Eternal Existence

Chapter 1144: Breaking out of the ambush

"Everyone, leave now, someone is coming." Chen Feng said with a smile on his face.

"We will not leave even if someone comes. We must let the other party know our determination."

Although everyone said it toughly, Chen Feng still felt the guilt in these people's hearts.

After all, these people belong to the Six Paths Sword Sect and must obey the control of the Six Paths Sword Sect.

The person who came was not the Sword Master of Posha, but the Sword Master of Sancai.

The Sword Master of Sancai was not one person, but three people, who were called together by the Sword Master of Tianhen, the Sword Master of Dique, and the Sword Master of Renhuan. They were also the three people who went to the cave to find Chen Feng before.

These three people have domineering names, but their cultivation is not the most powerful among the high-level celestial beings, otherwise they would not be led by the Sword Master of Posha.

These three people came to find Chen Feng for a reason, but when they saw so many people in Chen Feng's courtyard, their faces immediately became gloomy, and even a little embarrassed.

"What are you all doing together? We have something to do with Chen Qing. You should leave first." They were polite to Chen Feng, but different to others.

"Of course we have something important to discuss with Senior Brother Chen." One of them said with a stiff face.

"We'll talk about it later. Now you go out first." Tianhen Sword Master's voice turned cold. These cultivators really couldn't sit still. They stood up and said goodbye.

"Ah! These guys really have no backbone. Think about it. Entering the Six Paths Sword Sect as a casual cultivator is like living under someone else's roof. Of course, it won't affect your future." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Hello, fellow Taoist." After everyone left, the faces of the three Sword Masters became respectful. They nodded to Chen Feng first, and then bowed to Tie Zhen on the side.

"Hello, fellow Taoist."

Tie Zhen just nodded and didn't say anything. Chen Feng smiled: "I wonder what the three seniors can do for you?"

"Nothing, just walking around casually." Tianhen Sword Master said with a smile, not unhappy at all because of Tie Zhen's coldness.

After chatting for a few words, the three left without asking any questions. It seemed that they really just walked here casually.

"Before, Tie Zhen brought them too much pressure. Now we are here to reconcile." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Young Master, you should be more cautious this time. Once we participate in the war, it is easy to attract the attention of the Wuji Legion." Tie Zhen reminded.

"Just be careful." Chen Feng was a little unconcerned. At this time, unless it was a half-step golden immortal, Chen Feng would not be too worried.


At this time, the artifact-level flying warship actually shook, as if it was hit by something, with a strong force, and the forward speed immediately slowed down.

Chen Feng's consciousness radiated out, and he saw that the energy inside the warship was disordered, and some people's residences were damaged.

"The attack of the high-level immortal is more than one person." Tie Zhen said in a deep voice.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As soon as the voice fell, there was another series of collisions, but at this time the flying warship activated some other forbidden magic arrays to resist the invasion of power, but the momentum of advancement was completely stopped.

"I was sniped before I even arrived at the battlefield. The opponent's attack had the explosive power of a pop and a meteorite. With such a strong star power, the opponent obviously came from Xingyuan Sect. Tiezhen, you go and see. If the situation is not good, take action." Chen Feng said with a smile.


Tiezhen nodded and strode out. The other five people surrounded Chen Feng firmly in the middle.

"Don't worry, it's just some immortals." The consciousness that Chen Feng sent out collided with the opponent several times, and then retracted it.

Posha Sword Master rushed out first, and the strong killing sword energy tore through the space, forcing out the two monks hiding in the air.

"Haha, Posha Sword Master, I didn't expect to meet you." One of them held a longbow with shining stars. There was no bowstring, but with his arms spread out, the starlight quickly gathered into a point, and a group of meteors instantly arrived in front of Posha Sword Master.


The Sword Master of Positive Killing shouted, and the long sword in his hand collided with the meteor, generating a force that could destroy the world. The Sword Master of Positive Killing retreated again and again. At this time, another person took action, and the whole person turned into a crescent moon, which was faster than the meteor. Just as he was about to cut the Sword Master of Positive Killing, a golden sword light suddenly appeared and knocked the crescent moon away.

"Star Breaker, Crescent Moon Messenger, are you two here to die?" The Sword Master of Positive Killing said murderously.

"It should be said that I am sending you to die."

"Just the two of you, do it!"


The flying warship suddenly burst out with an energy beam and bombarded the two Star Breakers. At the same time, the Sword Master of Three Talents also rushed out, apparently wanting to kill the other party in one fell swoop.

But at this time, starlight suddenly fell from the sky, shining like diamonds, dazzling and dazzling, but completely wrapped up the entire warship, and dozens of light beams condensed by the power of the stars bombarded the warship.

