Eternal Existence

Chapter 108 Red Blood Pill


A strong wave hit Chen Feng's position, and a large amount of mud covered the sky and the earth. It was dark, smelly, and covered the sky, making Chen Feng feel like the end of the world. Chen Feng was frightened by this and was about to dodge. The fat old man standing on the side took action. With a simple wave of his hand, a huge palm print of more than ten feet appeared in the air. He slapped it in front of him, and the wind whistled. A vacuum zone immediately appeared in front of him. The waves and mud in front of him were all blown away and disappeared.

"My goodness, this is simply a force of overwhelming power." Chen Feng said in shock.

"Leave here first." The fat old man waved his hand, emitting a stream of light, including Chen Feng, and then waved his sleeves. The two of them retreated quickly, retreating thousands of meters in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the mountain in front of him had risen to three thousand meters, and it was still rising at a faster speed. Chen Feng glanced and saw Ye Ziming and Ruta in the crowd, and then he was relieved.

Chen Feng's eyes kept turning, and he saw more and more cultivators around him. There were at least hundreds of them, but most of them were casual cultivators.

"My dear disciple, what are you looking at?" The fat old man turned around and asked.

"It is said that the immortal palace here was first discovered by the people of the Sword Tower and the Jade Talisman Hall?" Chen Feng asked casually.

"You are talking about these two small sects. That's the Sword Tower, and that's the Jade Talisman Hall." The fat old man nodded and stretched out his hand to point twice in the distance.

The people in the Sword Tower were easy to recognize. They were wearing the same clothes as the ten cultivators that Chen Feng and the other two met at the beginning, and they all had long swords hanging around their waists. Everyone exuded a sword intent that was either strong or weak.

"These are all pure sword cultivators. Only when they are focused can they continue to improve." Chen Feng thought to himself.

The people in the Jade Talisman Hall were also dressed in the same silver-white protective robes, shining with silver light, and looked more gorgeous than the Sword Tower.

However, the faces of the people from these two sects were extremely ugly at this time, and several of them kept roaring. Originally, the immortal palace here was discovered by these two sects first, but later they found nothing and suffered a large number of casualties. Now the huge movement has attracted countless cultivators.

Even if these two sects were ten times more powerful, it would be impossible to kill all the people present. Moreover, at this moment, there were still cultivators rushing over, and some of the cultivators who arrived later were even more powerful.

"Master, I have two friends over there." Chen Feng said.

"Yeah." At this time, the fat old man was staring at the rising mountain in front of him. He just nodded when he heard Chen Feng's words, and didn't say much.

Since the fat old man helped him refine the Haoran Zhengang Sword and increase his strength, Chen Feng knew that the other party was most likely to accept him as an apprentice, and the worries in his heart dissipated.

However, Chen Feng still had some doubts in his heart, that is, why did the other party accept him? Just because he was gifted and a genius, Chen Feng himself didn't believe this sentence.

"Could it be that this old man saw that I had condensed the soul fire, so he thought I was a genius? If so, it's possible." Chen Feng thought.

Chen Feng also knew that cultivators who could condense the soul fire were considered true disciples in the ten major immortal sects, not to mention that he condensed the soul fire when he was in the first level of the secret realm, which was even more amazing. I'm afraid that there are not many such cases in the entire eternal world.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng was completely relieved, and at the same time he laughed at himself: "I didn't expect that I would become a genius in the eyes of others?"

This time, Chen Feng left the fat old man without being restrained. His figure flashed a few times and he arrived in front of Ye Ziming and Ruta.

"It seems that our actions at the beginning were a bit redundant. If we had known that such a big commotion would happen, we could have saved some energy." Chen Feng laughed.

"But I think the Sword Tower and the Jade Talisman Hall should be very angry. Didn't you see how angry they were just now?" Ye Ziming laughed.


Chen Feng and the other two laughed suddenly, attracting the attention of everyone around them.

"These sects are not strong enough, but they rely on the support of the immortal sects and act very arrogantly. They are even more domineering than the disciples from the ten immortal sects." Ruta sneered.

"Strange, when did the Yin Sha Gangfeng here disappear?" Chen Feng only felt at this time that although there were strong air fluctuations around him, the Yin Sha Gangfeng at the beginning dissipated. The sky was clear and the sun in the sky was getting brighter and brighter. However, Chen Feng found that the reason why the sky became clear was all caused by the sudden appearance of the mountain. As the mountain continued to rise, a series of powerful fluctuations rushed towards the sky. The clouds within a radius of hundreds of miles were all vaporized under the powerful fluctuations, revealing a clean sky.

Chen Feng was always pulled by the fat old man, but he didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation.

"When this mountain began to rise, the Yin Sha Gangfeng here began to dissipate continuously. However, the fluctuations caused by this suddenly appearing mountain seemed to be even stronger. Some monks who were close to it were directly shaken into pieces by the powerful fluctuations." Ye Ziming said.

