Eternal Existence

Chapter 1114: Go to Liuyun Fairy Mountain Again

"The realm of the True Immortal is higher than ours. Besides, the Eternal World is so big, there are many strange places, and many secret realms may not be discovered even when they are in front of us. By the way, senior, I remember that you Biluotian should have some calculation techniques, we can calculate it." Chen Feng suggested.

"This is also a way, but it will be better to enter the Longevity Tower with the power of the artifact." Biqing nodded in agreement.

So the three of them entered the Longevity Tower. Biqing's face was as calm as water, but Chen Feng could clearly feel that there was power surging in the depths of Biqing's soul. The calculation technique has touched the law of the operation of the heavenly way, which can be regarded as stealing the sky, especially calculating the cultivators who are higher than his own cultivation realm. This is also the reason why Biqing wants to use the Longevity Tower. Otherwise, if Biqing rashly calculates the True Immortal with his current realm, it will cause a rebound if he is unlucky.

Buzz! Buzz!

Huoyunlong couldn't feel it, but just led it quietly on the side. Chen Feng and the Longevity Tower were integrated and could feel the invisible fluctuations emanating from Biqing, blending into a mysterious space.

In fact, the process of Biqing using the calculation technique looks very simple. There is no other action except that the invisible waves are constantly transmitted. However, as time goes by, Biqing's complexion becomes more and more serious, and then sweat begins to flow out. For cultivators at this level, unless their minds are exhausted, this situation will not occur at all.

Finally, Biqing stopped, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. Chen Feng waved his hand, and a stream of energy poured into Biqing's body. In the blink of an eye, Biqing's complexion returned to normal.


Biqing opened his eyes and stood up suddenly.

"How is it?" Huoyunlong hurriedly asked.

"We have calculated the opponent's trace, let's go!" Biqing said and rushed out of the Changsheng Tower, followed by Chen Feng and Huoyunlong.

After half a day, the three stopped.

"So it's here." Chen Feng said with some surprise as he looked at the mountain in front of him.

"Do you know this place?" Huoyunlong asked curiously.

"Of course I know, I have been in it before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The mountain in front of him was tens of thousands of feet high and hundreds of miles in radius. There were no flowers, trees, vines or wild animals. The mountain wall was as smooth as a mirror, and it looked very different from ordinary mountains.

There was also flowing light around the mountain, flowing like water. This was the Liuyun Fairy Mountain that Chen Feng had entered before. As for those flowing lights, they were Liuyun Fairy Lights, guarding the fairy mountain and preventing people from entering it at will.

When this fairy mountain first appeared, it attracted the cultivators of the entire Eternal World to come to explore and look for opportunities, but it disappeared after a while. Later, it appeared in other places several times. Chen Feng has been practicing for these years, and things happened one after another, so he didn't look for this fairy mountain again.

Facing this fairy mountain again at this time, Chen Feng had a new experience.

"It's a top-grade fairy weapon!" Chen Feng said lightly.

"It's also a top-grade space fairy weapon, which contains powerful world power. I think there is a huge and perfect world inside." Bi Qing said.

"That's true, but the environment inside is also very cruel. I also encountered many dangers inside, but my cultivation was too low at that time. Now that I enter it, I should be able to explore it." Looking at the fairy mountain in front of him, Chen Feng's heart once again aroused curiosity.


Chen Feng flicked his finger, and a sword light crossed a hundred miles of space and rushed straight into the sky, and then slashed towards Liuyun Fairy Mountain like a sky curtain.


Liuyun Fairy Light suddenly bloomed, dazzling, sky-high light, tens of thousands of cultivators close to Liuyun Fairy Mountain were all bounced away, the sword energy shot by Chen Feng was shattered, and then a stream of fairy light condensed into a thread rushed towards Chen Feng.


Chen Feng slashed with the Zhengtian Sword, and the thread was broken from the middle.

"It's more than a hundred times more powerful than before. After a breath, the silk thread was completely cut by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and he quickly entered the sea of ​​consciousness of a human immortal. Then Chen Feng's mind kept jumping, and he entered the bodies of the ten cultivators present in one breath. After searching silently in the sea of ​​consciousness, he retracted it again.

The strongest among these ten people was the middle-level earth immortal, but none of them noticed it under Chen Feng's soul search.

"Liuyun Fairy Mountain has only appeared here for three days. No wonder we have no news. So far, more than a hundred cultivators have entered it. The lowest cultivation is earth immortal, and human immortals can't enter at all." Chen Feng was a little emotional. You know, when he entered it, he was just a small and insignificant cultivator, far from the realm of human immortals.

"What is the specific situation calculated by the senior?" Chen Feng turned around and asked.

"The one who entered it should be a true immortal in the fairy world."

"If there is only one person, it can be dealt with. "Chen Feng nodded, and waved his hand to release another sword energy. This time, the sword energy was stronger than before, and it instantly slashed across space and slashed on the fairy mountain.

