Eternal Existence

Chapter 1066 Blood Rakshasa

"Finally safe." This secret place was discovered by Blood Rakshasa accidentally. This time, he was chased and killed by this route. He just didn't expect that the other party would dispatch so many people to chase him.

Blood Rakshasa was confident in the secrecy of this secret place, so he began to heal his wounds and recover his vitality after a sigh of relief.

"This girl, have you forgotten something?"

The sudden sound made Blood Rakshasa jump up suddenly, and at the same time, blood light rushed all around, and runes flashed around Blood Rakshasa, and the spear in his hand stabbed out suddenly.

However, all this fell into vain, as if the sound just now was just an illusion.

"Come out."

After missing the attack, Blood Rakshasa suddenly calmed down, retracted all attacks, and stood floating, but secretly gathered strength and could launch an attack at any time.

Chen Feng's figure appeared from the void, from illusion to reality. After Chen Feng fully appeared, Blood Rakshasa's heart beat a few times, but still did not take action.

"It's you." Blood Rakshasa asked.

"Yes, I think you have forgotten something." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. If you have nothing to do, please leave." The Blood Rakshasa waved the spear in his hand, and a trace of divine power floated. It turned out to be a pseudo-artifact.

"This spear is good, take it." Chen Feng said quickly and grabbed the spear directly.

The Blood Rakshasa's face changed, and blood rushed to the sky. The spear in his hand stabbed Chen Feng's chest.

Pah pah pah pah!

Blood was everywhere.

Pah pah pah!

Starlight flickered.

Pah pah pah pah!

The energy exploded and gushed, and the chaotic law power continued to twist and turn.

The power of the two people's power was enough to destroy planets, but Chen Feng stood still, and the spear in his hand did not shake at all.

The Blood Rakshasa's momentum became more vigorous, his eyes turned blood red, and the power of blood gushed and spread. Waves of blood rushed into the spear, and the sea of ​​blood roared and the blood waves rushed to the sky.

"Blood Dao." Chen Feng's eyes flashed with surprise. He didn't expect that this charming female cultivator in front of him could actually cultivate the Blood Dao to this extent.

Swish, swish, swish!

The sound of flowing water appeared in Chen Feng's body, and the starlight was twinkling around him. In order to deal with the opponent's attack, Chen Feng also used the power of the pseudo-artifact.

Finally, the Blood Rakshasa suddenly withdrew his power, and Chen Feng also took the opportunity to stop.

"My fellow Taoist, you obviously have a pseudo-artifact on you, are you still thinking about stealing someone's love?" A charming smile bloomed on the face of the Blood Rakshasa.

Chen Feng's expression turned cold: "Okay, I don't have time to play tricks with you here, a pseudo-artifact, take it out immediately, otherwise I will take action."

"Take action! Humph! Do you think I am afraid of you?" The Blood Rakshasa finally revealed his murderous intent. Before, he asked for help to get rid of the predicament in front of him. Now, there is only one opponent, and the Blood Rakshasa doesn't mind killing the opponent.


Blood Rakshasa's arm swayed, and Chen Feng saw the blood sea rushing towards him. There were countless spear shadows in the blood sea, and the blood-red war spears were hidden in the blood sea, making it hard to defend against.

Of course, these are just on the surface. The blood path cultivated by the high-level True Immortal Blood Rakshasa is not so easy to deal with.

"If you take action, there will be more than one pseudo-artifact." Chen Feng smiled, and black and white airflow flowed out of his body, condensing into a Tai Chi diagram to protect Chen Feng.

Chen Feng did not use magic weapons, but only used the power of yin and yang, in order to see where his bottom line was.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The next step was an overwhelming and crazy attack. Chen Feng defended, Blood Rakshasa attacked, and the Tai Chi diagram flickered, but it never broke.

"Is that all you can do?" Chen Feng laughed.

As if angered by Chen Feng, the sea of ​​blood suddenly retracted and turned into a point condensed on the spear. Blood Rakshasa shouted softly, and with a point of spear, he broke the Tai Chi diagram arranged by Chen Feng. However, a little starlight suddenly rose, and Blood Rakshasa felt the spear in his hand tremble, and he retreated involuntarily.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the void storm derived from it swept towards Blood Rakshasa, first a stream, and then suddenly dispersed, mighty and mighty, like a real void storm in the universe.

"Eye of the Void!" Blood Rakshasa was a little surprised, and the spear in his hand slashed violently, and the void storm that rushed in front of him was immediately cut and dispersed.

But then a more ferocious void storm continued to hit, this time it was not a simple void storm, it contained the power of fire, water, thunder, darkness, and destruction, and it seemed that all the original energy was integrated into the void storm.

"What kind of pupil technique is this?" Blood Rakshasa's face changed drastically, and the spear in his hand kept swinging. Although he could break these attacks, the pressure was getting greater and greater, and there was still a bad feeling rising in his heart.

Chen Feng still stood steadily, only his eyes kept flashing, as if his pupils were connected to a mysterious universe.

"This is just the beginning."

