Eternal Existence

Chapter 1063: Entering the Death Space

After solving the opponent's war spear's self-destruction method, the Yin and Yang Qi spewed out from Chen Feng's mouth, turning into a Yin and Yang shield, blocking the opponent's attack.

But then, a crack appeared on the Yin and Yang shield. This surprised Chen Feng a little.

"Huh! It can actually break my defense."

Chen Feng's body at this time can block the attack of the immortal weapon. The rotating thunder ball can't break Chen Feng's defense. The general magic weapon is not taken seriously at all, but the small sword in the opponent's palm still aroused Chen Feng's interest.

"Let me see."

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the opponent in his hand.

This high-level upper immortal-level thunder cultivator war immortal felt a fear in his heart and couldn't believe what he could see in front of him.

Is this still an upper immortal?


The palm of the thunder cultivator war immortal was cut off, and a small sword flashing with lightning fell into Chen Feng's hand, but it turned into fragments after just a few vibrations.

"It turned out to be a talisman sword made by a master, which contained a trace of pseudo-artifact power. I thought it was something else." Chen Feng shook his head, and then smashed the opponent into pieces with a palm.

"This time of tribulation is really boring. Is the fairy world joking with me, or is there something wrong with the law of heaven?" Chen Feng looked up and saw that the tribulation cloud did not dissipate, but became more intense. Two points of starlight flew out of it, and then suddenly exploded, forming a barrier to trap Chen Feng in it.

"Xingyuan Realm, it's a bit interesting. This is the method of Xingyuan Sect." Chen Feng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. He did not fight back immediately, but waited curiously. Sure enough, he saw four cultivators scattered in all directions and surrounded Chen Feng.

The four high-level immortals, each of them has the strength of a fighting immortal, and these four people are dressed in purple robes, with stars on their bodies, and the power of the stars flows around their bodies. Each person seems to represent a universe.

These four people practice the purest star power, which is also a more powerful one among many cultivation methods.

However, with Chen Feng's current strength, the immortals no longer pose a threat to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and the three points on his head started to work at the same time, forming a triangular pattern on Chen Feng's head, so the star realm around him began to twist, making a popping sound. Seeing this scene, the four immortals changed their faces, and they attacked at the same time, creating four galaxies to reinforce the star realm.

"Just trapping me? There should be more tricks next." Chen Feng was not in a hurry to attack, thinking that he wanted to see what tricks the other party had next.

The calamity clouds rolled, and the invisible fluctuations tore a hole in the star realm. A ball of flame exploded and burned violently in the star realm.

"It's a five-colored flame, but it's just a spiritual fire. If it reaches the level of a divine fire, it's almost the same." Chen Feng urged the fire point to swallow the flame.

This level of spiritual fire is rare, and it can't be wasted.

Just after swallowing the five-colored spiritual fire, the dark water gushed in again.

"This is Xuanming True Water, not bad." Chen Feng nodded, and then took it away.

"The green Gangfeng, this is the Qinghun Sanyin Wind, which is a bit vicious, this is the Liujin Light Blade, tut tut, this is the Sun True Fire."

"Extreme Yin Thunder Yuan, good guy, these powers are really complete."

Chen Feng laughed loudly, no matter what kind of calamity power came in, all were swallowed up by Chen Feng one by one, Chen Feng was like a bottomless pit, accepting everyone who came.

Chen Feng's actions made the four immortals dazzled, and these people had never seen such a powerful immortal.

"I will swallow as much as this level of heavenly calamity energy comes. I think you can see that I was born in the Changsheng Heaven Realm. You immortals dared to intervene in my heavenly calamity rashly. Aren't you afraid that I will settle the account later?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Settling the account later, just relying on you, a little cultivator." The four people disdain, but they were secretly shocked in their hearts. In the impression of the four people, there are no such perverted cultivators in the major heavens.

"Where did this guy come from? Why is he so evil? It seems that we need to go back and collect information about him." At this time, the four people already understood that this mission had failed.

After waiting until there was no more power of the heavenly tribulation, Chen Feng pointed out with one finger, and a hole appeared in the Xingyuan Realm, and then a series of dense cracks appeared, and finally exploded with a bang, and the three-star acupoints were activated, swallowing all the star power.

As soon as Chen Feng came out, he was attacked by four people. The stars flickered and the galaxy impacted. The four people even took out four top-grade immortal artifacts.

But it was still useless. Chen Feng used the Changsheng Finger Technique to point out the Xingyuan Realm. Then he continued to point his fingers. Every time he pointed, one person screamed. After several finger taps, the four immortals who practiced the power of the stars were covered with transparent holes. In the end, they could not hold on and turned into fragments of starlight.

"None of them are real bodies." Chen Feng shook his head, and naturally understood what was going on.

The law fluctuations descended, and the power poured into Chen Feng's body. After practicing for three hundred years, Chen Feng passed through two heavenly tribulations as soon as he came out of retreat, becoming a high-level immortal.

