Eternal Existence

Chapter 1114: Turnaround

Under Chen Feng's attack, the sword formation began to shake, as if Chen Feng could break out in the next moment.

"This kid is really not simple, Xingjun, I think we should give this guy to our Xianjian Sect?"

"Haha, this won't do, I saw him first, why don't you guys do it?"

"Do it!"

A bit of starlight flew towards Chen Feng, and suddenly exploded above Chen Feng's head, turning into a sky full of starlight that enveloped Chen Feng. The four men in black armor stood in four directions, waving their hands constantly, and hitting Chen Feng with a burst of strength.

The golden light kept changing, sometimes turning into a silk net, sometimes turning into a rope. Chen Feng's speed was getting faster and faster. Finally, a thick rope flashed with starlight and tied Chen Feng up in circles. He was carried by the black armor to the Xingjun.

"Hey, 10,000 against 3,000, and even the immortals got involved. If this matter gets out, I wonder if the reputation of Xingyuan Sect and Xianjian Sect will be ruined. I really can't imagine that the famous and famous sects in the fairy world would do such a thing." Chen Feng said lightly, without any awareness of being captured.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, several immortals present blushed even though they were thick-skinned. Speaking of what happened just now, it was a bit authentic.

"Xingyuan Sect, Xianjian Sect, do you really think that our Liudao Sword Sect is easy to bully?" At this time, six sword beams of different colors appeared from a distance, and an angry roar rolled over. I don't know how many cultivators on the battlefield were shocked to death.

"It's the Six Paths of Killing Sword. Why are the six of them here? This is going to be a problem. These six people are notorious for not following rules and means."

"Let's go. I don't think they will attack these True Immortal disciples."

"Let's go!"

The reinforcements of the Six Paths Sword Sect came, and the immortals of Xingyuan Sect and Xianjian Sect retreated, but the True Immortals of both sides stayed.

"Is it too late to leave now? Heiyao Xingjun, Tianjian Envoy, you stay here."

The terrifying sword energy cut through the sky, and a large number of cultivators were thrown to the ground on the battlefield. Of course, these unlucky guys were all cultivators from Xingyuan Sect.

Although the Six Paths of Killing Sword was arrogant, it could only do this. If it killed True Immortals on a large scale, then the two sides would have to go to war next.

"What can we do? Senior Brother Chen was captured by the other side." Although Shanhe Jushi was reminded by Chen Feng, he was still a little worried.

"It shouldn't be a problem." Although the Dragon Slayer said this, he was still a little undecided. Although Chen Feng was powerful, he was facing a celestial being this time. It wouldn't be easy for him to get away.

After being captured, Chen Feng had been resisting. Of course, this resistance was not taken seriously by the Black Star Lord. However, for safety reasons, the Black Star Lord still set some restrictions in Chen Feng's body.

It wasn't until three days later that the Black Star Lord and others began to settle down.

"Okay, kid, tell me about your origins." The attitude of the Black Star Lord and others was still good.

Chen Feng knew what the other party was going to do as soon as he saw the other party's appearance, and he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"Chen Qing, a casual cultivator, came from the mountains and rivers, and joined the Six Paths Sword Sect hundreds of years ago." Chen Feng said lightly, neither humble nor arrogant. This calm attitude made several celestial beings present nod secretly.

"Haha, we are all cultivators, let's talk straight. I want to invite you to join our Xingyuan Sect. I can give you a position as a foreign affairs elder. If you make contributions, you can become a core figure in our Xingyuan Sect. What do you think? It's much better than being in the Six Paths Sword Sect." Hei Yao Xingjun said with a smile.

"The conditions are very attractive. It's not impossible to join Xingyuan Sect. If Xingyuan Sect can provide a secret technique, I can agree to join Xingyuan Sect." Chen Feng also laughed.

"Oh, what secret technique? Tell me about it." Hei Yao Xingjun asked with a smile.

"Xingyuan Baolu!" Chen Feng said lightly.

"This is impossible. Xingyuan Baolu can only be practiced by celestial beings, and they must be direct disciples of Xingyuan Sect." Hei Yao Xingjun changed color. Even he himself only practiced two secret techniques in Xingyuan Baolu. This kid is really arrogant, or he is just trying to make fun of him.

"Xingyuan Sect is really stingy. They want to recruit disciples, but they are reluctant to spend money." Chen Feng said contemptuously.

"I don't know what benefits you have gained from the Six Paths Sword Sect. I see that you have been sent to the Xingchen Mine to do hard labor." The face of the Black Star Lord also darkened.

"How about the three sword moves in the Six Paths Sword Canon? Are they more generous than your Xingyuan Sect?" Chen Feng was full of nonsense.

"This is impossible!" The Black Star Lord didn't believe it at all.

"Hehe!" Chen Feng just smiled.

"Don't forget that you are a prisoner now, and there is no bargaining condition." The Black Star Lord suddenly calmed down.

"I am not a prisoner." Chen Feng said, and suddenly stretched out his palm and grabbed the Xingyuan chain tied to his body.

The Xingyuan chain immediately burst into dazzling starlight.

