Eternal Existence

Chapter 1097 The Second Iron Plate

Seeing Chen Feng and others set up the formation, the group of cultivators who came later cursed angrily.

However, driven by the treasure, these people still killed them. Although there were many strange beasts, it was just a delay for these people.

"These guys are really, they are following closely. It seems that these strange beasts are difficult to stop them. I will add some fuel to the enemy." Chen Feng said and waved his hand. A ball of blood flew out and suddenly exploded in the group of strange beasts. Suddenly, the whole lake turned blood red.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

At this moment, the already frenzied strange beasts became even more violent. Not only did they attack these human cultivators, they also fought each other.

"What did you throw?" Manniu was a little curious.

"A drop of blood essence of the demon god." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are really cruel." Everyone gave Chen Feng a thumbs up.

"Brother Chen's actions reminded me of that." Manniu said as he carefully took out a pill. Just a trace of medicinal power was released, and Chen Feng and the others felt the power in their bodies begin to boil and rise.

"What is this?"

"You will know in a moment, this is a good thing."

The pill flew out and exploded suddenly, turning into medicinal power all over the sky. The already frantic beasts roared even more fiercely. Everyone saw with their own eyes that the strength of these beasts had changed, and the most powerful ones could be increased several times.

"This is the Burning Spirit Pill!" Chi Mingzi exclaimed.

"Yes, it is the Burning Spirit Pill. If it weren't for resisting these guys, I would not be willing to take it out. Now I just hope that this harvest is worth it, otherwise it will be a big loss." Manniu said as he took out the long sword behind him, and a sword light slashed at the altar in front of him like a wave.

The light shield appeared, and under the cutting of the sword energy, a harsh sound wave was emitted. The sword energy had not dissipated yet, and Chi Mingzi stabbed it with a flaming spear.

The young swordsman and the man with the golden hammer also launched an attack, and the stone plate in Chen Feng's hand also flew out.

The five people attacked repeatedly, trying to break this barrier in the shortest time.

This level of attack lasted for a stick of incense, and finally the light shield flashed a few times and then exploded. Just when Chen Feng and others were about to rush in, four fiery red dragons suddenly appeared in front of everyone. They were not big, but the flames spewed from their mouths made Chen Feng and others retreat.

"It's not that simple, but these four dragons are actually living beings." Chen Feng was a little surprised, thinking that the other party was a puppet.

"Someone used a secret technique to seal these four dragons here. In the realm of heavenly immortals, this is a demon god."

"I will deal with two, you put away the iron plate first, don't let others take advantage of it." Manniu held a long sword and slashed heavily, and the unmatched sword light enveloped the two dragons.

The immortal wings behind Chen Feng vibrated, and he passed through the dragon's blockade at an extremely fast speed and rushed to the altar. As for the other two dragons, Chi Mingzi and three others were resisting them. He was the fastest and was the most suitable to snatch the iron plate.

However, after Chen Feng broke through, he saw a black-clothed monk holding an iron plate and looking at him with a smile.

Chen Feng was shocked. When did this person appear? He didn't even notice it.


Just when Chen Feng was thinking about whether to take action, the iron plate turned into a stream of light and fell into his hands.

"The iron plate belongs to you, but the other things belong to me."

Chen Feng only saw at this time that the other party was holding a tattered space bag in his hand. It was very ordinary, just like an ordinary bag made of animal skin, but Chen Feng didn't believe that the other party was using a tattered bag to make fun of him.

"What is your name, why are you making fun of us?" Chen Feng said as he walked forward, and the stone plate emitted a simple light that illuminated all directions.

Even so, Chen Feng still had no idea what to do when facing this person. He just wanted to hold him back, wait for Manniu and others to come, and then capture him and interrogate him about his origins.

Seeing Chen Feng's actions, the black-robed monk grinned. Seeing the other party's smile, Chen Feng immediately felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, the altar that looked extremely shabby actually started to work, and it was very fast. A stream of light rose up and wrapped up the black-robed monk.

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, the stone plate in Chen Feng's hand flew out quickly and killed the black-robed monk.

"Hurry up, the other party is going to run away." Chen Feng shouted at the same time.

The black-robed monk just smiled, stretched out his palm, and easily grabbed the stone plate, as if Chen Feng was not hitting a divine weapon, but an ordinary plate.

"What!" Chen Feng was shocked, but he remained calm on the surface. The immortal wings behind him kept vibrating to avoid being locked by the opponent. As soon as they fought, Chen Feng knew that he was far from being the opponent's opponent. Moreover, Chen Feng had a strange idea, that is, the opponent would not let go of the fight, not because the opponent was afraid of him and others, but because the opponent did not take him and others to heart.

