Eternal Existence

Chapter 1061 Three Hundred Years

As if sensing the pure Yin-Yang power in Chen Feng's body, the Yin-Yang wood no longer rejected Chen Feng, but instead emitted a strange wave, resonating with Chen Feng and reaching a strange state. An infinite cycle formed between Chen Feng and the Immortal Wood, which continuously improved the Yin-Yang power in Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng was immersed in the Yin-Yang Avenue, and he had a deeper understanding of the power of the origin of the universe.

"This Yin-Yang wood is the source of this Yin-Yang treasure land. Only cultivators who practice the Yin-Yang Avenue can get close to it, but isn't it too easy to get close to the Yin-Yang wood so easily?" Chen Feng still had some doubts about the smooth progress of the matter, but after looking at the Yin-Yang tree that was constantly growing, Chen Feng was secretly relieved again, and directly activated the Immortal Tower to put this giant Yin-Yang wood into the Immortal Tower.

Only when things entered the Immortal Tower, Chen Feng was most relieved.

With the disappearance of the Yin-Yang Wood, the surrounding space became more empty, but an invisible pressure was approaching Chen Feng.

"I've got the stuff, goodbye." Chen Feng smiled, and the longevity wings behind him spread out, and he was about to leave. At this time, the longevity wings behind Chen Feng changed again. Because of the absorption of yin and yang power, Chen Feng's longevity wings were black and white, condensed by yin and yang power, and integrated into the world while passing through, but also transcended the world.

However, when the longevity wings vibrated, Chen Feng's face changed, because Chen Feng found that he should have traveled through space, but stayed in the same place.

"I don't know who the other party is?" Chen Feng was not panicked, the starlight flowed, the sword energy gushed out, and he wanted to open a way.

Two black and white air currents appeared from nowhere, quickly entangled, and formed an ancient big word.


Then Chen Feng was trapped, even if he used a pseudo-artifact, it didn't work.

This word trapped fixed Chen Feng from a distance. Chen Feng knew that this was a very powerful law power, and the person who took action must have exceeded the level of a mid-level true immortal.

"A high-level True Immortal, or a Celestial Immortal." This was the most powerful opponent Chen Feng had encountered. Chen Feng originally wanted to use the Longevity Tower, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea.

The power of the Longevity Tower can now suppress True Immortals, but there is still some gap when facing Celestial Immortals, not to mention that the tower is still sleeping.

"The opponent's power is enough to kill me, but it only trapped me, and it should not want to kill me." Chen Feng quickly analyzed the situation in front of him.

"The owner of the Yin-Yang Tree can get my inheritance." At this time, a thought came into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.


Chen Feng paused in his heart, and then relaxed, but he still had some expectations, thinking that inheritance didn't matter, and it would be most practical if he could get some treasures.


The huge word "trapped" suddenly changed and turned into a word "escape", then enveloped Chen Feng, and the next moment Chen Feng disappeared.

For Chen Feng, it was just a flash of time, and then he saw a figure appear in front of him. Just a back figure brought Chen Feng boundless domineering and impact, making Chen Feng completely ignore everything around him, with only this back figure in his eyes.

"Senior." Chen Feng barely managed to calm down and wanted to figure out who the other person was.

If this person turned around, his eyes would be calm, but he could see through everything.

This was a middle-aged man with sharp edges and corners, and his boundless domineering aura was radiating all around, just like a flame burning violently. At first, Chen Feng felt a little uncomfortable, but soon Chen Feng regained his composure, and the other party's oppression seemed to slip away from him.

"It turned out to be a little guy from the Changsheng clan. No wonder he can practice the Yin and Yang Dao. The realm of the upper immortal can comprehend the Yin and Yang Dao. It seems that you are also a talent in the Changsheng heaven." The middle-aged cultivator's voice was very pleasant and magnetic, making Chen Feng feel that the Yin and Yang points in his body were constantly vibrating and becoming more harmonious.

"Awesome, it's a celestial being." Chen Feng had some certainty in his heart.

"Senior, call me here, what do you want me to do?" Chen Feng said respectfully.

"I want to give you a chance." After the middle-aged cultivator finished speaking, he suddenly exploded and turned into a ball of black and white airflow, which directly drilled into Chen Feng's body.

"So fast, I still have a lot to say." Chen Feng was a little surprised, but everything that happened next was out of his control. The Yin and Yang points in his body were like volcanic eruptions, and the spirit in his body was boiling. His cultivation level began to improve, and that speed scared Chen Feng.

Originally, Chen Feng had advanced to the immortal realm, and his realm had just stabilized. If he wanted to break through to the intermediate level, he would need a lot of accumulation and a lot of time, but at this time, Chen Feng's cultivation level was improving year by year.

It was like taking a heaven-defying elixir or getting a master's initiation. When Chen Feng reacted, he had increased his attack by a hundred years, and the momentum did not stop, and it continued to erupt. The most important thing was that Chen Feng's body seemed to have no bottleneck.

