Eternal Existence

Chapter 1147: Reinforcements Arrive

As the space gate became more and more stable, hundreds of celestial beings and thousands of true immortals gathered around the Sword Master. The fact that so many forces were drawn out in the war situation showed that the Six Paths Sword Sect had taken a fancy to the Dragon Cemetery, or that this was the only chance to turn the tables.

The space gate was completely stable, as if it was embedded in the space, but the vast aura emanating from it made Chen Feng, who was hiding in the dark, confirm that this was the Dragon Cemetery.

"The Dragon Cemetery should have powerful guards. I wonder if the masters of the Six Paths Sword Sect have solved them."

The smooth mirror surface suddenly fluctuated violently, and two cultivators walked out of it first, and then the light flashed, and cultivators continued to walk out of it.

The Six Paths Sword Masters, who had returned to the Six Paths Sword Sect to recuperate after being injured, walked out one after another. What surprised Chen Feng was that the aura of these six people became extremely strong. Although they had not yet advanced to the realm of high-level celestial beings, the power fluctuations coming from their bodies were at least twice as strong as before, and Chen Feng also felt a trace of even more powerful power from the other party, which should be the magic treasure he had obtained.

"It's really exciting to have such a harvest in such a short time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It seems that we can only use the art of concealment to sneak in behind the other party, or lock this space coordinate." Jin Feng gave advice on the side.

"Don't worry, things may change in other ways." Chen Feng said lightly.

Almost all the cultivators who came out have undergone some changes, and some even directly held magic weapons in their hands. Chen Feng saw more than one artifact.

"The Shenlong clan likes to collect treasures. If the Six Paths Sword Sect is really given some time, it is not a problem to sweep the surrounding sects. Unfortunately, the time is still too short."

The new batch of cultivators immediately went to the battlefield, while the Sword Master of Posha and others entered the portal one after another.

"I belong to the Six Paths Sword Sect after all, so I should be able to sneak in." Chen Feng has been observing the other party, but soon Chen Feng knew that this was impossible, because the cultivators selected to enter the space gate have spiritual talismans on their bodies. If Chen Feng ventured to sneak in, he would be discovered soon.

"The troublemaker should appear." When the cultivators of the Six Paths Sword Sect were about to enter completely, Chen Feng laughed.

"Hahaha! So the Dragon Cemetery is here. Since the space gate has been opened, we won't be polite." A wild laugh shook the surrounding valleys, and the chaotic airflow knocked the remaining disciples of the Six Paths Sword Sect to the ground.

"It's a half-step golden immortal!" Chen Feng and Tie Zhen looked at each other.

"The master finally showed up."

Amid the wild laughter, thousands of cultivators rushed over in a black mass, and directly merged into a torrent and rushed into the space gate.

Chen Feng was a little surprised that the Six Paths Sword Sect did not make any corresponding interception, as if waiting for the other party to enter.

"Could it be a trap? It doesn't seem like it. The breath of the dragon is clearly transmitted from it." Chen Feng was also a little puzzled.

"In this case, the Six Paths Sword Sect should have made preparations inside."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three more golden lights flashed into the space channel, and more cultivators appeared from all directions. At first glance, I thought the Six Paths Sword Sect was breached, but Chen Feng saw that a large part of the cultivators who came later were not from Xingyuan Sect and Xianjian Sect.

"It seems that someone leaked the news, but with so many half-step golden immortals, it is hard to say whether the Six Paths Sword Sect can still control the situation."

Chen Feng and others can completely blend into this chaotic scene. The reason why they have not left until now is because Tie Zhen received news from other partners, so Chen Feng plans to wait a little longer.

"It seems that the Changsheng Heaven Realm, whether it is the enemy or me, attaches great importance to me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Of course, the young master is the most gifted cultivation genius in the Changsheng Heaven Realm from ancient times to the present." Tie Zhen said seriously.


Although hiding in the dark, Chen Feng still laughed.

"The first cultivation genius, I didn't expect that Tie Zhen, who has always been very upright, is also very flattering." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This is not flattery. Many people in Changsheng Heaven say so." Tie Zhen's face turned red.

"Really? Although the Chaos Body is called the first physique, it is not a reason for being strong. Besides, a dead genius is not a genius. My Chaos Body was destroyed in the war, and then I wasted a million years of time, which is the most important time. My peers who were not as talented in cultivation as me at that time are probably masters among masters. I heard that some people have even cultivated to the level of a half-step golden immortal. Tsk tsk, it took a million years to cultivate to the level of a half-step golden immortal. This should be considered a peerless genius." Chen Feng continued.

"But!" Tie Zhen wanted to say something, but his face changed, and then he changed his tone: "They are here."

The first to come were two flag chiefs like Tie Zhen, each with five men. After arriving, they saluted Chen Feng respectfully.



"Meet Master Changtian."

The female cultivator was tall and heroic, and the male cultivator was as handsome as a jade, but there was a powerful force flowing in his body.