This speed of practice was barely satisfactory to Chen Feng.

Having lost a million years and the strongest spiritual root, his former companions must have practiced to a terrifying level. If he could not keep up, he would be laughed at after returning to the Changsheng Heaven.

After passing the tribulation, Chen Feng stayed for another year. After his cultivation was stabilized and condensed, Chen Feng found the passage to the death space.

As soon as he entered the passage, Chen Feng felt the strong power of death, and knew that he had found the right place.

"I wonder how Huoyunlong and the others are doing?" Although Chen Feng has advanced to the high-level immortal and can kill the real immortal in seconds, he still feels a strong sense of crisis when he enters this space. This is the perception of external things after reaching a certain level of cultivation.

"I must get the body of the immortal." After Chen Feng said this, he spread his wings of longevity and disappeared in an instant.

In a corner of the death space, Huoyunlong was sitting cross-legged on a fiery red meteorite. From time to time, flames fell from the void and poured into Huoyunlong's body.

"I didn't expect to be so lucky. It seems that I am also a person with opportunities. I can get inheritance even in danger." Huoyunlong has been practicing here for more than a hundred years, and his realm has reached the middle-level real immortal. Moreover, the practice has just begun. As long as he practices for another hundred years, the realm of the middle-level real immortal can be stabilized.

"I don't know when Chen Feng will come."

On the other side, the real immortal of the soul refining is being surrounded and killed by several strange beasts. These strange beasts are strange, but powerful. More than half of them practice the pure death avenue. They have been chasing the real immortal of the soul refining for a while, just to snatch the treasures from the real immortal of the soul refining.


During the battle, the eyes of the True Immortal of Soul Refining suddenly lit up, and the Soul Suppressing Spell was performed. The two beasts in front of him paused, and a momentary hole appeared. The True Immortal of Soul Refining did not take the opportunity to kill the other party, but shook his body and rushed out of the encirclement. Then he performed a secret technique and entered the dark void in the blink of an eye. The beasts behind him roared and chased again.

"If I hadn't practiced the Soul Suppressing Spell, I would definitely not be able to escape this time. But this time I got a drop of immortal blood. I can find a place to practice for a while. I don't have to worry about not improving my strength."

"It's miserable. I didn't expect my luck to be so bad. I can only hide here to practice. Alas! I don't know when I can get out." The space where Venerable Jintu is located is even more mysterious. Although it is also in the death space, it is independent of the death space. This space is extremely solid and contains strong earth energy. Venerable Jintu can't get out even if he tries his best. However, Venerable Jintu has reached the level of a mid-level True Immortal at this time. I think he has also gained a lot of benefits here.

The three of them survived in this dangerous space and also gained some opportunities.

After entering the death space, Chen Feng has been very careful. After wandering for a year, he gained nothing and did not even encounter a living being. During this period, he also intermittently felt the existence of the Soul Refining Immortal, but he never found it.

"This death space is too big." Chen Feng said as he punched out. The death storm thousands of miles away immediately exploded. Chen Feng's figure swayed and landed on a broken planet.

"The death power in this space is strong, but it is still a bit too desolate. It seems that we need to go deeper." Chen Feng made up his mind. Although his cultivation has made great progress now, he dare not be careless at all. Even the immortals died here. Who knows what kind of dangers he will encounter if he continues to move forward.

"Forget it, everyone has their own opportunities. I think Huoyunlong and others also have their own paths. If they die here, it is also a disaster of fate." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand, and the sword energy erupted. A long crack appeared on the planet under his feet. After Chen Feng left, the planet was directly split into two halves.

Just now, Chen Feng used the Changsheng Sword. After so many years of polishing and condensing, it has integrated Chen Feng's hard work and a lot of long sword souls. The Changsheng Sword has finally advanced to the level of a top-grade immortal weapon. After entering the death space, Chen Feng has been using the Changsheng weapon for the purpose of honing, honing himself, and condensing magic weapons.

The first time he entered the death space, Chen Feng relied on the protection of the pseudo-artifact. This time, Chen Feng held the long sword and strode forward. The chaotic energy around him continued to impact Chen Feng, sometimes leaving some scars on Chen Feng's strong muscles. This is also a way of cultivation. Of course, sometimes when he encounters the energy that Chen Feng likes, he will directly devour it.

"Hey! Such a strong vitality fluctuation." Chen Feng, who was moving forward, suddenly made a sound of surprise. It was still a bit surprising for Chen Feng to feel this pure vitality in the death space.

"Go and have a look."

The Changsheng Wings vibrated, and Chen Feng was like a bird left over from the prehistoric times, quickly tearing apart all the chaotic energy in front of him.

Finally, Chen Feng found a perfectly round planet without any damage. This planet gave Chen Feng a strange feeling, but he couldn't explain it. After Chen Feng used his pupil technique to investigate, he understood it a little.

This seemingly flawless planet was created by someone using great magic power to melt many materials together.

The vitality is transmitted from the inside of the planet.

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