Eternal Existence

Chapter 1105 Six Paths Sword Sect

"This guy is really bold."

"I didn't expect the Changsheng Tower to recover to this level."

"Hurry up and chase him. The longer we delay, the worse it will be for us."

When Chen Feng entered the Changsheng Tower, he saw a ball of blood mist twisting rapidly, but it was difficult to restore its human form under the power of the Changsheng Tower.

Without saying a word, Chen Feng stepped forward and punched the opponent again. The blood-gathering beads flew out, and the blood dragon that had been practicing in it also began to roar.

"Chen Feng, you can't kill me." There were bursts of roars from the blood mist.

"You are still deceiving yourself now. This is not some other place. This is the Changsheng Tower. You murdered the children of the royal family and tried to rob the Changsheng Tower. Do you know what this crime is?" Chen Feng sneered, and the blood-gathering beads in his hand continued to devour the opponent's blood.

"The crime is to exterminate the nine clans, and the soul will be thrown into the divine furnace, burning day and night, and suffering eternal torture." Chen Feng suddenly shouted, and a majesty that he had never seen before emanated from him.

Feeling Chen Feng's majesty, the struggling blood mist suddenly trembled, as if it just remembered Chen Feng's identity. No matter whether it could kill Chen Feng this time, as long as this matter was leaked, it would be difficult for him to die.

"It's too late to be afraid now. I will extract your soul, and your family, relatives and friends will all pay the price because of you." Chen Feng's face became even colder. Although he knew that he would encounter this situation, he was still uncontrollably burning with anger when he was hunted down by his own people.

"Kill me, kill me." The young monk began to beg for mercy, but there was only this sentence.

"Of course I will kill you. You are just the first one. Everyone who comes to hunt me down this time will die." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Hahahahaha, don't dream about it." The young monk who was screaming suddenly laughed.

"If I can kill one, I can kill the second one. Besides, my uncle can't cover the sky with one hand in the Changsheng Heaven Realm."

"You couldn't kill me before, so it's time for me to fight back."

No more talk to the other party. The other party is at least a mid-level celestial being. Chen Feng only swallowed 30% of his essence, and the rest was collected by the tower, because the tower will use secret techniques to fight against the strong enemy next.

"Have you gotten rid of the other party?" Chen Feng asked.

"I got rid of it for the time being, but it's only a matter of time before the other party finds me." As the first artifact of the Changsheng Heaven Realm, the tower is still very familiar with the methods of the cultivators of the Changsheng clan.

"Although I have entered the fairyland, finding a place to practice is the most important thing. The fairyland has surpassed our major heavens in some aspects." Chen Feng knew that the next time was very urgent, and the pursuers might find him.

"It seems that I need to find a backer." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

Next, Chen Feng restrained his aura and began to venture into the fairyland. He was discovered by the pursuers several times, and Chen Feng found with some sadness that the number of pursuers was increasing, and more powerful people appeared. If Ta had not used the secret technique to cover up his aura, he might have been figured out by the other party.

"Although I can use the secret technique of covering the sky, these guys are from Changshengtian, hey, it's a bit troublesome." Ta said it lightly on the surface, but Chen Feng felt that the situation was more serious.

If he couldn't think of a way, it would be a matter of time before he was found by the other party.

Chen Feng was a little anxious.

However, Chen Feng accidentally got a piece of news, which changed his next itinerary.

The Six Paths Sword Sect recruited disciples once a hundred years.

After hearing this news, Chen Feng was moved. Chen Feng still had some understanding of the Six Paths Sect.

Speaking of which, the Six Paths Sword Sect is a very old sect in the entire fairy world. It was once prosperous, with masters and great powers in the sect. At that time, it was not called the Six Paths Sword Sect, but the Six Paths Palace. In its heyday, even the edicts of the fairy court could be secretly obeyed. However, with the passage of time, the corrosion of time, and all kinds of hardships, the overall power of the sect has declined significantly, and it is not worthy of the title of the Six Paths Palace. This is why it was changed to the Six Paths Sword Sect.

Of course, Chen Feng knows that this is also closely related to the loss of the Six Paths Hunyuan Sutra, the treasure of the sect.

However, although the Six Paths Sword Sect does not have the power of the past, as one of the oldest sects in the fairy world, it still has some foundation. In Chen Feng's opinion, even ten or a hundred Iron Blood Alliances combined are better than the Six Paths Sword Sect.

For Chen Feng, this is the best hiding place, so Chen Feng used the secret technique of changing the world to change his body and appearance. As long as he sneaked into the Six Paths Sword Sect, it would be difficult for the pursuers to find him.

Moreover, Chen Feng was confident that the secret technique he used would not be seen through by cultivators below the Golden Immortal level. Besides, whether there were any Golden Immortals in the Six Paths Sword Sect was still a question. Only the master of the Changsheng Heaven Realm could quickly see through Chen Feng.

