Eternal Existence

Chapter 1164: The Evil Lord

"You have recovered to this point." Jin Xian's pupils shrank slightly, and the bad premonition seemed to come true, especially after seeing the fusion of the Longevity Tower and the Longevity Tower, Jin Xian couldn't help but feel a fear in his heart.

"Escape." The initial ambition was immediately extinguished by the cold water. The instinctive fear of the residents of the Changsheng Heavenly Realm towards the Longevity Tower was reflected at this moment, especially after seeing the smile on the corner of the Longevity Tower's mouth, Jin Xian became more determined to think this way.

However, before leaving, Jin Xian quickly pulled the Soul Sorrow Bow and shot another arrow at the Longevity Tower, and then turned into a golden light, and instantly reached billions of miles away.

Changsheng Tower stretched out his hand, and a stream of light ignored time and space and directly drilled into the Soul Sorrow Bow, and then this mid-level artifact vibrated violently, trying to break free from Jin Xian's palm, and the great power made the speed of the Jin Xian slow down immediately.

The Golden Immortal was even more frightened and used his secret technique to speed up, but at this time, the Changsheng Tower retreated and crossed countless spaces in just a few steps to the front of the Golden Immortal.

With a light stretch of his hand, the Soul-Sorrow Bow turned into a stream of light and fell into the hands of the Changsheng Tower.

"A little immortal Golden Immortal, you still want to pay attention to me, you really took the wrong medicine." Changsheng Tower said and shook the Soul-Sorrow Bow, and the Wanshang Bow automatically opened, and a sharp arrow that was more exaggerated than before was condensed.

The Soul-Sorrow Bow was robbed, and the Golden Immortal saw the breath of the Soul-Sorrow Bow locked on him before he was surprised. He knew that it was impossible to escape, and he could only fight for a chance of survival. So he gritted his teeth and a long sword appeared in his hand, which was also a mid-level artifact, and stabbed at the Changsheng Tower.

"So it's a mid-level artifact, not bad." Facing the attack of the long sword, the Changsheng Tower's arm stretched infinitely, stretched out his hand to grab the long sword, the Soul-Sorrow Bow vibrated, and the long arrow had reached the center of the Golden Immortal's eyebrows.


A golden light spread out in front of him, blocking the attack of the Soul-Sorrowing Bow. However, the Golden Immortal also retreated quickly like a lightning strike, and the long sword in his hand vibrated violently, breaking away from the grasp of the Longevity Tower.

The Golden Immortal retreated, but the Longevity Tower stretched out its hand to pull the Soul-Sorrowing Bow, and at the same time a drop of blood appeared and melted into the long arrow.


The long sword in the Golden Immortal's hand was bounced away.

The second long sword fused with blood flew out again, this time piercing the body of the Golden Immortal.

"The blood of the Golden Immortal." The Golden Immortal screamed in fear, with flames burning all over his body, and his speed doubled, tearing the space and moving forward continuously.


The Longevity Tower chased after him slowly with the Soul-Sorrowing Bow in his hand, and the third sharp arrow flew out again, once again nailing the Golden Immortal.

"It's not that easy to kill me." The Golden Immortal screamed, the power in his body began to become chaotic, and the soul imprint also changed.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy." Changsheng Tower sneered, and the fourth flying arrow exploded suddenly, turning into thirteen small arrows, piercing the Golden Immortal's body, locking the opponent's spirit, and the Golden Immortal had no power to self-destruct.

"It's a pity to waste so much of the Golden Immortal's blood, but fortunately, another person was captured." Changsheng Tower stepped in front of the Golden Immortal, and the longevity chain extended out, tied up the half-dead Golden Immortal, and put it into the Changsheng Tower.

However, Changsheng Tower did not leave, but pulled the Soul Sorrow Bow again. This time, the long arrow fused three drops of Golden Immortal's blood and the power of Changsheng Tower, directly cut through the void, and disappeared in the depths of the starry sky.

The distant starry sky suddenly exploded, and the aftermath destroyed a galaxy. A Golden Immortal screamed and drilled into the void and disappeared.

In another direction, at an unknown distance from the Changsheng Tower, a Golden Immortal also disappeared silently.

The eyes of the Changsheng Tower swept around, piercing through the thoughts in all directions, sweeping across the Nine Netherworld, and the powerful pressure made all the creatures tremble.

"It should be quiet for a while, but I still hope someone will come to my door, preferably a golden immortal from other heavens." Changsheng Tower said, looking at the Soul-Sorrow Bow, and then made three sharp arrows. With a wave of his hand, the Soul-Sorrow Bow and the three sharp arrows broke through the space and disappeared.

"I need to find something now, and I can't go back for the time being. This kid may be in danger. With the Soul-Sorrow Bow, he should be able to protect himself." After the brilliant boy finished speaking, his body shook and turned into the appearance of a nine-story pagoda. He flashed a few times in the starry sky and disappeared.