"What, you can still do it." The face of the Black Star Lord changed drastically, and he stood up immediately. He had clearly sealed the other party's cultivation just now. What on earth is going on?

"You think you can capture me so easily? What a joke!" Chen Feng exerted force with his palm and pulled it violently. There was a series of explosions, and the starlight was dazzling. The pseudo-artifact-level Nebula Chain actually broke into pieces in Chen Feng's hands.


The face of the Black Star Lord turned red, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed, and the broken chain turned into starlight and disappeared in Chen Feng's hand. At the same time, a domineering aura swept from Chen Feng's body to the surroundings, stepping on the four dimensions and eight directions. The immortals present actually retreated under this momentum. As for the restriction left in Chen Feng's body by the Obsidian Star Lord, it was even more a joke.

In any case, the reaction of the other immortals was still very fast. The Heavenly Sword Envoy waved his hand, and a flying sword quickly turned into a sword formation that surrounded Chen Feng. This was exactly the sword formation that trapped Chen Feng before.

In these people's minds, even if Chen Feng was a celestial immortal, it would take some time to break through the sword formation. With this time buffer, it was enough for these people to use other means.

But they didn't expect that Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely, and the sword formation disappeared, leaving only a flying sword struggling in Chen Feng's palm.

The process was just a blink of an eye.

"Not bad, two pseudo-artifacts." Chen Feng was secretly happy in his heart. This time his plan was still correct. He had gained so much in a short time.

"Okay, everyone, I should say goodbye." Chen Feng said as the brilliant starry sky map suddenly unfolded, the galaxy flowed, the nebulae flew, and the several celestial beings who rushed up were knocked out. Finally, the starry sky map wrapped Chen Feng up and disappeared after a few flashes.

It took an incense stick of time for the chaotic scene to calm down. Everyone looked at each other, the angry look had disappeared, and only a bitter smile remained.

"I misjudged it. This time it's really embarrassing. So many people were actually teased by a small true immortal."

"No, it's not a true immortal. Who of you has seen such a powerful true immortal? The other party must be a celestial being. The Six Paths Sword Sect is breaking the rules."

"That's right. Spread this news and say that the celestial beings of the Six Paths Sword Sect pretended to be true immortals and killed weak disciples at will. I want to see how the Six Paths Sword Sect will deal with this matter."

"What if this kid is really a true immortal?"

After someone said this, everyone became silent again.

With the arrival of the Six Paths of Killing Sword, this wave of small and medium-sized wars ended quickly. Although the Six Paths of Killing Sword did not intervene, it brought thousands of True Immortals and built a teleportation array in the Star Spirit Stone Mine. Although the final result was that the Six Paths Sword Sect suffered a little loss and lost some territory, if you really count, the number of casualties on the Xingyuan Sect side was not less than that of the Six Paths Sword Sect.

You should know that this time the Xingyuan Sect side brought tens of thousands of cultivators, which had a great advantage. According to the casualty ratio, the Six Paths Sword Sect still had the advantage.

Among them, Chen Feng killed half of the enemies.

"Chen Qing, you said that a casual cultivator killed hundreds of people on the other side. This is impossible." After asking about the battle situation, the immortals looked at each other and did not believe it.

"Reporting to the senior, it is true. Although Senior Brother Chen is only a True Immortal, he has strong combat power and has a top-grade immortal sword in his hand. He can compete with high-level True Immortals and even half-step Celestial Immortals, but he was secretly captured by the opponent's Celestial Immortal." Shanhe Jushi was worried about Chen Feng, so he immediately spoke up. Of course, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble for Chen Feng, he did not tell him that Chen Feng could compete with Celestial Immortals.

"Despicable, these guys are really getting more and more uncivilized. It's fine if they use their numbers to bully the few, but even Celestial Immortals have taken action. This matter cannot be let go. First of all, we must publicize this matter. Second, the six of us will take action and kill them to rescue this disciple named Chen Qing. In addition, I want to go back to the sect and ask why such a genius was sent here." The Heavenly Sword of the Six Paths of Killing said coldly.

For these six people, the casualties of some disciples this time are nothing. The most important thing is Chen Qing. Chen Qing alone is worth 10,000 ordinary True Immortals.

"Let's get going without further delay."

"Hey! Someone's coming."

"Chen Qing, it's Chen Qing who's back."

Just when these immortals were about to leave, Chen Feng finally came back. The fight just now made Chen Feng's reputation soar. If it weren't for Chen Feng, the guards of the Six Paths Sword Sect would have been killed, so when Chen Feng appeared, all these cultivators were surprised.

"Is this person Chen Qing?"

After Chen Feng paid homage to the immortals, all these people's eyes were on Chen Feng, especially the six people of the Six Paths Sword, who secretly performed the secret technique of insight, trying to see through some of the truth.

"It is indeed a true immortal, and it is an initial level true immortal, but there are several magic weapons of the best immortal level hidden in his body. Hey! This power is hidden very deeply, but it can't be hidden from us. It is clearly a fake artifact." Under Chen Feng's deliberate efforts, these people thought they saw through Chen Feng's true and false.

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