Chen Feng felt a little angry when he thought of this. He had the Changsheng Tower and had cultivated the Chaos Body again. He was also the most noble royal family in the Changsheng Heaven Realm. He was naturally oppressive to other cultivators in the Changsheng Heaven Realm. However, this time the pursuers were too strong, and the opponent was also a royal family that was no less powerful than himself, so Chen Feng's advantage was greatly reduced.

"Hmph, when the Changsheng Tower recovers its strength, I will show you what's going on." Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

"My younger brother Chen Qing, everyone is polite." Chen Feng was dressed in green, carrying a long sword, and looked unrestrained and had the air of an immortal. With a kind smile, he gave people a very comfortable feeling.

"It's polite, my fellow Taoist is here to join the Six Paths Sword Sect. I wonder where your fellow Taoist usually practices?"

"Everyone is welcome. I usually practice in the mountains and rivers. However, the recent fierce competition between the Iron Blood Alliance and the Mountains and Rivers Alliance has forced me to go out to find a place to practice."

"What a coincidence. The layman in Xiashanhe is also from the land of mountains and rivers. In the future, we will join the Six Paths Sword Sect. We must support each other."

"That's how it should be." Chen Feng was shocked. He didn't expect that the other party came from the mountains and rivers. Fortunately, the mountains and rivers were vast and there were many monks, so the other party did not doubt what he said.

"Everyone, please don't be careless. There are many casual cultivators here this time. The number of disciples recruited by the Six Paths Sword Sect is still the same. I don't know how fierce the competition will be. And I heard that the entrance examination this time is much stricter than usual. ”

"Hey! Recently, the Immortal World has been fighting all over the world, and our East Pole region is also in constant turmoil. The world is getting more and more chaotic. I can't even find a place to practice well."

In this way, Chen Feng successfully blended into the army of casual cultivators and came to the Six Paths Sword Sect.

This time, the Six Paths Sword Sect mainly recruits disciples from these casual cultivators, and their levels are High Immortal and True Immortal.

Chen Feng secretly lamented that among the many worlds such as the Eternal World, the Immortal was already at the top, but here, it could only barely meet the qualifications for entry.

The Six Paths Sword Sect is located in the Hunyuan Mountains. This is the famous Immortal Mountain Spiritual Vein in the Immortal World. It once belonged entirely to the Six Paths Sword Sect. Now, the strength of the Six Paths Sword Sect has been greatly reduced, and part of it has been divided up by other forces.

The Hunyuan Mountains are just a mountain range to the Immortal World, but in Chen Feng's eyes, this mountain range is almost as big as a star field, and is many times larger than the Eternal World.

Chen Feng and his party of six were arranged in an elegant courtyard. The attitude of the Six Paths Sword Sect towards these true immortals was still very enthusiastic.

Although they seemed to have a good conversation on the surface, Chen Feng could see that there was some slight estrangement between them, because everyone might become competitors in the next assessment to enter the sect.

Chen Feng sighed. He had no doubts about whether he could enter the Six Paths Sword Sect. He himself was in the realm of a true immortal and there was no need to hide it. However, the level of these people in Chen Feng's eyes was too low. You should know that with Chen Feng's current It's not even a matter of strength to kill the immortals.

After casually chatting with the other party, Chen Feng began to practice quietly in the room. There was still some time before the entrance examination.

After entering the Hunyuan Mountains, Chen Feng felt that the pressure on his body suddenly disappeared, and knew that his choice this time was correct.

Chen Feng was practicing, but other people in the courtyard were not so quiet. Two people appeared quietly in the courtyard, paused for a moment, and then disappeared.

Chen Feng opened his eyes, a look of enlightenment flashed in his eyes, and then continued to practice. However, not long after, a man returned to the small courtyard in a miserable state, entered his room and never came out again.

A puff of light blue smoke suddenly floated over and poured into every house.

"This is considered an assessment, it's just a fight against each other." Chen Feng sighed, and the green smoke that poured into the room was absorbed by Chen Feng.

"What a domineering poison. I wonder if anyone has been affected by it?" Chen Feng remained motionless. This level of poison was nothing to Chen Feng.

Screams came from the room of the previously injured monk. Chen Feng knew that this man was in danger without even looking.

A black monk holding a long knife entered the small courtyard and quickly entered one of the houses. The sound of fighting quickly disappeared.

The man in black appeared again and entered the room where Master Shanhe was.

Chen Feng sighed, and a trace of divine light came out from his closed eyes. The black-clothed monk was about to kill Shanhe layman. Suddenly, a sigh sounded in his heart, and his whole body was like a lightning strike. An unprecedented sense of crisis surged into his heart, so the black-clothed monk made a prompt decision. , throwing down Shanhe, the layman quickly ran out of the small courtyard.

The Shanhe layman who had escaped from death had no time to care about his injuries, so he came directly to the door of Chen Feng's room and saluted respectfully.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for coming to the rescue."

"It only takes a little effort. As I said before, we should support each other." Chen Feng said lightly.

In just one night, there were only three people left in the small courtyard. The cruel competition made Chen Feng secretly grin.

At this time, Master Shanhe and another monk named Tulong Taoist realized that Chen Feng was a hidden master. Taoist Tulong, who was still a little arrogant, restrained his attitude.

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