Eternal Existence

Chapter 1116: Enter

"If I enter the Chixiao Secret Realm, I wonder what these guys' expressions will be. But I can't be careless. The world left by the Golden Immortal is not so easy to venture into." Chen Feng put this matter aside and continued to practice day by day.

Fifty years passed quickly, and Chen Feng did not encounter any danger. Those pursuers seemed to have disappeared.

Chen Feng gained a lot in the past hundred years, and his cultivation progressed rapidly. He secretly felt that a good cultivation environment was too important for cultivation. Chen Feng didn't even want to leave the Star Spirit Stone Mine.

However, the Chixiao Secret Realm was more attractive to him, and the things left by the Golden Immortal were enough for Chen Feng to take risks.

Shanhe Jushi and Tulong Daoren also followed Chen Feng back to the sect. Knowing that Chen Feng could enter the Chixiao Secret Realm, their eyes were red.

However, the two also knew that their cultivation and status were not enough, so they could only envy secretly.

After guarding the Star Spirit Stone Mine for a hundred years and killing a large number of opponents, Chen Feng's merit points had long exceeded 100 million. In the Six Paths Sword Sect, Chen Feng was also considered a rich man.

With the merit points, Chen Feng exchanged some things, including a kind of sword art, but there was no practice method of the Six Paths Sword Classic. Although he was a little disappointed, Chen Feng also knew that this kind of mountain-guarding secret art would not be easily spread.

Chen Feng's arrival surprised Wang Yunxiao, but also made him feel complicated and jealous. His family had been warned by the top leaders before. In fact, there was no deep hatred between the two sides, but Wang Yunxiao felt uncomfortable when he thought of Chen Feng, so he wanted to get rid of Chen Feng.

"Brother Chen, have you thought about it?"

"Yes, I can't wait when we set off." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I'll notify the others and we can set off tomorrow." Wang Yunxiao sneered in his heart while saying this.

"It will be difficult to get out after entering."

The next day, Wang Yunxiao gathered a total of 18 cultivators. On the surface, these 18 people seemed to be high-level immortals, but Chen Feng saw that four of them were half-step immortals.

"They've invested a lot of money to deal with me." Chen Feng sneered in his heart, and secretly thought that if these people wanted to plot against him, then they shouldn't come out again.

After a casual introduction, everyone came to the entrance of the Chixiao Secret Realm through the teleportation array, where they also met cultivators from other sects.

In addition to the Liudao Sword Sect, Xingyuan Sect and Xianjian Sect, there is also a killer organization called Xiansha Pavilion. These four forces control the Chixiao Secret Realm. Over the years, many forces in Dongji have wanted to get involved in this secret realm, but they have joined forces to repel them.

On this point, the four forces are still united against the outside world.

Taking out the token and passing through the gate of time and space, everyone entered the Chixiao Secret Realm.

As soon as he entered this strange space, Chen Feng felt his body sink, and invisible pressure fell from the sky, and Chen Feng's cultivation was restricted.

Looking at Wang Yunxiao and others again, they were safe and sound.

As if seeing Chen Feng's doubts, Wang Yunxiao's eyes flashed with a smug smile, but he still said: "Oh, I forgot that Brother Chen didn't have a talisman."

Wang Yunxiao shook his palm, and a jade-like talisman shook for a while and then merged into his body.

"This is a talisman refined by our predecessors. It can resist the pressure of this world to a certain extent. I was too hurried when I came here, but I forgot to apply for one for Brother Chen." Wang Yunxiao made a gesture of shame.

Chen Feng just smiled. The suppression here is indeed very strong, and it is impossible to exert all the power. However, with Chen Feng's current power, even if he exerts 10% or 20%, he can sweep Wang Yunxiao and others.

"I don't know how much cultivation Brother Chen has left now." Shura Sword Immortal asked with a smile.

"It has been suppressed by 30%, but it is still no problem to deal with a half-step celestial being." Chen Feng said lightly.

Just arrived here, Chen Feng wanted to understand some of the situation in this world, and didn't want to turn against the other party so early.

However, Chen Feng obviously underestimated the other party's determination. One of them, a half-step celestial being with hidden strength, still came out.

"I heard that Brother Chen's cultivation is extraordinary and holy. I would like to ask for advice." The cultivator held a long sword in his hand, and there was a black light flashing in his eyes. The murderous intent gathered in his body was like a volcano that could erupt at any time.

Chen Feng could tell at a glance that the other party was practicing the sword art of the hell.

"I'm afraid there will be casualties if we spar at this time. This is not good." Chen Feng wanted to refuse.

"Don't worry, I will hold back." The cultivator said as he pulled out the long sword suddenly, and the black sword light rushed towards Chen Feng. In the black sword light, there was a white head grinning and hiding in it.

The upright sword art and the boundless hell killing way, Wang Yunxiao and others retreated to the side as soon as they made a move. If this senior brother was not from the Wang family, he would not have invited him at all.