Chen Feng looked up at the mountain that was rising continuously. Although it looked very close, Chen Feng knew that it was at least dozens of miles away from where he was standing. A mountain was rising right in front of him, causing powerful shock waves. This situation made Chen Feng feel like he was dreaming.

"By the way, Brother Chen, who was that old man just now?" Ye Ziming asked at this time.

"This, is my master." Chen Feng was stunned for a moment and then said.

"What, your master?" Ye Ziming and Ruta both opened their eyes wide, with an expression of disbelief.

"Hehe, I just met him." Chen Feng smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Just met him." Ye Ziming and the others' eyes widened even more.

"By the way, Brother Ye, Brother Lu, you two are knowledgeable, do you know the origin of this old man?" Chen Feng asked again.

"You don't know the other party's origin, so you treat him as a master." Ye Ziming and Ruta looked at Chen Feng as if he was looking at an idiot.

"Hehehe." Chen Feng was even more embarrassed.

"But the other party is really powerful. Not only did he improve my strength, but he also gave me a bottle of elixir." Chen Feng said that there was an extra medicine bottle in his hand, which was the gift from the fat old man to Chen Feng.

As soon as he opened it, a strong blood energy conflicted with a hint of fragrance. Chen Feng just took a sip and felt the blood in his body churning violently.

"What kind of pill is this? Why is there such a strong bloody smell?" Chen Feng was curious.

"Let me see." At this time, Ye Ziming seemed to have thought of something. He didn't care about losing his composure and directly reached out to grab the medicine bottle in Chen Feng's hand.

Ye Ziming shook his palm, and a blood-red pill came out of the medicine bottle. The pill here was only the size of a bean, emitting a blood-red luster, as if it was condensed from blood. A trace of bloody smell permeated and constantly hit the nostrils of the three people.

"What a strong medicinal power, what kind of pill is this?" Ruta couldn't help asking.

"This is the Red Blood Pill, a human-level pill." Ye Ziming's eyes flashed, and after a long time, he took a deep breath, then put the pill into the medicine bottle and handed it to Chen Feng.

"Red Blood Pill is a pill that strengthens the body. After taking it, it can enhance blood, condense the body, stimulate the acupoints, and strengthen the bones and condense the marrow. In fact, this pill should be considered a ground-level pill, but the effect is too overbearing, and the refining is not in the right way. This is classified as a human-level pill. However, the pill in this bottle is only the size of a bean. If it is a circle bigger, the size of a fingernail, it can be considered a low-level pill." Ye Ziming said slowly.

"It's actually a human-level pill." Chen Feng was also surprised. His mind entered the medicine bottle. After a slight turn, he saw that there were a hundred red blood pills in the medicine bottle.

"One red blood pill is enough to raise the physical body of a cultivator in the first level of the secret realm by one realm. It seems that Brother Chen's new master is really not simple. I wonder which sect he is from?" Ye Ziming smiled.

Chen Feng turned to look at the fat old man not far away. The smile on the old man's face had disappeared. He was looking at the mountain in front of him with a serious expression. At the same time, he was muttering something, and no one knew what he was saying.

"This old man is very generous. He first gave me the elixir and then helped me to condense the magic weapon. Is it just as simple as accepting a disciple?" Chen Feng thought secretly in his heart.

"Hey, good elixir, bring it to me." At this time, a figure rushed towards Chen Feng from a distance. This person was very fast. Before the sound landed, this person arrived in front of Chen Feng, and five steel-like fingers grabbed the medicine bottle in Chen Feng's hand.

"Who is it?"

"Looking for death."

Ye Ziming and Ruta shouted at the same time, quickly stepped forward, and sent out moves at the same time, hitting the black shadow.

When his fingers were about to grab the medicine bottle, Chen Feng suddenly smiled, and a sword light exploded from Chen Feng's brow. This sword light was like lightning, several times faster than the black shadow, and it hit the black shadow's palm first.


There was a crisp sound, like lightning exploding, followed by blood and flesh flying, and the rootless broken fingers flew all over the air, and then the sword light twisted violently, and the broken fingers, blood, and flesh were all shredded and evaporated by the sword energy.

"Ah, my hand." The black shadow screamed and flew backwards, and wanted to escape far away at the first time.

"Where are you going."

At this time, Ye Ziming and Ruta's attacks also arrived, and directly beat the black shadow back.

A pale face appeared in Chen Feng's career.

"It turned out to be you, it seems that you still haven't given up, I didn't settle accounts with you, but you actually came to my door." Chen Feng said lightly, as if he was not surprised at the sudden appearance of the person in front of him.

The black shadow that suddenly appeared was the cultivator from the fifth level of the secret realm who had been secretly following Chen Feng. Originally, this person wanted to attack Chen Feng, but later Chen Feng was captured by the fat old man and he lost the opportunity. Just now, Chen Feng took out the human-level elixir, the Red Blood Pill, and this person who had been hiding in the crowd could no longer bear it. He did not expect that Chen Feng would cripple one of his hands with one move.

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