Eternal Existence

Chapter 1162 After Level 90

Although the threat had already grown in his heart, Tarotian thought that he could deal with these little guys at a cost. His goal was to find Chen Feng. Since he had found the clue, he could not return empty-handed. All the people he brought with him had died. If he went back like this, wouldn't he be laughed at by others?

As Tiandao Daojun guessed, An Qilin was indeed hiding in the dark. It was not difficult to kill Tarotian with An Qilin's means. However, after arriving, An Qilin had no intention of intervening. In An Qilin's opinion, the power of Tunri and others was enough.

"These guys in Changshengtian are really amazing. Each of them has the strength of a war fairy. I don't know how many such geniuses there are in the entire Wuya Corps. I will follow Chen Feng to Changshengtian to see them in the future." An Qilin thought secretly. Although he had calculated the result, he still took out the dragon spear Zhan Tu to guard against emergencies.

Zhan Tu, a powerful mid-level artifact, was as quiet as a piece of ordinary iron in An Qilin's hand, without a trace of power, which meant that An Qilin had completely controlled this peerless weapon.

"Eh, that's not right." At this time, the look in An Qilin's eyes suddenly changed slightly. After getting Zhan Tu, An Qilin's perception increased a bit, and he immediately realized that someone was spying in the dark, and it was not Tian Dao Daojun and others, but two strange auras. Just this concealment technique made An Qilin secretly alert.

"It turns out that there are two half-step golden immortals hiding in the dark. They should be from the Changsheng Heaven Realm. It seems that they are not on the same side as Ta Luotian, but the goal is the same." An Qilin sneered in his heart, thinking that he must kill one of them later to give the other party some deterrence, which can also reduce some trouble for Chen Feng.

"Soul-locking spell."

At this time, Ta Luotian sent out another attacking spell. Although Dafeng and others were well prepared, they still couldn't resist it. The soul-suppressing spell is already a very powerful secret in the Changsheng Sutra, and Ta Luotian has been specializing in the soul-locking spell in these years, so its power is naturally extraordinary.

The strong wind that turned into its original form barely flew a distance before falling to the ground. Mingyue's eyes flickered and she lost the ability to continue attacking. Only Tunri and Tianwu were still roaring and attacking, but their slow movements and weakened attacks also showed that they were affected.

Only Tiezhen and others in the distance were still launching waves of attacks. After casting the soul-locking spell, Tarotian himself was also affected. Although the impact was very subtle, it was still caught by the killing fairy. A sword stabbed Tarotian silently but as fast as lightning.

Tarotian didn't care much about this sword at first. In Tarotian's view, the price he had to pay to deal with these people was the killing fairy. In other words, Tarotian was ready to be stabbed by the killing fairy, but when the long sword entered his body, Tarotian regretted it. The powerful sword energy entered his body through the wound, frantically destroying the vitality in Tarotian's body.

It's nothing, at most he will get hurt, even if it's a serious injury, it's nothing, for a half-step golden immortal, he can recover quickly, but a black bead entered Tarotian's body along with the sword energy.

When Tarotian felt the black bead for the first time, he felt great fear in his heart, because Tarotian had recognized the origin of the black bead.

In addition to the innate magical power of swallowing everything, Sun Swallow has another ability, that is, to brew a black bead in the body. This bead is condensed from the residual energy that has not been digested in the body of the swallower, and has the destructive power of destroying the world, but it takes hundreds of years or even longer to brew and refine in the body. It was named Lie Ri by Sun Swallow, which can be said to be Sun Swallow's strongest killing move.

"It's Lie Ri." In fear, Tarotian also reacted quickly, and the power of his whole body was wrapped around the black bead layer by layer. The whole body suddenly split into several pieces, and he was about to escape in all directions under the energy wrapping.


But at this time, accompanied by Tunri's light shout, the dark black bead suddenly burst into dazzling light, just like a star suddenly appeared, and quickly went through the process from birth to destruction.

The flesh and blood of Taro Tian, ​​a half-step golden immortal, melted wherever the golden light passed.


Without Tunri's reminder, the others began to retreat when the black bead entered Taro Tian's body. The terrifying light wave brought not only dazzling, but also destruction and terror.

"Everyone stay calm, spread out around to prevent the other party from escaping." Tunri gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Where is Shaxian, how is Shaxian?" Shaxian is the closest to Taro Tian, ​​and in the eyes of everyone, he is probably in danger.

"Not good!"

The Tiandao Daojun and others who had been watching in the dark finally couldn't sit still, and they took action at the same time. Six rays of light cut through the sky, spread around, connected to each other, and formed a golden barrier to block the waves of destructive shock waves.