Everyone seemed to have seen the end of Chen Feng being killed, and several people showed joy in their eyes. They should not have thought that this guy would be easily solved.

Only Wang Yunxiao and Shura Sword Immortal looked a little uncertain. Although Chen Feng had been submerged by the sword light, it would not be so easy for the two of them.

A hand suddenly tore apart the black sword light, and with a fierce pull and grab, the sword light dissipated chaotically, and the grinning head was also smashed. Then the hand grew bigger and bigger, until it covered the sky and the sun. A sense of oppression rising from the bottom of the heart made Wang Yunxiao and others retreat continuously.

When Chen Feng slowly walked out, the Hell Dao monk who had attacked had been captured by a big hand condensed by black and white air and was suspended in the air.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh! Swoosh, swoosh!

As soon as this cultivator was captured, the other cultivators could no longer hold back, and several of them attacked Chen Feng.

Who knew that Chen Feng sneered, and another hand appeared out of thin air. With a huge wave of the hand, all the cultivators who rushed up were swept away.

"Brother Chen, stop it quickly." Wang Yunxiao shouted loudly, but the others continued to attack Chen Feng.

"Everyone, are you guys sparring?" Chen Feng sneered, and grabbed the palm of the Hell Dao cultivator and grabbed it fiercely. The Hell Dao cultivator screamed and was crushed into meat paste, and even the fire of his soul was extinguished.

Then the two huge palms pushed fiercely, and the yin and yang energy rolled and beat all the cultivators present. When everything returned to calm, Chen Feng had long disappeared.

Since the relationship had already been torn apart, Chen Feng did not continue to play with the other party. With Chen Feng's current power, he would not take Wang Yunxiao and others seriously. Leaving without killing all of them was already a mercy by Chen Feng.

A half-step celestial being died just after entering. Wang Yunxiao and others looked extremely ugly. Things had developed to this point. How could they carry out the next plan?

"Idiot, who told you to do it?" Wang Yunxiao cursed angrily.

"Yunxiao, you didn't say Chen Qing was so powerful at that time." Facing Wang Yunxiao's scolding, one of the half-step celestial beings was a little unhappy.

"Okay, it's useless to say all this now. The most important thing right now is to find a way to kill Chen Qing. We can't let him leave here, otherwise the sect will definitely punish our Wang family."

"Wang Yunxiao, this is the trouble you caused. I heard that Chen Qing has been very low-key since he joined the sect. You are the one who didn't know how to live or die and provoked him."

"This is your Wang family's business. We brothers will no longer participate. Goodbye."

"Humph! You said you had a plan before, but things turned out like this just after you came in. It's really embarrassing."

A half-step celestial being died just after coming in. After a quarrel, four people withdrew, including two half-step celestial beings. The rest were all authentic Wang family members, but they were still shocked by Chen Feng's methods just now. Some people were dissatisfied with Wang Yunxiao. In short, the power of this small group that surrounded Chen Feng was weakened by more than half in a short period of time.

"Humph!" Wang Yunxiao was extremely angry. He never thought that things would change like this.

"Stupid, all stupid." Before coming in, these people said they would follow their arrangements, but after coming in, they didn't take themselves seriously at all.

"No, I still have some tricks. Chen Qing, I hope you are lucky enough to hold on for a while." Then Wang Yunxiao calmed down again, with a cold light in his eyes.

"Since we are not on the same page, there is no point in staying together. Let's go our separate ways." Wang Yunxiao said lightly and turned to leave. The three people including Shura Sword Immortal also left with him. These were the people who had the closest relationship with Wang Yunxiao.

"The spatial structure is solid and wonderful, the law of power is perfect and powerful, and the power of time and space is continuous and immortal. It is worthy of being the world left by the Golden Immortal. It is similar to the death space I entered before, but the death space is more chaotic. This space has a divine taste. There is an essential difference between the two."

After entering the Chixiao Secret Realm for a while, I have some understanding of this world. Although there are some dangers, Chen Feng is still not good and a little disappointed.

Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and the light in his palm turned. Soon a group of light black gas came out of his palm. Under Chen Feng's eyes, the black gas kept struggling, and finally turned into a small beetle the size of a thumb, black and transparent, with blood-red luster in his eyes.

"Hell tracking bugs, these guys do have some tricks." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand, and the small black beetle turned into a stream of light and entered a cave not far away.

There is a strange beast with the cultivation level of a half-step celestial being in this cave. If someone rushes in rashly, something interesting will definitely happen.

"Whether you live or die depends on your luck." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Hey! After all, this is a world left by a golden immortal. Isn't there any treasure?"

Chen Feng killed a tree demon with good cultivation, but he only got some unimportant spirit stones, not even some rare minerals.

After wandering in this world for ten years, Chen Feng began to regret it. If he had known earlier, it would have been the best choice to get a map.

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