"To get my inheritance, you have to do something for me. This is cause and effect, and it is also a responsibility. I have waited for a million years. Although your strength is the weakest, you are the most suitable person. Then you will get the original power and secret inheritance I left behind."

The middle-aged man's voice shook in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and then Chen Feng's soul fire began to burn violently.

The level of Chen Feng's soul fire is the fire of life, which contains the power of immortality. If he continues to practice, he will advance again, and by then it will be the fire of immortality.

Chen Feng's soul fire was only a finger-sized flame, but now it began to spread and burn fiercely, from a flame to a pile of fire, from a small pile of fire to a large pile of fire, and finally exploded suddenly, like a sea of ​​fire.

In just a few breaths, Chen Feng's soul fire increased by ten thousand times, as if to dry up Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. Just as Chen Feng was a little worried, the sea of ​​fire shrank rapidly and turned into a small ball of flame.

Although the flame was small, it illuminated the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, the soul fire became different from before. There were black and white flames mixed in it, and there was a green flame flowing continuously.

"The fire of immortality, no, the fire of yin and yang, no, it's not right, can it be called the fire of immortality and yin and yang." Chen Feng was a little depressed. At this time, Chen Feng's soul fire was infinitely close to the fire of immortality, and even exceeded the fire of immortality in terms of power, but it contained the pure and powerful yin and yang power.

"It has mutated." Chen Feng could only think so in his heart.

"So this senior is called Yin Yang Tian Zun, a celestial being, and his enemy is the Immortal Court, who was besieged and destroyed by the Immortal Court God General."

"This revenge is not easy to avenge." Chen Feng sighed.

"But I have obtained the original power and secret art inheritance of Yin Yang Tian Zun, and I have to do nothing. Besides, if the Immortal Court God General knows about this, they will take the initiative to hunt me down."

"What a pity, what a pity, Yin Yang Tian Zun did not leave any other treasures. After all, he is a celestial being and a hegemon in the fairy world. He is too poor. Fortunately, there is still Yin Yang Wood."

Thoughts flashed quickly, and Chen Feng knew the cause and effect of the matter. Finally, he focused his mind and began to practice.

At this time, Chen Feng's power in his body had increased to a thousand years, and the momentum was still very strong, with no signs of weakening.

The soul fire was also constantly spreading and condensing, and each cycle would make the soul fire more pure and powerful.

Chen Feng was completely immersed in practice, forgetting everything in the outside world, and had no concept of the passage of time.

Two thousand years of power.

Three thousand years of power.

Five thousand years of power.

Ten thousand years of skill.

At this time, the speed of improvement began to slow down, but after a period of buffering and brewing, the cultivation level soared again.

Twenty thousand years of skill.

Thirty thousand years of skill.

Chen Feng practiced in this unique space, while Huo Yunlong and others were getting a little anxious. Under the attack of the strange beasts, Huo Yunlong and the other two left the Yin-Yang Treasure Land.

Then waited for Chen Feng.

One year passed, three years passed, and after waiting for ten years, Huo Yunlong and the other two could not bear it anymore.

Huo Yunlong was not worried about Chen Feng's comfort. Because the Soul Refining Immortal was controlled by Chen Feng, he could feel that Chen Feng was still alive. Venerable Jintu was indifferent. Ten years was nothing for these strange beasts that had lived for a million years, not even as good as a deep sleep.

After waiting for a few more years, the three were a little bored, so they continued to explore in this space.

Thirty years later, the three found the passage to the death space. Venerable Jintu proposed to leave, but Huo Yunlong disagreed.

Ten years passed like this, and Huo Yunlong was a little helpless, so the three of them joined forces to enter the death space again.

"Maybe this guy has encountered something good again." Huoyunlong was still a little bit dissatisfied in his heart.

It took Chen Feng three hundred years to get out of the state of cultivation.


Even just shaking a little, the surrounding space shook, and then waves of shattering spread to the distance.


A ball of flames came out from Chen Feng's fingertips. This ball of flames was green, without a trace of impurities, and looked ordinary, but only Chen Feng himself knew the terrifying energy contained in it.

With a light breath, the ball of flames suddenly exploded, turning into a sea of ​​fire and sweeping around. The surrounding void seemed to be made into thin paper, turning into ashes under the flames. The space was not broken, but burned.

"The fire of immortality." Chen Feng's eyes were bright, and there was a faint green flame jumping.

"Hey, I didn't expect to cultivate the Fire of Eternal Life so quickly." Chen Feng was somewhat proud. Even in the entire Changsheng clan, there were not many cultivators who cultivated the Fire of Eternal Life. Moreover, Chen Feng was still in the realm of the upper immortal at this time. I dare not say that he was unique, but he was also a demon genius.

"Three hundred years, increase the power of three hundred thousand years, this is the cultivation speed I want." Chen Feng said and waved his hand. A passage appeared in front of him. The space here was extremely solid and needed the power of magic weapons to break it, but now it was as fragile as dust under Chen Feng's palm.

"I wonder where Huoyunlong and the others went?" Chen Feng took a step and entered the passage.

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