In the 95th palace, Chen Feng sat cross-legged on the ground, panting, with scars all over his body, and some places had exposed the white bones. These wounds contained strong corrosive energy, which madly destroyed Chen Feng's vitality. If it were usual. This kind of injury can be recovered almost instantly, but at this time it is at least a hundred times slower.

Every time Chen Feng breathed, he would exhale a stream of black air, and the corrosive energy in the wound would be forced out. Of course, some of it was swallowed and refined by Chen Feng and integrated into his body, which caused Chen Feng's recovery speed to be even slower.

Not far in front of Chen Feng, there was a black creature lying. This creature was not big, but its abnormal hiding ability, fast speed and sharp claws caused Chen Feng's current injuries. Of course, the most important point is that this creature is at the level of a half-step golden immortal.

After a long time, strands of golden light sprayed out from Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The energy in his body roared, and soon Chen Feng became energetic again.

"It's really hard to deal with guys who have cultivated the immortal law. Their power is indestructible and it takes a lot of time to refine them." Chen Feng shook his head. For Chen Feng, the danger of this level was higher than the previous half-step golden immortal.

"The next level should be the 96th palace. Two half-step golden immortals appeared in a row. If a golden immortal appears next, I will just explode myself. It's okay for a golden immortal to deal with others. I'm just a small true immortal." Chen Feng said as he walked into the 96th palace.

As soon as he entered the palace, before the opponent appeared, Chen Feng suddenly saw a space channel opened above his head, and a ball of light fell in front of Chen Feng.

"Boy, this is a little help from me." The voice of the tower came from inside.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the light fell into his hand. It turned out to be a bow and three arrows.

"Soul-sorrow bow, it turned out to be this artifact. It seems that a golden immortal has been dealt with by the tower, and the tower can directly open the space here, which means that the power of the Changsheng Tower has grown rapidly during this period of time." After getting the Soul-sorrow bow, Chen Feng thought of many things.

"But this is a mid-level artifact, and it's a little hard to control." Chen Feng shook the longbow in his hand, and injected his consciousness into it. The effect was better than expected. Perhaps because it was blessed by the power of the Longevity Tower, this artifact did not have too strong resistance, but whether it could exert its power depended on his own ability. However, these three sharp arrows were refined by the Longevity Tower, and Chen Feng could use them.

"With the Soul-Sorrow Bow in hand, it is a great killing weapon."

Although he said so, Chen Feng still put away the Soul-Sorrow Bow. This killing move can only be used at the most critical moment.

After putting away the Soul-Sorrow Bow, Chen Feng saw an evil young man looking at him with a smile. If you really look closely, this young man has a decent appearance and a righteous spirit, but Chen Feng can feel the strong evil spirit that penetrates into his heart.

"Young man, congratulations on being able to get here. I will guard this level. You can call me the Evil Demon Lord." The young man said with a smile, but Chen Feng felt that all the pores on his body were open, and it seemed that a large amount of evil air was gushing out of them.

"Are you a living person?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Haha, what you said is really interesting. I am a living person if I can talk to you here." The evil demon said lightly, and a scepter appeared in his hand. Chen Feng's heart jumped when he saw the scepter, because Chen Feng finally recognized the other party's origin.

"Evil demon, evil scepter." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that someone knew my name. It was really unexpected, but you are from the immortal family, and you are from the royal family, so it is understandable."

Although the other party was smiling all the time, Chen Feng did not dare to take it lightly. Moreover, as he talked with the other party, Chen Feng felt that the crisis was getting stronger and stronger, and his mind was getting colder and colder. The fire of the soul was beating violently, emitting powerful energy to illuminate the sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Feng knew that the other party had already taken action during the conversation, but it was just more secretive.

"If you can get here, I will tell you in advance that this is the ninety-sixth palace, guarded by me, and there are ninety-seven, ninety-eight, and ninety-nine levels behind. As long as you can successfully break through, you will get a great opportunity." The evil demon said with a smile.

"I don't know what the opportunity is?" Chen Feng asked calmly.

"The inheritance of four golden immortals, okay, kid, I've told you so much, my hands have been itching for a long time. What you have to do next is to defeat me and enter the next level. If you fail, you will die." The evil demon king laughed loudly after he finished speaking, and black flames erupted from Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng's body had already shown signs of being scorched.

"It's evil flames, but it's a pity that you are not your real body, otherwise these flames can burn me to ashes." Chen Feng said, and a surging sound came from his body. Streams of water gushed out from the depths of his body, flowing in circles and washing over and over again, and finally the evil flames on his body were completely dispelled.

"Since you know that I come from the immortal clan, you should know that I have practiced the immortal scripture. The immortal energy full of powerful vitality is the nemesis of your evil energy." Chen Feng said, and two green streams of light flew out of his eyes, turning into two roaring rivers in mid-air, drowning the evil demon king in it.

Chen Feng floated up, the wings of immortality behind him vibrated, mysterious runes flashed, and crystal-like wind blades emerged from them, cutting into the water from all directions at all incredible angles.

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