"This is Mingyue Celestial Immortal, who practices the Zhengming Chitian Jue, a very powerful immortal art, and her combat power is no less than mine. Changming Celestial Immortal is from the royal family, and practices the Daguangming Treasure Book and some longevity secrets, and her combat power is even higher than mine."

"The remaining eight people."

At this time, Tie Zhen quickly introduced them to Chen Feng.

"Okay, get up. I have a task for you next." Chen Feng said lightly, with an arrogant look, sweeping his eyes over the crowd, especially the reactions of Mingyue Tianxian and Changming Tianxian.

"Yes!" At least on the surface, these people seemed to be respectful.

"There should be more people. Let's talk about it after everyone arrives. There is still an incense stick of time." Chen Feng glanced at Tie Zhen.

"There is another team of people, and they will be here soon."

"Tie Zhen, you said you found Young Master Changtian, is that true?" Soon the space in front of him became chaotic and shattered under the powerful force. A young monk with a gloomy face strode out, with overwhelming momentum, and in an instant he broke through the hidden barrier around Chen Feng and others, followed by twelve silent monks.

"Fire King, come and pay homage to the young master." Tie Zhen shouted coldly, furious in his heart.

The man who came was called Fire King. His body was a different kind of divine bird, gifted with divine fire and the Great Way of Fire. Although he was only a captain in the Wuya Legion, his combat effectiveness exceeded that of some flag chiefs such as Tie Zhen.

"It seems that this person is a troublemaker." This thought emerged in Chen Feng's mind as soon as the other party appeared. This is Chen Feng's most intuitive view of the Fire King.

The Fire King's eyes flashed, and he looked at Chen Feng, but there was a hint of provocation in his eyes.

"Looking for death!"

Tie Zhen and Mingyue Tianxian shouted at the same time, but Changming Tianxian did not respond.

"Sure enough." Chen Feng showed a hint of sneer at the corner of his mouth, letting the other party's eyes fall on him.

The Fire King's face suddenly changed, and his eyes fell on Chen Feng and immediately saw a void. Before he could retract his eyes, a huge vortex appeared in the void, shattering his eyes and swallowing them cleanly.


Chen Feng suddenly burst out with a very strong breath, and his blood was boiling. The Fire King was the first to bear the brunt. Under the oppression of this oppressive breath, he actually stepped back a few steps. Changming Tianxian on the side also changed his face, his body trembled slightly, and he couldn't help but retreat.

At this time, Tie Zhen and Ming Yue Tian Xian suddenly attacked, and two extremely strong forces hit the Fire King heavily. The twelve cultivators behind the Fire King wanted to move forward but were blocked by the cultivators behind Tie Zhen and Ming Yue Tian Xian.

Chen Feng's figure swayed and quickly came to the Fire King, stretched out his hand and pressed on the Fire King, and the Fire King immediately felt the power in his body gushing out.

"Swallowing the sky and absorbing the art!" The Fire King was shocked. This heaven-defying and perverted secret art ranked among the top few in the Changsheng Zhenjing. It was not so easy for the royal family to practice it. The Fire King was shocked and wanted to struggle violently, but two ropes tied the Fire King tightly on the left and right. It was the work of Tie Zhen and Ming Yue Tian Xian.

Chang Ming Tian Xian, who had been motionless, finally couldn't help it, and took a step forward and was about to speak.

"Back off!" Chen Feng shouted coldly. Seeing Chen Feng's eyes, Chang Ming Tian Xian's figure was shocked and stopped.

"Young Master, spare my life." The Fire King finally begged for mercy. Chen Feng had no expression on his face, still devouring the power in the other's body. At this time, the Fire King had become very weak.

Chang Ming Tianxian looked uncertain, and finally sighed, stepped back a few steps, and said nothing.


Chen Feng let go of his hand, and the Fire King collapsed to the ground, with a trace of fear flashing in his eyes, but Chen Feng stopped, and the Fire King had a chance to breathe. A ball of fire rose up and wrapped himself up. The weak breath disappeared, and the strength was restored bit by bit.

The space was distorted, and three ghostly figures came out.




"Hello, Young Master."

Seeing these three people appear, Chen Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief and showed a sincere smile on his face.

"Young Master!" Tunri was a strong, sturdy and wild man, but at this time, he was so excited that tears flowed when he looked at Chen Feng. Tianwu, who had a gloomy face, and Dafeng, who was handsome and a little weird, also had red eyes.

"Hahaha, well, a high-level immortal is crying. If you say you don't want to go, you will be laughed at by others." Chen Feng laughed.


Tunri wanted to speak, but was stopped by Chen Feng: "Now is not the time to reminisce. The space gate is about to close. Let's go in first."

"Space gate, sir, what's going on?" Tunri's tears had evaporated, and he looked at the space gate in front of him with a serious expression.

"This space gate leads to the dragon tomb. There are many treasures in it. If you go too late, they will be gone." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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