"Not good!"

All the cultivators of the Six Paths Sword Sect screamed in fear, and even the Sword Master of Po Sha regretted it a little. The other party intercepted here, clearly prepared.

"Activate the strongest defense!" The Sword Master of Po Sha shouted.

Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!

A dull sound came, and a thick layer of light perfectly wrapped the flying warship. However, the Sword Master of Po Sha and others were still unsure. Maybe this artifact-level flying warship could block the attack of the light column, but how many cultivators in the warship could survive?

Could it be that this wave of reinforcements was destroyed like this? Thinking that the murderous intention in the eyes of the Killing Sword Master has solidified.

"None of you can survive." At this moment, the Killing Sword Lord no longer cares about the situation of the warship, but explodes all his strength to attack the opponent. In the Killing Sword Lord's view, as long as he can kill the opponent's two high-ranking As a high-level immortal, everything is worth it. If you can kill two more high-level immortals from the opponent, it won't be a big deal if the entire team you brought out this time is wiped out.

But I still feel a little distressed when I think about it. Although more than half of the tens of thousands of monks are casual cultivators, they can still play some role in the current battle situation, not to mention that there is also an elite disciple of the sect among them.

"Hahahaha, Sword Master, if you want to kill me, I'm afraid you don't have the skills yet. Today we are fully prepared. Even you will die this time."

"Come out and show us our power."

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Along with the roar of the Broken Star Messenger, several powerful auras clashed from all around. The auras were so strong that they were definitely high-level immortals.

"There are still people!" At this moment, the Killing Sword Master's heart was extremely cold.

At this time, several beams of light had already submerged the flying warship, and the starlight shattered, as if a big explosion had occurred in the universe.

Although the scene was heated, the immortals on both sides opened their eyes in surprise, and the Sword Master and others even had a look of surprise in their eyes.

The flying warship that was supposed to be within the attack range disappeared at some point, and was already a hundred thousand miles away when it reappeared.

The Killing Sword Master was the first to come to his senses and knew that someone had intervened, so instead of stopping, the attack in his hands became even more intense.

The opponent's ambush failed, the Six Paths Sword Sect's warships moved out, and the situation seemed to have changed somewhat.

When Tie Zhen appeared in front of Chen Feng again, his face was a little pale.

"It seems that you have done a lot to be able to escape from the energy cannons activated by the eighteen immortals." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Tie Zhen didn't speak, his body's immortal energy surged, and he quickly returned to normal.

"It's a pity that the blood gathering beads are not here, otherwise I really want to kill one or two high-level immortals." Chen Feng shook his head. At this time, the flying warship was taken over by four high-level immortals. After getting rid of the ambush, it was installed on The energy cannon on the warship continued to flash with the light of destruction.

"Master, if you need it, I can go out and kill him." Tie Zhen said seriously.

"Forget it, it's better not to show off. After all, this is not our war." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The other party's ambush failed, and after a fight, both parties left in unison after being injured.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist." This time, the Killing Sword Lord lowered his proud head and came to Chen Feng's school courtyard to express his gratitude.

"I'm just following the orders of my young master. There's no need to thank me." Tie Zhen said calmly.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Chen." The Sword Master could only turn his gaze to Chen Feng.

"I am also a disciple of the Six Paths Sword Sect. This is what I should do. Seniors, don't be so polite." Chen Feng said with a smile.

In fact, according to Chen Feng's idea, he would not take action if he could, so as not to cause some trouble. However, after leaving the Hunyuan Mountains, the murderous spirit in Chen Feng's body began to arouse, and he eagerly wanted to participate in the battlefield and kill. One breath.

"I've been practicing and haven't done anything for a long time. It's really depressing." Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

"Your spiritual realm is mixed with demonic thoughts. You'd better practice hard." Ta said contemptuously.

"The road of killing is also the right way."

"That's not as good as the Avenue of Immortality."

"Ta, I see you haven't woken up yet. We're going to the same destination by different routes."

"Fart, what you are practicing is not the Scripture of Immortality."

"But there are other great methods as well."

"Hmph! If you have the ability, don't rely on my power."

"No matter how powerful you are, you are nothing more than a magic weapon, a magic weapon that belongs to me. The power of the magic weapon is also my power."

"You brat, please just be quiet first." The tower seemed a little angry, and a shadow flashed across the space. The Tower of Eternal Life left Chen Feng, got into the overlapping space of nothingness, and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Tie Zhen and others were a little strange.

"Someone is eyeing us. Let's go to the Eternal Life Tower to lure them away." Chen Feng said lightly. At the same time, there was some feeling in his heart. This was the first time that the Eternal Life Tower had left him since his cultivation. At this time, Chen Feng actually felt empty.

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