Chen Feng smiled, and a strange beast with a strange shape suddenly roared out from Chen Feng's pupils, and pounced in front of Blood Rakshasa.


The Blood Rakshasa was knocked away, but it was protected by the red armor and did not suffer much damage. The spear in his hand swung violently and stabbed the strange beast, but the strange beast was like a mirage, just like a shadow, which suddenly dispersed after being stabbed by the spear, and suddenly condensed in the distance.


The second strange beast flew out of Chen Feng's pupil. The two strange beasts kept disappearing and passing through the void storm, and occasionally threw the Blood Rakshasa into the air.

"This woman's defense is amazing. No wonder she was able to withstand the attacks of five monks before. The red armor on her body should also be a pseudo-artifact." Chen Feng almost used the pupil technique to the extreme.

Chen Feng was very satisfied with the power of the pupil technique. This was also the first time he used it after practicing for hundreds of years.

The top-grade immortal artifacts, the Eye of the Void and the top-grade demon pupil, which he had obtained before, had been completely refined and integrated by Chen Feng. More importantly, Chen Feng's pupil technique had advanced to the level of the Cave Heaven God Eye.

Like the Fire of Eternal Life, only immortals can cultivate the Cave Heaven Divine Eye in the Eternal Life Clan. The reason why he kept using pupil skills to attack was to test the power of his pupil skills.

A high-level True Immortal is a rare opponent, and Chen Feng is not willing to let him go easily.

"I don't believe you can keep using pupil skills." After a series of attacks, the Blood Rakshasa was completely furious, and the blood energy that rushed to the sky was completely restrained. Even the fiery red armor on his body was hidden in his body. Then the momentum on his body began to increase, and it increased exponentially. The war spear in his hand seemed to have unlocked its power. Then the Blood Rakshasa was like a female war god, holding a war spear to break through layers of storms, and swept away two strange beasts with a horizontal sweep, and killed a way to rush in front of Chen Feng.

"Go to hell."

The body of the Blood Rakshasa became taller, and the war spear in his hand hummed, emitting a bloody light, and stabbed at Chen Feng's chest.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

At this time, countless silk threads appeared from all directions, quickly gathered, and wrapped around the war spear in circles, and wrapped around the blood Rakshasa in circles.

This is not an ordinary silk thread, but it contains the power of space, the power of soft water, the power of Yin, and the power of darkness.

This is the result of Chen Feng's practice over the years.

The war spear still moved forward, seemingly unaffected by the silk threads around it, but when it approached Chen Feng, a mirror condensed by the power of water appeared in front of Chen Feng. It looked thin, and the war spear stabbed it and splashed circles of ripples, but it could not pierce the water mirror.


Two rays of divine light, one black and one white, flew out from Chen Feng's eyes, hitting the blood Rakshasa with a bang, and the Tai Chi diagram appeared, sealing the blood Rakshasa in it.

The blood Rakshasa was burning with flames again, which was a manifestation of the blood power reaching a certain level. The war spear in his hand also began to rotate rapidly, and the flames shot up into the sky, constantly burning the silk threads around.

"Still struggling?"

Two more streams of light flew out of Chen Feng's eyes, one turned into a ball of water, wrapped the spear, and the other turned into a sharp blade. They slashed heavily on the Blood Rakshasa.


A blood mark appeared on the Blood Rakshasa's body, and blood flowed out of his mouth.

"Do you really want to force me to fight to the death?" The Blood Rakshasa shouted.

Chen Feng did not answer, more silk threads flowed out of his eyes, tightly blocking the surrounding space, and the silk threads condensed into chains, and began to bind the Blood Rakshasa's limbs.


The Blood Rakshasa gritted his teeth and finally performed a powerful secret technique. Under the powerful force, the Blood Rakshasa's body shook violently, cracks appeared on the Tai Chi diagram, and the rope was broken.

But Chen Feng took action at this time, stepped forward, and punched hard, and then the Blood Rakshasa flew backwards, cracks appeared on his body, but the fiery red armor appeared and solidified his body again.


Another punch, simple and domineering, and effective, Blood Rakshasa was hit again, and the armor on his body made a series of explosions.


When the third punch was thrown, fear appeared in Blood Rakshasa's eyes, and the burning power in his body was extinguished.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Great Seal of Longevity condensed, firmly grasping Blood Rakshasa.

"If I hadn't been injured before, you would not be my opponent at all." Blood Rakshasa shouted, trying to recall the war spear and continue fighting, but failed.

"It seems that you want to die." Chen Feng said lightly.

Blood Rakshasa's face changed rapidly, and finally calmed down. Chen Feng secretly admired his calming skills.

"I think we need to talk about it." Blood Rakshasa said calmly.

"Okay, I can not kill you, but you have to pay some price for not killing you," Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Put me down first."

Chen Feng thought about it, retracted the Great Seal, and Blood Rakshasa began to summon the war spear as soon as he regained his freedom, but the war spear was caught in Chen Feng's hand, although it was buzzing, it could not break free.

"My fellow Taoist, what do you want? Please name a price." Blood Rakshasa sighed.

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