mean." Da Feng took over the task of talking and said this as soon as he came up.

"We will not leave until the young master appears. In fact, it is a mercy of our Changsheng Heavenly Realm not to hold your Six Paths Sword Sect responsible. Of course, this is only temporary. If the slightest accident happens to the young master, I promise , We will raze your Six Paths Sword Sect, leaving no grass, no chickens or dogs left. Now you understand, now that you understand, please leave, this place is very dangerous." Dafeng said in one breath and said goodbye. gesture.

The Killing Sword Master and others are about to be furious. As the overlord of one side, these people have never been so angry, but they can't get angry. The power of the group of people in front of them is too strong. Although the thirteen people on their side are in the Six Paths Sword Pai is an elite, but when it comes to his eyes, he is a bit unsatisfied.

"Everyone, are you being a little too domineering? This is the territory of our Six Paths Sword Sect." Netherworld Sword Master said loudly.

"Now we have been requisitioned. As monks from the Immortal Realm, wherever we go, that is our territory. I heard that your Six Paths Sword Sect is also quite troublesome. If you have nothing to do, don't waste your time here." Da Feng waved his hand and walked away as he pleased. Go aside and ignore these people.

The Killing Sword Master and others looked at each other in confusion. Before arriving, everyone had some preliminary conversation routines, but they did not expect that things would develop completely differently. The other party simply ignored them.

Anger, frustration, and anger constantly surfaced in the hearts of these people.


At this time, the space cracked, and a barrier made of unknown energy fell from the void. A monk trapped in it was constantly attacking the surrounding barriers. Every attack It can cause the barrier to shake violently, and everyone present can see that it may not take more than a few breaths for this monk to break through the barrier and rush out.

"It's a Half-Step Golden Immortal." The Killing Sword Master and others were shocked. They didn't expect such a master to be trapped in the barrier.


Gale shouted softly, and hundreds of immortals who had been waiting here launched attacks at the same time. These attacks condensed together in a strange way and penetrated into the barrier.

With just a few screams, the half-step golden immortal in the barrier collapsed to the ground, and the life breath in his body weakened and disappeared.


After the man was completely dead, the barrier exploded and dissipated. Dafeng and others stepped forward and quickly carved up the body.

Seeing this skillful scene, the Killing Sword Master and others were dumbfounded. They were still in a state of shock until Dafeng and others finished their work.

"Are you guys okay?" Dafeng turned around and asked calmly.

"No, no more." The Killing Sword Master didn't know what he was talking about.

"If not, then leave quickly. It's very dangerous here. Maybe the Half-Step Golden Immortal will come to kill you at some point." After speaking, Da Feng directly opened a space passage and led a group of monks in.

Until they left, Killing Sword Master and others did not say a word. After returning to the Six Paths Sword Sect, they had some discussions and then decided to visit Tiandao Daojun and other ancestors to ask the real masters of the Six Paths Sword Sect to make up their minds.

puff! puff! puff! puff!

A series of sounds accompanied by balls of blood blossomed on Chen Feng's body. The armor that had always been able to block all attacks also had holes. The withered bone Taoist opposite held an inconspicuous withered bone in his hand and locked onto Chen Feng from a distance. Maple's every move.

"Young man, it seems that you are no match for me. The armor is good and can block my attacks, but it cannot block my multiple attacks from the same place." The withered bone Taoist said with a smile, his face without a trace of flesh and blood looked like It looks like a creature from the ghost world.

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