The first time Chen Feng made his move, he startled all the cultivators present. They all retreated, fearing that they would be affected. Although they had some resentment in their hearts, no one dared to speak out. After all, Chen Feng's performance just now was still very impressive.

When Chen Feng launched the attack for the second time, everyone was already curious. In the past three days, it was not that no one attacked Liuyun Fairy Mountain like Chen Feng did, but except for a few people, they were all injured by the rebound of Liuyun Fairy Light from the fairy mountain.

"It's Chen Feng!"

"The Lord of Donglong Island!"

"It turns out it's him. Now there's a lot of excitement. Although the owner of Donglong Island is only an earthly immortal, he has strength comparable to that of an immortal. I don't know if he can open a hole. If so, we might be able to sneak in too. ”

"Yes, let's get ready!"

"I think this little guy can't break through it. Although he has an immortal weapon in his hand, his level is too low. He is not as powerful as me."

"What do you, an outsider, know? You should just watch honestly."


It was like a meteorite falling into the sea, causing a tsunami that reached the sky, or like two stars colliding together. This time, the immortal light of Liuyun directly erupted into a huge wave of thousands of feet, shattering Chen Feng's sword energy. Dissipated, and at the same time condensed into a big hand and grabbed Chen Feng.

"This is the attack of the best immortal weapon." Chen Feng said with a smile, and he suddenly stepped forward and swung his sword. The Zhengtian Sword became a thousand times larger out of thin air. The sword's blade broke through the air and directly chopped into pieces the palm transformed by the immortal light. Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng struck again with his sword. This sword was faster because of its speed. The sword energy flashed past, and a hole was torn open by the flowing cloud fairy light.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The small opening closed quickly, but in this short period of time, several people got into it, and some slower ones were thrown out by the fairy light bullets.



"Is this still an Earth Immortal?"

"Senior, please take action again."

"I ask the island owner to take action again."

Some monks became fanatical, and some even started shouting.

"You can go in!" Huo Yunlong also wanted to take action, but he still endured it.

"Actually, I was thinking about what is in this space. The other party is a true immortal. Why not just take away this immortal mountain?" Biqing thought about it.

"Even if it is taken away, it cannot be refined in a short time. I vaguely felt the breath of the pseudo-artifact during the attack just now." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Of course, I'm not sure."

"If this is the case, then this fairy mountain has its origin. I heard that Liuyun Fairy Mountain has a long legend and history in the eternal world. It is longer than my life span before reincarnation. It seems that this fairy mountain is really It's not simple. Maybe the true immortals from the immortal world really know something about the situation?" Bi Qing nodded.

"Just go in and take a look."

"It's certain to go in, but I have to do something before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What's going on?" Huo Yunlong was a little curious.

"Overcoming the tribulation!" Chen Feng said and soared directly into the sky, passing through the turbulent wind and reaching the outer starry sky.

"This, this, this! This is just what I say." Huo Yunlong was a little stunned.

"We can wait a few days." Bi Qing said and sat down casually, her face as normal, as quiet as a rock.

"Do we need to protect the Dharma? It's about overcoming the tribulation." After a long time, Huo Yunlong said.

"It's not necessary to protect the Dharma, but if you are worried, you can go and have a look." After Bi Qing said that, she closed her eyes and ignored Huo Yunlong.

"What's going on?" Huoyunlong stamped his feet, turned around a few times, then stepped forward and circled Liuyun Fairy Mountain a few times, and finally stayed beside Biqing for a while, but couldn't bear it any longer, soaring to the sky And Qi also arrived outside the territory.

Huo Yunlong was very curious about Chen Feng and wanted to see Chen Feng's situation when he was going through the tribulation.

When Huo Yunlong arrived outside the territory, he saw a tornado rotating rapidly, raging, and tearing. Chen Feng was in the center, and above the tornado was the thick cloud of calamity.

"This is a void storm. How could such a catastrophe happen? It's really strange." Huo Yunlong Piaohuo was a little surprised in the distance.

A meteorite that was hundreds of miles in size flew from the depths of the universe and happened to enter the range of the tornado. Then it was like a ball of water melting into the sea, just causing some splashes and then disappearing.


Huo Yunlong was a little stunned. The hardness of a meteorite that can float in the starry sky is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary rocks. Such a large piece was instantly turned into ashes by the power of the void storm, and it was not even considered a fragment.

So Chen Feng is a flesh and blood body, how can he withstand such a storm, but then Huo Yunlong was relieved. Chen Feng was safe and sound in the top-grade immortal weapon Eye of the Void, so the tornado in front of him would have no impact on Chen Feng. It should be like scratching an itch.

Although the huge tornado was still spinning rapidly, its size was rapidly shrinking, and it soon disappeared. Only Chen Feng was left standing in the starry sky like a god, with a calm look, as if The tornado just now was just a breeze.

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