"Hahaha, it's not that easy to kill me. You're lucky this time. I'll come again soon." A ball of flesh and blood quickly cut through the sky and flew away in the golden light.

"I can't leave." The killing immortal suddenly appeared from the void. Although only half of his body was left, he was still murderous and chopped at the blood and flesh with a long sword.

"Okay, he's gone." Tunri and others shouted loudly when they saw this scene.

However, at this time, the half-step golden immortal hiding in the dark finally made a move. A golden light pierced through the body of the killing immortal, causing the killing immortal to explode with a bang and turned into fragments.


An Qilin's face darkened, and he thrust the Zhan Tu in his hand out fiercely. A blood mist burst out from the void, and there was a scream. However, the blood mist quickly gathered, and a part of it escaped. It was too late for An Qilin to attack again, and the other half-step golden immortal also disappeared.

"Hmph!" An Qilin snorted coldly, his face was a little ugly. Under his defense, the killing immortal was still killed, and Ta Luotian also escaped a part of his flesh and blood, and he would definitely be able to recover in the future. Thinking of this, An Qilin felt that it was better for him not to show up, so he left in a flash.

Tiandao Daojun sighed, and then withdrew the golden light barrier. The mountains, rivers, pavilions and towers in the barrier had completely disappeared, leaving only a ruin.

"Hey! I should have taken action earlier. I wonder if these little guys will hate us?" Renjian Daojun shook his head and sighed.

"Don't talk about these hindsights. Who knew there were still two people hiding in the dark? Didn't An Ye attack without leaving the other party behind?"

"Three half-step golden immortals appeared this time. I don't know what troubles will come next. I am praying that Chen Feng will show up soon."

"Kill the immortal."

Tunri and others showed a look of grief and anger in their eyes, as well as a strong murderous intent.

"It's just a clone. I already know who the other party is. My real body will kill him soon. Everyone, we will see each other again soon." The last trace of the immortal's spiritual imprint disappeared.

"These old guys didn't even take action." Tunri gritted his teeth and said.

"Forget it, this is originally our Changsheng Heaven's business. Someone has taken action. I'm afraid it won't be peaceful next. It seems that we need to ask for help. I just don't know when the young master will show up, and I don't know where the Changsheng Tower has gone."

"It's no longer possible to live here. Let's find another place."

"These guys left. Should we stop them?" The Lord of Hell and several others have been watching all this.

"No, they won't go far."

After a period of rest, Chen Feng finally stepped into the ninety-first palace. Chen Feng certainly didn't know so many things happened outside, and even if he knew, he couldn't come out. Although he rested for a while, Chen Feng was still in the leading position, and no one could catch up, but Chen Feng didn't underestimate the other party. After all, those who were selected here were all talented people.

Chen Feng's body was full of fighting spirit again. A period of silence also brought some sublimation to his strength. Chen Feng knew that if he could pass the tribulation, he could easily pass it, but Chen Feng also knew that if that was the case, the difficulty he faced would also increase accordingly.

Of course, whether he could pass the tribulation in this mysterious space was another matter.

Stepping into the palace, Chen Feng felt that he was in a vortex, his consciousness was unstable, and then part of his consciousness flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness under the influence of a powerful force.

This level is a battle of consciousness.

A ring appeared in the gray space, and Chen Feng stood there naked, with a flash of light in front of him, and a cultivator also walked out.

The monk shook his palm, and a long stick appeared, making a provocative gesture towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and a long stick appeared in his hand. This is the longevity stick.

All of this was transformed by the divine consciousness, and it changed with the strength of the divine consciousness.

"I have cultivated to the level of the fire of longevity, and I have other energy blessings. I don't know what the opponent's strength is." Chen Feng said, waving the long stick and launching the first attack.


The two began to fight.

The 92nd level.

The 93rd level.

After passing three levels in a row, Chen Feng stopped again. Chen Feng felt that the continuous palace should be coming to the end, because each level next requires Chen Feng to do his best to deal with it, and sometimes he will suffer serious injuries.

"The difficulty has increased, and the opportunities for rest have also increased. I don't know if I can hold on to the end, and what I can get at the end." Years of passing levels have made Chen Feng's spirit a little tired.

At this point, Chen Feng even lost the concept of time. He only knew to pass the level in front of him and enter the next palace to face new challenges.

Level 94.


The overwhelming power rushed over, Chen Feng's body did not move, but his eyes changed.

"Half-step Golden Immortal."

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