"Little guy from the immortal clan, you have good cultivation and great prospects. Maybe we will meet again in the future. I'll return this stone plate to you." The stone plate flew back again. After Chen Feng caught it, he felt a strong force acting on himself, and then retreated repeatedly, until Manniu and Chi Mingzi came forward to press him out, and then he controlled his body.

"Where are you going?"

The young swordsman and the golden hammer man launched an attack at the same time. The purpose of the two was also very simple. As long as they interfered with the teleportation array, the opponent could not leave.

"Wait a minute, do it!" Chen Feng shouted immediately when he saw this, but it was obviously too late. Two streams of light flashed past, and the two young swordsmen flew upside down, each with a transparent hole in their body.

The teleportation array still did not end, and the man in black disappeared. Chen Feng let out a long sigh. The other party did not make any big moves, but it was just like this that put more pressure on Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng also clearly saw that the other party was holding back on him. Otherwise, just look at the fate of the young swordsman and the golden hammer man.

From what he said just now, it can be seen that the other party and the Changsheng clan must have some history.

"Chen Feng, don't you give us an explanation?" The young swordsman's face turned pale. Although the wounds on his body had healed, they had consumed a lot of energy.

"Explain." Chen Feng looked at this person as if he were an idiot.

"Everyone can clearly see what happened just now. I have something to explain." Chen Feng said lightly.

"The opponent is so powerful, why are you not injured, and what happened to the iron card in your hand?" the young swordsman said coldly.

Chen Feng shook his head, threw away the iron card in his hand, and ignored the other party.

Facing this kind of person, Chen Feng didn't bother to explain.

"No matter what, we still got the iron card." Man Niu said.

"It's a pity that the other treasures were snatched away by the other party." The man with the golden hammer said in a loud voice.

"The other party is an intermediate-level immortal. He has already held back his hand just now. Don't worry about life and death." Chen Feng sneered, with a flash of light in his eyes. The big man with the golden hammer took a step back again. When he woke up, he was filled with shame and anger, and he was about to step forward to take action.

"If there is internal strife, I suggest that this small group should be disbanded." Chi Mingzi said, shaking the spear in his hand.

"You two are too small-minded," Man Niu mocked.

In the eyes of the young swordsman and the golden hammer man, Chi Mingzi and Man Niu were obviously difficult to deal with, and Chen Feng was a bit weak.

Chen Feng looked at the iron plate in his hand, and then threw it to Man Niu.

"I don't think we were fooled." Man Niu also said the same.

"Go find the third iron plate. This is not over yet." Chi Mingzi frowned while holding the iron plate.

"These guys are coming, we should leave."

"Hmph, I don't think there's any need to look for the iron sign. I can just use the altar to teleport."

"That makes sense."

The opinions of several people were quickly unified, and upon entering the altar, they quickly activated the teleportation array above.

After another group of monks broke in, Chen Feng and others had long disappeared.

"Damn it! It's too late."

"There is a teleportation array here, chase after it."

"I think the other party did something wrong before leaving." When Chen Feng and others reappeared, they realized that something was wrong.

I don't know where this place is, I just know that the strong wind is like a knife, and the immortal bodies of several people can't resist it, and there are wounds on their bodies.

"Kind of like a void storm."

"It's not a void storm, it's a stream of chaos. This is something we can't resist. The most important thing right now is to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Chaos flowing light, this kind of energy is rare and very rare." Manniu said as he took out the colorful clay bottle and put it away.

"Hey! This guy is really desperate for his life." Chi Mingzi shook his head and sighed.

Sure enough, Man Niu's actions seemed to stimulate the surrounding energy, and the colorful stream of light quickly condensed into a tornado, drawing Man Niu into it, and it seemed that the next moment it could tear Man Niu into pieces.

Chi Mingzi immediately took action, trying to pull Man Niu back, but at this time another outlet appeared and took Chi Mingzi into it.

Looking at the Man Niu again, the animal skin on its body was beginning to be torn. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was secretly shocked. The animal skin on the Man Niu looked simple, but it was an artifact with amazing defense. He didn't expect it to be used in such an environment. Can't resist.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and a rapidly rotating wave appeared in front of him. In an instant, the chaotic light around him was completely swallowed up.

Chen Feng cultivates the Chaos Body and is much more advantageous than others when facing this chaotic energy.

Man Niu and Chi Mingzi regained their freedom, but Chen Feng's actions attracted a stronger attack. A colorful dragon appeared and charged at everyone majestically.


Several people were shocked. Dragons are a higher level creature than dragons. They generally symbolize power, domineering, destruction, and difficulty. Otherwise, they would not be called divine dragons.

Just being face to face, everyone's hearts were almost lost.

Man Niu roared, took out his long sword, and ordered Mingzi to activate the flame spear crazily. The young swordsman and the golden hammer man also tried their best. Only Chen Feng did not step forward, but pushed with both hands, and the black hole in front of him was spinning. More quickly.

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